Term 4 | The Way Newsletter I Tuesday 7 November 2023

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

The 2023 HSC has come to a close, and as our College graduates are make their way into the next phase, we congratulate them once again and wish them every blessing.

Orientations for students coming into the College in 2024 are in progress and it has been a joy to welcome new and existing families at each session. As you remember the experience can be somewhat new and we thank our current staff, families and parent network helpers for their part in the day.

The calendar of end of year events is quite full and we thank families for their consideration and support. End of year concerts and dance are so enjoyable, and we will soon be hosting graduations, formals and end of stage evenings for Year 6, 10 and 12.

Could I thank the College community at this time. It was a joy for me personally and for my wife Lynn and family to have the Gala Dinner farewell in such a special and honouring occasion, on the 28 October. What a great event and my thanks especially to the organising team.

With every intention to enjoy retirement from the beginning of next year, an invitation has been made to me, to be the Principal of our neighbouring Anglican School, Mamre Anglican, for 2024 and 2025. Mamre finds itself having to relocate the site of the school due to a rezoning and the current Principal Ms Cathie Graydon has taken the decision to finish her very successful leadership of Mamre at this time.  I will therefore be the Principal of our neighbour for a short time.

Meanwhile, the busyness of College life continues. As we move closer to the end of the year, please know of our thanks for your continued support of the College and our programs.

This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 1 John 4: 13-14

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
Sandy Wheeler

The Manners Matter focus this week was ‘Being on time’

Our focus topic last week in Junior school was ‘being on time’, whether that be to College, class lessons or to one of our before College programs such as Junior Concert Band or sports training. Being on time is respectful and means we do not miss even one minute of learning- every minute matters!

We can encourage students to be prepared, packed and ready for the day ahead by using weekly planners, timers or even visual reminders on what to pack the night before College. Please partner with us to ensure all students are arriving on time as this gives them a calm start to the day. Not to mention, good role modelling!

Grandparents Day

Our Grandparents Day a few weeks ago was a huge success, with close to 700 Grandparents in attendance. Highlights included special student performances and the College Cheer Group, classroom visits and exploring our bookfair. We are so thankful to the many families who attended and shared this day with their grandchildren.

2024 Orientations

We held our Kindergarten orientation sessions last week for new students joining us in 2024 and they were alongside our current prep students moving into Kindergarten. There were many happy and excited faces who were eager to explore our classrooms, meet our Kindy teachers and make some new friends. This week we also will welcome our new Prep families for their Orientation. This is a new chapter for families and an exciting opportunity for our incoming youngest learners to have a taste of what is to come and be filled with wonder and develop a sense of belonging – the start of their ‘big school’ journey. I’m excited for you to connect with us and see all that Thomas Hassall has to offer.

Year 4 Band Performance

Our Year 4 Band program has been a great success and was great to see all of the Year 4 students showcase their skills and demonstrate their growth and effort during our end year performance today. It was wonderful having so many parents attend as well. 

Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been groaning. I groan at what is happening in the Middle East – will the hatred ever cease? I have groaned over the murder of a young woman. I have also groaned over my aging body that lets me down.

Groaning is the emotion that says, 'this should not be; we are meant for better things.' The Bible teaches us that groaning is normal for the believer.

"18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 

22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 

23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.

Romans 8

Nature groans under the weight of pollution and disaster – it was made to be pure, beautiful, and balanced (v.22).   

People groan under the weight of death and dysfunctional relationships – we are made for eternity and love, not death and evil (23).

But Christians also believe that a time coming when Jesus will return, give justice to all, and renew both people and planet.  This renewal will be super! Glorious!  When He returns, life will be so good that our previous sufferings will be eclipsed (v.18).

But before all this there will be suffering – like in child birth. A lot of pain will have to be endured before something new is born.

What do we do with these ideas? Groan like a believer, but don’t despair. Groan, feel the pain of what should not be. Then add some good to the situation (where you can) knowing the ultimate good is coming. Don’t despair. Despair is for those who think that this is as good as it gets and there is no future.

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
From the Junior School Director of Teaching and Learning

Goodbye Year 6, Hello Kindergarten

“Today is your day,

You’re off to Great Places!

You’re off and away!

You have brains in your head,

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself

Any direction you choose.”

Dr Seuss’ words in “Oh the Places You’ll Go” provide great resonance for our Prep students moving into Kindergarten 2024, and for our Year 6 students moving into Senior School after the Christmas break. What places they will go!

Moving around the Kindergarten rooms on Tuesday and Friday mornings last week, we were surrounded by keen students playing, experimenting, chatting, laughing and learning. Remember the days of being 5 years old? We look forward to these wonderfully unique children starting their formal Primary years.

And at the other end of the Junior School, we are getting ready to farewell our Year 6s as they begin their Senior School journey. They are indeed ‘off and away’! The Year 7 Orientation last Friday was an opportunity to experience some of the differences between primary and secondary areas – timetables, moving rooms regularly, more student and more teacher names to learn. We thank them for all they have contributed to the Junior School over previous years.

Kindy Book

Ms Lisa Hansford
Director of Teaching and Learning - Junior School

Upcoming dates

Date Event
Thursday 9 November

Year 9 Duke of Ed Hike

Prep 2024 2-Day Orientation

Friday 10 November

Year 6 Aquatopia Excursion

NASSA 15's and Year 7 Basketball Gala Day

Monday 13 November Student Mid-Term Break (Pupil Free Day)
Tuesday 14 November

Construction White Card Training

Year 1 and 2 Strings End of Year Showcase

History Extension Incursion

Year 12 Formal

Wednesday 15 November

Construction White Card Training

Year 10 Duke of Ed Silver Hike

Year 9 French Excursion

Thursday 16 November

Stage 3 Creative Arts Performances 

TAP Breakfast



EventsBack to Top

Grandparents Day

It was a lovely day in our Junior School as we welcomed Grandparents to the College.

The day started with sharing light refreshments together, then followed by a special assembly with performances from our dance groups, Junior Choir and the whole of Junior School. 

Following the assembly, there were classroom visits where grandparents got to see what they were learning. Throughout the day there was also a book fair in the S Block Hall.

Thank you to everyone who came along and made it such a special day.


Creative Arts Performance

Our Years 5 and 6 Creative Arts Performance is coming up! Join us as our Years 5 and 6's "Step Back in time" performance of the biggest hits of the last decades. 

Thursday 16 November Matinee Performance

10:00am – 11:30am

Thursday 16 November Evening Performance

5.30pm - 7pm.

Performances are free, however tickets are required. Reserve your seats at www.thac.nsw.edu.au/book

WellbeingBack to Top

Discussing War & Conflict

Children are frequently exposed to distressing news through the 24-hour news cycle and social media. These experiences can provoke anxiety, especially in young minds still forming their worldviews. Parents and caregivers should be mindful of overexposure to such content as it can lead to symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder. Children’s responses to trauma can vary, from being strong emotional reactions to being indifferent. It can leave an emotional imprint that can affect a child's behaviour and perception of danger.

Children need reassurance about their safety as they navigate uncertain times. Tailor conversations to your child's age and emotional maturity. Younger children benefit from simplified explanations focusing on peace, empathy, and cooperation, while older children can delve into historical events, root causes of conflict, and the complexities of international relations.

Before discussing these topics with your child, it is also important to assess your own emotions and comfort level. By staying calm and providing physical comfort will help your child regulate their own emotions. In challenging times, compassionate adults play a crucial role in helping children cope with anxiety and providing hope and understanding in our complex world. 

This Special Report provides guidance on how to tackle this difficult topic and helping children understand there is still hope in our complex world. Please take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please consider seeking medical or professional help.

Here is the link to continue reading  https://thac.nsw.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-discussing-war-conflict

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling


LearningBack to Top

Year 4 Camp

Year 4 travelled to Wedderburn Christian Campsite 2 weeks ago to experience outdoor education, challenges and personal development.

The wonderful staff at Wedderburn have designed these camps to be packed with fun activities, learning of new skills and leading young people to get out of their comfort zones and to teach the students about life.

The Year 4 teachers and staff were delighted to see so many students overcome challenges and build resilience. This is what one student wrote about their camp experience:

Last Monday, the day we arrived at camp I made lots of new friends. They were very nice and I was really happy. I barely didn't know them before but we worked as a team and started getting along. My favourite activity was rock climbing. The first time I saw the rock wall I was very scared but I persisted and gave myself a challenge. I was very proud of myself that I challenged myself and persisted through all the things I couldn't do. I had the best time in my whole entire life. It was so fun that it is still stuck in my small brain. - Juanita Year 4. 

Year 4

Mrs Chelyn Baker
Stage 2 Teacher

Kindergarten Orientation

Orientation started for the new Kindergarten class of 2024. Parents dropped their child at a kindergarten room where they were able to play and make new friends. While the students were getting to know each other the parents met in S block for an information session. New students also had a chance to sing, read, make craft and most of all play. The 2 hours went very fast. It was a great start to their educational journey and we look foward to seeing them again in 2024. 


Mrs Trudi Woods
Year 2 Teacher

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Year 4 Band Performance

Today, our all of our Year 4 students performed a special concert for their parents and Year 3 students to celebrate a successful year of learning their instruments.

It is always exciting to see students learn a new instrument, and watch their musical development throughout the year. 

Thank you to all Year 4 parents for supporting your child with their practice as they learn the language of music, and we hope to see many of them continue to play next year and participate in our co-curricular ensembles program. Thanks also to all of our professional music tutors, music staff, and Year 4 teachers for their assistance with the program too.

Well done Year 4!

Year 4 band


Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Junior AFL Gala Day

The sun was scorching, the competition fierce, and our spirits were undeniably high at our recent AFL Gala Day. The event was a resounding success, showcasing the dedication, passion, and sportsmanship of our young athletes, some of whom were relatively new to the sport. Our JS Senior AFL team gave it their all, demonstrating their competitive spirit throughout the day. With a relentless drive and unwavering determination, they showcased their talent in every match that they played. Whether they were tackling opponents, making precise kicks, or leaping for that game-changing mark, our students played their hearts out. 

Representing our College is an honour, and our AFL team did it with pride and distinction. They carried the college colours on their brand new jerseys and displayed exemplary sportsmanship throughout the day. Their conduct on and off the field reflected the values and integrity of our College, earning the respect and admiration of fellow competitors and umpires.


Mr David Stroud
Junior School Teacher - Stage 3


Student Sport Spotlight

Recently the ISKA Karate World Cup which is on every 4 years was held in Sydney and some of our talented Students competed. There were 1350 competitors across 22 different countries. 

Maddyson in Year 1 was awarded 1st Place as the World Cup Winner in both Sumo 6-7 female and Koshiki 7 year old female competitions.

She also placed in the following events:

Sword combat 6-7 female - 5th place 
Points sparing 6-7 female - 4th place 
Extreme music weapons 7 and under mixed - 2nd place 
Self defence 7 and under mixed - 2nd place 
Clash sparring 6-7 female - 2nd place 


Student spotlight

Antonio B in Year 3 won World Champion in clash sparring, 1st in point sparring, 1st in team sparring, 2nd in sumo wrestling 2nd in nun chucks, 3rd in swords.


Vansh in Year 7 finished the championship with 4 World Cup wins and a second place.




Well done Maddyson, Antonio and Vansh, we are very proud of your achievements.

Has your child recently competed in a representative level?
We would love to share these results with our community. Please let us know via email community@thac.nsw.edu.au

CommunityBack to Top

Support the Paramatildas

The CommBank ParaMatildas play a historic first-ever home international against Japan in the Para Asia Oceania Championships. The Championships are running from Saturday 4 November - 11 November. 

One of our own teachers, Miss Georgia Beikoff is currently in Melbourne preparing and playing in the Championships with the Para Matildas team. 

The next game is against Japan on Tuesday 7 November AEST. You can support the team and watch the games on https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/2023-ifcpf-asia-oceania-championships

