Term 3 : Tuesday 18 September 2018

Principal Ross Whelan
From the Principal
This year nearly 130 students will graduate and some 44 from Year 12 have attended the College since Kindergarten.
From the College Chaplain
Syon Rosh (Class of 2017) returned to Thomas Hassall this week to encourage our current students.
Term 3 & 4 Important Dates
Please note important Calendar Dates for Term 3 & 4
EventsBack to Top
WellbeingBack to Top
A good night’s sleep is about getting to sleep, staying asleep and getting enough good-quality sleep
LearningBack to Top
News from the Senior IRC
Lots of great new Manga novels have just arrived in the IRC!
Year 8 Visual Arts
Artworks inspired by animals
The Hub
Year 11 elective music students performed at the HUB
Performing ArtsBack to Top
Essentially Ellington
The Intermediate Stage Band were excited to participate in the Essentially Ellington program.
2018 MISA Debating Competition Update
Each of the Year 7 and Year 8 MISA Debating teams succeeded against their counterparts.
Talented Athletes Program - Swimming
TAP Swimming program held three mornings a week!
15 years and under Secondary Boys Football program trials for 2019
15 years & under Secondary boys football trials for the 2019 program - trial date Tuesday 25 September
NASSA Volleyball Gala Day
Year 7-9 Volleyball teams make for difficult competition