Term 1 I The Way Newsletter I Friday 4 February 2022

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Hi everyone,

The first week is over, and the classrooms are quite calm. Students are engaged and generally excited to be back at school and learning together.  For our new families, try to be patient about understanding the detail at Thomas Hassall.  It will take a few weeks.

The COVID journey with Rapid Antigen tests twice a week is a confidence builder.   We have had a handful of positive cases only, and the isolation process works.  Thanks for your support of the program.  Phase 2 will be rolled out next week in time for weeks 3 & 4. 

Our hearts go out to the Khalil family for the loss of their precious little boy Hunter.  His funeral will be on Saturday 12th February.  We will communicate the details for your information and prayers.  There’s a meal roster if you wish to add practical support, and details are available in the article about Hunter in the next pages.

The Iese family lost both Grandparents suddenly last week as well.  It’s been a very sad start to the year for several College families.  We want to reach out in support don’t we when we hear of such grief and loss.  Let’s continue to stand with them.

The HSC results for 2021 were interesting, with several outstanding individual results and as well as some concerns about others.  Sreya Diddee our College Captain ranked as Dux of the College, with her results for every subject achieving a Band 6 level.  She has been awarded a State All-Rounders award and has gained entry to a special scholars course at Sydney University.  Most of the Year 12 students received early entry offers to university in their chosen option, and we are proud of the 2021 graduates.  We are reviewing the results through this first term, and I will bring you an update about that review.

During the first 4 weeks or so, we will be conservative about gathering in large groups such as for Swimming Carnivals and the Senior School camps.  Our wisdom is that the COVID numbers will continue to drop, and we will be able to relax the limitations.  I’m looking forward to opening the MRK coffee shop as soon as we can, and the first coffee will be free, so watch this space.

The traffic plan needs some adjustment again as we start the year.  We will add some additional helpers, so please be patient.  On Flynn Avenue in Senior School at the entry gate, which is Gate 3, it’s important to take directions from the staff on the gates.  Please do that so that the drop off occurs safely, and as quickly as is possible.  In 3 weeks time, there will be another change as we move half the traffic to enter at gate 1.  This means there will be 2 entry gates for both morning and afternoon.  It coincides with the start of a building addition to the Ann Marsden N Block building.  We are adding another 8 rooms, and the project will take 9 months or so.

There are lots of new things to learn and remember at the start of every year.  Are the children now ready and organised with their uniform and haircuts, and lunch routines.   Mr Young has written to Senior School families about uniform.  Talk to us if there are any issues at all.  Stay positive and patient; optimistic and hopeful.  Ask plenty of questions and be the support person where you can. 

Welcome again to the 2022 year. 

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal and Head of Junior School
Sandy Wheeler

On Monday, the students were welcomed with colourful balloon arches at College entrances for their first day of 2022.

It was a cheerful way to start the year and the smiles of students reconnecting with friends was a treasured sight to see.

The first week has been settled and students have been excited to start in their new classes, eager for the learning journeys to begin as students now in the next grade up from last year. As I’ve visited classrooms, I’ve heard students sharing their aspirations for the year ahead – ‘what is exciting about being in Year 6?’ and setting new goals as the students are nurtured to grow in excellence in Learning, Wisdom and Service.

On behalf of all the Junior School Staff, I extend a very warm welcome to new families starting at the College. The staff are looking forward to connecting with you and building strong partnerships in the year ahead. For all our families, if you have any questions or queries please email your child’s teacher and they would be happy to assist.

Our Parent Teacher Information Sessions (via Zoom) will be held on Thursday 17 February in the afternoon where you can meet your child’s teacher and have an opportunity to ask your questions. More details to come shortly.

I would like to introduce our new Director of Operations and Welfare (Junior School) Mrs Kylie Singles. She is a passionate, experienced leader and is excited to be part of the team. You may have already met her out and about in the mornings and afternoons. Join me in welcoming her into our community at Thomas Hassall.

Kylie Singles

Thank you for a strong start to the term and we look forward to teaching your children in 2022.

Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the College Chaplain
Denis Oliver

Has my child had a good start? Will the students treat them well? Will the teachers understand them? Will they do ok? Are they COVID safe? Is school safe?  

These are some of the thoughts that ran through my mind as my son started school this Term as a teacher!! Questions like these come from a fearful heart. The Bible reminds us that a fearful heart is an ensnared heart. 'Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.' (Proverbs 29:25)

Sometimes our fears can ensnare us. Our ability to think and act gets tangled up by fear – postponing life so as to stay ‘safe’. Our fear of what might happen interferes with the present – what is happening.  What is the solution to a fearful heart?

Interestingly, the solution that the bible presents here is not courage but trust. We are called to substitute fear with trust. This makes sense, when you feel out of control, you need to trust the person that is in control.  

Faith says, ‘My God is stronger than my circumstances’ or it says, ‘My God’s goodness will utilise this bad time!’ Faith does not abandon reasonable questions but sanctifies them with trust.

Personally, I trust Jesus because He has proven trustworthy to me again and again. He not only saved me from my sins by dying on the cross, but He saves me daily as I interact with him in prayer.

Whether your fears are real or not, do not let them have the final say - let faith have the final say.  

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
Upcoming Important Dates

Here are some important dates to mark in your diaries

Term Dates


Welcome to our New Staff 2022

We are thrilled to introduce to our College Community our newest staff members who joined the College in 2022

New Junior Staff

New Staff

We would also like to welcome Craig Radford, College Bus Driver, and Rachael Royal, Learning Support Teacher's Aide.


In Loving Memory of Hunter

Sadly, Hunter Khalil passed away and our College Community misses him dearly.

I had the privilege and honour of teaching Hunter, in 3F, 2021.

Hunter was a vibrant, energetic and much-loved friend in Year 3. He had a wonderful sense of humour and loved to share a little joke with everyone. He greatly enjoyed sports and playing with his mates on the oval. Hunter participated with high enthusiasm in PE class and scored lots of House Points in the lockdown THAC House Sport Challenge. In the classroom, he particularly thrived in Mathematics and was enthusiastic about sharing in his learning with all his peers. Hunter was kind in the way he befriended and looked out for others and was a great friend.

Hunter is deeply and dearly missed by the College community. He will always be remembered with his beautiful cheeky smile and gorgeous twinkly eyes. Our hearts go out to Hunter’s family as we all mourn his loss.  If you wish to offer practical assistance for the family such as a meal etc please contact Mrs Trudi Woods at [email protected].

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain”, Revelations 21:4.

Mrs Brownyn Ferguson
Junior School Teacher & Team Leader

Welcome to 2022

A big welcome to all of our new students and their families in 2022.

Our students are settling in well and had a great first week getting to know their teachers, engaging in activities in the classroom and making new friends.

Thank you to everyone who joined our virtual photo booth! Here are a few of the photos

Virtual Photo Booth

School Transitions

School Transitions_3x2_3_0.jpg

School Transitions
School Transiions

Whether it is starting school for the first time, moving up to a higher grade or embarking on a journey through Secondary School, there is no doubt that any school transition is a very exciting time for children and parents. It means your children are growing up!

However, transitioning is an ongoing process. It can continue long after students have entered their new environment and may encounter difficulties at a number of different stages. These stressors may appear as anxiety and frustration and result in negative or disruptive behaviours. Such behaviours can become problematic making the transitioning process even more difficult for children and parents.

In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will learn practical strategies to assist your child during the transition process and reduce stress and anxiety levels.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the College Counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to the School Transitions edition of SchoolTV 

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling

Source - SchoolTV

Musical Rehearsals

Shrek Musical Rehearsals are back for 2022... IN PERSON!

It is with great excitement that we resume our Shrek Musical rehearsals in preparation for a great show at the start of Term 2. Rehearsals will begin for leads on Friday of Week 2, and will resume for the rest of the cast on Monday of Week 3. Please see the schedule below:


All rehearsals will be in person from now on. Masks will be required at all rehearsals for all students. 

We look forward to seeing our wonderful cast very soon!

Mr Luke Robinson
Productions & Creative and Performing Arts Coordinator

Ensemble Rehearsals

I am excited to announce that ensembles can now start up again, with rehearsals for all ensembles, including lunchtime groups, commencing next week (Week 2, beginning Monday 7th February)! 

After 6 months of online zoom rehearsals, it will be fantastic to gather students together again to play and sing with their peers. Rehearsals will be conducted following Covid Safe protocols to maximise the safety of all involved. If your child would like to join an ensemble please email [email protected] or they can collect an application form from the Creative Arts Staffroom.

The College Ensembles Schedule, which details the day and time of each ensembles rehearsal/s, can be accessed using the link below. If you are uncertain which ensemble your child is performing in this year please email [email protected] to clarify.

PDF icon2022 Ensemble Timetable.pdf

Pick-Up: At the conclusion of all rehearsals, students will make their way to the J-BLOCK pick-up area together with their ensemble director. Students are to wait there with their teacher until they are picked up. If parents are more than 15 minutes late, your child will be asked to go to the J-Block study centre to wait until you arrive at College. Junior students will be taken to OSHClub After College Care in S Block to await pickup. There will be an additional cost incurred if this service is utilised.

Thanks for supporting your child’s music education, and we look forward to a great year of music creation and performances.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Music Tuition

Here at Thomas Hassall, we offer the unique opportunity to provide students onsite music tuition from K-12. Tuition is held in our P Block rooms and offered during College hours.

There are currently 11 highly skilled tutors that have been tutoring and performing for many years across a range of instruments. These experienced tutors come highly recommended and demonstrate great enthusiasm in teaching and encouraging students in their learning.

Tuition is available for Flute, Saxophone, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Guitar, Electric Bass, Piano, Voice, Oboe and Drum Kit. It is recommended that students have their own instrument to practice on at home in order to maximise their learning.

A study released this year found that a six-month music program:

  • improved music and motor abilities
  • improved visuo-spatial short-term memory, pseudoword reading and simple arithmetics 
  • drove plasticity on gray-matter volume of the left cerebellum that related to rhythm discrimination as well as gains in motor performance

Overall the researchers found that

Just six months could make all the difference!

If you would like your child to participate in music tuition please email [email protected] for an application form or alternatively complete the online form on the College website using this link 


Mr Luke Robinson
Productions & Creative and Performing Arts Coordinator

2022 Talented Athletes and Development Programs

Enrolments for the 2022 Talented Athlete Programs are open and programs are filling fast.

We offer afternoon Development programs in Football (soccer), Basketball, Dance and Classical Ballet.

Advanced Pathway Programs in Basketball and Football train before College and are designed for representative players in Years 3 - 12.  Trials for APP programs occur in Weeks 1 and 2, with the program commencing in Week 3.

To find out more information, read the individual brochures below:
Football Seniors
Football Juniors

The overall daily schedule is found on the book page.

How to book:
Enrolment applications must be completed online using the Thomas Hassall website.  The booking link is found on the Events booking page

Places in TAP programs are limited, so please ensure you enrol online to secure a place in the program.

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sport Coordinator & Talented Athletes Program (TAP) Coordinator

Open Week

Our Open Week is coming up at the College from the 21 - 26 March.

This is a great opportunity for prospective families to see the College in action, at a time that suits them. It is an ideal opportunity for future families to glimpse our culture, observe our staff and students, meet our Principal and key staff, tour our fantastic facilities and ask questions whilst enjoying morning tea.

Many families visit the College more than once when making the decision about the best school to meet the educational needs of their son or daughter.  

If you have friends or family who are interested in finding out about the College, we encourage you to invite them to come along and see what sets us apart. Registrations for Open Week are online on our website.

Thank you for your support.

Scholarships 2023

Thomas Hassall Anglican College is pleased to offer a limited number of Academic Scholarships for students entering Year 7 and Year 11 in 2023.

Register online to sit the ACER Scholarship examination. The cost is $100 (inc GST). Registration is now open and closes at midnight AEDST Monday 7 February 2022. This registration fee is not refundable should you cancel.

The ACER Scholarship Examination will be held at Thomas Hassall Anglican College on Saturday 26 February 2022. An invitation to sit the examination will be sent prior to the examination date, including location at the College and requirements for the exam.  In the meantime, please advise the College if there are any changes to your contact details.

All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their scholarship applications in early April 2022.

If you have any questions regarding the scholarship program please do not hesitate to speak  to our Enrolments team

College App

Do you have the College App?

The College App allows you to easily see your child’s timetable, calendar of events, provide permission for excursions and give a reason for any absences.

It is also the key way for the College to communicate with you important information.

Please refer to this link for all the details on how to download this app.

The Parent Student Handbook is also now available to read on the College App. Click on 'More' then the Parent Student Handbook link.

Parent Student Handbook

Rapid At Home Testing

Have you completed your RAHT tests?

Please remember to be testing your child twice a week. Monday and Wednesday mornings are recommended.

In the event that your child returns a positive result or becomes a household contact, please complete our COVID Notification Form. The form is available on the College App (under “More”) or use this link.

Personal details

Have you moved house or changed your contact details over the break?

If your details or the details of your emergency contacts have changed over the break, please ensure that you log on to the parent portal and update your details.

This is also the place to update medical information including permissions for over-the-counter medications (eg. Panadol) to be given to your child when needed.

NCCD Data Collection

Information for Parents 

The College will participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCC) this year.

The NCCD is an annual collection of data that all schools in Australia participate in. Through this collection, data is collected about the number of school students with a disability and the level of reasonable adjustments with which they are provided. Under the Education Act, schools are required to report this information required for NCCD to the Australian government.

Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our students is important to us. We do not disclose any student names or special information about your student to any authority. If you have any questions, please access the public information notice at www.education.gov.au/notices or contact Mrs Lawler (Junior School) or Mrs Skene (Senior School).

A Message for all Parents and Carers in the College

The Learning Support Team advises staff of any specific requirements that your student may need. Any information that you have forwarded to the College about your student is shared routinely with the relevant staff at the beginning of the year so that we can suggest appropriate teaching strategies to best help any students with specific needs. We also routinely complete some simple assessments on many of our students in each year group in order to provide up to date strategy information for teachers, government censuses and in the Senior School, to gauge eligibility for Disability Provisions provided during examination periods.

We recognise the sensitivity of the information and assure you that it will be shared discreetly with teachers. Any shared information will be kept securely and appropriately by teachers and stored according to legislative requirements.

Please recognise that sharing this information is essential if we are to address the learning needs of our students. We appreciate it when parents and caregivers regularly forward updated information regarding their son or daughter as it assists us to cater to each student’s requirements.

We thank you for your co-operation and please feel free to contact Learning Support at any time.

Mrs Narelle Lawler (Junior School Learning Support) and Mrs Elizabeth Skene (Senior School Learning Support)