Principal Ross Whelan
From the Principal
We have had opportunities to reflect on Remembrance Day at Junior and Senior Assemblies.
Deputy Junior
From the Deputy Principal
We need to give our students time to play, imagine, expose them to languages
From the College Chaplain
In times of difficulty, Christians have a great comfort in The Good Shepherd
Term 4 Important Dates
Please note important Calendar Dates for Term 4
Transport - Student Cards
Applying for school travel passes has never been easier.
Volunteers' Breakfast 2018
Come along to the Volunteers' Breakfast - All Welcome!
Gingerbread House Workshop
Join us for our first Gingerbread House Workshop - a family-friendly Christmas activity
LearningBack to Top
Remembrance Day
4G make 100 poppies to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of Armistice Day
Rugby League Skills Program
Get active and participate in a Rugby League Skills Program
Plenty of fun at the Prep - Year 2 Tabloid Carnivals
It was a day of fun and sport for our Prep, Kinder, Year One and Year Two students.
2019 Football Programs - Junior School
2019 Football Programs for Junior School.
Talented Athletes Program - Swimming
Talented Swimming program held three mornings a week!
Ryder and Luke Shine at NSWPSSA Athletics
Amazing results at the NSWPSSA Athletics Carnival