Term 3 I Friday 16 August 2019

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

On a clear Winter’s day we held our own, winning several events and relays.  Final points will be tallied and scores will follow.  Congratulations to all team members.

We trust you are looking forward to the big event next Saturday 24 August.  The South West Festival grows in number and excitement every year and the 2019 event looks to be our biggest event yet.  Be sure to come along with all the family. 

Earlier this year, an external team of experts came to the College to review our programs and classrooms; to talk with staff and students; and to follow up on all the survey data that every family student and staff member had contributed to late last year.  A report was prepared with observations and recommendations; and that report has been received by the College Council; the Anglican Schools Corporation Board and just this week the Senior Leaders of the College.   I will now prepare a summary for release to families and staff and propose an action plan to pursue the recommendations as appropriate.  This summary should be available this term in a few weeks’ time. 

Also, in a few weeks’ time, we expect to commence the building works for the new health clinic, student well-being link and the renovation to the Administration Centre which will add additional interview rooms, office space and modernise our entry and Reception area.  It should be a 6 month process and we expect Reception will be relocated to E Block for the duration.  We will bring a specific notice to you regarding the changes.

You will already know of our advertising for a new Deputy Principal/Head of Junior School to replace Mrs Bessant who will retire at the end of this year.  We are looking to appoint a permanent position for a College Chaplain and will add an Assistant Chaplain also to the team.  Rev Dayhew our Acting Chaplain has already indicated his interest and we expect others will wish to apply for these key positions in the College.

Year 12 Students are entering the final stage of their school education.  Trials are over; students with major works and performances will be highlighted at the upcoming Illuminate event on Thursday 5 September and Graduation is not too far away.  We wish them well.  Please keep them and their parents in your prayers.

Thank you for your continued support of all we engage in at the College.  It is a place full of interest, enjoyment and learning.

‘His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by his own glory and goodness.’ 2 Peter 1:3


Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Head of Junior School

Firstly we have the Years 5, 6 and Preparatory performing an adapted version of Aladdin the Musical. I wanted to thank the many hardworking students that have worked for an incredible amount of time.  Many giving up their own time to learn lines and make the performance something I know we will all appreciate and remember for a time to come.

Dr Andrew Campbell also came and visited us last night presenting on the topic of ‘Encouraging Healthy Habits in a Digital World.’ He is an expert in the field of Cyberpsychology and Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health and has been working in this area for more than 15 years. Throughout his presentation he highlighted just how important it is to build trust in the digital space with our children and how pivotal it is to have a shared experience with technology.

We were deeply encouraged by the number of parents that attended the seminar and we are now looking at next year and the sorts of topics that might be of benefit to you and your family.  We will be sending a Feedback Survey for those who attended however, if you wish to suggest a presentation topic please feel free to contact Mr Sale at [email protected].

Mr Luke Sale
Deputy Head of Junior School - Operations & Welfare

From the Chaplain

Who can remember the first time you heard of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe? I was about 6 years old and received it as a Kid’s Club prize: I still have it today! The imaginary world of Narnia and the character of Aslan, Mr Tumnus, The Witch, The brothers and sisters, Mr and Mrs Beaver was one I could see as clear as that in which I dwelt. This were originally broadcasts made during World War 2.

While the Narnia Chronicles are greatly loved, Lewis was a prolific writer. He was an English Professor at Oxford University and acknowledged as one the great literary giants of the 20th Century. But Lewis did not come to profess the Christian faith until his late 20s. He says that he got in a taxi on one side of London and when he exited on the other side he was a Christian! In his book Mere Christianity, Lewis outlines some of the thinking that led him to respond to Jesus in faith:


“My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?”

“And out of that hopeless attempt has come nearly all that we call human history—money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery—the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.”

“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” 

Lewis was a man of immense creativity and equally great logic. He asked the hard questions about faith and life. He met a God who is powerful and glorious. In Jesus, we see God who captures our imagination and our intellect. Aslan demonstrated the power and sacrificial love of Jesus, the one who came not to be served, but to serve and give his life to pay the penalty of our sin.

It might be a time to revisit both Lewis’ childhood classics with your children and some of the more mature works for yourselves. Enjoy!

Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Popular author Matt Cosgrove visits Thomas Hassall Anglican College

Matt has been writing for 25 years and has had many books published.  The best known of these are probably the much-loved ‘Macca the Alpaca’ series.  Matt’s book, ‘Alpacas with Maracas’ was this year’s ALIA National Simultaneous Storytime book.

Matt was an extremely engaging speaker and talked to the children about how important it is to read a wide variety of books to develop vocabulary and nurture a love of words. He also showed photos of his writing and the children saw that it is normal to make many changes to your original draft rather than expecting it to be perfect immediately. Matt talked about how important reading and drawing is because they help to grow your brain.

Here is a link to his website: https://www.mattcosgrovebooks.com/

Term 3 Important Dates

Term 3

Wednesday 21 August Junior School Creative Arts Matinee & Evening Event 
Saturday  24 August  South West Festival
Monday  26 August Mid Term Break - Staff & Students
Tuesday 27 August  Junior School Creative Arts Matinee & Evening Event 
Wednesday 28 August

Father's Day Stall
Hot Topics Event 'Anxious Christians'

Thursday 29 August Father's Day Stall
Friday 30 August

Father's Day Breakfast
Junior School Creative Arts Matinee & Evening Event 

Wednesday 4 September Prefect Commissioning Assembly
Thursday 5 September Illuminate 2019 - A Showcase of Year 12 Major Works
Friday 6 September Junior School Grandparents' Day 
Friday 20 September Prep & Kinder Tabloid Carnival 
Wednesday 25 September Hot Topics Event 'Cultural Marxism - Imaginary Conspiracy or Genuine Threat?'
Thursday 26 September Prep, Year 1 & 2 Tabloid Carnival 
Friday  27 September  Class of 2019 Graduation
Last Day of Term 3 
Author Visit in the Junior School

Tim Harris visited our College to do a writing workshop with the Year 6 students.

Tim is the bestselling author of several laugh-out-loud series for kids, including Toffle Towers, Mr Bambuckle’s Remarkables and Exploding Endings. His first ever book, Exploding Endings: Painted Dogs & Doom Cakes, was awarded Honour Book at the 2017 KOALAs. Tim’s second series, Mr Bambuckle’s Remarkables, contains his trademark quirkiness, mixed with a touch of poignancy. The lead book was awarded a CBCA Notable in 2018, and the series was shortlisted for the REAL Awards in 2018 and 2019. His books have been published in Australia, the USA, Poland and Turkey. 

Some ideas that Tim talked about were:

1). Vocabulary awareness.  Extremely important.  The power of words writers need to tap into.

2). Ideas – the students wrote down things they could find under the sand.  Tim asked them how many had put ‘shells’.  Most of the students had ‘shells’ in their top 5.  Tim said that often your best and most unique ideas come to you later.

3).Re-write sentences bringing them to life:

4). Ear versus eye. Using speech marks – it accelerates the drama.  They help the eye by showing who is talking.  You need to say who is speaking and also how the person is speaking e.g. use ‘ranted’ rather than ‘said’ if you want to convey anger or e.g. “I went to the zoo,” I replied softly.  His eyes swept over me.  Tim then changed the whole mood of the short piece of writing by changing a few words – suddenly the piece became humorous rather than angry.  See the photos for this example.


Mrs Emma Harris
Year 1,2 & 3 Coordinator 








Junior School Musicals

Rehearsals are in full swing for the upcoming Junior School Musicals. Each date will showcase a different performance and feature all of our students. Performances are on at 10am and 6.30pm each day. Tickets for the evenings are nearly sold out! There are still spots left at the 10am sessions, available on our website thac.nsw.edu.au/book

Performance by Prep, Years 5 and 6 students

Performance by Years 3 and 4 students

Performance by Kindergarten, Years 1 and 2 students

South West Festival

Excitement is building around the College as we get ready for the festival on Saturday 24 August. The day is going to be a fun day out with lots of rides, motor show, international food trucks and lots of entertainment for the whole family.  There will also be a Superhero meet and greet with Iron Man, Spiderman and Captain America.

Don't forget you can purchase your unlimited ride bands online now for $25, or they will be available to purchase on the day for $35.

The silent auction is also now live with over 100 items available for purchase. Shop the auction online here.
You are also able to still donate items towards the silent auction via the website. Any donations are greatly appreciated. 

We look forward to seeing you at the festival!

Mrs Sarah Wickman
Marketing and Community Relations Assistant 

Father's Day Breakfast

Come along on Friday 30 August 2019 to enjoy a free breakfast at the College. Please come anytime between 7am and 8am to enjoy your breakfast. Students may only attend if accompanied by a parent/guardian. 

This is a free event for the College Community, however due to the success of previous events, bookings are essential for catering purposes to ensure we have enough and also to avoid food wastage. It will also capture dietary requirements. 
There is plenty of parking available on the top oval. Please enter via Gate 3 Flynn Ave.

Please RSVP by Wednesday 28 August online thac.nsw.edu.au/book 

Mrs Sarah Wickman
Marketing and Community Relations Assistant 

EventsBack to Top

Step out in Steptember for Cerebral Palsy

Every step taken and every dollar raised will have a powerful impact on many people's lives: from funding leading cerebral palsy research, to providing specialised support services, equipment and life skills programs that will enrich the lives of people living with cerebral palsy.

Come Steptembering with us this year! Steptember officially starts 3 September and runs until 30 September. Register as a team of 4 at www.steptember.org.au and enter the password THAC2019.

Once you register, you’ll receive your very own Steptember Kit, which includes a pedometer to count your steps, and access to the Steptember website, where you can track every step. Signing up is quick and easy. We hope you're join us!

For more information, email Miss Friel at [email protected]

Illuminate 2019 - Thursday 5 September 2019

From 7pm

‘Illuminate’ is a gathering of teachers, family and friends to experience all the major works of students from Creative Arts, English, Drama, TAS & HSIE

We will be displaying the major works of our current Year 12 students and featuring work from Extension subjects. It's always wonderful to see the hard work and effort the students put in for their HSC Major Works.

It is expected that all major works will be displayed at this event and students will be in attendance to discuss their work, answer questions and enjoy celebrating their achievements from 6.45pm.  

We look forward to seeing you there.

Mr MIchael Clisdell
Director of Events


Code Camp Holiday Program

After the success of the last July Holiday camp, Code Camp is back and will be running 9 - 11 October. There are three camps running based on age groups, with the camp catering from ages 5-13.

From drag and drop coding to JavaScript, children will enjoy getting creative and building their own apps, games or websites. Code Camps mission is to make learning to code a journey your child will want to continue. You can download the flyer for this camp here.

To sign up or to find out more information, visit the website. Code Camp is a registered provider for the Creative Kids Rebate. 

Mrs Sarah Wickman
Marketing and Community Relations Assistant

Father's Day Stall

They really enjoy choosing something themselves and trying to keep it secret until Father’s Day.

Children will be able to choose a gift priced from $5 - $15 and can buy more than one gift. The stall will be held in S Block.

Wednesday 28 August - Prep Red, Prep White, Kindergarten, Years 1 and 2.
Thursday 29 August -  Prep Purple, Prep Blue, Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Senior School students can purchase at lunch time either day

The stall is run by our Parent Community Network. If you are able to assist on any of these days please email [email protected]

WellbeingBack to Top

The Hunting - TV Series

The Hunting_3x2_0.jpg

The Hunting -TV Series

The series follows the lead up, revelation and aftermath of an inappropriate teen photo scandal and the impact it has on the students, teachers and families involved.

Research shows that young people are increasingly exploring their sexuality online. A report from La Trobe University states that 26% of teens have sent a nude or sexual image, or video, of themselves to someone else.

The aim of this series is to promote discussion and awareness in an attempt to minimise harm. Experts suggest that conversations about online safety should start in the home and should occur as soon as a parent hands over a mobile device to a child. This should be then constantly reinforced throughout their educational journey.

In this Special Report, parents and care givers will be encouraged to have conversations with their children about the issues of online safety and the potential harm of image sharing and cyber bullying. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help. Here is the link to your special report

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling

Source: SchoolTV



LearningBack to Top

August is Oral Health Month!

We began by watching an action movie starring the tooth defenders. Plaqueulous was trying to dirty up the sparkly and shiny land of tooth city with sugary treats, but the tooth defenders and their artillery of toothbrushes, floss and mouth wash kept those pearly whites nice and clean.

We learnt about the importance of daily oral hygiene routines for our teeth and overall health, like brushing our teeth twice a day, flossing regularly (with parent help if you are under 8) and drinking water after eating. Good oral hygiene habits produce good, healthy teeth.

We learnt that our toothbrush has an indicator on them to tell us how much toothpaste to put on our brush. The middle part of the brush that is a different colour is the recommended amount of toothpaste needed when brushing.

We also learnt that it is important to regularly visit a dentist for good oral health and happy, clean teeth.

Miss Ashleigh Hackfath
Year 1 Team Leader

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Junior String Orchestra Assembly Performance

Sword Dance, Jumpin' Jelly Beans and Chili Salsa with their varying rhythms and styles were played by the group with energy and enthusiasm.  The students range from Year 2 - 6 and rehearse each Wednesday morning from 8am - 9am in the S Block Library. They are now preparing for their performance at next weeks' South West Festival. 

Well done to the Junior String Orchestra on their performance.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles 

Flute Trio Assembly Performance

Isabella P and Aaron D along with Mrs Hobbins played 'Under the Sea' from The Little Mermaid in a flute trio.  Isabella and Aaron began learning the flute through the Year 4 Band Program and have continued with the flute throughout this year while also being a part of the Intermediate Concert Band.

Congratulations to Isabella and Aaron on their performance.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Holiday Sport Speed Clinic

Ranell has previously been invited to run these clinics all over the world, including the youth academies at Arsenal, Southampton, Leicester, Crystal Palace and Manchester City. She has also consulted to NRL, AFL, A-League and Super15 Australian sporting organisations.

The event was held indoors in the Rawdon Middleton Complex due to the inclement weather. The students who attended had a fantastic time learning how to run, change direction properly and safely in order to reduce their injury risk. This increases their running efficiency and first step explosive acceleration. These are vital skills for success in almost all field and court-based sports.

Ranell and ASSA have a very strong relationship with Thomas Hassall Anglican College and look forward to running many more events on-site in the near future. The academy currently runs a weekly speed training squad every Thursday afternoon that is exclusive to students at the College.

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports & TAP Coordinator

Junior School Sport - Information & Important Dates

Important Junior School Sport Dates

Term Three

Week 6 -           Wednesday 28 August– Wanderers Cup Football Gala Day (Year 5 and 6 Boys and Girls) - Jim Ring Reserve, Birrong

Week 7 -           Monday 2 September – NASSA Junior Boys Cricket Gala Day - Onslow Oval Carnival (Year 5 and 6)

Week 8 -           Monday 9 September - St Peter's Cup Football Gala Day (Year 5 and 6 Boys and Girls) - Camden

Week 8 -           Wednesday 11 September – Winter IPSSO Finals Day

Week 8 -           Thursday 12 September – NSW CIS Primary School Athletics Championships - Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Stadium

Week 9 -           Wednesday 18 September – Winter IPSSO Finals - Back-up date

Week 9 -           Friday 20 September – Prep - Year Two Tabloid Carnival - College oval

Week 9 -           Thursday 26 September – Prep - Year Two Tabloid Carnival - College oval


NSW CIS Trials - Throughout the year, there are also NSW CIS trials for some sports which do not have a Gala Day as an entry path.  If your child plays representative sport in Softball, AFL, Golf, Hockey or Rugby Union please see Mrs Evans to indicate your expression of interest to be nominated for these sports.  Students need to be in Years 5 or 6 and have represented their Association in their sport.  Information regarding CIS trials and sports available is available here

PE & Sport

It is advisable that your child has a refillable drink bottle on Sport and PE days to ensure that they are able to re-hydrate after exercise.  A frozen drink is also a great idea.  All children are required to wear the PE cap or College hat for sporting activities.  

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator 

2019 Football Programs - Junior School

2019 Football Development Programs - Kindergarten - Year 8 (afternoon programs)

The College offers Football Development Programs for students in Kinder to Year 8. The year-long program caters for both boys and girls and will be conducted by our Football Director Sonny Makko.


The one-hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and suited for all abilities. Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. Students can enrol in more than one day if preferred. The program runs for 35 weeks.


Information flyers and application forms are available at the College Office.


Program details:

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Monday  3 - 4pm - FULL

Year 3 - Year 8 Program                  Tuesday 3 - 4pm

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Wednesday  3 - 4pm - FULL

Year 2 - Year 6 Program                  Thursday 3 - 4pm

K - 6 Girls Only Program                 Friday 3 - 4pm


For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]


Junior School Football Program Flyer - 

Junior School Football Application Form - 


Academy of Dance Program - Kinder - Year 6

The College Academy of Dance Program has one position available in the Year 3 - 6 Dance class on  MONDAY and TUESDAY.

Utilising our own highly qualified and experienced dance teachers the Dance sessions cover a range of styles.

- Monday - Year 3 - 6 Program - Contemporary, Jazz and Hip Hop  

- Tuesday- Year 3 - 6 Program - Contemporary, Jazz and Hip Hop      **  1 space available 

- Wednesday - Kinder - Year 2 Contemporary and Jazz 


We have had a tremendous response to the introduction of the Dance program and have a waitlist in operation for the Monday and Wednesday sessions.

If you are interested in enrolling your child please contact the College Office.

For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]

Basketball Development Program - Kinder - Year 9

The College is excited to launch Basketball as an additional sport in the 2019 Talented Athlete Program. Utilising our new gymnasium and the experienced coaches from Camden Valley “Wildfire” Basketball Association, afternoon basketball development sessions will be offered to students.

The Basketball Development Program is offered to both boys and girls from Kinder to Year 9.

The one hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and cater for all abilities.

Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. There are no trials for this program.

All sessions will occur from 3.00 – 4.00pm and will be conducted in the new sports facility.

*  Tuesday - Year 1 - Year 4 Program

*  Wednesday - Year 2 - Year 6 Program    

*  Thursday - Kinder - Year 2 Program

*  Friday - Year 6 - Year 9 Secondary Program 

For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

Winter IPSSO Draw and College Sport - Term Three 2019

The Winter IPSSO competition commenced in Term Two and continues through to the end of Term Three. 

Teams train every Wednesday morning 7.30 - 8.15am, Boys Soccer - 7.10 - 8.10am.


Term 3



Game Time


Teeball and Softball



Newcombe Ball & Volleyball



St Mary's

12.20 - 2.10

friendly -      THAC

training - THAC
























Semi & Grand Final


 Greenway Park







Back-up Finals Day








Students who are not involved in Winter IPSSO teams will participate in the Year 3 -6 College Sports program.

All sports are taught by qualified coaches and the sport runs for the entire term. 

There is no cost associated with the program as it is covered by College fees.  

Yr 3 Boys



Yr 5 Boys


Yr 3 Girls



Yr 5 Girls

Football (Soccer)

Yr 4 Boys

West Tigers League Clinic


Yr 6 Boys


Yr 4 Girls



Yr 6 Girls









Sharon Evans
P - 6 Sports Coordinator

CommunityBack to Top

Holiday Football Camp Fun

In the July School holidays, Thomas Hassall Anglican College hosted a Holiday Football Program. This program ran from Monday to Friday and gave the children involved an opportunity to refine and improve their soccer skills.

Sonny Makko, our well-respected and highly experienced Football Director, ran drills and other activities which aimed to improve areas like agility, ball control, shooting and passing.

It was exciting to see a large number of students attend the program from both Thomas Hassall and other schools in the area. The program, designed for a variety of skill levels, saw all students highly engaged and having a lot of fun. There was a noticeable improvement in many of the players who participated in the entirety of the program. The players were thankful for the program and walked away inspired and excited to take their new skills into their games.



We are holding our October Holiday Football Camp in the 2nd week of the holidays - Tuesday 8 - Friday 11 October. View the flyer here

We are now taking bookings, so get in early to avoid missing out on some holiday football fun!

Book online here

Kathmandu Discount for Thomas Hassall Students

If you go to the Narellan store from Thursday 5 to Sunday 8 September, Thomas Hassall students will receive this one off community discount. You will see Kathmandu Narellan & Macarthur offer guidance and expertise with important information on correct fittings for backpacks, different sleeping bag options, choosing the correct footwear and technical information on clothing and apparel. This is an ideal opportunity to learn more about what is needed for your upcoming adventure and ensure you’ll be safe and comfortable. 

Simply present the attached letter and your student card at the Kathmandu Narellan or Macarthur store from Thursday 5 September to Sunday 8 September to redeem your FREE Summit Club Membership and gain access to your community discount. This is a great opportunity especially for Duke of Ed or Kokoda participants to start collecting gear at a discounted price.

For the discount letter, click here: 

For more information contact Miss Friel at [email protected]