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Student Sport Spotlight

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Recently the ISKA Karate World Cup which is on every 4 years was held in Sydney and some of our talented Students competed. There were 1350 competitors across 22 different countries. 

Maddyson in Year 1 was awarded 1st Place as the World Cup Winner in both Sumo 6-7 female and Koshiki 7 year old female competitions.

She also placed in the following events:

Sword combat 6-7 female - 5th place 
Points sparing 6-7 female - 4th place 
Extreme music weapons 7 and under mixed - 2nd place 
Self defence 7 and under mixed - 2nd place 
Clash sparring 6-7 female - 2nd place 


Student spotlight

Antonio B in Year 3 won World Champion in clash sparring, 1st in point sparring, 1st in team sparring, 2nd in sumo wrestling 2nd in nun chucks, 3rd in swords.


Vansh in Year 7 finished the championship with 4 World Cup wins and a second place.




Well done Maddyson, Antonio and Vansh, we are very proud of your achievements.

Has your child recently competed in a representative level?
We would love to share these results with our community. Please let us know via email [email protected]