Term 2 : Friday 22 June 2018

Principal Ross Whelan
From the Principal
As the term comes to a close next week we can congratulate many students across the College.
Roger Young
From the Deputy Principal
A More Excellent Way
Term 2 & 3 Important Dates
Please note important Calendar Dates for the remainder of Term 2 & all the dates for Term 3
Principal's Awards
The latest Principal's Awards.
Teachers' Fairtrade Morning Tea
The Fairtrade Club is encouraging staff and students to be more aware about Fairtrade
Congratulations - it's a new baby girl!
It's always exciting to hear of a baby's birth
EventsBack to Top
LearningBack to Top
News from the Senior IRC
Lots of exciting things are happen in the IRC during Term 3. Keep reading below for a sneak peek
Rev. Bill Crews Visits the College
Students learned about homelessness and donated to the Exodus Foundation.
Artograph Line
Visual Arts update
From the Careers Advisor
A wide variety of jobs have been secured for our Year 10 students work experience.
Performing ArtsBack to Top
Duke of Edinburgh: Bronze
Successful first hike for Year 9 Bronze Duke of Ed!
NASSA Athletics
Impressive results at NASSA Athletics
CIS Cross Country
Great job to these CIS cross country runners
Football Development Programs for Senior school
The one-hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and is suited for all abilities.
Talented Athletes Program - Swimming
TAP Swimming program held three mornings a week!
CommunityBack to Top
Japanese Sister School Visits
Japanese Sister Schools visits in August. Seeking host families.