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Parking and traffic

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Please be reminded to follow the appropriate road rules when picking up and dropping students.

The Key Points to note are: 

• Liverpool City Council has installed Kiss and Ride Zones on Kingsford Smith Ave and Southern Cross Ave and this means the Kingsford Smith Bus Zone operates from 2pm. We support the changes. 

• Junior School (K-6) dismissal is now at 2.35pm and Prep remains unchanged. Pick-up by car will occur from 2.45pm under the new arrangements. No lining up ahead of time is possible from now. 

• Senior School remains the same for now. The new building project on Flynn Avenue has begun. 


Junior School Pick-up 

Prep: 2.30PM (Pedestrian only pick-up) 

K-2: 2.35PM (Pedestrian and limited Kiss and Ride pick up is available only on Southern Cross Drive unless they have an older sibling, where usual pick up location applies) 

3-6: 2.35PM – Pedestrian pick-up only from Gate 16, using the ramp in front of B Block) & 

2:45PM Car line pick-up through the front Gate 12. Please note that the gate will NOT open now until 2.45PM and queuing in the Bus Zone is not permitted 


Pedestrian Pick-up 

Please park safely, only street parking is available. 

• Prep - Pedestrian pick-up via Gate 16 & 17 from 2.30PM 

• K-2 - Pedestrian pick-up via Gate 17 (Southern Cross Ave.) from 2.35PM 

• 3-6 - (Sibling pick-up) - Pedestrian pick-up via Gate 16 (Ramp in front of B Block) from 2.35PM 


Vehicle Pick-up 

To respect our neighbours please ensure that you are not parking or driving on nature strips particularly in wet weather. Do not park on or block driveways or roundabouts. 

• K-2 - You may now use Kiss and Ride only on Southern Cross Ave. for Kindy to Year 2 from 2.35PM. Please note that spaces are limited and due to the No Stopping zone and the roundabout you may be asked to circle around the block until a space becomes available. 

• 3-6 - Gate 12 will now open at 2.45PM for Year 3-6 vehicle pick-up on Kingsford Smith Ave. Please do not queue on Kingsford Smith Ave. at any time between 2PM and 3.30PM. We strongly recommend that you do not arrive at College until after 2.45PM unless you will be parking and using pedestrian pick-up. 

• Senior School – no changes for now. Please note the building project at N Block has begun. 


Kiss and Ride designated areas are on Kingsford Smith Ave. and Southern Cross Ave. They will be in operation from 7.30 - 8.45AM and 2 - 3.30PM. 


There is a NSW Regulation of remaining for a Maximum of 2 minutes Parking in the Kiss & Ride Areas 

The regulations state that drivers may only stay 2 minutes in the Kiss and Drive & the driver should remain within 3m from the vehicle. (Penalty is currently $196 and 2 Demerit Points) 

• There needs to be one single line of cars and all vehicles must join from the end of the zone. Under no circumstances should a car overtake a moving or stationary vehicle in the Kiss and Ride laneway. 

• Please ensure children get out of the vehicle on the kerb side. 

• Ensure your child is ready to leave the car when you have approached the Kiss and Ride zone. 

• Children should travel with bags in the car (not in the boot) where possible. 

• Drop off your child as close as possible to the top of the zone, allowing vehicles following you, to enter the zone in an orderly manner. 

• Traffic flow is best if drivers should remain in the car while children are dropped off and picked up. 

• Staff will assist students into vehicles in the afternoon at the Southern Cross Ave Kiss and Ride. Importantly, parents/carers are responsible for securing seatbelts for students, staff are not permitted. 

• No parking is permitted in these zones during the designated times.