Term 3 | The Way Newsletter | Friday 2 September 2022

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

It has certainly been an eventful two weeks at the College with 2 musical performance evenings, the Junior School Ensemble Evening and Senior School Suite and Songs night, which have been a great delight for students and families. 

Thanks to all the teachers who have been working with the students in rehearsals and the behind-the-scenes crew who have put in a great effort. Well done to everyone. 

Last Thursday, we held our Year 12 Illuminate Event. This is an important opportunity for the Class of 2022 to showcase major works from Creative Arts, English, Drama, TAS, HSIE and the Extension 2 subjects.  It is always great to see the array of talent from our students. You can see some of the works later in this Edition.

Today 1000 dads and young people celebrated the Annual Father’s Day Breakfast. It was great to see our Fathers and Grandfathers come along and share in this special time. Thanks to the organising team and our MRK Team in the preparation of a delicious breakfast.  We wish all our Dads a nice Father’s Day on Sunday. 

Fathers Day

Thank you once again for your continued support of the College.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Junior School Director of Teaching and Learning

Year 6 Canberra Trip

“Your footprint is the mark of your presence in my country. The decisions you make in my country will also leave an imprint.” Aunty Matilda House, Ngambri Elder

Reflecting on these words, Year 6 headed off to Canberra last week. Wanting to leave a positive footprint in every place we ventured was a goal, and it was a privilege to see this goal being met. The students listened to stories about the formation of Canberra as our country’s capital, as well as deepening their learning around democracy, science, history, geography and laser tag!

Travelling in a group teaches students so many other skills as well – patience, kindness, listening, turn-taking, sharing. The teachers on the trip saw countless examples of our students developing these essential life-skills, and modelling this for their friends. We were so proud when members of the general public came up to praise our students’ behaviour and knowledge at a number of the venues we visited.

There are so many wonderful places to visit in our capital city. Please consider travelling there as a family. You may be fortunate to have a Year 6 student who could be your tour guide.

Year 6 Camp

Ms Lisa Hansford
Director of Teaching and Learning - Junior School
From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development
Roger Young

Our vision at Thomas Hassall Anglican College is to grow and nurture excellence in ‘Learning, Wisdom and Service’.

Now this is a noble goal that is not always visible in the way that it is outworked. It is true that we will always have a selection of students reaching starry heights in terms of their achievements be that in the academic or sport or the creative and performing arts. Often the kind of widespread service that the vision aspires to is harder to identify. However, over the course of this year there has been a huge momentum shift in the life of the College. This has largely been brought about by a group of teachers and students intentionally focusing on ‘service’. This has been expressed by students actively serving the College in things like: Special Events Support; assisting with lunches at the MRK; knitting Items for the homeless; sport coaching; collecting the drink cans to raise money for our Sister School, being a student leader at Abide (our Christian discipleship group); being part of Junior School Academic Support Team and of course being part of the Sparkle Team.

Now, this last group is one of our biggest. I am told by outsiders that it is a ‘corny name’, however, the kids really enjoy this time together. They work to clean gardens, wipe down benches, sweep the courtyard etc. The place is left in ‘sparkling condition’. The hard to get to areas are being cleaned up, but more than this, the kids are proud of what they have achieved. They are proud of the College grounds and their sense of optimism about the things that they do together is inspiring. I want to add that I am part of this team too. I have been doing this for years, but now I have a willing brigade of enthusiastic volunteers. Now many of these students are part of our formal Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Their work will count towards the service component of this Award, however, I have other students, too young for the Dukes course that are part of the various activities. We will have over 300 students that will be formally signed up to the Dukes Award in 2023. (We are one of the leading schools in this State). I am thrilled by the enthusiasm to be part of this scheme, however, I am more thrilled by the change in culture towards ‘serving others’.


It is hard to break through our culture of materialism and self-focus. The Me, myself and I, ‘world’ dominates our media and our institutions. When we see this culture being challenged by something that brings us together in COMMUNITY promoting the positive health and wellbeing of the community we need to shine a light on it and celebrate it with passion. Thank you to the parents who are supporting their child in serving in these ways. Thank you to the THAC community who will support other communities/ families and individuals who are in need across our community.

Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

We recently had ILLUMINATE on in Senior School and I was completely blown away by the skill, the creativity, and the hard work that some of our students put into their major works. 

I was so taken by some of them I had to tell the creators of these works how good they were and I also wanted to tell them about the impression that their works left on me. 

While I knew that students had major works in various fields, I did not realise how ‘major’ some of them were until I actually took the time to stop and check them out. When I did, I saw these people in a new light. Of course, this made me think about God – he is the creator.

The heavens keep telling the wonders of God,
and the skies declare what he has done.
2 Each day informs the following day;
each night announces to the next.
3 They don't speak a word, and there is never the sound of a voice.
4 Yet their message reaches all the earth, and it travels around the world.

Psalm 19

Every day, God shows us some of his amazing works and we can miss them because we are too busy doing our amazing work. Why not take time to stop this weekend and check out his major works – go to the beach or a bushwalk, smell the flowers, feel the sun, stare at your hand and marvel at the mechanics of it. When you have done that, take time to say ‘Thank you’.

My favourite major work of God was Jesus. He hung his Son up for public display to the whole world to say ‘I love you' - to this I say ‘thank you!’.
Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain

Upcoming dates

Date Event
Monday 5 September Summer Uniform changeover
HSC Music practical (until 9th)
Hassall Gift (All College Relay)
Tuesday 6 September Prep Vision Screening Test (until 9th)
Thursday 8 September NASSA Junior Cricket Gala Day
Tuesday 13 September Prep-Year 2 Tabloid Carnival
Wednesday 14 September IPSSO Winter Finals Day
Thursday 15 September Wanderer's Cup
Year 9 French Excursion
Friday 16 September Year 9 Dukes Bronze Hike
Prep - Year 2 Tabloid Carnival
Golden Ticket Winners

During the first three weeks of Term 3 the Junior Library held a 'Hunt for the Golden Tickets' competition.

Based on the novel 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' by Roald Dahl, ten Golden Tickets were hidden in the barcodes of ten different books in the Library. Students eagerly borrowed each week hoping that they would find a Golden Ticket, and by the end of the competition all ten had been found!

Last Thursday the winning students were awarded their prizes, a book of their choice from the Scholastic Book Club.


The lucky winners are:

Liam H. & Valentina M. – Year 1

Tatiana L. – Year 2

Elijah F. , Luka B. , Jade W. , Ira S. , McKenna B. – Year 3

Amaniah S. – Year 4

Addyson C. - Year 5


Congratulations to all our lucky winners! 


Mrs Arabella Issa & Mr Michael Smith
Junior IRC Library Team

Debating and Public Speaking

MISA Debating
Round Three of the MISA Year 7 and 8 Debating Competition was held on Tuesday of this week. Our Year 7 and 8 teams debated passionately, but narrowly lost to St. Benedict Catholic College.

MISA Public Speaking Competitions

Year 9 Youth of the Year Competition
Our Year 9 candidates, Jasmine L and Samuel J demonstrated their awareness of local, national and international affairs last Thursday. Both represented the College admirably, with Jasmine placing second overall.

Year 9 MISA

Year 10 Public Speaking Competition
Matthew P competed well in a field of impressive speakers from the district on Thursday. Although he did not place, he gave an excellent performance.

Year 10 MISA
Well done to our public speakers!

Call out for adjudicators!
We would welcome adjudicators from our alumni or parent community to be involved in our growing debating program at THAC. Please email Mrs Rodriguez if you are interested in adjudicating or coaching.

Book Week in the Junior Library

To celebrate Book Week this year, students were involved in a number of book and story time-related activities at lunchtime in the Library. Book Week's theme this year was 'Dreaming with your eyes open...'

As well as listening to a different story each day, students created their very own bookmarks and original book covers based on the stories they had just heard or one of their own choosing.

Students also created their very own indoor and outdoor window 'views', with window views being an important part of the storybook 'Winston and the Indoor Cat' by Leila Rudge.

Lots of wonderful and colourful creations were made, and all were proudly displayed in the Library for all to see!

Mrs Issa and Mr Smith would like to thank all the students who came along to celebrate Book Week with us in the library.

Mrs Arabella Issa and Mr Michael Smith
Junior Library Team

Father's Day

Today we held our Father's Day Breakfast.

Thank you to everyone who came along and made it a fun morning. It was great to see dads and grandads enjoying breakfast with one another.

There were also lawn games to play and some photo frames to enjoy!

Father's Day Stall

On Thursday, we held our Father's Day Stall in the Junior School library. The students enjoyed picking gifts to buy.

Thank you to our Parent Community Network for their hard work in setting up and running the stall. We couldn't do it without you!


Father's Day

Uniform Update

Please note as of Monday, the uniform changes over to Summer.

Students are expected to be in Full Summer Uniform.


Uniform shop trading hours

If you need to purchase items, the Regular Trading Hours are:

Monday 7.30am – 3.30pm
Wednesday 12.00pm – 6.00pm
Friday 7.30am – 3.30pm

Senior school students will be able to go to the shop before and after school, as well as during lunch and recess to make purchases.


Holiday trading hours

The uniform shop has amended trading hours for the upcoming holidays.

Friday 7 October 7am - 3pm
Monday 10 October 7am – 3pm

Please note online orders remain open during this time by visiting the website.

EventsBack to Top

Football Holiday Program

Join us for four days of fun and development at the College.

Running from October 4 - 7 from 8.30 - 2.30pm, this is an all-weather program that will take place at the College.

It is open to boys and girls aged 5-13 of all skill levels.

Students will participate in fun activities, game development and learn soccer skills from accredited coaches.

$65 per day or $240 for the week.

Book online now

Holiday Program

Join Motiv8sports during the Sept/Oct school holidays and experience Australia’s greatest multi-sports event designed for Primary school children. 

The Mega Camp is held every September/October with our campers being split into our 4 x battle teams who will compete for points over 2 days to be crowned champions of the MEGA CAMP CUP. The scene will be set for our campers as they are taken to a future sports dreamland where the worlds best sports stars are split into 4 x incredible All Star Nations. 

8:30am-3:30pm daily

For ages Kindy to Year 6

Book online
motiv8 sports


Code Camp

27-29 September

Spark: New to Spark, code and create your own Minions game! Choose your Minions characters, themed backgrounds and collectibles, and then bring your game to life via drag and drop coding or JavaScript. 

Ignite: If you’re ready to take your child’s coding skills to the next level after completing Spark, Ignite is the perfect place to level-up! Ignite introduces JavaScript where students will build an awesome new game with advanced features using a mixture of drag & drop and JavaScript coding.

New to Ignite, code and create your own Minions game! Choose your Minions characters, themed backgrounds and collectibles, and then bring your game to life via drag and drop coding or JavaScript.

FInd out more and book online

code camp

WellbeingBack to Top

Building Belonging Post the Pandemic

When the pandemic interrupted our lives and changed the way we live, this meant that suddenly many of our young people’s main sources of connection with peers and extended family members was removed overnight without warning and remained significantly disrupted over the next two years

Throughout our existence, humans have sought out relationships with others and built communities to belong to. We have a basic emotional and biological need for connection. Belonging is the feeling of security and support that gives us that sense of acceptance and connection to others.

When we don’t feel connected, or have our need for belonging met, this causes a deep seated distress. Both loneliness and disconnection are negative emotional states that can feel painful and sometimes unbearable. When our basic need for belonging isn’t met, it is impossible for our brain to focus on other things, such as learning. For young people, teenagers in particular, this desire is abundantly strong. Teenagers place a high value on their social ties, acceptance, care and support from others, especially their peers.

Students who have a sense of belonging will experience feelings of security, identity and community, which in turn supports their academic, psychological and social development. When young people come together again after a period of instability, there is a period of adjustment. Whilst the rules of the group may be established, acceptance remains paramount and can therefore mean some behaviours can become far from rational. Their ability to tolerate distress and control impulsive actions is reduced as they haven’t yet got full access to the part of the brain that can help give them perspective and inhibit their impulses. These factors combined, leave them open to being vulnerable, often making choices or becoming involved in situations they might not ordinarily consider.

Here is the link to your special report

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling


Kids and screens

Last night we had the pleasure of having dr. Kristy Goodwin as our guest speaker addressing our Junior School parent community on Kids and Screens.

Dr Kristy Goodwin is an award-winning researcher, speaker, author, and mum on a mission to help parents and educators raise happy, healthy children and teens who thrive online and offline.

Kids and screens


Last night’s presentation helped concerned parents to navigate the digital world with their ‘screenagers’, without suggesting that they ‘digitally amputate’ them. Dr Kristy equipped parents with research-based yet realistic advice to help them feel confident about how they can best support their children’s physical health, mental wellbeing and learning online.
Amongst other, she encouraged parents to  implement the 3 B’s:
- Set Boundaries with their children
- Ensure that their children’s Basic needs are met and
- Allow their children to be Bored/Goof Off

If you want to know how to set boundaries or what the basic needs are or why children should be allowed to be bored, click on this link

LearningBack to Top

Year 7 History

As part of their unit on Medieval Europe, 7AR and 7AW have been looking at the Battle of Hastings as a case study of Medieval Warfare.

They re-enacted the battle, which was fought between the Saxons and the Normans for control of the English throne in 1066 AD. Well done on the enthusiasm Year 7.

Ms Hannah Blackwell 
Senior School Teacher – HSIE

Book Week

On Monday 22 August, Junior School students enjoyed participating in Book Week!

To celebrate a love of reading, students dressed up in costumes for their favourite book. Here are just some of the great costumes we had.

House Illustrator Competition

The Thomas Hassall Anglican College Prep – Yr 6 House Illustrator Competition

What is it? An illustrating competition open to ALL students, Prep to 6.

When is it? Submissions must be entered by Thursday the 15th of September. These are given to the class teacher.

Students will be given one or two lessons to work on their entry in class time, but any final flourishes will need to be done at home.

INSPIRATION: Each class will be given a story to illustrate. The stories used as inspiration will stay at school and not be sent home at all.

Submissions: Students may use pencil, paints, crayons, pastels, mixed media and choose their style. Their entry must be A4 in size and not be on lined paper.

Entries must be labelled with the story’s name, their own first and last names, class and HOUSE. Points will be awarded to the students’ houses for every person who enters.

It must be original, and not previously awarded any prizes in other writing competitions. It must be the student’s own work.

Entries will be chosen from every grade to be published in a Thomas Hassall Magazine! A winning entry from each grade will also receive a mystery prize!

Questions to asaville@thac.nsw.edu.au
Year 6 Camp

Our Year 6 students are having a good time at their camp in Canberra!

They enjoyed visiting the War Memorial, Questacon, and also participating in rock climbing. 

Here are some of the highlights

year 6 camp



Year 12 Modern History Excursion

On Friday 19 August, our two Year 12 Modern History classes traveled to Darlinghurst to visit the Sydney Jewish Museum.

The program was designed to link in with their studies on the rise of Nazi Germany and the Second World War.

The highlight of the day was a talk from Holocaust survivor Egon Sonnenschein, who shared his experience as a child, fleeing Nazi persecution from Yugoslavia, to Slovenia, and eventually to Switzerland. Students also participated in a source skills workshop and were taken on guided tours of the museum.

Some comments from students:

“Hearing Egon’s story really hit home the impacts of the Holocaust on the lives of ordinary people. It really deepened my understanding of this topic.”

“I really liked seeing the artefacts from the time”.

“We were so lucky to hear from a Holocaust survivor – amazing to think he was there when all these events we study in History took place. Such an incredible story.”

Mr Samuel Mills 
Senior School Teacher - History & Christian Studies

MISA Chess Tournament

Yesterday our Junior and Senior MISA Chess Teams played at the MISA Chess Tournament. 

They competed against ten schools and both came 3rd in their division. Well done!

MISA chess

First Aid Course

Recently our students in Year 12 Sports Coaching and Year 11 PDHPE students completed run by Surf Life Saving NSW.

This course provided students with the knowledge and skills needed to manage emergency first aid situations and deliver competent emergency care until the arrival of professional medical support.

Students will obtain a first aid certificate that is a nationally recognised WorkCover-approved training.

It is great to have now at the College so many students who can support the health and safety of our community.

First aid

Mr Kent Weir
PDHPE Coordinator

Year 11 and 12 PDHPE Fitness Excursion

Our Year 11 and 12 PDHPE classes thoroughly enjoyed putting their knowledge of fitness choices and the factors that affect performance topics into action!

The class participated in fitness activities ranging from spin, boxing, and Zumba classes as well as circuit training at the Liverpool Catholic Club Recreation Centre.

It was a great way for our students to further extend their knowledge of the content being covered in the classroom whilst at the same experiencing new and enjoyable ways to exercise.


Mr Kent Weir
PDHPE Coordinator

Kindergarten Learning

Kindergarten are working hard throughout their phonics lessons. 

We are becoming confident at blending and decoding words to read.  It’s exciting times this term as we all are growing into confident story writers.

Kindy Phonics

Ms Sue White
Early Stage 1 Assistant Co-ordinator - Kindergarten S
Year 12 Tafe Visit

On Wednesday 24 August Year 12 had visiting speakers from TAFE NSW. Kathy and Kim from Miller and Liverpool TAFE spoke about the courses available through TAFE such as carpentry, electrical and plumbing.

They also discussed how TAFE could be a pathway to further study and how to apply to go to TAFE. Students asked a number of questions especially about apprenticeships and specifics about courses they were interested in.

Kathy and Kim also highlighted particular campuses that run high demand courses:

TAFE NSW Design Centre Enmore: Offers courses in: Entertainment, Production Design, Industrial Design, Jewellery Design and Manufacturing, Design and Illustration, 3D Art Animation and Concept Art.

TAFE NSW Fashion Design Studio (FDS): FDS is the only fashion school in Australia to present on the official schedule of Afterpay Australian Fashion Week. Our “Innovators” show features the collections of the top FDS graduates, and is recognised as one of the highlights of the Fashion Week calendar.

TAFE NSW Sydney Wine Academy: An award-winning provider of world class training for the hospitality, retail and wine industries.

TAFE NSW Australian Patisserie Academy: Established in 2014, the Australian Patisserie Academy gives food enthusiasts and professionals the opportunity to immerse themselves in the culinary world. Utilising professional kitchens, you’ll emerge with a dream patisserie skill set that ranges from cake decorating to creating one-of-a-kind chocolate showpieces.

TAFE NSW Western Sydney Creative Centres: The exceptional facilities of the Western Sydney Creative Centres, combined with our thorough, hands-on training, help prepare you to become a professional entrepreneur, armed with impressive creative skills, an eye-catching portfolio, a curious mind, and the soft skills needed to succeed.

Students can sign up today for updates from TAFE at:


- Career Guide
- Receive information on post school options
- Receive information on how to enrol

For more information:

- The TAFE Career Guide is available in the Careers office and is also able to be downloaded for free.
- Attend a TAFE NSW Information Session
- Explore the Career Guide
- Talk to a Customer Service staff member on 131 601
- Live chat at tafensw.edu.au
- Follow Liverpool and Miller campuses on Facebook

Mr Michael Roper
Careers Advisor, HSC Plus Coordinator & Year 9 Advisor

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Junior Assembly

Sizzling Strings

At the Junior Assembly on Friday 26 August, Daniel B performed on the cello Tarantella by W Squire. Daniel is working towards his AMEB Grade 5 exam later this year and exhibited his hard work and commitment to mastering his instrument by playing this fast paced piece. A Tarantella is an Italian folk dance that is characterised by light, quick steps and the women often carry tambourines. It was associated with the bite of a tarantula spider and victims were seemingly cured by the frenzied dancing.

Well done Daniel on performing at the assembly.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Year 10 Suite & Songs

On Tuesday 23 August, Year 10 and 11 music classes ran the suites and songs event.

Each class put on a concert where students could showcase their musical talents.

Below are some of their reflections from the night:

I really enjoyed…

performing my composition in a band. Alyssa M

when my dad came up with me, along with other parents and their kids and we all listened to them improvise. Magdalena C

the class performances and helping to set up beforehand, it was enjoyable because I got to spend time with my peers and problem-solve with them. Eliza P

I learnt that…

it is really fun to perform as a class, and it makes me happy to know we all enjoy playing together. Jazlyn P

even when we make mistakes in performances, we can still put on a good show. Matt P

I don't really get nervous in performances like that anymore. Despina L

I will always remember…

making my granddad play the xylophone. Alyssa M

trying to teach my Mum how to play a 12-bar blues. Matt P

the smile my mother gave me when I was singing. Jazlyn P

Tiana and Alyssa’s compositions being played (very cool). Despina L

I would like to thank…

Tim, Benji, Stratos, Lucas and Mrs Hobbins for accompanying our compositions. Matt P

Mrs Ford for sitting with me while I performed. Isabella B

Mrs Ford, for putting this together, giving us feedback, supporting us and helping us to develop musically. I would also like to thank the families who had to hear the same pieces over and over again. And I would like to thank God who thought it perfect in His plan to learn and perform those pieces and for giving us the support and love we needed. Joy O

Magdalena for being my page-turner and unknowingly comforting me during my performance. Eliza P

Mrs Elizabeth Ford
Music & Christian Studies Teacher


Last Thursday, we hosted our Senior School event 'Illuminate'.

This is a showcase of our Class of 2022 major works. It was a fantastic evening with lots of great works displayed. Congratulations to all of the students on their outstanding work. 





Year 11 Suites and Songs

Year 11 Suites & Songs

Last week on Tuesday evening 23rd August, Year 11 Elective Music 1 and 2 students presented a showcase of solo and ensemble performances; as the Year 11 ‘suite’. (Suite is a musical term for a collection of musical compositions).

The MRK transformed into an intimate performance space with a warm audience of friends, family and staff seated to enjoy the high quality performances from the students. Each student performed a solo piece in preparation for their performance assessments next week, and the concert concluded with a combined class number of their own version of Bob Marley’s famous “Could you be Loved”.

Prior to the event, the audience enjoyed a collection of sweets and hot drinks as they waited in anticipation for the performances. The event was also largely produced by the students, with them arranging the repertoire, set list, program, marketing, staging, tech, lighting and MC. This is a great opportunity for students to experience directing their own event, and a good taste of how to do this once they graduate and continue their musical journey.

Thank you to all the Creative Arts and AV Team staff for their assistance and support of this event too.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Senior Concert Band


On Sunday 28 August, our College Senior Concert Band participated in the NSW Band Championships, held at the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre in Penrith. This was a great opportunity for our students to watch other school Concert Bands perform, and also have the opportunity to perform in a new venue, with a new audience.

The students performed extremely well, and were awarded second place! With more than 10 students unable to attend the performance due to illness and sports finals for soccer and AFL, this was a fantastic achievement from our band. Although we were a small group, we sounded twice the size and the adjudicators were very impressed!

Thank you to all the parents who supported their children in attending this event, and we look forward to more performance opportunities like this in the future.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Year 7-9 NASSA AFL Gala Day

With Finals Footy happening this month it was a great week for our Years 7-9 male and female AFL teams to complete in the New Anglican Schools Sports Association AFL Gala Day.

Our College teams had a fantastic day and were very competitive in both competitions.

Our most successful team was our girls team as they just missed out on the Grand Final as result of being narrowly defeated by St Lukes Grammar in the Semi Final. 

It was a wonderful day and great to see our students interact and compete against other Anglican Schools, something that has been really missed the last few years.

Basketball Gala Day

A great day for our Thomas Hassall students in the APP Basketball Program who travelled to the Northern Beaches to compete in the NASSA Gala Day.

In a very tight competition, the girls did well to place 1st in their pool and then play off in the semis against Macarthur Anglican before facing the very competitive St Luke’s. Although they did not get the outcome they were hoping for they did extremely well to place 2nd overall and very excited to compete against next year.

Our boys team fought hard to the end, after placing 2nd in their pool on count back, to face their longest standing rivals, St Luke’s. A tough game and after 5 years, they had won their semis and went to the grand final against Illawarra Grammar. Although the boys did not get the outcome they were hoping for, it was a great day to compete after a few years of missing out on events.

Senior School Sport

As we head into the final few weeks of Term 3, there are a number of exciting events coming up.

Week 8:
Hassall Gift Relay Race
MISA Sport Finals. Good luck to our Senior Girls AFL team in the Div. 1 MISA Grand Final
AICES Athletics
Year 7 and 8 Wanderers Football Cup

Week 9:
Game 1 of the Year 12 vs. Staff Competition
College and House Sport

Week 10:
Term 4 MISA Trials
Game 2 and 3 of the Year 12 vs Staff Competition

Good luck to all students and staff involved in these events. A reminder, Senior School students are encouraged and requested to pre-register for MISA trials via the following link. Please continue to encourage and support students to regularly check and utilize Canvas Sport for any announcements and sporting opportunities.

We are excited to see what the remainder of the Term brings across Senior School Sport.

Mr Dean Zaccaria 
Senior School Sports Coordinator

NSW PSSA Primary Boys Football Championships

Year 6 student Ryder W recently represented the College and NSW CIS at the NSW PSSA Primary Boys Football Championships.

The State tournament was held in Griffith from 16 - 18 August and players from across NSW represented their school region.

In cold and muddy conditions, CIS played well and placed 2nd in their pool at the end of Day 2.  On the final day they played some tough matches in the Semi Finals and Finals, finishing 4th overall.

Ryder was an asset to the team across the field, displaying excellent skill and teamwork.

The 3 day tournament is also used to select at team to represent NSW at the School Sport Australia Championships.

Congratulations to Ryder in being named in the team to travel to Western Australia for the National Championships.

We are very proud of your achievement!


Mrs S Evans

P-6 Sports Coordinator


CommunityBack to Top

Senior Library Book Snap

Book in a Jar Competition

To celebrate Book Week the Senior IRC is once again having our popular ‘Book in the Jar’ competition. Parts of five books have been placed in five jars in the Senior IRC. Can you guess the name of the book in each of the jars?

Students who can guess all five books will win a great prize! There is even more time to enter with the final day for entries being extended to Friday 9th September.

For more information please see Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith.


Page Turners Book Club

Love Books? Love Reading? Love Food? Join the Page Turners! The Page Turners book club is for students in Years 7 to 9. The book currently being read is ‘Tomorrow when the war began’ by Australian author John Marsden. The next meeting will be held during lunchtime Wednesday 7th September. For more information please speak to Mr Smith or Mr Vasington.


What’s new on the Shelf?

‘In the Ancient World, one army was feared above all others..’

“When Cyrus, brother to the Great King of Persia, attempts to overthrow his reckless sibling, he employs a Greek mercenary army of 10,000 soldiers. When this army becomes stranded as a result of the unexpected death of Cyrus, and then witnesses the treacherous murder of its entire officer corps, despair overtakes them. One man, Xenophon, rallies the Greeks. As he attempts to lead them to freedom across 1,500 miles of hostile territory seething with adversaries, 10,000 men set off on the long way home.”

‘The Falcon of Sparta’ is a well written, highly engaging and compelling story of human endurance in face of terrible opposition. Based on a real historical event, it tells the story of Xenophon, a young Athenian soldier who leads his comrades on a terrifying journey through enemy lands in an attempt to reach home. Author Conn Iggulden’s novels are well known for their exciting action sequences, thrilling and suspenseful plots and rich historical detail, and this novel is no different. From the colourful and fascinating descriptions of Ancient Persia to the gritty and bloody details of ancient warfare, readers will feel instantly transported to the far distant past and like they are witnessing these events firsthand. A wonderful story and novel that will definitely be of interest to many different readers. Due to some of the graphic scenes in this novel, it would be better suited for students in Years 9 and above.


Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith

Senior IRC Library Team