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Step out in Steptember for Cerebral Palsy

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In September, Thomas Hassall students and staff will be strapping on their sneakers and committing to clocking up 10,000 steps (or equivalent) per day to get active and raise money for cerebral palsy.

Every step taken and every dollar raised will have a powerful impact on many people's lives: from funding leading cerebral palsy research, to providing specialised support services, equipment and life skills programs that will enrich the lives of people living with cerebral palsy.

Come Steptembering with us this year! Steptember officially starts 3 September and runs until 30 September. Register as a team of 4 at and enter the password THAC2019.

Once you register, you’ll receive your very own Steptember Kit, which includes a pedometer to count your steps, and access to the Steptember website, where you can track every step. Signing up is quick and easy. We hope you're join us!

For more information, email Miss Friel at [email protected]