Principal Ross Whelan
From the Principal
Why not enjoy a morning coffee and a chat next time you are doing the morning drop off.  
From the Chaplain
Federal Election: The democracy sausage and religious freedoms.
A New Baby Boy
Congratulations to the Fox family!
Term 2 Important Dates
Please note important Calendar Dates for Term 2 - there are lots of exciting things ahead!
Café MRK
Why not drop in for a cuppa?
LearningBack to Top
News from the Senior IRC
Can you solve the IRC Crossword? Great prizes to be won!
Performing ArtsBack to Top
Save the date... 5 day School Holiday Football Camp - 15 - 19 July 2019
You can now invite friends and family to the Kinder - Year 9 July Holiday Football Camp
AICES Football Gala Day
THAC Football Players selected for higher honours