Term 4: Thursday 19 October 2017

Principal Ross Whelan
From the Principal
It's an exciting time at the College.
Deputy Junior
From the Head of Junior School
Welcome back to Term 4.
From the College Manager
Here's an update on the Physical Education centre construction and the automated boundary gates.
MRK Juice Bar will open next week
Exciting news ... smoothies and juices available next week
Important Upcoming Dates 2017
Lots of exciting gatherings ahead! 
2018 Term Dates
To assist with your planning, 2018 Term Dates are listed here
Sibling Enrolment Applications 2019
2019 Sibling Enrolment Interviews for Prep and Kindergarten will commence Term 4, 2017.
2019 Scholarships Years 7 and 11
Thomas Hassall Anglican College is committed to ensuring that academically gifted students have opportunities.
From the Chaplain
Same sex marriage? Marriage equality?
It's . . . twins!
Congratulations to the Cole family
Senior Student Leadership Team 2018
Congratulations to our elected Senior Student Leadership Team for 2018.
Principal's Awards
The latest Principal's Awards.
WellbeingBack to Top
From The College Nurse
Vaccination Reminder for Year 7 students.
Performing ArtsBack to Top
Code Camp
Do you know how to create an iPhone app?
College Musical - Leader of the Pack
College musical for 2018 is Leader of the Pack.
Manly Jazz Festival
Stars of the future, Manly Jazz Festival performance.
Ensembles Evening
Annual Ensemble Evening Invitation
Aden Voon wins gold
Aden wins gold in the Australian National Taekwondo Championship.
Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 Tabloid Carnival
An exciting and fun-filled day for Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 as they participated in the annual Tabloid Carnival.
Talented Athletes Program - Swimming
TAP Swimming program is held Monday and Friday 6am to 7.30am at the Whitlam Leisure Centre.
Kye shines at NSW PSSA Softball Championships
Kye Finneran represented Thomas Hassall at the NSW PSSA Primary Boys Softball Championships
Wanderers Cup Finals
Both Primary and Secondary Boys teams qualify for Wanderers Cup Finals.
CommunityBack to Top
Outside of School Hours’ Care program
Healthy food is a focus at the outside of school hours care program.