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Careers News

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This Term Year 10 have been planning their work experience for Term 2 Week 6 and having conversations about their future careers and plans for next year.

A reminder that the work experience notes are due at the end of Week 1 Term 2. Planning is in place for visiting speakers from Universities and TAFE as well as from SEDA who run a business and sports coaching double degree.

Every week students in Years 10-12 receive a newsletter that provides them with a wealth of information about Careers and future pathways. Encourage your children to check the contents to find out what is relevant to their future careers and study opportunities

Some highlights from this week are:

Future University Students:
- Webinar: Uncovering the Past: Archaeology in Practice (find out what it’s like to be an Archaeologist) Webinar Link
- Work experience as a chemical engineer at University of Sydney
- Future University Students: browse Sydney University’s webinars by area of interest Link

Future TAFE Students
- Fee-Free Apprenticeships are a great way for students to launch their careers
- My Gain Videos – Nearly Every Apprenticeship Video is Here Link

- Check out these gap year programs Link
- Study skills workshops Link
- White Card training opportunities in the holidays Link

Mr Michael Roper
Careers Advisor, HSC Plus Coordinator & Year 10 Advisor