Term 3 | The Way Newsletter | Friday 5 August 2022

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From the Acting Principal
Karen Easton

The Choral Festival I attended on Wednesday was quite simply the best representation of Christian Schooling there is!

To listen to Anglican School students from across the state gather together and perform for each other a selection of contemporary and Christian songs was an uplifting experience for the soul. With some inspirational Psalms read, there was truly a focus on praising the Lord through song. The Thomas Hassall Junior and Senior choirs performed beautifully. The Senior Choir’s rendition of 'How Great Thou Art' was particularly stirring. I want to commend the young people who form our choirs, for singing with enthusiasm and skill. Particular thanks also to Miss Rapisarda and Mrs Hobbins for all the work they do with these groups to inspire them and give them a chance to sing such wonderful music.

On Wednesday, Senior School debaters engaged in a debating workshop that went really well. Congratulations to these students for engaging in such a thoughtful and challenging pursuit.

The Bill Turner Cup football team represented the College admirably in their latest round of the tournament. The boys competed well, particularly in the second half employing attacking football with precision passing. The crescendo of the match was an artfully worked free kick from just outside the box where Dusan laid off a surprise pass beside the defensive wall to Oliver. Oliver blasted a curving strike to the right-hand post, which was narrowly saved and bounced out of the box into the path of Charlie, who aimed a perfect volley into the top right corner to be incredibly saved once again. Either of these incredible shots which came as a result of a concerted build-up of possession could have led to the equaliser to push the game into extra time, but alas it was not to be. The squad have performed wonderfully this season and will be eager to get even further in next years event. Congratulations to all involved, including the coach Goran and the Head of Football Sonny Makko.

In an equally impressive display of teamwork, it has been wonderful to see the Year 12 teachers and students come together for the Tutor Hour each day at the Study Centre in preparation for the trial HSC exams which began this week. This combined with the additional evening study session has been a wonderful blessing to many of our Year 12 students. What a great group of dedicated teachers and students we have. Our thoughts and prayers will be with Year 12 as they sit for these important examinations.

Mrs Karen Easton
Acting Principal
From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
Sandy Wheeler

The College uniform brings us together as a team and a community

The College uniform distinguishes our students from other schools and builds a sense of belonging at Thomas Hassall.

Next week we will be talking about unity and how the uniform brings us together as a team and community. Also, wearing the uniform is important for safety reasons, demonstrating respect for expectations and keeping the focus on learning. The students will be playing ‘spot the difference’ as a fun way to engage with the uniform expectations at College and to wear the uniform with pride. I’ve included one below – can you spot the differences?!

Spot the difference

See the main uniform expectations below for Junior School students:
- Black shoes with laces (or buckles P-2) done up
- Hat on when outside
- Earrings are plain stud or sleeper pairs only
- Jewellery is not to be worn with the College uniform.
- Hairstyles – plain, respectable, tidy, one natural colour and not groomed in an extreme or exaggerated fashion (for example no extreme undercuts or hair that is restricting one’s vision).
- Hair accessories should be red for girls in P-6. No other hair accessories are permitted.
- To wear in full the correct summer, winter or sports uniform

You can find the uniforms required on our website and also in the Parent and Student Handbook.

Junior Boys

Junior Boys

Junior Girls

Junior Girls

Thank you to our families for partnering with us to ensure students are following the uniform guidelines. Let's continue to work together to build a sense of community and belonging.  

Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the acting Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School - Student Learning

Life for a student at Thomas Hassall is one that has many opportunities.

I have had the privilege of working with staff from across the Senior School in planning and organising events for students, and each week, there are opportunities for students to develop. The teachers in the Senior School are passionate about developing the character of each child, along with improving educational outcomes and these additional events are an excellent way for students to engage in their interests outside of the classroom. Throughout the week we have had experts in debating come and meet students from Years 7-10, honing their skills and techniques and we thank Mrs Rodriguez and Mr Gawthorne for their passion and organisation of the event. Our Year 11 students had a first-hand driving experience, participating in the Bstreetsmart program, aiming to develop their responsibilities as a driver and members of the community. Finally, our senior Biology students visited Mt Annan Botanic Garden as part of their study.

Our prayers have been with our Year 12 students who began their Trial HSC exams on Monday. Students have been busily preparing across the recent break, developing and honing their knowledge and work habits to align with the best practices taught by their teachers in the classroom. The Trial HSC exams are a milestone event in the year for our students and provide an excellent, if not stressful opportunity for them to show their teachers their understanding of the course. Detailed feedback is provided to each student, and they would be wise to act upon the feedback in the lead up to the HSC exams.

As the end of year exam period will quickly arrive for other grades so please encourage your children to engage with study and revision early on, setting aside time each night not only for the required homework and assignments but also for revision and deep learning. Our classroom teachers are best placed to direct this revision, so please be in contact with them for the study techniques best suited to their subject.

Mr Justin Stoker
Director of Operations - Senior School
From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

This week I showed our Year 9 student two deadly objects – a Katana (imitation) and a match.

I asked them to choose the deadliest. Most of the students chose the sword because it looked dangerous. 

I then told them about what happened in Queensland in the summer of 2020. On 19 November, a teenage boy and friends started a bush fire that destroyed hectares of land and ruined 14 homes. Who would have thought that one little spark could cause so much ruin. What probably started as a joke and a bit of fun lead to disaster.


The bible has something to say about this.

It takes only a spark to start a forest fire! The tongue is like a spark. It is an evil power that pollutes the rest of the body and sets a person's entire life on fire with flames that come from hell itself. - James 3:5-6

This passage teaches us that words, while seeming innocent and little, can start fires. Word fires spread & ruin the whole body – here it means the body of people not a physical body.  One little word said in private can spread and change public attitudes that ruin a community.

I asked the students to stop burning each other as words said in jest undermine trust which in turn ruins our community. I asked the students to choose words that warm people rather than burn people. 

Raising children is a hard grind and sometimes careless words come from us – I know. Let us choose our words well. When we choose poor words, let us have the courage to apologise to our children and start again.

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
From the Junior School Director of Teaching and Learning

Let’s continue to build positive partnerships as a way to support every child reach their learning potential.

Much has been written about the essential three-sided relationship formed between teacher and student and parent. For this important triumvirate to inspire optimal student growth, there needs to be open and honest communication.

The Junior School Parent Teacher interviews, held twice yearly, are an opportunity for that communication to be fostered, centring around ways to support each child’s learning journey for the semester.

This semester, interviews will be held on Thursday 11 August from 3-7pm and Tuesday 16 August from 3-5pm. Information about how to sign up for these interviews was sent out last week. Please make sure you have signed up for a Zoom interview by Monday 8 August 12pm.

Please take the opportunity to come to these interviews, ready to discuss how the power of three can support positive learning.

Ms Lisa Hansford
Director of Teaching and Learning - Junior School

Upcoming dates

Date Event
Monday 8 August Trial HSC exams
Wednesday 10  - Friday 12 August Year 10 and 11 Camp
Thursday 11 August Year 7 Day Camp
Friday 12 August Year 8 Day Camp
NASSA Junior Athletics Carnival
Wednesday 17 August CIS Primary Girls Cricket Trials
Junior Ensembles Evening
Monday 29 August Mid-Term Break 
Thursday 1 September Father's Day Stall
Friday 2 September  Father's Day Breakfast (details and registration to come)
Senior Library Book Snap


Upcoming activities in the Library

Anime and Manga Club – Week 4, Monday lunchtime in N2


Premiers Reading Challenge

Only two weeks remain to complete the Premiers Reading Challenge for 2022. Students will need to have read 20 books (15 PRC books and 5 of own choice) by Friday 19th August. Premiers Reading Challenge books in the Senior Library can be identified by the red sticker found on the book’s spine. To be entered in the competition students need to return to Library staff a signed parental permission form along with a completed book list. All completed entries will go into the draw for a $50 JB HI FI gift card!


Book Bites

Take a book bite to see if it is to your taste

‘Lifelik3’ – Jay Kristoff

“It's just another day on the Scrap: lose the last of your credits at the WarDome, dodge the gangs and religious fanatics, discover you can destroy electronics with your mind, stumble upon the deadliest robot ever built... When Eve finds the ruins of an android boy named Ezekiel in the scrap pile she calls home, her entire world comes crashing down. With her best friend and her robotic sidekick in tow, she and Ezekiel will trek across deserts of irradiated glass, battle cyborg assassins, and scour abandoned megacities to save the ones she loves ... and learn the dark secrets of her past.”

‘Lifelik3’ written by Australian author Jay Kristoff is a gritty thrilling dystopian adventure that will have readers engaged from the very first page. Kristoff has created a wonderfully detailed and brutal future, a nation recovering from a terrible nuclear war. It is a land of fantastic machines and technology, of struggles and hardship, where people have search through the scraps of society just to survive. With incredible characters, a fast-paced story and lots of nail biting cliff-hangers, this is a great novel that is bound to find many new fans.


‘The Inheritance Games’ – Jennifer Lynn Barnes

“She came from nothing. Avery has a plan- keep her head down, work hard for a better future. Then an eccentric billionaire dies, leaving her almost his entire fortune. And no one, least of all Avery, knows why. They had everything. Now she must move into the mansion she's inherited. It's filled with secrets and codes, and the old man's surviving relatives - a family hell-bent on discovering why Avery got 'their' money. Now there's only one rule- winner takes all. Soon she is caught in a deadly game that everyone in this strange family is playing. But just how far will they go to keep their fortune?”

‘The Inheritance Games’ is a wonderfully suspenseful and thrilling roller-coaster of a novel that readers will find impossible to put down. Filled to the brim with secrets and cryptic puzzles, as well as lots of plot twists and turns, author Jennifer Lynn Barnes has woven together a complex but compelling story that doesn’t let go until the very last page. Main protagonist Avery is likeable, believable, and a relatable character. Her quest to discover her mystery benefactor will have readers hooked and wanting more. The first in a series, this is a fantastic mystery book that will be enjoyed by many.


Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith

Senior IRC Library Team

Market Day is back!

Last seen in 2019, the Commerce Market day is back on Monday of Week 5.

Sixty students from two year 10 Commerce classes will be running their own small business on Monday of Week 5 to raise money for Miracle schools. There will be a range of products including pizza, doughnuts, a range of desserts and slushies. Students are only able to handle cash, so bring your money with you on Monday 15 August to buy yourself a treat.

Coffee and Tunes

It was a lovely morning at Cafe MRK today. 

Our music tutors Ehab and Alison entertained us this morning with live acoustic music while enjoying a cuppa.

Our youngest Cafe guests even enjoyed dancing to the tunes! Thank you to everyone who came along and to Alison and Ehab for the entertainment. 

Coffee and tunes

WellbeingBack to Top

Abide lunchtime group

Abide, our High School Christian Lunchtime Group, is back for Term 3.

This Term we are looking at Luke’s gospel and will be hearing from a number of teachers and students, as well as discussing God’s word in small groups.

Join us for games, food, fun and to find out more about Jesus. All students from 7-12 are welcome to join us!

We meet every Friday lunchtime at the top of N-Block.

For more information, contact Mr Mills or Mr Roper

College Camps - Supporting our Children

It is very common for our teenagers to experience a mixture of excitement and nervousness when going on camp.

For most children, excitement trumps anxiety, but with some children anxiety can interfere with what should be a fun and formative experience. 

As parents, it is also important to reflect on emotions that are triggered for you, knowing that they will be away from you for 1 or up to 3 days. If you are anxious about it, you need to first manage those emotions. If you want to know how to manage your anxiety, click on this link.

Remind yourself that camps provide your child with an opportunity to develop useful skills for future success: like resilience, self-regulation and very importantly, social adaptability. They will get an opportunity to employ their social skills, become more comfortable to separate in a healthy manner from parents and cultivate their independence.

If you know your child is struggling with anxiety, access this link for more information on how to support them through it.

If you would like some resources on how to build their resilience, access this link.

Remember it is normal for some teens to feel anxious about going on camp. Talk positively to them about your experiences on camp and reassure them they will be supported by their teachers.

If you have any additional concerns, speak to their Year Advisers.

Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling

LearningBack to Top

Year 9 Extreme History

This Term the Year 9 Extreme History class have been studying the Vikings, as part of our unit on Warrior Societies.

Last Thursday we had the privilege of Mr Smith visiting our class with his replica of a Viking sword. Students enjoyed examining its elaborate decorations, as well as holding it and wielding it for themselves. Some students even commented that they would like to save up for their own Viking sword some day!

Note: No Extreme History students were harmed in the making of these photographs.

year 9 history

Mr Samuel Mills
Senior School Teacher - History & Christian Studies

Year 11 Bstreetsmart

On Wednesday 3 August Year 11 students attended Bstreetsmart.

This is an initiative of the Trauma Service at Westmead Hospital with the aim to reduce the fatality and injury rates of young people by promoting safe behaviour as drivers, riders and passengers.

Our Year 11 students, along with approximately 6000 students from other schools, witnessed the replay of a real-life simulated accident involving a young driver. The NSW Police, Ambulance and Fire Brigade took our students through the initial response in how they respond to a major road traffic incident.

Students were also touched by a number of very moving stories from crash victims who had survived different fatal accidents. Students also heard about the family pain that a mother (Melissa McGuinness - 2022, Australian of the Year Nominee) had to go through as she and her family dealt with the loss of her 16-year-old son. She also has to live with the fact that he was the cause of an accident that killed four other innocent road users.

This event provided a great opportunity for students to reflect on the nature of the decisions they make. Here are some of the thoughts of our students:

“In my opinion, today was very inspirational and touching, the stories I heard really put a perspective on me and will stay with me for a long time. I like how they showed examples and brought in people to tell their stories and experiences, it made today so interesting but also very upsetting to see and hear what people have gone through and will have to live with for the rest of their lives. I’m very grateful for this experience and I would go again if I had the opportunity.”

Annika G

“We found the Bstreetsmart initiative very beneficial to our driving safety as we were able to gain an insight on the serious impacts risky street actions can have on not only our lives but everyone on the road. Not only did we see a live re-enactment of a car crash scene but we heard true stories from survivors, victims and perpetrators that had a pivotal impact on their own health and wellbeing. Overall, we commend the College for giving us the opportunity to experience this vital seminar.”

Nicola M, Aleksandra N and Adrian D

Year 11 road safety

Heating up in Year 3

On Tuesday in Year 3, classes participated in an exciting Science Day with their teachers! 

All students were involved in a range of experiments to do with heat energy. They investigated how heat moves; the changing states of water and which materials conduct or insulate heat. We love having fun while learning in Year 3! 


Mrs Bronwyn Ferguson
Junior School Teacher - Stage 2 - Year 3F


Year 5 Devotions

Our daily Devotions time is an important opportunity for students to interact with the Bible, reflect, and ask questions.

In Devotions, we deal with some of the bigger themes and concepts to do with life, God, wisdom, relationships and purpose.

In order to tackle topics that may be more gender-specific, the Year 5 cohort is split into boys and girls groups each Thursday morning. Students are encouraged to ask their own questions, either during the session or via an anonymous ‘question box’. Teachers can then address these and encourage the students to consider the relevance of God’s Word to their everyday lives. Oh, and we try to have a bit of fun along the way too!

Mr Peter Butchatsky
Junior School Teacher - Stage 3

Literature circles in Year 6

In Year 6 we have recently introduced literature circles to improve students’ fluency and their comprehension of challenging texts.

Students engage in group discussions about novels that they enjoy reading, expressing ideas about the story, themes and characters.

Students were placed into groups and each of those groups was assigned a particular novel to study together. Students have been independently reading for part of each lesson and then enter into conversations about their novel during their literature circles. They have also begun learning how to annotate their novels using post-it notes. Students search for themes to write about or ask questions about words or parts of the story that they find confusing. These annotations are then used to support their discussion within their groups and help facilitate insightful conversations.

It has been exciting to see students’ enthusiasm for reading increase over the past couple of terms. This activity has also helped some students discover what kind of books they find the most interesting or enjoyable.

We look forward to seeing students’ passion for reading continue to grow over the rest of the year.

Year 6

Mr Jeremy Howard
Junior School Teacher - Stage 3 - Year 6H

Fun in Kindy

Kindergarten students enjoy participating in art groups every week. 

Students are using a range of creative materials to make various artworks. We are making puppets, painting and creating animal and plant images, as well as  looking at the Artist Piet Mondrian.

Kindergarten Art

Sue White
Early Stage 1 Assistant Co-ordinator - Kindergarten S

Debating and Public Speaking

Thomas Hassall Debating Workshop
To foster interest and skill development within our students in Years 7-10, the English Faculty held a Debating Workshop on Wednesday. Our guest coaches from Inner West Debating worked with both our beginning and more experienced debaters to develop their skills. With 21 students in attendance, I was impressed with the effort and enthusiasm with which our students took hold of this opportunity.

It was a really fun experience as I got to do a debate with people I didn’t know. It was just fun debating as a team and meeting new people. ~ Alicia

I loved all the tips Georgia (coach) gave us! I also liked having a debate against each other using the new tips we learnt. ~ Antonia

The workshop was quite informative. Overall, it was a great experience. ~ Rhyna

MISA Debating
The MISA Year 7 and 8 Debating Competition has commenced, with Round One held on Tuesday of this week. This competition will continue throughout Terms 3 and 4 during Sport.

MISA Year 9 Youth of the Year
This is a fantastic public speaking opportunity for two Year 9 students to compete in our district. It has a focus on current affairs. Any Year 9 students wanting to participate in this competition should notify Mrs Rodriguez by Monday 8 August (Week 4), as we will be finalising our nominations

MISA Year 10 Public Speaking Competition
This competition is also an excellent public speaking opportunity for two Year 10 students to compete in our district. Any other Year 10 students wanting to participate in this competition should notify Mrs Rodriguez by Monday 8 August (Week 4), as we will be finalising our nominations.

Call out for adjudicators!
We would welcome adjudicators from our alumni or parent community to be involved in our growing debating program at Thomas Hassall. Please email Mrs Rodriguez if you are interested in adjudicating or coaching.


Roslyn Rodriguez
Secondary Teacher - English

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Choral Festival

Two years of Covid resulted in the cancellation of the annual Anglican Schools Corporation Choral Festival. 

This year we were pleased to be able to again participate in the event hosted by Penrith Anglican College. The students had been preparing for the event for all of Term 2 and are commended for their efforts. The Junior Choir consisting of students from Years 3-6 performed ‘Heal the World’ and ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ and the Senior Vocal Group consisting of students from Years 7-10 performed ‘Man in the Mirror’ and ‘Angus Dei/How Great Thou Art’. 

The students represented Thomas Hassall well in their performances and were able to watch the other schools perform their repertoire gaining valuable knowledge and experience. 

Well done to both of these groups for their performances.

Here is what some of our Year 5 students had to say:

“I loved singing in the auditorium at Penrith Anglican College. I really enjoyed listening to the other choirs singing too”

“I liked how we all got on the stage and smiled when we were singing.”

“We made friends at lunchtime with people from other schools.”

“The sound check was really fun!”

“It was a joy to be on stage, representing Thomas Hassall”


Miss Simone Rapisarda
Music Teacher

Senior Stage Band

Senior Musicians Play a Professional Gig

Last Friday 29 July, two of our Senior Ensembles performed at the South West Sydney Academy of Sport (SWSAS) annual awards evening at the Campbelltown Cube.

This was their first public performance since the pandemic, and it was a fantastic opportunity for them to experience performing a corporate style gig for a large audience. In front of over 600 people, our Senior Stage Band and the Saxophone Quartet performed a 30 minute set each.

The students did so with amazing professionalism, and received lots of great feedback, with the best part being that the audience would like to hear more music next time they play! To continue the gig experience, our students got to enjoy their own green room and a free dinner, which they all loved!

Well done to all of our student musicians, and thanks to SWSAS for trusting our students to entertain their audience. We look forward to more opportunities like this in the future. The students will next appear at the Manly Jazz Festival on Friday 23 September.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Junior ensemble evening

You’re invited to come along to our Junior Ensembles Evening on Wednesday 17 August at Thomas Hassall Anglican College.

To celebrate the large amount of Junior ensembles at College we would like to host a special evening to provide an opportunity for them all to perform for their family and friends.

This concert features:
- Junior Choir Junior Strings
- Drum Circle Concert Band
- Year 4 Chapel Band
- Intermediate Concert band

This event will be held in the John Lambert Auditorium at 6pm.

Please book tickets to this event online www.thac.nsw.edu.au/book

Senior Sports update

Last Friday, our Boys Under 15s Bill turner Cup Football team played in the Sydney South West Area Final against St. Gregory’s College.

The boys, led by Coach Sonny and Goran, have been training incredibly hard this year as they looked to achieve the highest level of success in the tournament.

The players all represented the College tremendously well. Unfortunately, the result did not go our way, with the boys falling 1-0 in what was a very physical match. Full credit must go to St. Gregory’s, who came with a game plan to disrupt our style of possession-based football, which seemed to rattle our boys in the first half, heading in the sheds 1-0 down. After some words of wisdom, the team came out firing in the second half and had chances to level the match, forcing some crucial saves from the St. Gregory’s keeper. Frustratingly, we could not find the back of the net.

Whilst the result did not go our way, the squad, I am sure, have learnt some valuable lessons around their football. We look to 2023 when many of the team will be eligible to play again, as they will be 15 years or under.

I want to congratulate and thank all the players and coaching staff on a fantastic run in the competition, as well as the parents who supported these boys in each match. I have no doubt if this group of young men stick together in the coming years, they can achieve great things on the football field.

bill turner cup

In addition to the above, we have begun our College and MISA sport program for Term 3. A reminder, as per the communication sent home via email to all MISA parents in Week 1, MISA athletes may return after the 2.30pm College finish time on a Tuesday. Please ensure suitable pickup arrangements are available if this is the case.

A special mention to our Junior boys (Years 7-9) AFL squad who attended a Junior School AFL day on Wednesday 3 August. Led by the AFL tragic himself Mr. Sheahan, the boys made the final, however, fell just short overall. A great effort considering many of the squad are not specialist AFL players. I am sure these boys will give the NASSA Gala day a shake in a few weeks.

Important Upcoming Dates:

NASSA Open’s Basketball Gala Day:         Friday 26 August

NASSA 7-9 AFL Gala Day:                         Wednesday 31 August

AICES Athletics:                                          Tuesday 6th September

Yr.7-8 Wanderers Cup:                               Thursday 8th September

Looking forward to another great Term of Sport.

Mr Dean Zaccaria
Senior School Sports Coordinator


House Soccer

House Soccer kicked off with incredible enthusiasm on Monday.

Our Years 7 and 8 teams represented their Houses with fierce prowess and skill. It was fantastic to have the Senior Students out on the Rawdon Middleton Oval in support of our players. It is a mixed competition and each House displayed its talents in what is probably Thomas Hassall’s most beloved sport.

Congratulations to Carmichael who won the Years 7 and 8 final, narrowly beating Lewis coming in second. Liddell came third, handing Wilberforce 4th place on the day.

Our Years 9 and 10 teams and Years 11 and 12 teams will play in the coming weeks as we look forward to the culmination of House Cup points.

Wilberforce and Carmichael are currently tied for first… who will win?!

House soccer

Ms Michelle Raft
Languages Teacher - Head of House & Liddell Advisor

Cross Country Championships

Congratulations to Isaiah W who recently represented NSW CIS and the College at the NSW PSSA Cross Country Championships.  

In tough and muddy conditions, Isaiah ran the 3km race in a blistering time of 11.21.10, finishing 7th in the State.  

In recognition of his fine performance, he has been named as 1st reserve to compete at the School Sport Australia Championships.

Isaiah, we are very proud of your awesome performance!!


Mrs S Evans

P-6 Sports Coordinator

NSW PSSA Primary Netball team

Last week Ella W represented NSW CIS at the NSW PSSA Primary Netball Championships at Netball Central, Homebush.

The team played 13 games over 3 days against some tough competition, with teams traveling from all over the state to play in the Championships.

The NSW CIS team placed 3rd overall, which was an amazing team performance.

Ella played in the mid-court and was an asset to the team, encouraging others and showing great skill and sportsmanship.

At the end of the tournament, the NSW team was announced and Ella was successful in being named in the NSW team to compete at the School Sport Australia Championships later this term.

We wish her all the best as she competes at the National Championships!

Congratulations Ella, we are very proud of you!!


Mrs S Evans

P-6 Sports Coordinator


CommunityBack to Top

Thank you

Thank you to our volunteers from the Parent Community Network who assisted in covering books for our Junior School this week!

This was such a big help to our library staff and we appreciate you giving up your time to assist us with this.

Parking and traffic

Please be reminded to follow the appropriate road rules when picking up and dropping students.

The Key Points to note are: 

• Liverpool City Council has installed Kiss and Ride Zones on Kingsford Smith Ave and Southern Cross Ave and this means the Kingsford Smith Bus Zone operates from 2pm. We support the changes. 

• Junior School (K-6) dismissal is now at 2.35pm and Prep remains unchanged. Pick-up by car will occur from 2.45pm under the new arrangements. No lining up ahead of time is possible from now. 

• Senior School remains the same for now. The new building project on Flynn Avenue has begun. 


Junior School Pick-up 

Prep: 2.30PM (Pedestrian only pick-up) 

K-2: 2.35PM (Pedestrian and limited Kiss and Ride pick up is available only on Southern Cross Drive unless they have an older sibling, where usual pick up location applies) 

3-6: 2.35PM – Pedestrian pick-up only from Gate 16, using the ramp in front of B Block) & 

2:45PM Car line pick-up through the front Gate 12. Please note that the gate will NOT open now until 2.45PM and queuing in the Bus Zone is not permitted 


Pedestrian Pick-up 

Please park safely, only street parking is available. 

• Prep - Pedestrian pick-up via Gate 16 & 17 from 2.30PM 

• K-2 - Pedestrian pick-up via Gate 17 (Southern Cross Ave.) from 2.35PM 

• 3-6 - (Sibling pick-up) - Pedestrian pick-up via Gate 16 (Ramp in front of B Block) from 2.35PM 


Vehicle Pick-up 

To respect our neighbours please ensure that you are not parking or driving on nature strips particularly in wet weather. Do not park on or block driveways or roundabouts. 

• K-2 - You may now use Kiss and Ride only on Southern Cross Ave. for Kindy to Year 2 from 2.35PM. Please note that spaces are limited and due to the No Stopping zone and the roundabout you may be asked to circle around the block until a space becomes available. 

• 3-6 - Gate 12 will now open at 2.45PM for Year 3-6 vehicle pick-up on Kingsford Smith Ave. Please do not queue on Kingsford Smith Ave. at any time between 2PM and 3.30PM. We strongly recommend that you do not arrive at College until after 2.45PM unless you will be parking and using pedestrian pick-up. 

• Senior School – no changes for now. Please note the building project at N Block has begun. 


Kiss and Ride designated areas are on Kingsford Smith Ave. and Southern Cross Ave. They will be in operation from 7.30 - 8.45AM and 2 - 3.30PM. 


There is a NSW Regulation of remaining for a Maximum of 2 minutes Parking in the Kiss & Ride Areas 

The regulations state that drivers may only stay 2 minutes in the Kiss and Drive & the driver should remain within 3m from the vehicle. (Penalty is currently $196 and 2 Demerit Points) 

• There needs to be one single line of cars and all vehicles must join from the end of the zone. Under no circumstances should a car overtake a moving or stationary vehicle in the Kiss and Ride laneway. 

• Please ensure children get out of the vehicle on the kerb side. 

• Ensure your child is ready to leave the car when you have approached the Kiss and Ride zone. 

• Children should travel with bags in the car (not in the boot) where possible. 

• Drop off your child as close as possible to the top of the zone, allowing vehicles following you, to enter the zone in an orderly manner. 

• Traffic flow is best if drivers should remain in the car while children are dropped off and picked up. 

• Staff will assist students into vehicles in the afternoon at the Southern Cross Ave Kiss and Ride. Importantly, parents/carers are responsible for securing seatbelts for students, staff are not permitted. 

• No parking is permitted in these zones during the designated times. 

Term Dates 2023

Here are our Term Dates for 2023

Term Summary  
Term 1 27 January* - 6 April 2023
Term 2 26 April - 23 June 2023
Term 3 17 July - 22 September 2023

Term 4

10 October - 6 December 2023

*Note: There are staggered start dates for specific years commencing from 27 January.