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From the College Chaplain

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From The Chaplain

Denis Oliver
Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain

Has my child had a good start? Will the students treat them well? Will the teachers understand them? Will they do ok? Are they COVID safe? Is school safe?  

These are some of the thoughts that ran through my mind as my son started school this Term as a teacher!! Questions like these come from a fearful heart. The Bible reminds us that a fearful heart is an ensnared heart. 'Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.' (Proverbs 29:25)

Sometimes our fears can ensnare us. Our ability to think and act gets tangled up by fear – postponing life so as to stay ‘safe’. Our fear of what might happen interferes with the present – what is happening.  What is the solution to a fearful heart?

Interestingly, the solution that the bible presents here is not courage but trust. We are called to substitute fear with trust. This makes sense, when you feel out of control, you need to trust the person that is in control.  

Faith says, ‘My God is stronger than my circumstances’ or it says, ‘My God’s goodness will utilise this bad time!’ Faith does not abandon reasonable questions but sanctifies them with trust.

Personally, I trust Jesus because He has proven trustworthy to me again and again. He not only saved me from my sins by dying on the cross, but He saves me daily as I interact with him in prayer.

Whether your fears are real or not, do not let them have the final say - let faith have the final say.