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From the Acting Principal
It has been a pleasure taking on the role of Principal.
Deputy Junior
From the Head of Junior School
Music – what a difference it makes.
Physical Education Centre construction update
The erection of the Physical Education Centre first-floor form-work is currently in full swing.
From the Chaplain
Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.
Mulgoa Christmas Card Competition
It's time to get creative. A local MP has thrown out the challenge to children to create a Christmas card.
Code Camp returns in October
These school holidays we are really excited to be hosting Code Camp again.
Cooking up a storm in the cafeteria
You are what you eat - digest that for a second. Now, can you guess what the favourite dish on the MRK menu is?
Health tips for unwell children
There is a nasty bug going around the College community at the moment ... not just the College!
2018 Term Dates
2018 Term Dates Announced
Principal's Awards
These are our latest Principal's Awards - well done to all of the recipients.
In Sympathy
Our thoughts and prayers go out.
EventsBack to Top
Alice the Musical
Did you come to the (tea) party?
Are you prepared for Father's Day?
Father's Day is around the corner and the College stall is the perfect place to get Dad a present.
WellbeingBack to Top
Psychologist or Psychiatrist
It is easy to get confused with a psychologist and psychiatrist because both work in the treatment of clients.
Have you visited the  SchoolTV link on our College website, yet?
Wellbeing Matters
Save the date - important event for all parents and carers
Year 6 Cyber Safety
NSW Police Force Senior Constable Mary Watson lead us in a discussion surrounding Cyber Safety and technology.
LearningBack to Top
Year 2 Poetry Writing
Year 2 has been writing poetry and exploring colours.
Students 'Scratch' the Surface
This term, Year 3 students are learning computer coding with Scratch in Digital Technology lessons.
3L Space Poems
Year 3 have been learning about Earth and the solar system.
Police visit Kindy
Kindy can tell you all about what to do in an emergency . . . just ask us!
Performing ArtsBack to Top
It's absolute Bandemonium
Intermediate Concert Band win gold at Bandemonium.
Primary Cricket at NASSA Gala Day
Year 5 and 6 Boys Cricket placed 4th at the NASSA Junior Cricket Gala Day.
Talented Athletes Program - Swimming
TAP Swimming program is held Monday and Friday 6am to 7.30am at the Whitlam Leisure Centre.
Junior School Sport - Term 3
Term Three Winter IPSSO Draw and upcoming sport events.
Football Development Program
Football Development programs for students in Kinder – Year 9.
Prep - Year 2 Tabloid Carnivals this term
Prep, Kinder, Year 1 and Year 2 will have their own Tabloid Sports Carnivals at College this term.
Carving up the Ice
Skaters shine at the Crystal Challenge.
NASSA Junior Athletics Carnival
Thomas Hassall places 4th at NASSA Junior Athletics Carnival.
Prep - Year 2 Tabloid Carnivals this term
Prep, Kinder, Year 1 and Year 2 will have their own Tabloid Sports Carnivals at College this term.
CommunityBack to Top
Sneak peek at movie Gifted
See an advanced screening of the movie Gifted.
September is Steptember
One Thomas Hassall Anglican College student is rallying the troops for Steptember. Funds raised will go to a worthy cause.
School holiday fun
School holidays are just weeks away and there is a world of animals waiting for holiday kids' club attendees.
City2Surf done and dusted
On Sunday 13 August, 18 members of the College community participated in the 46th annual City2Surf.