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From the Principal

Today marks the final day of the 2024 HSC. I want to acknowledge the efforts of our students and teachers who have strived to do their best over this time. It has been a privilege to partner with the families of our Year 12 students. You must be enormously proud of the efforts and commitment they have shown. It is not always easy. Many students face hurdles in their education journey. These hurdles vary and can be the result of external factors as well as the internal pressure that we all place on ourselves at different times. Importantly, being able to manage adversity and challenges is how we all grow. This is where real character is developed. Congratulations to you all.

I have also been privileged to start working with our new student leaders. They are an impressive group of young people and we are looking forward to the contribution they will bring to the College over the coming year.

Our Year 10 students have been developing in their skills and understanding about the wider community too. This week they have engaged in multiple service learning opportunities. Learning to Serve is one of the College guiding principles. It is our hope that students will see the world beyond their immediate surroundings and realise that they can truly make a difference in the lives of others.

Grandparents Day last week was a joyous occasion. Thank you to all who visited and joined in the wonderful learning experiences of our younger students. They too are learning to serve – through building their knowledge and understanding of how we are all different yet united as one College. I enjoyed meeting with many of you and it was great to celebrate alongside you.

Finally, our Year 2 students have completed their poetry recitals as part of their program for developing confidence and speaking skills. The poems were delightful and appropriate for this age group and I was truly amazed at the talent of some of our youngest children. They presented their chosen poems with humour, with actions and expression. Congratulations.

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Philippians 2:3

Mrs Karen Easton
From the Deputy Principal and Head of Junior School
Sandy Wheeler

Here we are in the middle of Term 4 and we’ve had a strong block of learning so far. It’s been a dynamic and vibrant start including special events such as Year 5 and 6 camps, Grandparents day, Kindy Orientation and the Year 4 Band program concert. Year 6 are also looking forward to their special events as they finish their time in the Junior School and the process for electing 2025 prefects is underway in Year 5.

The Semester 2 Reports will be sent electronically to families in the last week of term.

What do you look for in your child’s school report?

I wonder if it is the academic grades, the effort and attitude or the final teacher comment. My encouragement to you all is to look at the effort and the positive learning attributes at the end of the report. A good measure of an excellent learner is the effort and grit applied in the learning process. Their attitude towards learning does have an impact on their growth and maturity. It also contributes to their character development and academic achievement. Please take the time to look at all parts of the report. Look at the learning tasks in Seesaw and rejoice in the growth your child has attained.

As we begin to look towards 2025, I would like to reassure you that the teachers consider very carefully the placement of every child in classes next year. Once classes are published they are set for the following year. I sometimes get requests from parents about class allocations such as a particular combination of students that a parent feels will work best or a teacher that they think may be a good fit. Sometimes combinations of students are not the best for learning and the teachers need to look at the big picture of the year group. Concerns regarding this can be sent to [email protected]. We will always consider the requests that you have but cannot guarantee that they will be met. We are setting up learning communities in the best interest of all students through a holistic educational lens for a positive journey of learning in 2025. A separate communication will be sent later this term outlining when class allocations will become available to families.

The Parent Café continues to run this term on Friday mornings. I hope to see many of you there for a coffee and delicious food as we share in community together.

Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

This week, our Year 10 students spent three days engaged in service learning. What is service learning? It's all about learning how to serve. Through seminars, students explored what it means to serve others. They then traveled to different locations, such as Lifeline and Scalabrini Nursing Home, to serve beyond the college. Within the school, they took on various tasks, from groundskeeping to assisting Junior School teachers in their lessons. Our goal was for students to experience the true meaning of service by literally getting their hands dirty for the benefit of others.

service week

When I want to learn about what service is, I look at Jesus. 

3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
John 13:3-5

Jesus literally got his hands dirty to serve others. Did you notice why he did it (v.3)? Jesus wanted to show what real greatness looks like. In his time, society saw "greatness" as doing impressive things, while low tasks were left for the lowest people. But Jesus did the opposite – from his high position he served others humbly.

He took this even further when he sacrificed himself on the cross. By taking the lowest position in society, he served us all, making a way for us to reach the highest place possible: the presence of God. For Jesus, true leadership is rooted in humble and compassionate service.

Good politicians understand that humble service is key to leadership. Good parents know that humble service is key to raising children well. And at Thomas Hassall, we want our students to learn this same lesson. This Christmas why not volunteer somewhere with your child to help them help others?

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain

Mid Term Break

A reminder that we have a Mid-Term Break on Monday 11 November. This is a pupil free day.

College will commence on Tuesday 12 November as normal. 

Upcoming dates

Date Event
Monday 11 November Pupil Free Day - Mid Term Break
Dance Rehearsal -  8am - 2.30pm
Dance Concert - 6 - 8pm
Tuesday 12 November  Junior Choir Nursing Home Visit 
Wednesday 13 November Year 1 and 2 Swimming starts
Thursday 14 November  Senior Ensembles Evening - 6 - 8pm
Monday 18 November  Sports Award Assembly
Wednesday 20 November Duke of Edinburgh -Year 10 Silver 
Junior Ensembles Evening - 6 - 7.45pm
Friday 22 November  Year 12 Physics - Luna Park Excursion
Miss Beikoff at the World Cup

We are thrilled to share that our Assistant Chaplain, Miss Georgia Beikoff, has been selected to represent Australia in the CommBank ParaMatildas squad for the 2024 IFCPF Women’s World Cup!


If you would like to watch any of the games shown above, all games will be streamed live through the Football Australia YouTube channel. 

Parent Meet Ups

The Parent Community Network has organised some upcoming meet ups.  

A great opportunity to get together with some fellow parents.  If you would like to know more please ask in the Parent's Whatsapp Group for the revelant grade.  If you are not yet part of a WhatsApp group and would like to be use this form.


Sunday 17 November | 12pm | Liverpool Catholic Club
Whole family included. 


Sunday 24 November | 6pm | Willowdale Hotel 


Sunday 1 December | 6pm | Willowdale Hotel

EventsBack to Top

Grandparents Day

It was a lovely day in our Junior School as we welcomed Grandparents to the College.

The day started with sharing light refreshments together, then followed by a special assembly with performances from each grade. 

grandparents 2
Grandparents 3

Following the assembly, there were classroom visits where grandparents got to see what they were learning and a book fair in S Block Hall.

Thank you to the Grandparents who came along and made it such a special day.

LearningBack to Top

Kindergarten Explore Abstract Art

As we dive into Term 4, our young artists have been exploring the expressive world of Abstract Art! This week, they experimented with how different forces like pushing and pulling can bring exciting new textures and movements to their artwork. Through a series of fun, hands-on activities, each student created their own unique collage papers.


Here’s what they worked on:

  • Marble Painting: Students were mesmerized as marbles rolled across the paper, leaving vibrant trails that traced their push-and-pull actions.
  • String Painting: With paint-dipped strings, students discovered how pulling and lifting could create beautiful swirling lines and patterns.
  • Rollers and Sponges: Using different rollers and sponges, they explored how textures and pressures can create truly unique backgrounds and textures.

After creating these beautiful collage papers, the students used them to make vibrant artworks inspired by Australian artist Gabrielle Tito, crafting colourful compositions of flowers in vases. These activities not only sparked creativity but also encouraged a hands-on appreciation of the freedom that abstract art provides. We’re so proud of their artistic journeys so far!

Mrs Kathryn Kurilowich
Junior School Teacher

Performing Arts in Kindergarten

Kindergartners learning music, drama and dance during 2024 has been such a joy to experience.  We saw students’ confidence and young minds challenged and grow. What a change in a year! 

This term, students explore drama and performance through The Christmas Story.  They are taught the story using a variety of modes and then perform to their class using movement, space and objects. My scarves and beach towels had a good work out.

kindy capa

When teaching Kindergarten I have found it is important to expect the unexpected - such as one ‘Joseph’ running away with the gold, frankincense and myrrh under his cloak calling “Baby Jesus doesn’t need it!” 

I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as Kindergarten enjoyed dressing up and performing.

Mrs Winsome Hollis
Junior School Teacher 

Year 5 Poetry in Motion

“What is poetry?” That is the question we asked ourselves as we commenced an English unit based on contemporary Australian poetry. The truth is, poetry is a very broad genre and is notoriously hard to define. However, we are beginning to understand that all poetry is designed to stir the imagination, thoughts and feelings of the reader.

Year 5

We are enjoying reading, writing and appreciating poems of all forms! Last week we held our own “Poetry Recital” competition, featuring poems of all styles from a range of Australian poets. Thanks to all our students for performing these for us!

Mr Peter Butchatsky
Junior School Teacher - Year 5 Team Leader

Year 6 Camp

Students in Year 6 recently visited our nation’s capital on educational tour. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.


Here are some of the highlights:

In Canberra we to many different places such as Parliament House, the Old Parliament House, the National Museum of Australia and a lot of other interesting places. We learnt about how the site for Australia’s capital was chosen and how Canberra was designed in a world-wide competition. My favourite part was Flip Out and the National Museum. 
 - Yanoula and Selina

Year 6 went to visit Canberra and I especially liked Flip Out. The whole trip was so much fun. We went to the art museum, rock climbing, Parliament House and we learned different things in different places. At Parliament House, I learned that there are two houses, the Senate where the room is red, and the House of Representatives which is green.
 - Emily

My favourite part of the Canberra excursion was Questacon because there were a lot of unique activities and puzzles. Some were hard and others were pretty easy. I enjoyed it a lot overall. The new Lego room and the ninth room were by far the best. We also learnt lots of new things. We now know what an embassy is!
 - Charlie and Iden

Cristy Abecina
Junior School Teacher - Year 6 Team Leader


Performing ArtsBack to Top


This week, our Year 4 students performed as a mega concert band for their parents, families, and Year 3 students. This is the tenth year of the College running their Year 4 Band Program, which provides every student in the grade the opportunity to learn a Concert Band instrument under the direction of professional musicians.

The concert showcased the students’ progress throughout the year, and they all performed very well. The students performed a collection of repertoire ranging from traditional tunes, some rock ‘n’ roll with a tribute to the band Queen, as well as group solos from each section of the band. Some students also performed some improvised jazz solos in one of their favourite songs’ Hard Rock Blues’.

year 4
year 4 band

Thank you to all the parents of Year 4 students for encouraging their students to practice throughout the year. Learning a new instrument is like learning a new language, and requires lots of dedication, patience, time and focus. We are excited to see some of the students continue playing their instruments next year in our Junior Concert Band.

A special congratulations also to Leo V. and Evana M. for their spectacular answers during the student interview section of the concert.

Thank you also to all the College staff, and Year 4 teachers that support and assist the Year 4 Band Program throughout the year.  

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles - Creative Arts

Tennis and Futsal Gala Day

On Thursday 7 November our Year 5 and 6 Futsal and Tennis teams represented the College in a CASA Gala Day. 

CASA Primary Tennis

Ten Stage 3 students from our College participated in the CASA Tennis Gala Day held at Club Marconi. The event was a fantastic opportunity for our young athletes to showcase their tennis skills and sportsmanship. All students played with enthusiasm and determination and had several exciting matches against the other eight schools.

Tennis 1

A big thank you to the staff and parents who supported the event. Congratulations to all our players- go THAC!

CASA Primary Futsal

Our Senior Futsal Boys and Girls team for Junior School represented the College for the first CASA Futsal Gala Day hosted at Thomas Hassall. It was a warm day for futsal and both teams did an incredible job to work together and demonstrate excellent values of sportsmanship and integrity. Whilst the girls didn’t have the desired outcome, they preserved throughout the day to win 3 of their final games, placing them 5th overall. Our boys’ team, led by Coach Sonny and Tommy faced many tough challenges and had a successful win over the team that had been undefeated all day.

Futsal Girls

The top 3 teams were all very close in contention and our Thomas Hassall boys did very well to place 3rd overall. Congratulations to all students involved.

Miss Dayla Tikeri
Sports Administrator & TAP Coordinator