The Way Weekly Recap I Monday 25 October 2021

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

It has been great to see students return to face-to-face learning. Welcome back to everyone.

Year 12 students returned last week to a final week of school – and had a great week engaging in learning, activities and reconnecting with their peers and teachers. On Friday, their last official day at College, they enjoyed Brunch and a final gathering together. HSC exams commence on Tuesday 9 November. Please continue to remember these young men and women in your thoughts and prayers. 

All students will have returned by Wednesday and already there is an excitement in the air. It’s such an encouragement to see the classrooms and playgrounds abuzz with activity and smiling faces. 

The NSW Health guidelines as they relate to education are continuing to change as the community opens. Please stay up to date with our processes and procedures, particularly around drop off and pick up times. There are guidelines around mask wearing, social distancing and hygiene practices.The most up to date version can be found on the College app for your convenience. 

Thanks everyone for your cooperation and support in all that we are doing. We are all looking forward to a very positive term ahead. 

'Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever' - Psalm 107:1

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
Roger Young

It has been a long haul but it has been so good to welcome students back on campus this week.

Whilst there may have been some anxiety about the transition back and the demand to maintain safe practices (masks, social distancing etc), it has been refreshing to see smiling faces and laughter being heard across the playground. It has been a lovely change to reconnect in person and to be in the classrooms sharing our collective experiences.

While there is a reality of the HSC still to come, I know that Year 12 students were very appreciative just to get back together again. I have been very impressed with the respectful patience that our Year 12's have demonstrated throughout this recent season. Please join me in encouraging and praying for this group as it quickly approaches the business end of their school career.

Year 12 Pictures

Years 7-11 have a staggered return but those onsite looked fresh and keen to catch up with friends and trade some stories from the trenches. All students will be finishing up final assessments for the Semester and so our focus will include:

⇒ Reconnecting as a community: teachers, students and across teams.

⇒ Giving time for students to settle into new routines and establishing COVID safe practices at every level.

⇒ Completion of the final assessments for the Yearly report.

⇒ Finishing the Year with a sense of optimism and hope about the future

⇒ Honouring the Lord Jesus Christ who offers strength and salvation to everyone as a gift that brings new life and deep joy.

Thank you to all the parents who continue to support and work with us as we meet every challenge. Finally, if you, or your child/ren, need our support or understanding then please be encouraged to email or call the College and connect via the PC Teacher, the Year Advisor and any of the Senior Staff.

Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
From the Junior School Director of Teaching & Learning

It was such a joy to stand in the top playground on Thursday to see our Prep, Kindergarten and Year 1 students coming back into the College.

Today we welcomed our Year 2 & 6 students which has been a delight also.

Welcome Junior School

Full of smiles and hugs and laughter as they saw their friends and teachers for the first time face-to-face since the end of Term 2.

Some of the students needed some gentle reminders where to place their bags and where to line up but all the memories came rushing back, and onsite learning began anew.

As we transition back into College, we expect that some students will take a little while to readjust back into the classroom and playground; getting used to the noises and busyness of school life, listening carefully to instructions, and remembering how to share space with others.

The teachers will be helping them every step of the way. We are ready for the return and are doing everything possible to make it as smooth as possible for your children.

Welcome back.

Ms Lisa Hansford
Junior School Director of Teaching & Learning 

From the Junior School Assistant Chaplain

Just over 2 weeks ago my wife and I had a little baby girl, Bella.

One thing that always fascinates me about babies is that, even as such a young age, how much they need people. Already at 2 weeks old Bella needs people.

Needing people is not a learnt need, rather, it is a big part of who God has made us to be.

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.

Being made in the image of God is not a small deal. It is huge. God did not create any other creature in His image, just humans. A big part of being made in the image of God is being relational. God is a relational God. He made us to be relational people. To be in relationship with Himself and others.

After a whole term of being out of relationship with people it shouldn’t surprise us that we are all missing people a lot. As we return to college let’s be thankful to God for who he made us to be, relational people. Let’s celebrate the people that God has put in our lives and thank God for the community here at Thomas Hassall.

Welcome back guys! I can’t wait to see you all,

God bless,

Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Classification Rating Scales

Parents need to speak to their children about what they access online and on screens 

During the lockdown periods many parents reported they relaxed the rules linked to the amount of time their children spent on devices and I suspect at times it was hard to supervise what they were watching.

Now that most student are returning to face to face learning, it is an ideal time revisit these boundaries and renegotiate those boundaries. It is also an ideal time to revisit the classification rating system for films and computer games and make time to chat about your expectations for your children

Squid Games

This brings me to some concern expressed in relation to a series on Netflix, Squid Game, which has a MA 15 + rating. This rating implied that the series contains strong content and should be restricted to people over the age of 15. The series does contain elements such as sex, drug use and a strong impact on the viewers. It could be beneficial to get your children’s views on the series and how they felt when they watched it. You could remind them of the classification system for films and computer games and why those classifications are implemented.

Concern has been expressed that students may re-enact some of the games they saw in the series. I would like to encourage you to talk to your children about the expectations that they behave in a responsible and considerate manner when they return to college.

The eSafety Commissioner has resources to assist parents to conduct conversations about accessing technology with their children and how to set-up a Family Tech agreement. Click on this Link for more information on the resources for parents.

Honest Conversations are required

Children may have technical skills, but developmentally and emotionally they are in need of parental guidance. The role of parents is not to shut down the internet and their access to films, but rather to ensure that they are skilled, feel supported and have the understanding and critical skills to make the best decisions every time they are online or in front of a screen.

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling

Upcoming Important Dates

Here are some important dates to mark in your diaries for this month

Term Dates


Junior School Creative Exhibition

Our Junior School Creative Arts Exhibition is live!

Thank you to all of the students who submitted their creative and performing arts pieces from Wellbeing Wednesday in Term 3.

We are excited to share with you our online exhibition for you to see the wonderful work our Junior School has been up to.

You can visit the site at and use the password 'thaconline'.

Creative Exhibition

Well done to all of the students who got involved. We hope you enjoy the showcase!




Year 12 Prayer Breakfast

This year Thomas Hassall College hosted a Prayer Brunch in the MRK for Year 12 and their teachers. It was well attended with 147 students present and it was great!

The morning began with the noise of students laughing and talking. What a noise it was as 147 caught up with each other. The students were then given a great brunch – many thanks to Hanan and her crew as no one left hungry.

Following the meal, Rev. Oliver gave a devotion on 1 Tim 4:12

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

Mr Whelan and Sreya Diddee from Year 12 then gave encouraging messages. While Mr Whelan focused on the journey forward, Sreya reflected on the journey travelled – It was a good time to reflect and reset. The event closed with some students praying for the specific needs of their year.

This event was a great opportunity for the students to gather to express the community they sorely missed during lockdown. The brunch was also a time to place the hopes and fear of our current Year 12 at the foot of God’s throne.

Please join the staff as we pray for our Year 12 students, not simply that they do well in their exams but that they find their place in our society.

Year 12

Senior School I Abide Lunchtime Group

Abide – Senior School Christian Lunchtime Group

Each Friday lunchtime of Term 4, join us for games, a short Bible talk and discussion groups.

This term we will hear from students and teachers on their favourite Bible verses and what they mean to them.

For the time being, we are meeting on zoom, 12.20-12.40pm each Friday. All high school students are welcome – access is via the “Abide” page on Canvas.

If you have any questions or for more information, please contact Mr Mills [email protected] or Rev Oliver [email protected]

Junior Strings Orchestra

Stringing Along

The Junior String Orchestra have been rising to the occasion by attending early morning rehearsals before College each week. The students have begun learning two new songs 'Jackeroo Jive' and 'Dance of the Cossacks' in order to lighten the mood of lockdown. 

They are looking forward to rehearsing together again when restrictions allow, but are working hard on their parts individually in order to be ready when that joyous day arrives.

Well done Junior Strings for all your efforts.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Junior Concert Band

Mechanics of Music

Over the past 2 weeks, the Junior Concert Band has started to learn a new piece of music called ‘MECHANICAL MONSTERS’.

Within 2 weeks, they have finished learning the piece already!! The students are doing well in keeping up with their practice during lockdown, and they are now ready to start another new piece next week. Whilst students return to school this week, ensemble rehearsals will remain online via Zoom as current restrictions unfortunately do not allow for ensembles or singing to take place at the moment.

We look forward to the time in the very near future where we can make music all together once again! Thanks to all the parents and teachers who have been supporting the students musical development during this time.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles - Creative Arts

Return to College Guidelines

As we return to College, there are some guidelines that we need to follow in line with the Public Health Order. 

Please ensure you are up to date with the College COVID-19 Safe Guidelines.

Please contact the College at any time on 9608 0088 or [email protected].

We thank you for your continued support and understanding as we navigate through this time as a community. We look forward to seeing you all soon.


Wilberforce is still leading the way in the House Sport Challenge

WILBERFORCE and LEWIS have continued to dominate the results in the House Sport Challenge this week.

It has been great seeing families clock up the kilometres in the Accumulation Challenge, with Aleks M in Year 5 completing an amazing 89.33km in Week 3.

In the Junior School Class Challenge, 1D remains in the lead of Class Challenge, with 5W closing the gap and once again earning the most house points per class this week in the Junior School.  


WEEK 4 ENTRIES : Submit your entry on the House Sport Challenge home page, where you can also see results from previous weeks.

Submit your best entry for all 7 challenges for your year group and a video of you participating in the Challenge.

Online entries for Week 4 close THURSDAY 28 October at 3pm



1st  -   Wilberforce - 2022.24 points
2nd -   Lewis - 1846.24 points
3rd -    Liddell - 1676.88 points
4th-     Carmichael - 1209.15 points

Mr Michael Fox and Mrs Sharon Evans
Sport Coordinators