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Book Week in the Junior Library

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To celebrate Book Week this year, students were involved in a number of book and story time-related activities at lunchtime in the Library. Book Week's theme this year was 'Dreaming with your eyes open...'

As well as listening to a different story each day, students created their very own bookmarks and original book covers based on the stories they had just heard or one of their own choosing.

Students also created their very own indoor and outdoor window 'views', with window views being an important part of the storybook 'Winston and the Indoor Cat' by Leila Rudge.

Lots of wonderful and colourful creations were made, and all were proudly displayed in the Library for all to see!

Mrs Issa and Mr Smith would like to thank all the students who came along to celebrate Book Week with us in the library.

Mrs Arabella Issa and Mr Michael Smith
Junior Library Team