Term 4: Thursday 2 November 2017

Leadership through service
Roger Young

The special assembly was before family, staff and senior students. It was a lovely occasion to recognise the young men and women who will serve the College as leaders from now and into 2018.  This is an opportunity towards leadership and serving others in a community. They have an important role of bringing an example to the student body and we will assist them to understand their service of leadership. 

The reality for them, however, is that 2018 is their HSC year which will also take much for their focus. It’s a fairly short year which also provides a good time of learning how to manage the pressure of deadlines.  We wish them well along with their fellow students as they are already preparing for the HSC and encourage them in their task of leadership at the College. 

The leadership across the Senior School are currently looking at the leadership program from 7-12 and we hope to have more definition around what this looks like moving into 2018.

 It’s interesting to think about what good leadership looks like. We hope for great examples of good leadership, but it is more and more difficult to see – especially in those who stand before us as national or world leaders. We hope for wisdom, we long    for vision and strength of leadership, for stability and a commitment to serve the community. We are often disappointed in our leaders yet more than ever we need people with courage to stand up to lead, whether here at the College, or in our local area, our nation or our world.

Jesus called them together and said, ‘You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave – just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:25-28

We continue to think of the current Year 12 students sitting their HSC examinations. Their last examination will be Tuesday 7 November 2017.

Over the weekend was the anniversary of Mrs Tanya Monteleone’s passing on 28 October 2016.  We particularly remember Dennis Monteleone and family in our thoughts and prayers.

Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Our College hosted the 2018 Kindergarten children and their parents yesterday in the annual orientation ahead of the new year.  What a great day we all enjoyed … and perhaps the most anxious were the mums and dads as they contemplated the future of their growing young people.  Mrs Bessant spoke to a full house in the Junior Library about the joys and challenges ahead; the need to have more conversations with our young people, whether in the car while waiting in the traffic or around the dinner table at night time as a family.  She brought a warm confidence for parents as they continue to understand this new stage of learning for their little ones.

At another part of the College, Year 12 students attempted the Legal Studies, and Society & Culture examinations, and as the 2017 HSC comes to a conclusion early next week, we are looking forward to the aspirations and dreams of our 17 and 18 year olds being fulfilled in the coming years.  HSC parents have survived another major challenge of the learning years.

We love the journey through the school age years here at Thomas Hassall.  It’s a most rewarding experience to work with young people and their families from Prep through to Year 12.  Teachers and staff see the joys and the challenges; the testing and the achievements across every stage, and for the most part, children grow into young adults who are able to take on the changing and exciting world around them.  Certainly there is more that can be improved, and the innovations will continue to test us out, whether in technology or new curriculum or social reforms.  In this a learning community that has the Christian gospel at its centre, we have an expectation and a focus on care and compassion; on the development of God-given gifts being recognised and developed – and tested.  We love to engage with families and the wider community and we want young people to serve others in the broader global society.  We sense that optimism about life and the future across the College – our students and staff, our families and our supporters.  Thanks for being part of us.

The new Physical Education Centre and Oval is quickly turning into reality, with May 2018 our target for lessons and play.  Our director of the project Mr Warren Murray brings the latest news and photos for your information later in the newsletter. Take a drive around the boundary to see the progress for yourself.  Our existing top sports field will also undergo some renovation, and we intend to convert the existing Maintenance facility into a new sports and fitness centre with the latest machines and equipment.  We hope to add additional athletics spaces including a sprint track and long jump run-ups beside the top oval.  It’s an exciting project.

Enjoy the stories and news of the College in the pages ahead.  Talk to us about your questions and concerns.  Thanks for your continued support.

Ross Whelan

‘Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’  Joshua 1:9

Mr Ross Whelan
Physical Education Centre - first glimpse inside!

The construction program has reached a major milestone this week with the completion of the roof sheeting and the commencement of the external wall linings.As you walk up the front entry steps, you can either walk through the Hall Of Fame on the ground floor or continue up the second flight of stairs that brings you into the Viewing Gallery overlooking the Sports Hall. From the Hall Of Fame you have access to the Sports Hall, change-rooms,servery/kitchen, the boulevard and the new playing field. From the upstairs Viewing Gallery, you have access to three new classrooms and the PDHPE staffroom.

Hopefully by the end of this month there will be a sea of green with 23,000 m2 of "Gully Gold" Couch rolled out over the playing field so look forward to the aerial photos over the next four to six weeks.

2017 Gold Award students

2017 Gold Award Students - Ali, Cameron, Domenico and Chris

Gold Dukes Students 2017
2017 Gold Award Students - Ali, Cameron, Domenico and Chris

Others have achieved this in the years following graduation but to do this before leaving shows excellent dedication and perseverance in the brief time available for the one year activity windows that can only be commenced after the sixteenth birthday. Our congratulations goes to Christopher Collins, Cameron Eggins, Domenico Stambe and Ali Dursun.

The College has received from The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – Australia (NSW Division) an official expression of congratulations to convey to the boys on this achievement.  We are indeed proud and pleased for them. 

This is excellent news for our whole College as the work of these boys in facing courageously the great challenges of Dukes at this level sets a magnificent example of careful organisation, resilience and driving persistence towards the worthwhile achievement of an Award that is recognized and revered around the world.  It is seen as the very top of young achievement in the activity areas of: outdoor expeditioning, sport, service towards others and the acquisition of skills.

The fact that our boys went well beyond the minimum requirements for this award and helped each other as part of an effective team is most impressive. Their self-sacrificial focus and thorough attention to detail sets a new bench mark at our College for others to follow.

We thank the Lord for this result.  Around many a campfire these boys have discussed Christian devotions and reflected on how Jesus leads us safely through life if we trust Him. It has been humbling to see these boys put their faith firmly into action as they have found the undergirding Spirit of God's guiding hand help them to keep going when things were hard, confusing and frustrating. This is the greatest life lesson of all to learn.

Thanks must also go to all the teachers, parents, friends and outside trainers and assessors who have willingly given hours of helping these boys achieve their Gold Awards. The commitment of the College towards supporting and resourcing the work of Dukes must also be acknowledged.  It is in fact one of the best investments in education for life that a school can make.

Well you others out there trying for a Dukes Award - it is your turn to make your mark and experience the intense fulfilment that these young men have discovered. Dukes has deepened their friendships, provided encouraging mutual support, and been the happy context for fantastic teamwork that has been transformative and incredibly productive.

An old explorer, balanced on some knife edge of danger, once summed up the subtle but crucial secret to ultimate success in the tricky endeavour of a productive life:

 "it is not the butterflies in the stomach that is the problem; no, the main challenge is to teach them all to fly in a formation that will inspire balance and victory."

You have flown well gentlemen - we salute you and the God whom you serve.  May He richly bless you in the tracks of life that lie ahead in the wider world.

Mr J Ward
Dukes Coordinator

Important Upcoming Dates 2017

Term 4

Thursday 2 November Year 11 Parent Teacher Night 
Monday 13 November Mid Term Break - Students Only 
Thursday 16 November Ensembles Evening 
Wednesday 22 November Young Performers' Evening 
Friday 24 November Volunteers' Thank You Breakfast & Term 4 Class Parent Meeting
Tuesday 5 December Junior School Celebration
Wednesday 6 December Senior School Celebration
Thursday 7 December End of Term 4
From the Chaplain

JAM camp this year was a lot of fun as students encouraged one another, enjoyed activities like the water slide and dragon boating and, (of course) learnt from the bible.

Some of the highlights from the camp were our guest speaker Jeremy Toulmin, his music sampling and friend Ryan the Lion teaching from Ephesians 2, playing night games like Dettol and getting to know one another during free time.

This is the most amount of students we've ever had on JAM camp and the campsite is at maximum capacity. 

As this is a volunteer ministry camp, staff give up their time to be a part of this and develop relationships with students. The College is very much appreciative of the staff who willingly do this. In particular Mr Dane Bakarich who lead the camp.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10.

Stuart Tye

Principal's Awards

Well done to all of the recipients.  


Engagement News

Lovely news for our Student Receptionist Alex Temporal who became engaged to James Smiler recently.  We rejoice with the happy couple and wish them God's blessings as they take this exciting step into the next chapter of their lives.  

EventsBack to Top

Volunteer Breakfast 2017

It's our way of saying thank you. Please join us at our Volunteers' Breakfast on Friday 24 November commencing at 7:30am.

Please RSVP to Christine Klomp - [email protected] no later than Friday 17 November 2017 for catering purposes.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Markets, Hampers and Community Service

In keeping with tradition here at Thomas Hassall Anglican College, Term 4 is dedicated to teaching students in Years 7-9 about the importance of service. Year 9 will be leading secondary students on one of the most exciting days of our College Calendar. Friday 1 December 2017, secondary students will celebrate the finals of X-Thactor and partake in the fun of Market Day. 

Market Day is designed to fit in with the College’s fundraising and charity programs, prior to the Christmas holidays. The focus of our social service activities requires students to recognise that it is their small individual efforts that collectively make a large difference in our local community via the Sadleir Anglican Hamper drive, as well as our Market Day Stalls – a day which is designed to raise money for Anglicanaid, in order to make a difference in the broader community.

Students are asked to give of their time and their energy to assist in raising funds for this worthy charity in a fun and festive way. In order to achieve these outcomes, each PC is asked to contribute to the expenses associated with the establishment of a Market Day Stall. There are lots of exciting food, drink and games stalls being planned for the day.

We would love for you to support the College in this event by assisting your child with a small contribution towards the establishment of the stall which is roughly between $5 and $10.

We are also putting together Christmas hampers that are to be distributed by St Marks Anglican Church, in Sadleir, to families in the local area, who are in need this Christmas. Perhaps ideal outworking of this project would be an item on your normal grocery list. The items donated must be non-perishable. The students are aware of this initiative and the final day to bring in these items is Friday 1 December 2017.

WellbeingBack to Top

SchoolTV: Transitions

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month's edition and we always welcome your feedback.

Whether it is starting school for the first time, moving up to a higher grade or embarking on a journey through secondary school, there is no doubt that any school transition is a very exciting time for children and parents. It means your children are growing up!
However, transitioning is an ongoing process. It can continue long after students have entered their new environment and may encounter difficulties at a number of different stages. These stressors may appear as anxiety and frustration and result in negative or disruptive behaviours. Such behaviours can become problematic making the transitioning process even more difficult for children and parents.

In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will learn practical strategies to assist your child during the transition process and reduce stress and anxiety levels. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month's edition and we always welcome your feedback.

If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information.

Here is the link to this month's edition http://thac.nsw.schooltv.me/newsletter/school-transitions

Source: School TV

LearningBack to Top

The Great Aussie Bake-Off

Year 10 Food Technology students have, once again, demonstrated their outstanding creative abilities during a recent Food Technology incursion. The students are currently working through a unit of work from the Stage 5 syllabus called ‘Celebrations’.

We have been looking at different reasons for celebrations and the kinds of foods that are incorporated into these celebrations. To complement this unit of work, guest cake decorator Sally Foweraker, from Camden Art Centre visited to demonstrate to Year 10 Food Technology students how to create a drip cake.

In preparation for this incursion, Year 10 baked two cakes each, made meringue kisses and organised their props for their cakes.  Have a look at a video of our lesson here (no sound).

Helen Bull
TAS Teacher

News from the Senior IRC

Reader of the Month

The Reader of the Month for October is Miriam Khiyo. (Year 7) Congratulations! Miriam has won a book of her choice.

Each month a prize is given to the student who borrows and reads the most books. Open to all grades. Will you be the last winner for 2017? Borrow a book from the IRC, and start reading today!

What's new on the shelf?

The world's greatest female champion has appeared in the IRC!

Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Lies - Greg Rucka, Liam Sharp (illustrator)

"Heroic. Iconic. Unstoppable. Armed with her Lasso of Truth and imbued with the power of the gods themselves, Princess Diana of Themyscira - known to the world as Wonder Woman - is one of the greatest superheroes in history.

But who is she...really? Not even Wonder Woman herself knows for sure. Diana's links both the Amazons and the Gods of Olympus have been severed. Her memories are a tangle of contradictions that even her lie detecting lasso cannot untangle.

To solve the riddle of her origin, she must embark on her greatest quest of all: finding a way back to her vanished home. To get there, she must team up with her greatest enemy, the feral beast-woman, Cheetah. Will this unlikely alliance shine the light of truth on Diana's darkest secrets, or bury them- and her -forever?"

Wonder Woman: The Lies is a new exciting graphic novel in the DC Universe Rebirths series. Written by bestselling writer Greg Rucka, and featuring amazing illustrations by veteran comic artist Liam Sharp, this is a novel that breathes new life and energy into the worlds most recognizable heroine. Featuring a great new story arc, incredibly detailed characters, terrifying monsters, terrible curses and lots of explosive action, the fantastic graphic novel will have you eagerly awaiting the next installment.

Author Greg Rucka has wonderfully recreated this famous universe, writing a story that will please both newcomers and fans alike. With the recent DVD release of the new Wonder Woman film, now is the perfect time to jump back into this universe and experience brand new adventures with one of the world's greatest heroes.

Lots more exciting Marvel and DC graphic novels are on their way to the IRC! Make sure you check the new book stand for the latest titles! 

Library Stocktake 2017

The Senior IRC will be starting its annual stocktake on Tuesday 14 November. (Week 6) The last day for borrowing will be Friday 10 November. The latest overdue notices will be sent out this week. Students will need to ensure that all borrowed books are returned to the IRC before stocktake begins.

Mrs A Comiskey and Mr M Smith
Senior IRC Library Team


Students find Thomas Hassall's diary

History Extension students, accompanied by Mr. Driscoll and Mr. Smith, travelled to The University of Sydney and The State Library of New South Wales for a taste of tertiary education and to begin the research process for their Major Projects. As part of the History Extension course, students are required to complete a 2500 word essay on a historical debate of their choice, and are required to conduct extensive research before writing.

To aid this process, Mr. Driscoll organised a trip to Fisher Library, the hub of history books and resources at The University of Sydney, in order to learn about research techniques as well as finding books relevant to their Major Project. The success of this section of the excursion can be seen in the enormous pile of books in the photos section. The students also had time to take a walking tour of the University of Sydney, including the on-campus Colleges, lecture theatres, and of course, the Quadrangle and Great Hall. This was a fantastic opportunity to receive a brief insight into life as a tertiary student, and most definitely left the students wide-eyed and wondering about their own futures as university students.

From here, students boarded a bus to the State Library of New South Wales, where they were met by Julie, their fantastic tour guide, who had a wonderful surprise for them. After a short lesson in which students learned more research techniques for their major projects, Julie took them on a tour of the Library, including areas usually prohibited to the public, including the 'Library Friends Room' and the hallowed 'Shakespeare Room'.

The highlight of the tour, however, occurred when Julie brought the students to the specialist research area of the Library, reserved for researchers conducting investigations of primary source content. It was here that she brought out an artefact of particular value to the College: the original diaries of Thomas Hassall himself from 1859 and 1865. These diaries hold enormous significance for historians trying to paint a picture of life in Australia before federation, and include regular references to areas that the College now calls its home and surroundings.

A renowned Anglican clergymen, Thomas Hassall, colloquially known as the 'galloping parson' and 'the Squire of Denbeigh', kept a regular diary during these years, the contents of which shed light on his experiences as a pioneer of Australian Christian education. During his life, Hassall was involved in opening the first Sunday school in Australia in May 1813, for which he served as both superintendent and secretary. From March 1827, after serving various educational and parishional tenures between England and Australia, Hassall was appointed by the Anglican Church to the Cowpastures, which he himself described as 'Australia beyond Liverpool', the land on which the College now stands. It was at this time that Hassall purchased the Denbeigh estate at Cobbitty, which became his headquarters until his death on the property, 29 March 1868. Hasall's property at Denbeigh still stands to this day.

It was a truly special experience for students of the College to not only view, but be able to hold and read the contents of these diaries, which are not usually available for public display. They are a unique primary source and an invaluable piece of Anglican and Australian colonial history. Mr Driscoll and the class would like to formally thank Julie and the entire team at the State Library of New South Wales for their hospitality and for providing the students of History Extension 2018 with an unforgettable experience.

Disability Provisions for the HSC 2018

In order to create a level playing field for all of our students in the Higher School Certificate Examination, Disability Provisions are available to a small number of students in Year 12 with documented medical or learning difficulties. Disability Provisions may include the use of reader writers, withdrawal, rest breaks and occasionally, for extraordinary circumstances, extra time.

BOSTES requires detailed evidence before provisions are granted for any condition. This documentation must be dated no earlier than the beginning of Term 4. If you believe that your student maybe eligible, please contact myself or the College for details of NESA requirements.

Disability Provisions may be available even though your student has not accessed provisions before.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding Disability Provisions.

Julie Smythe
Learning Support Co-ordinator, Senior School

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Young performers evening coming

This year at Thomas Hassall Anglican College, we are holding a special performance evening for the parents and friends of the students who learn a musical instrument at College. It is called 'Young Performers Evening'.

This will be an opportunity to celebrate the work of the students and their musical development throughout the year. There will be a variety of instrumentalists performing a balanced and entertaining program. This event will also provide a perfect opportunity to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of the tutors.

Our tutors will be encouraging students to present one or two pieces each. Students may not know which pieces they will play yet, but the tutors will help them select appropriate repertoire throughout this term.

The date of this evening is Wednesday 18 November.

The format of the evening is as follows:

  • 7pm - All students and families to gather in the John Lambert Auditorium (doors will open at 6.30pm)
  • Welcome, prayer, thanks to tutors
  • Small groups sent to various locations in the College for student performances. Several shows will run simultaneously
  • Supper served in the Staff Centre (Administration Block)

Students involved in performing are asked to wear smart/casual clothes. They will sit with their families.

Please feel welcome to take photos/video of your children as they are performing. There will be an opportunity to take photos with your tutor at the end of the evening.

A light supper will be provided at the conclusion of the evening.

To assist with preparing the program and catering, please fill out the form that has been given to all private tuition students, indicate your interest in attending this event and return it either to your child’s tutor, classroom teacher or directly to the Creative Arts staffroom.

Looking forward to a lovely evening,

Further enquiries: [email protected]

Nicholas Lane
Director of Ensembles

The HUB gets juicy at MRK

On Monday 23 October, the College hosted its first HUB for the term – in conjunction with the opening of the MRK Juice Bar!

This was a great event, as many students lined up to try either a banana smoothie or a berry crush. The eager juice customers were able to listen to some great music whilst waiting in line.

The performers this time were: Ben and Lachlan Shead (trumpet solo, accompanied by piano), Makayla Hobbins (solo piano), Marco Kalik (solo guitar), Evelyn Kilic (solo piano). Well done and thank you to all these performers.


Ensemble Evening

On 16 November (Week 6), all of our Senior Music Ensembles at College will be performing a special concert in our Auditorium. Our ‘Ensembles Evening’ showcases all the hard work and determination of the students in our co-curricular ensembles, and provides the opportunity for each group to perform a 15-minute set of music to display a variety of music they have worked on throughout the year.

This is a free event, and we welcome all families and friends of the College to attend this event and support our student musicians in their journey of musical excellence.


African music studies

As part of their world music studies, Mr Robinson invited Mr Mark in as a special guest to teach the students about African music and culture. Mr Mark studied African drumming in Guinea in 2013, and has a strong passion for the complex rhythms used in African music.

He engaged the class with a song and rhythm called ‘Kenne-Foli’ – which is a festive rhythm performed after an initiation ceremony. Students performed on a variety of percussion instruments, as well as a traditional balafon (African xylophone).


The end of the year is fast approaching, and it is time to start thinking about your X-THACTOR performance entries! Application will be open from Week 5.

We look forward to seeing many of your talents performed at this big event. We have some exciting guest judges in store for you too!

Talented Athletes Program - Swimming

The TAP Swimming program is designed to identify talented students from Years 3 – 12 and offers an extensive training program to students who have represented Thomas Hassall Anglican College at the NASSA carnival level or above.

Days: Monday and Friday during the College term (except public holidays)
Time: 6am – 7.30am
Venue: Whitlam Leisure Centre - 90A Memorial Avenue, Liverpool
Cost: Fees will be charged per term
Transport: Parents are to make their own arrangements to get children to the pool for a 6am start. Students will be transported by mini bus to College at the conclusion of the session.

The squad-based sessions will be structured to adopt best practices and will focus on stroke development and correction, developing strength and endurance. Sessions will include race preparation, dives and turns.

The TAP Swimming program is offered to all students who competed at the NASSA Junior or NASSA Senior Swimming Carnival. However, if there is a talented swimmer who did not attend the College Swimming Carnival they may be assessed to be part of the program.  If you would like more information about the TAP Swimming program, please contact Mrs Evans [email protected]

Brochures are available at the College Office.

Athletics season ends with a bang

During the last week of Term 3 several of our students once again headed into Sydney Olympic Park to compete in the CIS Athletics Championships. Throughout the day we had students competing as part of the AICES team in both field and track events.

The day was a great day for all involved and showed some great individual efforts and PBs.

Congratulations to the following athletes who competed on the day:

Thomas Busfield- 200m

Christian Georgalis- Shot put, 200m and 100m

Praise Lauano- Discus and Shot put

Michael Ruhs- 800m

Wiremu Taylor- Discus and Javelin

Both Praise and Christian placed first or second on their day in all their respective events and progressed to the 2017 2XU NSW All Schools Track and Field Championships which was held in early October. The competition was the State Championships for secondary school athletes and the standard was extremely high for all events. 

Christian went on to place third in the 100m. Congratulations on such a great achievement! We look forward to hearing about your endeavors and achievements in the next couple of years.

Thank you to Miss Friel who accompanied the students and cheered on from the sideline. Her enthusiasm and energy was a great encouragement to the Thomas Hassall athletes. Many thanks also to the parents, who continue to turn up and support their children throughout the season competitions.



Thomas Hassall is becoming known as a College that loves AFL. We love watching it, we love playing, we love the hard work that goes into our training and on game day, and we love the thrill when we win.

The change of venue from Wollondilly Anglican College to Eschol Park Sporting Complex was a big improvement. This allowed for larger fields to be set up than at the previous venue. It allowed the competition to be increased from a 9-a-side competition to 12-a-side on the field. The change allowed a greater playing time and a harder competition. 

Both our senior girls and senior boys had a great day, and both made it to the grand final. The boys team for the first time in a long while came out as champions. They defeated BAC in the final, in a tough but well deserved victory. Our senior girls were robbed in the last few minutes after conceding a goal. However, both teams left nothing on the field as they made marks, kicked goals and tackled opposing players.

Despite the few injuries on the day, our students showed excellent athleticism and teamwork.

Thank you to Mr Palmer, Miss Close and Mrs Howard who helped select and coach the team.

Our AFL season is not over with MISA and the AFL Mcdonalds Cup later in the term. We wish all our upcoming AFL teams good luck. Hit the ground hard and help each other up. Make those marks stick and pick up every crumb.

NASSA Volleyball Gala Day

The change of venue from Wollondilly Anglican College to Minto Indoor Sports Centre was a big improvement from the last couple of years. The new venue enabled students to participate on quality, full sized indoor courts. This negated any environmental issues and provided for more quality volleyball to take place.

Throughout the day, both our junior Year 7-9 boys team and girls team looked strong. Coming off back to back wins from MISA earlier in the year, our team was ready to take down the other NASSA schools.

To complete enough matches games were limited to 30 minutes. In all except 2 matches this was sufficient time to enable winners to be determined. Due to court numbers and timing restraints the 4 matches then seeding for finals approach.

Our boys lost in the semi final, securing fourth place after a well played match. Our girls were victorious on the day, coming off will a well deserved win against Wollondilly Anglican College in the grandfinal.

Thank you to our coaches- Mr Schrack and Miss Taylor who selected the team and coached on the day.

Well done to the following players:

Collins Aneke

Kassandra Bulaong

Dane Infanti

Lukas Kaltsas

Praise Lauano

Montana Logozzo 

Djordje Milic

Sarah Moynan

Katarina Raskovic

Jordyn Sinclair

Ritisha Singh

Isabella Tembeleski

Stefan Todorovic

Jayden Tran

Noah Velnic

AICES Waterpolo Championships

Students from Independent Coeducational Schools competed in a round robin competition on Wednesday 15. This year, we again had Thomas Hassall students represent our College in the AICES Waterpolo Championships.

Luka Kricka dominated the pool and was part of the championship team. Luka now goes on the compete in February at the CIS Waterpolo championships as part of the AICES team.

We wish him the best of luck in his up coming competitions.

NASSA Year 7-9 Basketball Gala Day

This year our efforts in establishing a quality basketball program and having greater depth on our bench in each division paid off in the Basketball Gala day last Monday. It was a great day of basketball played in a really good spirit.

A quick last minute change to the Year 7 girls draw had everyone playing each other once with a straight 1 v 2 grand final. Thankfully they were able to get the 8/9 teams there so the draw remained consistent. The Year 7 boys and 8/9 boys and girls played in two pools.

Our teams were all the underdogs leading into the competition with St Luke's having won the previous years. Unfortunately we were not able to come away with any gold medals but managed to secure three seconds in the Year 7 girls, Year 7 boys and the Year 8/9 boys. 

All our teams played hard throughout the day and despite some new formations and tactics took it all in their stride. Well done to all our teams.

Thank you to our coaches Mr Geering, Mr Driscoll, Mr Goodrick and Mr Schrack for being so flexible and enthusiastic on the day.

NASSA Cricket Gala Days

Over the last couple of weeks there was some fast and exciting cricket played. The vast majority of matches were really close, quite a few coming down to the final ball looking for a winner. Our junior and senior teams played well despite the hot weather and fast paced day.

We are still developing our cricket culture and are looking forward to next year as we continue to strive for excellence within this area. All our teams had a great day of games, showing sportsmanship, teamwork and various skills in fielding, batting and bowling. 

Our teams will be having net training this term and will also continue to compete in our Tuesday MISA competitions. Grand finals for NASSA are yet to be played, and we will need to arrange one day matches against the evenly placed school to complete the cricket season.

Thank you to our coaches who took the various teams on the day, Mr Lindeback, Mr Fortuin and Mr Roper.

MISA Chess Championships

On Friday 27 students from Years 7 to 12 headed to Clancy Catholic College to compete in the MISA Chess Championships. The tournament was held in two divisions - Junior (Year 7-9) and Senior (Year 10-12). Each team consisted of four teams. Within each team, players were ranked in order of playing strength with the strongest player on Board 1. 

The day saw many of our students win their matches. All our students had a great day, playing multiple games against several school teams. The day is only the second time it has run and has proven a day to look foward to.

Thank you to Mr Driscoll who helped out coaching and encouraging the students on the day. Thank you also to Miss Close who helped out transporting the students from the venue.

Congratulations to the following students who competed on the day:

Christopher Galatoulas

Liam Penklis

Brandon Pugsley

Martin Rouchdi

Lachlan Shead

Matthew Squire

2018 Football Development Program

The College offers Football Development Programs for students in Kinder to Year 9. The year-long program caters for both boys and girls and will be conducted by our Football Director Sonny Makko.

The one-hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and suited for all abilities. Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game.

Students can enroll in more than one day if preferred. The program runs for 35 weeks.


2018 Football Development Programs

Information flyers and application forms for the 2018 Football Development programs will be emailed to all College families on Monday 6 November.  Copies will be available at the College Office.


Program details:

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Monday  3 - 4pm

Year 6 - 9 Secondary Program        Tuesday 3 - 4pm

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Wednesday  3 - 4pm

Year 2 - Year 6 Program                  Thursday 3 - 4pm

K - 6 Girls Only Program                 Friday 3 - 4pm


For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]

Interested in a Holiday Football Camp?

We are proposing to hold a Football Holiday Clinic at the College during the December holidays.

Dates: Monday 11 December – Friday 15 December 2017

Time: 8.30am - 2.30pm

Cost: $60 per day or $250 for the week-long program. Students can attend as many days as they would like. 

If you would be interested in attending during this period, please contact Ana Dinjar [email protected] at the College Office indicating your interest (children and preference of days). 

Expressions of interest close Wednesday 8 November.

The camp will proceed if we have sufficient numbers.