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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development

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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

Roger Young
Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development

While the transition back into face-to-face is going to take some working through, it will be good to see students back at school and life take a semblance of normality albeit COVID Safe.

Whilst we expect that all students will return to College by Week 4, we will continue to offer learning experiences for those students who are unable to return, so please hear that we are planning to be flexible as we transition back on site.

Transitioning back into school will be a process for everyone. It is going to be a very good time for students to reconnect with their peers and their teachers. This is an important process and in some way, it will be like starting off the year again. There will be a sense of excitement and a buzz which we will need to manage in a sensible and respectful way.

For some students, there will be a degree of heightened anxiety experienced by individuals. If you notice that your child will need additional support or consideration, please inform the relevant Year Advisors. It is normal for individuals to be experiencing a sense of loss and grief. Parents may be experiencing this too. Have you spoken to your child about this? It might be a good way to start the healing process.

The College will give students an opportunity to talk about these realities as this will help to alleviate some of the negative emotions. Conversely, it is equally important to focus on some of the very positive things that might have come out of this lockdown. This could include the following: a greater appreciation of family, friends and relationships; an opportunity to get into a regular fitness routine; greater flexibility and resilience in the face of change. It might be good to sit down with your child/ren and work through some of these things together. We will certainly do some of this as we reconnect again.

As we return please be especially prayerful and mindful of our Year 12 students. This group are in the last throws in preparing for their HSC. A good number of these students have received an early offer into University Courses, which is great, but there is still a desire to have every student at their peak for the coming examinations.

We need your understanding and support as we still have a way to go in our journey that is part of our daily reality. I am really proud of our Thomas Hassall community and I sincerely hope that we can find different ways to communicate the ‘love and appreciation that we have for one another’.

Let me encourage you to be intentional in reaching out and communicating your love in the days ahead. It will make a huge difference to our world at this time. God Bless!

Enjoy watching some of the antics of our staff during their time at home.

'By this everyone will know you are my disciples if you love one another ' - John 13:35