Term 1 : Tuesday 26 February 2019

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

It’s a joy to see the colour and excitement at these events along with the competition.  Thanks to the organisers of these two events.  We appreciate your efforts.  Congratulations to all the students who will now represent the College at the NASSA Carnivals this week.  We wish them our best.

Last week our Senior School Student Leadership Team attended the Prefect Commissioning Service at St Andrews Cathedral hosted by the Rev Dr Glenn Davies, the Archbishop of Sydney.  This is an important occasion for our Student Leaders also as they are commissioned into their roles as Prefects.  Lachlan Shead also shared his testimony on the day.

Catarina Di Ramio shared her thoughts from the day as follows:-

“The chance to be commissioned by the Archbishop was a privilege in itself, but, what was even more valuable was that as a team, we all learnt how to serve and support our student body as well as our teachers through the love, and guidance of God’s word. This reminded us of our own values and it helped us to construct the way we lead Thomas Hassall Anglican College." 

It was lovely to once again welcome our visitors from Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School (QEGS) in Alford, United Kingdom.  They were able to share their experiences of Sydney and share with our students about their school and way of life.  QEGS staff and students also joined the HSC High Achievers’ Assembly celebrating the achievements of our Year 12 Class of 2018.

“Who doesn’t like the smell of hot coffee brewing, good food on offer as well as an opportunity to meet other parents….” - it was great to see the launch of MRK Parent Café last week.  We served over 300 cups of coffee over the 2 days and there was certainly a buzz in the air both mornings.  We look forward to seeing many of you each Thursday and Friday during the term. 

This Friday we will host our annual Open Day.  This is a great opportunity for us to showcase the College in action.  Please let your friends and neighbours know…. it’s certainly not too late to register or even just come along on the day. 

Thanks for your continued support. 

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal
Deputy Junior

The partnership between school and home is very important so meeting the teachers and understanding what the expectations are for the year is a great foundation for success. It is pleasing to see many parents checking into the Seesaw platform and seeing what is happening for your child in the classroom. At the moment we are all learning and developing how to best use Seesaw so teachers are working through what to post, how to post it and when. There is an ability for parents to comment on the posts but we will not be using that function initially as we are all learning how to use it. Enjoy seeing the snapshots from the classroom!

Class parent meetings have also been held this week and I would like to thank everyone who has volunteered their time to be part of building the College community together. The aim of the network is to welcome and grow our community, to be involved in events, focus groups and to be inclusive to all parents. It was lovely to see parents gathering together over coffee in the MRK café last week, what a great place for parents to connect!

This week has been the week for babies in the Junior school. Mrs Wheeler had a baby boy on Monday 25 February. Congratulations to her and her husband Scott on the safe arrival of Arlen. We are also farewelling Mrs Robinson as she begins her maternity leave and wish her and Mr Robinson well as they await their baby.


Mrs Christine Bessant
Deputy Principal
From the College Chaplain

A life hack, as may well know, is some sort of insight you have gleaned that just makes life easier, less complicated. There’s more to a can of soft drink or a roll of gladwrap than meets the eye!

The book of Proverbs is a collection of life hacks; pithy pieces which to give the reader wisdom to live life well. I guess we all have some insight of what works in life and what doesn’t. The writer of Proverbs says that it all wisdom starts with God; that he is the foundation for a life well lived.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10

We need not be afraid of God like we are afraid of spiders, sharks or snakes, or crazy challenges faced by participants on ‘I’m a Celebrity, Get Me out of Here!’

Rather, we need to fear God in the sense that he is the almighty, all wise one, who is the source of all ultimate wisdom. He made us and he knows us. He deserves our respect, our honour, our gratitude, and our worship. It is he shows us principles for living, but more, how to live in loving relationship with God and others.

C.S. Lewis wonderfully captured what it means to rightly fear God. In the classic ‘Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’, and here is an insightful dialogue between sisters Lucy and Susan and Mrs Beaver:

“Aslan is a lion – the Lion, the great Lion.”

“Ooh, said Susan, I’d thought he was a man. Is he ---quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous meeting a lion.”

“That you will, dearie, and no mistake.” Said Mrs Beaver, “if there is anyone who can appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, they’re either braver than most or else just silly.”

“Then he isn’t safe?” said Lucy.

“Safe?” said Mrs Beaver. “Don’t you hear what Mrs Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he is good. He is the King I tell you.”

To fear God is the beginning of wisdom. God is awesome, powerful and rightly be honoured. We can do this because he is good. He loves us, and seeks his good for us all. And we are wise to remember this as we seek to navigate the challenges of life.




Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Open Day - 1 March 2019

This day is a great opportunity for anyone considering enrolment to see the College in action.

There will an opportunity to visit classrooms, hear from the Principal and ask questions about the College.

Please let your family and friends know and encourage them to register for this event on the College website (https://www.thac.nsw.edu.au/content/open-day)

Two New Baby Boys

Congratulations to Sandy Wheeler and her husband Scott as they welcome Arlen into their family.  He weighed 3.94kg.  Mum and bub are doing well!  

Congratulations to Elise one of our Junior School teachers and her husband Brett Hona who welcomed their little one Elijah John - born on Saturday 16 February.  He weighed 3.8kg.

We are thrilled with this news and praise God for the safe arrival of these precious boys. We wish both these families many blessings now and always.

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow."

A New Baby Girl

Congratulations to Trudie Wilson (Personal Assistant to the Deputies) and her husband Jordan who welcomed their little one Zara Grace - born on Wednesday 20 February.  Big sister Jade is over the moon.   

We are thrilled with this news and praise God for the safe arrival of Zara.  We wish their family blessings now and always.

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow."

Term 1 Important Dates
Friday 1 March College Open Day
Wed - Fri 6-8 March Year 5 Camp
Wed - Fri 13 - 15 March Year 6 Camp
Friday 22 March Movies Under the Stars from 6pm
Wednesday 27 March Year 7 & 12 Parent Teacher Interviews 
Monday  1 April Year 9 & 11 Parent Teacher Interviews 
Thursday 4 April Junior School Parent Teacher Interviews
Friday  5 April Senior School Cross Country Carnival
Monday  8 April Year 8 & 10 Parent Teacher Interviews
Tuesday 9 April Junior School Parent Teacher Interviews 
Thursday  11 April Junior School Easter Hat Parade
Friday  12 April Last day of Term 1



Cafe MRK - Grand Opening

Please join us every Thursday & Friday from 7.30 - 9.30am at Cafe MRK.

You can sit down and enjoy your coffee or grab a take away.

The cafe is a parent community initiative and with your support we can keep it running as a place for parents and grandparents to meet at the College.

Mrs Carmen Pasapera
Marketing and Community Relations Manager


LearningBack to Top

Peer Support in the Junior School

peer support 2.JPG

Peer Support
Peer Support

Peer Support is taking place this term in the Junior School for Years 1 - 6.

Peer Support provides students with the opportunity and environment to develop the understanding, attitudes and skills they need to live a safe and healthy lifestyle, realise their potential and contribute positively to society.

The Peer Support Program develops skills in: Maintaining self-esteem; self-awareness; self- confidence; effective communication; decision making; problem solving; assertiveness and conflict resolution

Year 6 is partnering with Year 3 children and they will be looking at the process of Conflict Resolution.  Year 5 will be working with Year 2 students and exploring three key values: Perseverance; respect and self-control.  Year 4 will be buddies with Year 1 and they are looking at the theme of Friendship. Within this, they will look in particular at two key values imbedded in friendships: Kindness and cooperation/teamwork.  

Kindergarten and Prep will participate in a buddy system next term when they will be working with Years 5 and 6.

Mrs Emma Harris
Coordinator for Years 1 2 and 3



Year 4 Band Program

Last Tuesday, all students were sitting on the edge of their seats, and the room was buzzing with excitement as they waited to see what instrument they were going to receive!

After various testing in Year 3, students were allocated instruments most appropriate to their timbre preferences and demonstrated abilities. Their first concert will be at the end of this term, and we look forward to hearing their progress after 8 weeks of tuition.

Discovering the stars of the future!

Have fun Year 4 : )

Mr Byron Mark
Manager of Ensembles - Creative Arts

Year 1 Has Their Heads in the Clouds

We are currently monitoring the daily weather and learning about three different types of clouds. Cirrus clouds are high, thin and wispy. Cumulus clouds are thick and fluffy and Stratus clouds are like a blanket covering the sky. I wonder what clouds are in the sky today?

Images taken by Cierra 1A and Noah 1A


Miss Ashleigh Hackfath 
Year 1 Team Leader 

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Music at Thomas Hassall

There are many ensembles, including chapel and concert bands, to take part in that to list them all and their impact would take far too long.

In 2019, Year 6 are exploring Ukulele, EDM, Percussion and Tuned Instruments. This is an exciting time to be in this year group and will prepare students well for Year 7 Music.

We realise there are music costs, but it is such a worthwhile investment and commitment of time. Recently, Mrs Hobbins directed me to a great article by Dr Kraus, Professor of Auditory Neuroscience:

…“A common argument against daily music education is that it takes time away from teaching fundamentals such as reading and math. But evidence shows that music training actually improves children’s reading and math skills, suggesting that it can pay dividends in more traditional academic domains.”

Whilst it can take time away, it can further students as a whole person as well as assist their reading and maths skills. It’s incredible the feedback I get from Year 4 band each year. One parent couldn’t believe how much it produced a more focused attitude in their child.

With this many opportunities at Thomas Hassall, it shouldn’t be thought of should I get involved, but instead how do I get involved at the College. Be part of a vibrant, positive and harmonious community and see your child flourish.

Thank you for your support of the Music program and do not hesitate to contact [email protected] if you need further help in getting your child playing and engaging in Music.

Mr Nick Lane
Creative Arts Coordinator


Junior Choir Meet the Teacher

The choir performed a preview of ‘Diamonds’ by Rihanna, after only one week of rehearsals – amazing!

When we sing in groups we experience feelings of community, this is because singing releases endorphins and oxytocin (the happy hormones). So, we thought the best way to bring happiness to others would be by inviting them to sing with us. After a quick rehearsal, the Junior Choir students and their families performed ‘Dynamite’ by Taio Cruz. It was so much fun! As Ella Fitzgerald puts it “the only thing better than singing, is more singing”.

With that in mind, if you are interested in your child joining choir, please see our Music Administration Assistant Mrs Hobbins for an information note or email: [email protected].

Junior Drum Circle

This group, made up of students from years 3-6, rehearse on Monday lunchtimes, and study mostly African rhythms, as well as some Latin and Pop grooves.

Well done to all the performers in this group!!

Mr Byron Mark
Manager of Ensembles - Creative Arts

Junior School Sport - Term One 2019

Term One IPSSO Draw

Term 1



Game Time


Girls Soccer


Oz Tag & Teeball, Softball




St Mary's

12.20 - 2.10



Powell Park





Training - Yr 5 camp









Training - Yr 6 camp









St Mark's

12.10 - 2.00


Hammondville Pk 

Hammondville Pk

Hammondville Pk

St Mark's School



William Carey

12.30 - 2.20



Powell Park






12.00 - 1.50


Gordon Parker Res

Marco Res

Marco Res

GRG school




11.55 - 1.45



Powell Park



Students who are not involved in IPSSO teams will participate in the Year 3 -6 College Sports program. 

All sports are taught by qualified coaches and the sport runs for the entire term.  There is no cost associated with the program as is covered by College fees.

Year 3 Boys  Soccer Year 5 Boys Basketball
Year 3 Girls Swimming Year 5 Girls AFL
Year 4 Boys Dance Year 6 Boys Tennis
Year 4 Girls Cricket Year 6 Girls Joey League

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

2019 Football Programs - Junior School

2019 Advanced Pathway Programs - Years 3 - 6 Football representative teams

The following Advanced Pathway Program Junior school football teams have been selected adn students will remain in the program for the entire year :

  • APP Football Junior Primary Boys (Years 3 & 4)
  • APP Football Junior Primary Girls (Years 3 & 4)
  • APP Football Senior Primary Boys (Years 5 & 6)
  • APP Football Senior Primary Girls (Years 5 & 6)


2019 Football Development Programs - Kindergarten - Year 8 (afternoon programs)

The College offers Football Development Programs for students in Kinder to Year 9. The year-long program caters for both boys and girls and will be conducted by our Football Director Sonny Makko.

The one-hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and suited for all abilities. Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game.

Students can enrol in more than one day if preferred. The program runs for 35 weeks.

Information flyers and application forms for the 2019 Football Development Programs have been emailed to all College families.  

Copies are available at the College Office.

Program details:

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Monday  3 - 4pm  - FULL

Year 3 - Year 8 Program                  Tuesday 3 - 4pm

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Wednesday  3 - 4pm - FULL

Year 2 - Year 6 Program                  Thursday 3 - 4pm

K - 6 Girls Only Program                 Friday 3 - 4pm


For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]


Junior School Football Program Flyer - 

Junior School Football Application Form - 


Junior School Sport - Term One - dates for your diary

Important Sport Dates for 2019 - Term One 

Week 5 -            Tuesday 26 February – NASSA Junior Swimming Carnival – Homebush – 4.00 – 7.00pm

Week 7 -            Monday 11 March - NASSA Junior Boys and Girls Soccer Gala Day (APP Football Senior Boys and Girls)

Week 8 -            Wednesday 20 March – NSW CIS Swimming Carnival - Homebush

Week 11 -          Thursday 11 April - NASSA  Junior Girls Netball Gala Day (Senior IPSSO team)


Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator 

Academy of Dance Program - Kinder - Year 6

The College is excited to launch Dance as an additional sport in the 2019 Talented Athlete Program.

Utilising our own highly qualified and experienced dance teachers we will commence afternoon dance development sessions covering a range of styles.

Monday - Year 3 - 6 Program - Contemporary, Jazz and Hip Hop  

Tuesday- Year 3 - 6 Program - Contemporary, Jazz and Hip Hop

Wednesday - Kinder - Year 2 Contemporary and Jazz 


We have had a tremendous response to the introduction of the programs and Term One is at capacity for all days.

A wait list is in operation, so if you are interested in enrolling your child please contact the College Office.

For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]




Basketball Development Program - Kinder - Year 9

The College is excited to launch Basketball as an additional sport in the 2019 Talented Athlete Program. Utilising our new gymnasium and the experienced coaches from Camden Valley “Wildfire” Basketball Association, afternoon basketball development sessions will be offered to students.

The Basketball Development Program is offered to both boys and girls from Kinder to Year 9.

The one hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and cater for all abilities.

Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. There are no trials for this program.

All sessions will occur from 3.00 – 4.00pm and will be conducted in the new sports facility.

*  Tuesday - Year 1 - Year 4 Program

*  Wednesday - Year 2 - Year 6 Program

*  Thursday - Kinder - Year 2 Program

*  Friday - Year 6 - Year 9 Secondary Program

For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator




Junior School Swimming Carnival

The Junior Swimming Carnival was held on a sunny day at Prairiewood Leisure Centre on Thursday 14 February. 

All students had an opportunity to have a go, with children entering 50m, 25m or novelty events. 

It was fantastic to see everyone cheering their house on and doing their best. 

The 25m races were very popular and student in the novelty events had lots of fun with Mrs. Morris and Mrs Brown.

The relays are always a highlight to finish the day, and the grandstand was alive with cheering for the swimmers in the water. 

A big thank you to all the parents who assisted at the carnival and special thanks to Mr Weir, Mr Fox and the Secondary PASS students, who eagerly assisted on the day.  They did an excellent job encouraging the Juniors and helping where needed. 

Congratulations to CARMICHAEL house who won the overall House Point competition at the Carnival.

The results were;

1st –        Carmichael                            1293 points                     2nd –         Liddell                               1122 points                       

3rd –        Lewis                                     1028 points                    4th –          Wilberforce                        787 points


8 years Jessica A Jonah I
9 years Christina C Cameron B
10 years Davina I Eason M
11 years Emily A Maxwell C
12 years Lucia G Brodie V

Names of students who will compete at the NASSA carnival are printed on the Sports noticeboard.  We wish them all the best as they represent the College on Tuesday 26 February.

Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

NASSA Junior Basketball

On Monday 11 February, ten boys and ten girls represented the College at the NASSA Basketball Gala day at the Northern Beaches Indoor Sports Centre.

Both the boys and the girls teams showed excellent sportsmanship and skill and faced some tough competition throughout the day.

Overall the Thomas Hassall girls came out in 3rd place and the boys finished in 4th place.

Well done to both teams, you should be extremely proud of your achievements!

Congratulations to Stefan R, Luka D and Ana S who were selected to represent NASSA at the NSW CIS Basketball Trials on Friday 22 February.  Although unsuccessful in being selected in the CIS team they played well at the trials and were great ambassadors of the College.  A fantastic achievement, well done!

Mrs Brown and Mr McKenna

Junior School Basketball Coaches

CIS Primary Tennis Trials

On Monday 25 February, Brodie S in Year 6 competed at the NSW CIS Primary Tennis Trials.

All the boys and girls were divided into groups and the top of each group progressed through to the playoffs.

Brodie played well throughout the morning, but did not make it through to the finals.

Congratulations Brodie on a fantastic performance.


Mrs Sharon Evans

P-6 Sports Coordinator

2019 Football Programs - Junior School

2019 Advanced Pathway Programs - Years 3 - 6 Football representative teams

The following Advanced Pathway Program Junior school football teams have been selected and students will remain in the program for the entire year :

  • APP Football Junior Primary Boys (Years 3 & 4)
  • APP Football Junior Primary Girls (Years 3 & 4)
  • APP Football Senior Primary Boys (Years 5 & 6)
  • APP Football Senior Primary Girls (Years 5 & 6)


2019 Football Development Programs - Kindergarten - Year 8 (afternoon programs)

The College offers Football Development Programs for students in Kinder to Year 9. The year-long program caters for both boys and girls and will be conducted by our Football Director Sonny Makko.

The one-hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and suited for all abilities. Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game.

Students can enrol in more than one day if preferred. The program runs for 35 weeks.

Information flyers and application forms for the 2019 Football Development Programs have been emailed to all College families.  

Copies are available at the College Office.

Program details:

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Monday  3 - 4pm  - FULL

Year 3 - Year 8 Program                  Tuesday 3 - 4pm

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Wednesday  3 - 4pm - FULL

Year 2 - Year 6 Program                  Thursday 3 - 4pm

K - 6 Girls Only Program                 Friday 3 - 4pm


For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]


Junior School Football Program Flyer - 

Junior School Football Application Form - 


CommunityBack to Top

Free Parenting Course

The event will be facilitated by

Dina Greenland - Families Together, Fairfield City Council  
Julie Yeboah Agyeman - Early Childhood Teacher, Fairfield City Council

The Bringing Up Great Kids program uses ideas of mindfulness and reflection to support parents to review and enhance their interaction and connection with their children. 

Thursday 7 March  2019
Thursday 14 March 2019
Thursday 21 March 2019
Thursday 28 March 2019
6pm - 8.30pm 

Please note you must attend all four sessions

Bookings are essential and places are limited. Please register through www.fairfieldcity.nsw.gov.au/bringingupgreatkids or call 0407 708 626 to book your place. 

Click the link for more detailS 

Why not join the Wildfires?

The winter season will be played at Thomas Hassall Anglican College. The season (including trial weeks) will be 16 weeks in length. Season runs until August. 

The competition will be played on Friday evenings & all day Saturday’s. Generally there will be no games during School holidays. The first 1 to 2 weeks will act as trial games to finalise teams with the competition proper commencing after the trial games. 

Click the link for more details