Term 1 I The Way Newsletter I Monday 3 April 2023

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

At the end of Term 1 we have returned to our normal programs and progress is being made in every area of student learning. Its been a dedicated effort by teachers and students throughout the term.

As I write to you, we have just completed a very successful event. Our Movie Night on Friday night brought together many families together and with fine weather made it a very special evening. Thanks to all of those families who came along and enjoyed the night together and to our great food vendors. 

The Easter Hat Parade in Junior School this Thursday 6 April allows children, parents and grandparents to enjoy a great occasion at the College ahead of the Easter weekend and will allow us to reflect on the Easter message of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus.

The NSW Election outcome has changed the State Government and we congratulate the new elected members of the NSW Parliament. The College is located in the newly formed seat of Leppington and our new member is Mr Nathan Hegarty. Nathan is well known to the College and we look forward to an ongoing relationship with him. It is interesting to note that our families live in several electorates, whether for Local, State or Federal.

Important social issues are impacting young people and their learning. Mobile phone use by young people continues to be a subject of debate in families and the media, and certainly, educators, have an opinion or two about the use of mobile phones. At the College during Term 2 we will raise the issue again for parents and students. We are very interested in the use of a ‘phone pouch’ which is designed to assist mobile phone users to limit their distractions. Let us encourage families to discuss the issues and options with our young people over the next few weeks.

Year 12 are in the middle of the Half Yearly exams, and we wish them well. 

During the break we have 2 groups of students travelling to Japan which will be such an interesting learning experience for them. Let’s all take the opportunity of rest and reflection at this Easter time.

‘Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.’  1 Peter 1:3


Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning
David Butler

What a wonderful term it has been! I hope that your children have been coming home and telling you about all the adventures they have had in their learning and in their College life.

I was so encouraged at our recent Senior School Assembly to have a number of Year 10 students stand in as hosts while our Year 12s are sitting for their mid-course examinations. Meredith, Dominic, Laura and Dean presented wonderfully and demonstrated calmness under pressure, presenting to an audience of nearly a thousand students and teachers. It is wonderful to see the progression in talent coming through the College Dance Academy. The MISA Dance group showcased this development in a beautiful piece at this assembly also. There was an update of the hotly contested House Championship with the Cross-Country results being shared. Carmichael are once again the house to beat! We heard from some of the student representatives involved in the Student Voice project about the 4 targeted campaigns: Environment & Sustainability, Learning, Co-curricular and Social Justice. Seeing some student-driven progress in each of these areas is such a blessing to our College community. I also wanted to commend Dante, who took to the stage and performed a powerful rendition of a Radiohead classic. I am truly heartened by our student’s willingness to share their gifts in this way.

It was a privilege to be able to accompany the College Captains, Charlotte and Joshua, at a recent event with Barack Obama. President Obama was interviewed by the previous minister for Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop, and he spoke at length about his experiences as a leader, as well as current world events, and gave a special message to young people. More to come on this from our College Captains when they have finished their exams!


On that note, it has been such a fantastic opportunity that our staff has provided to Year 12 students once again with the extended Study Centre hours. Seeing students diligently working on their studies in a quiet and familiar setting up until 8pm at night has been very encouraging. I want to thank all of the staff involved in supervising these sessions and providing additional tutoring to their classes.

Please keep our students and teachers in your prayers as the Languages Tour and the Cherry Blossom Music Tour groups head off to Japan for an immersion in culture.

What fantastic opportunities we have here at the College. Please encourage your child to be making the most of them!

Thanks for a great Term and for all your support of the College and the staff.

Mr David Butler
Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning
From the Assistant Chaplain

Can you believe it? The end of Term 1 and Easter is just around the corner!

I’ve noticed over the last week or so a collective exciting buzz around Junior School, looking forward to the Easter Service, Easter Hat Parade (P-4) and the Eggshibition (5-6).

There are many staff and families who servant-heartedly band together to make these events happen to be so wonderful! And for that, I am thankful!

As I am encouraged by the generosity of our school community, it reminds me of the greatest act of service we have in Christ, Jesus on the cross, ‘For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 NIV.

Jesus had all authority over heaven and earth and yet completely humbled Himself before the cross. Some of you may be quite familiar with this amazing news, however, may I encourage you to see or be reminded of what Jesus, in his death and resurrection has to offer this Easter. Come and see why what Jesus did on the cross is considered the greatest act of service in history.  

Praying you’ll all have a lovely and safe break!

Miss Georgia Beikoff
Assistant Chaplain - Junior School

Upcoming dates

Date Event
Wednesday 5 April - Prep 3 Day Easter Hat Parade
- Senior School Easter Chapel
Thursday 6 April - Years 5 and 6 Eggshibition 
- Junior School Easter Hat Parade
- Last Day of Term
Monday 24 April - Staff Development Day
Tuesday 26 March - ANZAC Day
Wednesday 26 April - First Day of Term 2

You're invited to attend the Liverpool City Council ANZAC Day Service

Tuesday 25 April 2023
Bigge Park, Liverpool

5.15am - ANZAC Day March from John Edmondson Club, George Street

5.30am - ANZAC Day Commemoration Service with wreath laying, Bigge Park

10am - 12pm - ANZAC Day Commemoration Community Event

View the flyer

Office Closure

Please note that the College Office will be closing during the upcoming holiday period.

It will close from Thursday 6 April at 4pm and reopen on Monday 17 April at 8am.

During the week of Monday 17 April - Friday 21 April, our trading hours will be 8am - 3pm.

We will be closed on the ANZAC Day Public Holiday and resume normal trading from Term 2 on Wednesday 26 April.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is fast approaching in early Term 2, so please save the date for our events.

Mother's Day Stall: Wednesday 10 May (Prep 3 Day) and Thursday 11 May (All Junior School and Senior School break times)

Mother's Day Breakfast: Friday 12 May

More details regarding both events will be sent soon, so please mark the date in your diaries.

Careers News

This Term Year 10 have been planning their work experience for Term 2 Week 6 and having conversations about their future careers and plans for next year.

A reminder that the work experience notes are due at the end of Week 1 Term 2. Planning is in place for visiting speakers from Universities and TAFE as well as from SEDA who run a business and sports coaching double degree.

Every week students in Years 10-12 receive a newsletter that provides them with a wealth of information about Careers and future pathways. Encourage your children to check the contents to find out what is relevant to their future careers and study opportunities

Some highlights from this week are:

Future University Students:
- Webinar: Uncovering the Past: Archaeology in Practice (find out what it’s like to be an Archaeologist) Webinar Link
- Work experience as a chemical engineer at University of Sydney
- Future University Students: browse Sydney University’s webinars by area of interest Link

Future TAFE Students
- Fee-Free Apprenticeships are a great way for students to launch their careers
- My Gain Videos – Nearly Every Apprenticeship Video is Here Link

- Check out these gap year programs Link
- Study skills workshops Link
- White Card training opportunities in the holidays Link

Mr Michael Roper
Careers Advisor, HSC Plus Coordinator & Year 10 Advisor

LearningBack to Top

Year 6 Transition

6B have been having lots of fun learning about tone or value and how important this skill is to creating a realistic three-dimensional object successfully. We have also been learning the process of printmaking and about artist Margaret Preston.

After creating a tonal scale, we have moved on to printmaking over the past two weeks. Our inspirational artist has been Margaret Preston, a well-known Australian artist who lived between 1875 -1965. She loved the Australian flora and fauna, including these kinds of images in her artworks regularly. Through her work, she helped to create an Australian National Art style.

Preston advocated for the Australian Indigenous First Nation people at the time. She brought attention to Australian Aboriginal artworks and culture, hoping to gain respect for them which was not happening at this time in our history. Margaret Preston worked as a printmaker and painter mostly.

Our Year 6 Students have learnt how to create an Australian flora-inspired print and the techniques required for producing a good print. They have all gained excellent printmaking skills and an understanding of an artist's ‘practice’- how they make an art work from start to finish. 

Soon 6B will be looking at Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art. The students have been fabulous, and I look forward to meeting and working with all the other Year 6 Classes this year.

For parents of Year 6 students, have a chat with your child about what they have learnt about Margaret Preston, drawing, printmaking and First Nation Australian art/culture when they come to their transition Visual Arts lessons in 2023. If you get a chance take your son or daughter to a local art gallery or to the new & older sections of the Art Gallery of NSW in Sydney. It would be really exciting for them to see.

Here are a few 'action shots' in our art classroom in the Senior School recently.

Year 6 tranisition

Mrs Genelle Griffin
Visual Arts Coordinator

Year 7 History

Our Year 7 students have been studying archaeology in history and the methods that archaeologists use to uncover the past.

Last week they enjoyed putting those skills to the test by excavating cookies to uncover and catalogue the delicious “chocolatey artefacts” within!

Year 7 History

Year 9 PASS

Over the past few weeks, Year 9 PASS students were given the opportunity to participate in both an excursion and an incursion focused on martial arts disciplines, with an emphasis on coaching, nutrition, and physical fitness.

During the excursion, students visited Gracie Jiu Jitsu at Smeaton Grange and received instruction on basic jiu-jitsu techniques from professional trainers. They were taught fundamental grappling and self-defence techniques, and had a brief question and answer time with the coaches at the end of the session.

During the incursion, Isi Fitikefu – who competes in ONE Championship - conducted a boxing fundamentals session. He shared his expertise in the sport, instructing students on proper stance, footwork, and basic movements. Students also had time to ask questions relevant to the topics they are studying.

Our students are to be commended on their engagement throughout the sessions. We hope to be able to provide more opportunities like this in the future.

year 9 pass

Mr Robert Sheahan
Senior School PDHPE Staff

Year 10 Extreme History

On Thursday 30 March, our Year 10 Extreme (Elective) History visited Sydney’s Justice & Police Museum as part of their studies into ‘Crime and Punishment’.

Students examined the case of the ‘Pyjama Girl Mystery’ and viewed evidence and artefacts from the investigation. A highlight was a recreation of the trial of Antonio Agostini. Students enjoyed dressing up in period costumes and playing the parts of the judge, the accused, court officer, jury and barristers. Their impressive acting and commitment to their roles made us feel like we had been transported back to the courtroom in 1944!

The museum is a former courtroom and police station, and students even got to experience what it would have been like to be kept in a holding cell.

In the afternoon, after a visit to an ice-cream parlour, the class undertook a tour of The Rocks district, learning about the criminal past of the area and its place in Sydney’s history. We learned about the infamous larrikin gang known as ‘The Rocks Push’, as well as the lives of convicts who lived in the area. It was amazing to see some of Sydney’s oldest buildings, including Cadman’s Cottage, former convict’s house which is 207 years old.

Below are some reflections from the students:

“The Justice and Police Museum was an extremely memorable and engaging experience for the Year 10 Extreme History class. We explored the tragic case of the pyjama girl and discovered truths about past jurisdiction systems. Overall the Justice and Police Museum was a memorable experience.” – Jiya

"It is astonishing to learn that there is so much history embedded within this tiny area in Sydney, and I'm glad I was able to get a glimpse into Australia's early post-colonial era" - Stephen

“The Extreme History excursion was an extremely fun and enjoyable excursion. As we arrived in The Rocks, we went to the Justice and Police Museum which was a local courthouse up until the age of 1970. Our guide, Elisha, investigated the Pyjama Girl case and gave us a tour of the museum and revealed to us some artefacts that contribute to the murder of Linda Agostini, A.K.A the Pyjama Girl. I had an awesome time, and I highly recommend Extreme History to any student contemplating on whether or not they should further their studies of history.” – Samuel

Year 10 Modern

Mr Samuel Mills
Year 12 Advisor, History and English Teacher

Modern History Excursion

On Wednesday 15 March, our two Year 12 Modern History classes travelled to Darlinghurst to visit the Sydney Jewish Museum.

The program was designed to link in with their studies on the rise of Nazi Germany and the regime’s treatment of minorities.

Students participated in two source-based workshops, and got to handle various artefacts from the time, including medals, passports, photographs and other documents. They then heard pre-recorded testimonies from Holocaust survivors, including Eddie Jaku. Finally, students were taken on small group guided tours of the museum, where they viewed more original artefacts and learned more about the nature and effects of the Holocaust.

Modern History

Mr Samuel Mills
Year 12 Advisor, History and English Teacher

Debating and Public Speaking

We have had a great start to debating this year.

Two debating competitions are running currently, with our Wednesday lunchtime meetings focussed on preparation and training. Here is a summary of what has happened so far, as well as upcoming events.

MISA Debating Competition
Three rounds of the MISA Year 9 and 10 Debating Competition have taken place this term.

Round One: Bye

Round Two: THAC v St. Francis Catholic College. Year 9 narrowly lost and Year 10 won.

Round Three: THAC v Mount Carmel Catholic College. Both our Year 9 and 10 teams won.  

HICES Debating Competition
There are three rounds in the round robin phase of the HICES competition. We have entered two teams in the Middle Division and one team in the Senior Division. Round One has finished up this week with our Middle teams competing against Georges River Grammar. Year 7 won and Year 8 narrowly lost. Our Senior team competed against Shellharbour Anglican College on Friday achieving an impressive win.

Well done to all students in our debating teams!


Year 7 MISA Debating Workshop
Prior to the Year 7 Debating competition beginning in Term 3, a Year 7 MISA. Debating Workshop will be held on Wednesday 10 May, 2023. Further details regarding this excursion will be sent to parents of students who have signed up for debating this year.

Call out for adjudicators!
We would welcome adjudicators from our alumni or parent community to be involved in our growing debating program at THAC. Please email Mrs Rodriguez if you are interested in adjudicating or coaching.

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Assembly Performance

The Scientist on Saxophone

Dietrich E performed at the Years 3-6 assembly recently with a rendition of Coldplay's song 'The Scientist'.  He was allocated the saxophone in Year 4, joined the Junior Concert Band, and has continued playing into this year. He took the initiative to learn this song on his own and gave a great performance with Mr Mark accompanying him on the piano at the assembly. You can listen to his performance in the video below.

Well done Dietrich on performing in front of your peers and fellow students.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

GWS Giants

Last week the College had a special visit from the GWS Giants.

This event was open to the whole Community and was a great opportunity for participants to hear from the team players.

They spoke about endurance, training, and gave helpful tips on the sport.

GWS Giants

We are very thankful for the experience and also for the signed and framed jersey that they donated to the College.

If your son or daughter is interested in playing AFL, registrations for our local club Southwest Tigers AFL club are still open online.


CommunityBack to Top

Movie Night Under the Stars

On Friday evening we hosted our Movie Night Under the Stars on the Rawdon Middleton VC Oval.

It was a fantastic evening with over 2000 people attending the event. Families enjoyed watching 'Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile' together while enjoying food and drinks from our fantastic food vendors.

Movie night

Thank you to everyone who came along and it made it such a special event.

Thank you especially to our fantastic host, Mr Schrack, our staff and student volunteers, and to our prize sponsors:

Devine BuildingBunnings warehouse

House Of WowLa Rumbla


Uniform Shop Trading Hours

The winter uniform changeover is the week after Mother’s Day (Monday 15 May), however, for Junior School, winter uniform is optional for the first three weeks of Term if it is cold.

Uniforms can be purchased in person or online. We recommend booking a fitting appointment online if you are a Year 7 student requiring a blazer.

The store is still accepting the Premiers Back to School Vouchers.

Term 2 Extended Trading Hours:
Monday 17 April: 9.00 am to 4.00 pm
Wednesday 19 April: 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Friday 21 April: 9.00 am to 4.00 pm
Monday 24 April: 9.00 am to 4.00 pm
Tuesday 25 April ANZAC DAY Public Holiday: Closed

The uniform shop will return to normal hours on Wednesday 26 April 2023

Easter Services

Hope Anglican Church
Good Friday 7th April | 8:30am & 10:30am
Easter Sunday 9th April | 8:30am, 10:30am & 6pm

30 Heath Rd, Leppington NSW 2179 | Website


Hoxton Park Anglican Church
Good Friday – 9:30 am
Easter Sunday – 9:30 am and 6:00 pm

1 Latrobe Rd, West Hoxton NSW 2171 | Website


Liverpool South Anglican Church

152 Graham Ave, Lurnea NSW 2170, Australia | Website


St Luke's Liverpool Anglican Church
Good Friday: 7 April 8:30am Service
10:30am Service with Children’s Programs

Easter Sunday: 9 April 8:30am Service
9:30am Nepalese Service
10:30am Service with Children’s Programs
6:00pm Service

156 Northumberland Street Liverpool NSW 2170 | Website

New Life Anglican Church Oran Park
Maundy Thursday 6th April: 7pm
Good Friday 7th April: 9.30am
Easter Sunday 9th April: 8am

Central Ave & Marcus Loane Way, Oran Park NSW 2570 | Website


St Barnabas Anglican (Fairfield & Bossley Park) Church
Good Friday Church - Fairfield: 8:15am and 10:30am. Bossley Park: 10:30am.
Easter Sunday Church - Fairfield: 8:15am, 10:30am and 6pm. Bossley Park: 10:30am

Fairfield: Corner Frederick and Lackey St   |   Bossley Park: 80 Quarry Rd Bossley Park  |   Website


St Mark's Anglican Church Sadlier

1 Spica Street Sadleir  | Website


Church of The Risen King Jesus
Good Friday: 10am
Easter Sunday: 10am

Thomas Hassall Anglican College | Website