The Way Weekly Recap I Friday 8 October 2021

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

It’s been great to see the students once again engaging with Blended Learning Online and we appreciate all you continue to do as we look forward to returning to face-to-face learning. 

It is very encouraging to see that our community is moving closer and closer to new freedoms and life looking somewhat normal again.  Yesterday the new Premier, Dominic Perrottet announced changes to the program for return to school for students.  In his announcement he stated that all students will return to school by 25 October.  We have reviewed this and considered what is best for our students, staff and families at Thomas Hassall. 

Therefore I would like to advise that our commencement will be as follows:

Return Calendar

We feel that this will be the best schedule of return to allow for a calm approach and return that will give assurances to all students, staff and families.  It will ease the pressure on buses, drop off and pick up in those initial days and will give us an opportunity to review how things are going, and allow any improvements to be made. 

Whilst the expectation is for all students to return to the campus in the coming weeks, we understand that there are students who will not be able to return by the scheduled dates for various reasons and we ask that you notify the College of this in a form that will be sent out next week.  This will assist in our planning for the coming weeks.  We will continue to offer learning experiences for those students who are unable to return. 

We are currently reviewing many different aspects in terms of COVID Safe Guidelines that need to be considered for return which include; Physical distancing and separation of cohorts where possible, mask wearing and the adequate provision of hand sanitiser and soap, enhanced cleaning schedules, consideration of appropriate ventilation, and ensuring that staff and students do not attend the school with symptoms of COVID-19.  We will also update all procedures in line with NSW Health should a COVID case occur at the College. 

We will send further information to you mid-week which will include the guidelines, as well as detailed pick up and drop off arrangements. 

Please contact College Reception on 9608 0033 or [email protected] with any issues or questions.  

Best regards,

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
Roger Young

While the transition back into face-to-face is going to take some working through, it will be good to see students back at school and life take a semblance of normality albeit COVID Safe.

Whilst we expect that all students will return to College by Week 4, we will continue to offer learning experiences for those students who are unable to return, so please hear that we are planning to be flexible as we transition back on site.

Transitioning back into school will be a process for everyone. It is going to be a very good time for students to reconnect with their peers and their teachers. This is an important process and in some way, it will be like starting off the year again. There will be a sense of excitement and a buzz which we will need to manage in a sensible and respectful way.

For some students, there will be a degree of heightened anxiety experienced by individuals. If you notice that your child will need additional support or consideration, please inform the relevant Year Advisors. It is normal for individuals to be experiencing a sense of loss and grief. Parents may be experiencing this too. Have you spoken to your child about this? It might be a good way to start the healing process.

The College will give students an opportunity to talk about these realities as this will help to alleviate some of the negative emotions. Conversely, it is equally important to focus on some of the very positive things that might have come out of this lockdown. This could include the following: a greater appreciation of family, friends and relationships; an opportunity to get into a regular fitness routine; greater flexibility and resilience in the face of change. It might be good to sit down with your child/ren and work through some of these things together. We will certainly do some of this as we reconnect again.

As we return please be especially prayerful and mindful of our Year 12 students. This group are in the last throws in preparing for their HSC. A good number of these students have received an early offer into University Courses, which is great, but there is still a desire to have every student at their peak for the coming examinations.

We need your understanding and support as we still have a way to go in our journey that is part of our daily reality. I am really proud of our Thomas Hassall community and I sincerely hope that we can find different ways to communicate the ‘love and appreciation that we have for one another’.

Let me encourage you to be intentional in reaching out and communicating your love in the days ahead. It will make a huge difference to our world at this time. God Bless!

Enjoy watching some of the antics of our staff during their time at home.

'By this everyone will know you are my disciples if you love one another ' - John 13:35 

Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

New Covid rules? New Premier? Penrith winning a grand final? 

Life is full of change and this is especially true during COVID times. Even now as we ease out of restrictions to go back to school - more change is needed.  While change is good and necessary, too much change too quickly is stressful.

When there is too much change we tend to become insecure, conservative, less generous, if not plain selfish.  Sometimes in changing times we make changes for the worse.

What does God say in times like these?

“I am the Lord and I do not change” (Malachi 3:6)

This small statement from God is an anchor for the Christian as it effects the way we do life and deal with people. 

This little verse reminds us that despite all the change that God allows, his plans are changeless. God’s planned future for us cannot be threatened.

More importantly, God’s character does not change. In today’s cancel culture where friends can become enemies in an instant – God remains faithful. 

Knowing that a faithful God has your back and will provide all your needs effects the way you live.  We can always be generous with our time and money because we know that God will generously top up to continue to be generous. 

Think about it, if God gave us his Son to deal with past sins surely he will give us what we need too, not merely get through life, but flourish and become the type of people he wants us to be.

Why not join me, put your faith in God – live your life for him? 

While I don’t have my life together, I do live everyday in the security that this changing world is in the hands of a changeless God. 

While I don’t always make the right decisions, I know that God uses all things in life, both good and bad, to change me.  God is changing me to be like his Son in mind and even body.   

Finally, can I encourage you to find a quiet 5 minutes this week and pray for students, staff, and families of Thomas Hassall, so that we all can change in the right way. 

In the end, COVID too will pass.

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
Coronavirus: Transitioning Back

The Transition Back

The Transition Back
The Transition Back

We have all experienced this event together and we are all at various levels of transition and adjustment. 

As lockdown restrictions are slowly being lifted to varying degrees, we are entering a time of transition and adjustment. The circumstances of this situation have significantly impacted us all. For some it has been an opportunity to reflect on what is important, whilst others have embraced the opportunity to learn new things.

Many young people may be excited at the prospect of restrictions being lifted, whilst others may be feeling mixed emotions. Reactions will differ depending on how well they cope with stress and change. Keeping a check on your child’s mental health and wellbeing as they adjust to new routines, will be vitally important.

There is still a lot of uncertainty ahead of us, so focusing on the things you can control or enjoy doing, can help establish predictability and familiarity for the whole family. Adult carers need to provide young people with reassurance by acknowledging any concerns and fears they may have at this time. Consider this to be a normal reaction, however it may be best to focus more on their feelings and emotions, rather than the practicalities at this stage.

In this Special Report, we share a few ideas about how to help ease this time of transition. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the College for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to your special report Returning to School

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling

Study Centre Online

The Study Centre is now online

Zoom Tutor Rooms are open each week as follows :

Tuesdays  & Thursdays 3 - 5pm

We encourage students in Senior School to utilise this service.

The link has been provided to students. We look forward to hearing your feedback.

Senior School I Abide Lunchtime Group

Abide – Senior School Christian Lunchtime Group

Each Friday lunchtime of Term 4, join us for games, a short Bible talk and discussion groups.

This term we will hear from students and teachers on their favourite Bible verses and what they mean to them.

For the time being, we are meeting on zoom, 12.20-12.40pm each Friday. All high school students are welcome – access is via the “Abide” page on Canvas.

If you have any questions or for more information, please contact Mr Mills [email protected] or Rev Oliver [email protected]

Year 7 Castle Making

This past term, Mr Mills’ Year 7 History class have been learning about Medieval Europe.

For a recent lesson on military and defence systems, students took a break from their screens and constructed their own Medieval castles out of paper and cardboard.

It was wonderful to see students’ creativity in their decorations and to see them engaging as they learned about the different components of a castle, and how each element was used to defend the castle against invaders.

We have inlcuded a few of the creative designs.  

Mr Samuel Mills
Senior School Teacher - History & English

Shrek the Musical

"Once upon a time, there was a little ogre named Shrek...." And thus begins the tale of an unlikely hero who finds himself on a life-changing journey alongside a wisecracking Donkey and a feisty princess who resists her rescue. 

We are excited to be begin preparations for the commencement of our new musical, Shrek The Musical.  This is an exciting opportunity for students in Years 5-11 in 2022 to be involved in this production.  

Whether you are a singer, dancer, actor or just keen to perform, we would love to have you involved.

It's not too late to request an information booklet by emailing [email protected] and register for auditions which will be held in Weeks 2 and 3.

An information webinar will be held on Monday 11 at 6.30pm and will be a great opportunity to provide further information, answer questions and introduce our director, Meg Day.  A link for the webinar will be broadcast on the College app and emailed on Monday.

We look forward to sharing more information with you then.

Mr Luke Robinson
Productions & Creative and Performing Arts Coordinator

Uniform Shop

Due to the current Public Health Order, the uniform shop is not able to open for in store purchases.

Online orders are being processed and can be delivered to your home or can be delivered to your child’s class (once students return). Delivery to your child’s classroom will be weekly (Friday) and if you want to make use of this service, please select the ‘Click and Collect’ option.

The College Website has the full details of how to purchase online and includes a sizing guide to assist. Our uniform shop provider, Midfords, has an exchange policy for items that still have tags attached and not been worn and further details for this are available online.

Students will return to College in Summer Uniform. If you are missing key pieces of the uniform or your child has had a growth spurt during this time, they can come in their sports uniform as an alternative during the two weeks of transition. 

For students moving into Kindergarten and Year 7 next year and need new uniforms, we will be providing further information regarding your process in the Orientation Webinars.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Uniform Shop directly [email protected]. The College Administration team will also be able to assist with any of your questions on 9608 0033.

Cook with MRK

Our MRK staff are back for another week of Cook with MRK! 

This week's recipe is a tasty snack that is quick and easy to make.

Read the full recipe on our website

There's a New Girl in Town

Congratulations Mr Richards!

Congratulations to Matthew (Assistant Chaplain) and Amy Richards who welcomed their third little girl Bella Anne on Saturday 2 October at 11.48pm. She weighed 3.89kg and was 53cm long. 

All are doing well and her big sisters are completely besotted!  We wish them well and God’s blessings now and always.

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow."

House Sport Challenge is back up and running in Term 4

Liddell leading the House Sport Challenge, heading into Term 4

It was fantastic to see our students from Prep through to Year 12 participating in the House Sport Challenge in Term 3.

Currently, LIDDELL house is leading the overall College point score as we begin a new week of challenges in Week 2.

In the Junior School Class Challenge, 1D is currently leading the Class Challenge, with the most house points per class in the Junior School.  


Jump onto the House Sport Challenge home page -  to view the results and also submit your entries for Week 2. 

You can submit your best entry for all 7 challenges for your year group.  Remember to include a video of you participating in the Challenge.

Online entries for Week 2 close THURSDAY 14 October at 3pm


house sport

1st  -   Liddell - 1309.5 points
2nd -   Lewis - 1280.3 points
3rd -   Wilberforce - 1243.7 points
4th-     Carmichael - 1059.4 points

Mr Michael Fox and Mrs Sharon Evans
Sport Coordinators