Term 3: Thursday 27 July 2017

From The Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Welcome back to Term 3 at Thomas Hassall Anglican College.

Each year we see how technology advances, influences our lives and connects us in real time as we have never seen before.

As a school we need to respond to this positively and embrace this new digital and connected world we live in.  It is with much pleasure that we publish our first responsive digital edition of The Way and we trust that you will enjoy our new newsletter format.  As always, you will find it to be very informative and even more so in the new platform and design.  The Way is our most important regular publication for parents and we commend it to you. 

It will be published fortnightly on a Thursday – our research suggests that this is preferable to Friday as we are perhaps more focused on family, weekend activities, pizza or a movie rather than reviewing the newsletter!

The great news about the new format is that you can view The Way on any device at any time and it will automatically adjust so that you can read and scroll through the articles easily.  It is a very intuitive platform and we are sure that you will become very confident moving around the edition from article to article in no time at all. 

We would certainly appreciate your feedback during the launch period and ask that you email us at [email protected] to let us know what you think of the platform, content and user experience.  We will, of course, be reviewing the analytics too so that we can see what content is of most interest to our parents.

Many thanks to our Marketing and Community Relations Team for their sustained and passionate efforts to update and reinvigorate this important publication for the College.  I would also like to thank my assistant Ms Christine Klomp who has been responsible for assembling previous editions of The Way– a mammoth undertaking.

Enjoy scrolling, exploring and reading!

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Head of Junior School
Deputy Junior

Two of those staff who have made a difference to so many lives in the College have decided that it is time to move to the next stage of their life and enjoy some family time and a more relaxed pace of life. That is right, Mr and Mrs Wheadon have decided to retire! This won’t happen until 2018 so there will be opportunities for us all to say farewell later in the year. The College is currently looking for their replacements, a very difficult task!


Mr Wheadon has been at the College since day one and even before that, he has been part of the leadership team that has built the College from very small beginnings to the wonderful place that it is now. Many of our students have been guided through difficult times, listened to, supported and redirected through Clive’s patience, wisdom, encouragement and expectations. He has supported the staff through difficult times and day-to-day. He has been there for many parents, giving advice and support, walking the journey alongside many of you.  He is always available to support others with a smile on his face and he will be greatly missed.

Mrs Wheadon started in the second year of the College and met Mr Wheadon soon after. Miss Whitelock, as she was then, was one of the College’s first Stage Coordinators and established many programs used in the K – 2 area. Mrs Wheadon then moved into Learning Support where she has been a passionate advocate for children with learning needs at the College.  Many children have gained success at school because of her dedication. Mrs Wheadon also works closely with many parents and is always available to lend a listening ear, wise advice and support.

I’m sure you will join with me in wishing them both well in the coming months and as we celebrate their wonderful contribution to the College. 

Mrs Christine Bessant
Deputy Principal
From the Chaplain

It's a great question. It raises the issue of similarities and differences between Christian and Hindu beliefs.

Basically, reincarnation is a rebirth into a new body and a new form of existence that is entirely different from the previous life. For example, a human could get reincarnated as a cow. You can come back as another human, but you are coming back as a different man or woman than the one you were before. 

Resurrection is a transformation of the body into an immortal form of the same body. The body that dies is the exact body that is raised. It is made new in the sense that it is perfected and no longer subject to frailty and death, but it is still the same body. It is restoring life to the same physical being that has died. Scholars think that it may be similar to Jesus' body after he was resurrected.

"So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown a perishable body, it is raised an imperishable body..." (1 Corinthians 15:42)

So, they're different. Even though both attest to the hope of life after death.

Having inter-faith dialogue like this helps to clarify what it is students believe while safely investigating the beliefs of others. This is what the SOR syllabus is all about, clarifying and understanding. In a culture that is complex and constantly changing, guiding students to understand their worldview and others is a great asset. 

If you or your child has questions about things which aren't easily explained, of any age, send them to the email address; [email protected] to keep the dialogue going. 

Stuart Tye

2018 Term Dates
Term 1
Friday 26 January Australia Day Public Holiday
Monday 29 Janaury Term 1 commences - Years 1-7, 11 & 12, K Testing
Tuesday 30 January Years 8-10 commence, K Testing
Wednesday 31 January Kindergarten commence
Thursday 1 February Prep Blue and Purple commence
Friday 2 February Prep Red and White commence
Friday 30 March Good Friday Public Holiday
Monday 2 April Easter Monday Public Holiday
Friday 13 April Term 1 concludes
Term 2
Tuesday 1 May Term 2 commences
Monday 11 June Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Friday 29 June Term 2 concludes
Term 3
Monday 23 July Term 3 commences
Friday 28 September Term 3 concludes
Class of 2018 Graduation Assembly
Term 4
Tuesday 16 October Term 4 commences
Monday 12 November Mid Term Break for all students
Wednesday 5 December Celebration - Junior School
Thursday 6 December Celebration - Senior School
Friday 7 December Term 4 concludes

Please Note:  South West Festival and Mid Term Break (August/September) to be confirmed

Physical Education Centre and AFL Athletics Oval - Construction Update

The pouring of the ground floor slab for the two indoor basketball courts and tiered seating area has been completed. Over the next two weeks the final section of the slab for the Hall of Fame, main entrance, toilets and change rooms on the eastern end of the building is expected to be in position then the erection of the building’s structural steel framework will commence. Progress on the adjoining AFL oval is also well underway with the installation of the stormwater and irrigation drainage system in preparation for the laying of the turf in November.


The College is also in the process of improving security by automating the sliding gates at the front of Administration on Kingsford Smith Ave. We expect this work to be completed within the next few weeks and parents will be advised of all opening and closing times before the work is commissioned.

EventsBack to Top

Hassall Memorabilia on display


Anne Marsden, Hassall, Wedding Gown
Anne Marsden wedding gown.

From the simple to the stunning, Love is: Australian Wedding Fashion features more than 50 wedding outfits plus accessories covering nearly 200 years of Australian weddings including the gown of Mrs Anne Marsden, wife of Rev Thomas Hassall, our namesake.

The exhibition at the Powerhouse Museum includes Australia’s first surviving wedding dress from 1822, gold rush fashions, elegant 1920s gowns, unconventional sixties styles and spectacular contemporary designer fashion, as well as garments reflecting Australia’s culturally diverse communities. Memorabilia, photographs and letters reveal the stories and traditions behind the outfits within the context of the social, economic and political changes in Australian society. 

The exhibition is on display until 22 April 2018.  Please let us know if you visit and take a photo of yourself with Anne - we will publish it in the newsletter! [email protected]

Dads' Day in MRK

The weather was amazing, the decorations splendid, the menu was just like being at a game and of course, having our dads come to serve lunch made this a very special day . . . as well as a visit from two of the Canterbury Bulldogs, Greg Eastwood and Brad Abbey who spent four hours playing sport with the children, signing autographs and smiling for endless selfies - thank you.

Thank you so much to all the dads who came not only to serve lunch but to warm up, set up and pack up:  David Ould, Peter Flanagan, Andrew Wilkinson, Chris Hagipantelis, Deepak Maini, George Khoury, Dom Currao, Jim Strounis, Simon Payet, Robert Sabongi, Jason Mikosic, Brett Goodbun, Alex Garrido, Mark Devine, Khan Groube, Raymond Conrad, Geoff Pollitt, Quinto Pallone, Rony Isaac, Robert Veleski, Simeon Ofidis, Antony Elazzi and Anthony Rumble.  We are sure some new business connections were made on the day too!

 Athletes Foot also came along and set up a 'pass the ball' activity and footwear display for the students and Dads - great to have you involved in this event - thank you Paul.  Our TAP Football Coach, Sonny, also set up some fun balls skills activities which were a bit hit with the Junior School students.

Heartfelt thanks also to the MRK (Mrs Riitano's Kitchen) Team, without whom the day would not have been possible - thank you for all you do to keep us well fed every day but especially for Dads' Day in MRK!

We loved having our dads volunteer at school for the day and we are already planning the next event ... get your Hawaiian shirts and hibiscus ready!  More information to follow shortly.  Enquiries:  Mrs Jo Hutchens, Director of Marketing, Enrolments and Community Relations E: [email protected]

Fathers Day Stalls - Volunteers Needed

Our Class Parents will be hosting the annual Fathers Day Stalls on Thursday 31 August (Prep Blue & Purple, Senior School at lunchtime) and Friday 1 September 2017 (Prep Red, White, K-12) and we need some helpers to work on the stalls on both days as follows:

Thursday 31 August from 8am-1pm (4 volunteers needed)

Friday 1 September from 7.30am-2pm (8 volunteers needed)

Please email Mrs Jo Hutchens, Director of Marketing, Enrolments and Community Relations E: [email protected] if you can assist.  It is such a lovely event to help with . . . the smile on the children's faces makes it all worthwhile! (no Dads allowed! ha!)

Many thanks to Mrs Laura Khoury and Mrs Suzana Matic who have spent many hours planning the day and arranging purchase of the wonderful array of gifts.

Band Jam

This initiative sets out to bring music students together from several Anglican schools to share and learn music with each other. The event featured guest conductor Eric Dunan from the Wollongong Conservatorium of Music, who brings a great energy and enthusiasm with his musical approach.

This year we had a record breaking 200 plus students in the impressive combined Concert Band, from seven different Anglican Schools; Broughton Anglican, Wollondilly Anglican, Claremont College, Rouse Hill Anglican, Macarthur Anglican, Shellharbour Anglican and both Thomas Hassall Intermediate and Senior Concert Bands.

Students participated in two extended band workshops with Eric, where they worked on sight-reading a variety of repertoire, and some improvisation. The event concluded with a short concert to our Years 4, 5 and 6 students, where the audience were thoroughly entertained with the energy and great sound of the large Concert Band.

Congratulations to all of our band students for representing our College to a high level throughout the day. We are all looking forward to the next one!


Mr Mark
Manager of Ensembles  

LearningBack to Top

4 Part Harmony in Year 5
What a talented group of singers Year 5 are. This week in Music, they learnt to sing 'Banuwa', a traditional Liberian folk melody in 4-part harmony.
Watch this short video of rehearsal to hear their beautiful sound!
Miniature Musicians

4D and 4M have been learning about the instruments of the orchestra.

Their challenge was to create a model of a traditional orchestra using miniature paper figurines.

The students coloured the tiny musicians and then placed them in their correct positions according to orchestral families. As part of the compulsory band program in Year 4, students participate in a weekly theory lesson.

Let's Communicate

God created us with the ability to think, create and communicate.  Over time, our ability to think has allowed us to create technologies to communicate in a variety of ways.

We will be looking at the impact of changing technology on people's lives.

The form of communication explored in this unit include:

  • Non-verbal
  • Verbal
  • The use of signage; and
  • Symbols and modern technology.

Year 2 had great fun exploring all the different signs we have around the College.

Exciting sport day in Kindergarten

On Friday 21 July Kindergarten children had some Bulldogs players and dads join in our sport session.  There was lots of fun and excitement had by all children and adults.

Kindy children and dads as well as the Bulldogs players participated in games of skipping with ropes, football passing, hand ball and soccer skills. A very memorable day for everyone.

Tech Savvy Year Twos

During Term 3, Year 2 students are exploring digital technology and developing their computer skills. They are extending the Google Docs skills that they have learnt so far this year, learning to format and lay out documents and include images.

In coming lessons, the students will be discovering features of Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint.

We are all very excited about being able to apply these skills to other areas of work in the classroom!

"It's fun learning how to put different pictures in my work!" - Eleni 2H

"I'm learning how to underline, colour and highlight. I really like it." - Aidan 2H

"I love it because on Google Docs I can share my work with my friends and the teacher." - Lily 2H

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Start the term singing!

Each class has a special song that they will be performing in the show. Be prepared to see many cute kangaroos and koalas!

We are so proud of all the students and how quickly they have learnt the songs and accompanying actions. It is a pleasure to see the students' love for music and performing grow as our rehearsals progress.

See you on August 30 among the gum trees!

Violin Program 2017 for Years 1 and 2

Application details and form can be found here.

Junior School Sport - Term Three 2017


Term 3 Sport - for Years 3 - 6

The Winter IPSSO competition continues into Term Three.   Training occurs each Wednesday 7.30 – 8.15am. 

Boys Soccer train 7.15 – 8.15am.

Term 3


Game Time



AFL and Softball

Newcombe Ball


Georges River GS

12.30 - 2.20


Hoxton Park Res

Greenway Park



St Mark's

12.10 - 2.00

Hammondville Pk

Hammondville Pk

Hammondville Pk

St Mark’s College


William Carey CS

12.30 - 2.20


Hoxton Park Res

Greenway Park



St Mary's

12.20 - 2.10


Hoxton Park Res

Greenway Park



Wet Weather/Training



Hoxton Park Res

Greenway Park



Semi & Grand Final



if teams make it

to Finals



CIS Athletics







Back up Finals Day



if teams make it

to Finals



Important Junior School Sport Dates for Term Three…

Week 3 -             Wednesday 2 August – NSWCIS Girls Softball trials – Blacktown

Week 4 -             Tuesday 8 August – Wanderers Cup – Year 5 and 6 Boys Soccer Team

Week 4 -             Thursday 10August – NASSA Boys Cricket Gala Day – Senior Boys IPSSO team – Onslow Oval, Camden

Week 6 -             Monday 21 August– NASSA Junior Athletics Carnival - Campbelltown

Week 7 -             Thursday 31 August – TIGS Trophy Soccer Gala Day (Yr 5 & 6 Boys and Girls IPSSO team)

Week 8 -             Wednesday 6 September – IPSSO Winter Finals

Week 9 -             Wednesday 13 September – NSWCIS Athletics Carnival – Homebush

Week 9 -             Friday 15 September – THAC Prep and Kinder Tabloid Carnival

Week 10 -           Thursday 21 September – THAC Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 Tabloid Carnival


PE and Sport Reminder

It is advisable that your child has a refillable drink bottle on Sport and PE days to ensure that they are able to re-hydrate after exercise.  All children are required to wear the PE cap or College hat for sporting activities.

Junior School Athletics Carnival 2017

Years 3 –6 - Athletics Carnival


The Yr 3-6 Athletics Carnival was held at the Blacktown Athletics Stadium on Thursday 22 June.  It was a lovely day and all students had the opportunity to participate in a variety of track and field events. 


Overall, I was impressed with the high level of sportsmanship that the children displayed both on and off the track.  It was great to see everyone striving to do their best.  Thank you to the parents who assisted on the day.  Your support was greatly appreciated.


THANK YOU…A huge thank you to Mr Geering and Mr Kaye and the Secondary PASS students who ran the field events. You did a FANTASTIC job and because of you the carnival ran smoothly and efficiently. 


Congratulations to CARMICHAEL, who won the House Point Competition.

The Primary Carnival results were;

1st –   Carmichael               2,268 points                                  

2nd – Wilberforce               2,199 points

3rd – Liddell                         1,779 points                                  

4th –  Lewis                          1, 567 points


The following students were the Age Champions:




8 years

Melina Lamas Moreno

Alexander Amanonce

9 years

Naomi Cowley

Matthew Moran

10 years

Breana Steele

Stefan Ruhs

11 years

Faith Wu

Luke Moran

12 years

Eliana Sapone

Adrian Veleski


Students who have qualified to represent the College at the NASSA carnival will be notified soon.

Talented Athletes Program - Swimming

The TAP Swimming program is designed to identify talented students from Years 3 – 12 and offers an extensive training program to students who have represented Thomas Hassall Anglican College at the NASSA carnival level or above.

Days: Monday and Friday during the College term (except Public Holidays)
Time: 6.00am – 7.30am
Venue: Whitlam Leisure Centre - 90A Memorial Avenue Liverpool
Cost: Fees will be charged per term
Transport: Students are to make own arrangements to get to the pool for a 6.00am start. Students will be transported by mini bus to College at the conclusion of the session.

The squad-based sessions will be structured to adopt best practices and will focus on stroke development and correction, developing strength and endurance.  Sessions will include race preparation, dives and turns.

The TAP Swimming program is offered to all students who competed at the NASSA Junior or NASSA Senior Swimming carnival. However if there is a talented swimmer who did not attend the College Swimming Carnival they will be assessed to be part of the program.  If you would like more information about the TAP Swimming program, please contact Mrs Evans [email protected] Brochures are available at the College Office.

Football Development Program

The College offers football development programs for students in Kinder to Year 9. The year-long program caters for both boys and girls and will be conducted by our Football Director Sonny Makko.

The one-hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and suited for all abilities. Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game.

Students can enrol in more than one day if preferred. The program runs for 35 weeks. Details outlining cost and further information can be found on the flyer available at the College Office.


Year 7-9 Secondary Program         Tuesday 3.00 - 4.00pm - spaces available

K-6 Girls Only Program                  Friday 3.00 - 4.00pm - spaces available

Kinder-Year 2 Program                  Monday and Wednesday 3.00-4.00pm - full

Year 2-Year 6 Program                  Thursday 3.00 - 4.00pm - full


If you require information on any of these programs please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected] Brochures and application forms are available at the College Office.

Prep - Year 2 Tabloid Carnivals this term

These will be held on:

Friday 15 September - Prep Red, Prep White and Kindergarten

Thursday 21 September - Prep Blue, Prep Purple, Years 1 and 2

Save the date ... more details to come.

Prep - Year 2 Tabloid Carnivals this term

These will be held on:

Friday 15 September - Prep Red, Prep White and Kindergarten

Thursday 21 September - Prep Blue, Prep Purple, Years 1 and 2

Save the date ... more details to come.

CommunityBack to Top

Equestrian Evie

Evie Delicata Equestian (6).JPG

Evie Delicata, Equestrian, Thomas Hassall
Evie with her horse, Finn

Congratulations and well done to Evie Delicate (4 years old) from Prep White who won a total of 14 ribbons at Winter Willies Competition on Sunday 16 July at Luddenham.

Evie will be representing Thomas Hassall Anglican College at the Inter-schools Competition at Arndell Anglican College in August and we send our best wishes for a successful event.

Your Feedback Please

Welcome to our first responsive digital edition of The Way and we trust that you will enjoy browsing through the great articles in our new newsletter format which will be published fortnightly on a Thursday – our research suggests that this is preferable to Friday as we are perhaps more focused on family and weekend activities rather than reviewing the school newsletter!

You can now view The Way on any device at any time and it will automatically adjust so that you can read and scroll through the articles easily.  It is a very intuitive platform and we are sure that you will become very confident moving around the edition from article to article in no time at all. 

We would certainly appreciate your feedback during the launch period and ask that you email us at [email protected] to let us know what you think of the platform, content and user experience.  The Way is our most important method of communication with our whole College Community so please give us your feedback so that we can continue to improve and help get you the information you need, to your fingertips, in a timely way.

Happy reading!

Flipping out in the school holidays

A handful of Prep families got together over the school holidays.

Mums, dads, carers and children flipped, bounced, tumbled, laughed, socialised and bonded on the massive trampolines at Flip Out in Prestons.

The indoor space was the perfect location for the gathering.

The school holiday activity was a great way for families to burn some energy on the mats and catch up over a coffee.