Term 1 : Tuesday 26 February 2019

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

It’s a joy to see the colour and excitement at these events along with the competition.  Thanks to the organisers of these two events.  We appreciate your efforts.  Congratulations to all the students who will now represent the College at the NASSA Carnivals this week.  We wish them our best.

Last week our Senior School Student Leadership Team attended the Prefect Commissioning Service at St Andrews Cathedral hosted by the Rev Dr Glenn Davies, the Archbishop of Sydney.  This is an important occasion for our Student Leaders also as they are commissioned into their roles as Prefects.  Lachlan Shead also shared his testimony on the day.

Catarina Di Ramio shared her thoughts from the day as follows:-

“The chance to be commissioned by the Archbishop was a privilege in itself, but, what was even more valuable was that as a team, we all learnt how to serve and support our student body as well as our teachers through the love, and guidance of God’s word. This reminded us of our own values and it helped us to construct the way we lead Thomas Hassall Anglican College." 

It was lovely to once again welcome our visitors from Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School (QEGS) in Alford, United Kingdom.  They were able to share their experiences of Sydney and share with our students about their school and way of life.  QEGS staff and students also joined the HSC High Achievers’ Assembly celebrating the achievements of our Year 12 Class of 2018.

“Who doesn’t like the smell of hot coffee brewing, good food on offer as well as an opportunity to meet other parents….” - it was great to see the launch of MRK Parent Café last week.  We served over 300 cups of coffee over the 2 days and there was certainly a buzz in the air both mornings.  We look forward to seeing many of you each Thursday and Friday during the term. 

This Friday we will host our annual Open Day.  This is a great opportunity for us to showcase the College in action.  Please let your friends and neighbours know…. it’s certainly not too late to register or even just come along on the day. 

Thanks for your continued support. 

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Head of Senior School

High Achiever’s Assembly

Last Friday we had the privilege of celebrating the Year 12 High Achiever’s from the class of 2018. All students in years 7-12 were able to hear from some of the students about what the keys to their success were in the HSC. One of the key messages from the students who completed the HSC was how important it is to develop good study patterns in years 7-9. This helps set up students for success as they progress through the years, building capacity in their workloads, study habits and resilience when results don’t go their way. We hear this message every year from past students or students who are currently in Year 12, form good habits early! Another key message from students was to look at failure as an opportunity for feedback to improve, to learn and grow from mistakes rather than focus on the negative. I encourage all students to take heed of these messages early in the year as they set goals for improvement. The sooner students can develop consistent study patterns and apply constructive feedback, the greater the chance for improvement in their learning and results.

Prefect Commissioning Service

Year 12 Student Leaders from Thomas Hassall, along with hundreds of other student leaders and prefects, attended the Prefect Commissioning Service at St Andrew’s Cathedral on Thursday 14 February. Prefects and Student Leaders from numerous Anglican Schools were challenged and inspired by the Archbishop of Sydney, Rev. Glenn Davies. Prayers were shared and hymns were sung culminating in a great occasion. Our own Lachlan S presented his Christian testimony, which was very well received by the audience. Thank you to Mr McCormack and Rev. Dayhew for taking the prefects to the service. In addition, thank you to all our leaders for representing the College on the day and for their leadership of our students on a daily basis.

Parent Portal changes

Within the Parent Portal, there is a number of new functions available for parents to improve the flow of communication between the College and Parents. Some of the new functions include:

  • Viewing College notices each week about upcoming events
  • Parents being able to grant permission for events (eg excursions) online. Please familiarise yourself with this function as we transition to parent online permission this term.

In addition, there are a number of instructions including screenshots of how to use the various Parent Portal functions. Please click on the link below that will take you to the instructions on how to access and use the Parent Portal.


Forms available on College website

There are a number of forms that you can access on the College website. Please click on the link below to access the following forms:

  • Extended leave form
  • Exemption application form
  • Assessment Extension Application – Years 7-10
  • Assessment Extension Application – Years 11-12
  • Assessment Task – Misadventure/Illness Form – Years 11-12


Carpark - drop off and pick up reminders

There is a lot of congestion in the Flynn Avenue Carpark of a morning from 7.40 am onwards as well as during the afternoons during pick up time. Please read below the drop off and pick up arrangements to assist in the improvement of the flow of traffic. More detailed information about transport related information can be found on our website by click on the link below.


Morning Drop off

  • All cars using Flynn Avenue will access the College via Gate 3 only
  • Cars may then turn left or right to either of the two 'set down and pick up zones'. You kay be directed by a staff member to go left or right to help with the flow of traffic. Please fill up all the spaces in the drop off/pick up zones to maximise the number of students being dropped off.
  • Cars will then exit through Gates 2 or 4

Afternoon Pick up Arrangements – Years 10-12 – Turn left only

  • All cars using Flynn Avenue will access the College via Gate 3 only
  • For students in Years 10-12, cars must turn left to the 'set down and pick up zone' in front of N Block.
  • Cars will then exit through Gate 2 only
  • Please note the carpark opens from 2:30pm only

Afternoon Pick Up Arrangements – Years 7-9 – Turn right only

  • All cars using Flynn Avenue will access the College via Gate 3 only
  • For students in Years 7-9, cars must turn right to the 'set down and pick up zone' in front of J Block.
  • Cars will then exit through Gate 4 only
  • Please note the carpark opens from 2:30pm only

Where your family spans multiple year groups, you should use the 'pick up zone' of the eldest child.

Staff will be available to assist with traffic flow and we ask that you follow their directions.

No Senior School students are to be picked up in the front of the Administration Building.

Lines of Communication

If you need to contact the College, we would encourage you to use the following lines of communication that will assist you in speaking with the right person to resolve any enquiry/concern you may have as quickly as possible.

I encourage parents to keep the College informed of anything that you feel may impact your child’s performance or behaviour at the College so that we can support and assist them.

“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8


Mr Hugh Renshaw
Acting Head of Senior School

From the College Chaplain

A life hack, as may well know, is some sort of insight you have gleaned that just makes life easier, less complicated. There’s more to a can of soft drink or a roll of gladwrap than meets the eye!

The book of Proverbs is a collection of life hacks; pithy pieces which to give the reader wisdom to live life well. I guess we all have some insight of what works in life and what doesn’t. The writer of Proverbs says that it all wisdom starts with God; that he is the foundation for a life well lived.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10

We need not be afraid of God like we are afraid of spiders, sharks or snakes, or crazy challenges faced by participants on ‘I’m a Celebrity, Get Me out of Here!’

Rather, we need to fear God in the sense that he is the almighty, all wise one, who is the source of all ultimate wisdom. He made us and he knows us. He deserves our respect, our honour, our gratitude, and our worship. It is he shows us principles for living, but more, how to live in loving relationship with God and others.

C.S. Lewis wonderfully captured what it means to rightly fear God. In the classic ‘Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’, and here is an insightful dialogue between sisters Lucy and Susan and Mrs Beaver:

“Aslan is a lion – the Lion, the great Lion.”

“Ooh, said Susan, I’d thought he was a man. Is he ---quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous meeting a lion.”

“That you will, dearie, and no mistake.” Said Mrs Beaver, “if there is anyone who can appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, they’re either braver than most or else just silly.”

“Then he isn’t safe?” said Lucy.

“Safe?” said Mrs Beaver. “Don’t you hear what Mrs Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he is good. He is the King I tell you.”

To fear God is the beginning of wisdom. God is awesome, powerful and rightly be honoured. We can do this because he is good. He loves us, and seeks his good for us all. And we are wise to remember this as we seek to navigate the challenges of life.




Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Open Day - 1 March 2019

This day is a great opportunity for anyone considering enrolment to see the College in action.

There will an opportunity to visit classrooms, hear from the Principal and ask questions about the College.

Please let your family and friends know and encourage them to register for this event on the College website (https://www.thac.nsw.edu.au/content/open-day)

Two New Baby Boys

Congratulations to Sandy Wheeler and her husband Scott as they welcome Arlen into their family.  He weighed 3.94kg.  Mum and bub are doing well!  

Congratulations to Elise one of our Junior School teachers and her husband Brett Hona who welcomed their little one Elijah John - born on Saturday 16 February.  He weighed 3.8kg.

We are thrilled with this news and praise God for the safe arrival of these precious boys. We wish both these families many blessings now and always.

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow."

A New Baby Girl

Congratulations to Trudie Wilson (Personal Assistant to the Deputies) and her husband Jordan who welcomed their little one Zara Grace - born on Wednesday 20 February.  Big sister Jade is over the moon.   

We are thrilled with this news and praise God for the safe arrival of Zara.  We wish their family blessings now and always.

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow."

Term 1 Important Dates
Friday 1 March College Open Day
Wed - Fri 6-8 March Year 5 Camp
Wed - Fri 13 - 15 March Year 6 Camp
Friday 22 March Movies Under the Stars from 6pm
Wednesday 27 March Year 7 & 12 Parent Teacher Interviews 
Monday  1 April Year 9 & 11 Parent Teacher Interviews 
Thursday 4 April Junior School Parent Teacher Interviews
Friday  5 April Senior School Cross Country Carnival
Monday  8 April Year 8 & 10 Parent Teacher Interviews
Tuesday 9 April Junior School Parent Teacher Interviews 
Thursday  11 April Junior School Easter Hat Parade
Friday  12 April Last day of Term 1



Cafe MRK - Grand Opening

Please join us every Thursday & Friday from 7.30 - 9.30am at Cafe MRK.

You can sit down and enjoy your coffee or grab a take away.

The cafe is a parent community initiative and with your support we can keep it running as a place for parents and grandparents to meet at the College.

Mrs Carmen Pasapera
Marketing and Community Relations Manager


WellbeingBack to Top

Year 8 Camp 2019

The camp started on Monday of Week 2, with everyone excited but perhaps a little apprehensive, for the new adventures they were about to tackle head on. 

After a bit of a delayed start we finally got underway for the two hour drive to Waterslea, Shoalharbour, and in spite of a slight detour to a dairy farm, we arrived at the camp without a hitch. Once there, we divided into our activity groups and got ready for the first of many, memorable activities. For many it was an independent challenge of the abseiling wall, or the team building activity of gliding on the river in the canoes. For others, it was simply the free time in the pool and epic waterslide. Year 8 was tested on their skills and challenged over several different activities including initiative games, ropes course and river rafting. We had begun the week with the intention of improving our resilience and stepping out of our comfort zones. To do this, our year group had to pitch in and cooperate with other students effectively as we tried new things including campfires, setting up a tent, canoeing and a whole lot more.

Despite the fact that our camp-out was cancelled part way through building our campfire due to a lightning storm and our Big Day out hike had to be modified, due to the humidity and stormy weather, Year 8 showed some great persistence and were able to enjoy the alternative activities anyway. Our aims of showing resilience when stepping out of our comfort zone as well as continuing to build our relationships were definitely met! We pushed through the more testing times and had fun with people we don’t usually talk to a lot, which was really nice. At the end of an amazing few days it was sad to say goodbye, but we are ready with newly found confidence and readiness for the year to come.

Special thanks to the Youth Works staff who helped coordinate all the activities and ensured our year group was having fun and were able to experience all the different opportunities. A big thanks to the following teachers for making it all possible and allowing our year group to have a great time and stay safe:

  • Mrs David
  • Mrs Inandan
  • Mrs Low
  • Mrs OMara
  • Mrs Reed
  • Mr Coulton
  • Mr Lane
  • Mr Lim
  • Mr Tran
  • Mr Truong

Your time and care for Year 8 during camp and at College is invaluable and very much appreciated.

LearningBack to Top

News from the Senior IRC

There are many students in Years 8 to 11 who still have library books from 2018. These books need to return to the IRC as soon as possible. Students who do not return their books will receive an invoice for a replacement copy. 

The IRC needs you!
A number of Year 7 students have answered the call but more help is needed. Are you in Year 7? Want to help out in the IRC? Want to see how a school library works? If yes then the IRC needs you! Library monitors are needed! Please speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith if you are interested in applying.

Term 1 competition coming soon!
Early vs later. Older vs newer. Classic vs modern. In the world of Science Fiction which is better…. Classic sci-Fi or modern sci-fi? Are the books of Issac Asimov better than those of Orson Scott Card? Or are the stories by Marie Lu more engaging than those of H. G. Wells? Is Science Fiction getting better or is the past where it is best? 

Have your say during Term 1 2019. Great prizes to be won!

What’s new on the shelf?
A terrifying new novel has just arrived in the Senior IRC!
Killer’s Kiss – R.L. Stine
“Fear Street – where your worst nightmares live…”
“Delia and Karina are always competing. From getting the best grades, to being the most popular, to dating the cutest guys – they always fight for the top spot. This year, they both want Vincent – the hottest guy at Shadyside High.
Karina’s determined to get Vince. She’ll do whatever it takes. And if she can’t have him, she’ll make sure that no one else can either…. including Delia!"

Killer’s Kiss written by famous horror novelist R.L. Stine is a well written, fast paced, thrilling story about the deadly consequences of competition and jealousy, and how some people will go to any lengths to get what they want. Featuring lots of drama, suspense, mystery and terror, this is a book filled with wonderfully unique characters, a plot full of twists and turns, a strange twisted evil villain, and a surprise ending that no reader will see coming. 
Killer’s Kiss is a book that will delight all readers who enjoy the horror genre as well as anyone who likes a good scare. This is a book that you will want to keep reading even after you finish the last page. This novel is suitable for students in Years 8 and 9 who have moved on from Stine’s ‘Goosebumps’ series but would like to read something more mature by this author. This is just one of the many novels by R. L. Stine in the IRC, make sure you come into the Library today to see the entire terrifying range!

Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith
Senior IRC Library Team

Academic Vocational Pathways off to a Great Start

One of the great growth areas is Nursing.  We have four nurses in each of the two years of training and they have had to pass a challenging interview and preparation process to be accepted into this popular course.  They are required to to do clinical work in their vacations but should graduate with a qualification that allows them to be employed after they leave school.  

Thomas, just starting Electrotechnology, reports that there is much to learn that is technical but the course is very interesting and should prove extremely useful.  

Each of these students attend training for one afternoon a week until about 5.30pm and thus must miss some timetabled periods, the work for which they need to catch up.  This together with transport to different remote locations is part of the considerable challenge that faces our vocational students but they are meeting it enthusiastically and reliably.

It is impressive to see these students demonstrating the persistence and initiative required to take up these excellent vocational opportunities.

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Music at Thomas Hassall

There are many ensembles, including chapel and concert bands, to take part in that to list them all and their impact would take far too long.

In 2019, Year 6 are exploring Ukulele, EDM, Percussion and Tuned Instruments. This is an exciting time to be in this year group and will prepare students well for Year 7 Music.

We realise there are music costs, but it is such a worthwhile investment and commitment of time. Recently, Mrs Hobbins directed me to a great article by Dr Kraus, Professor of Auditory Neuroscience:

…“A common argument against daily music education is that it takes time away from teaching fundamentals such as reading and math. But evidence shows that music training actually improves children’s reading and math skills, suggesting that it can pay dividends in more traditional academic domains.”

Whilst it can take time away, it can further students as a whole person as well as assist their reading and maths skills. It’s incredible the feedback I get from Year 4 band each year. One parent couldn’t believe how much it produced a more focused attitude in their child.

With this many opportunities at Thomas Hassall, it shouldn’t be thought of should I get involved, but instead how do I get involved at the College. Be part of a vibrant, positive and harmonious community and see your child flourish.

Thank you for your support of the Music program and do not hesitate to contact [email protected] if you need further help in getting your child playing and engaging in Music.

Mr Nick Lane
Creative Arts Coordinator


Senior Assemblies

Anneliese Luxton and Charis Ould showcased their amazing vocal talents as they sang, and were accompanied by Tinashe Mugoronji and Kassandra Bulaong. We also had Gemma Naverette perform at the High Achievers assembly to celebrate her placing 6th in the State in Music for the HSC last year. She was accompanied by Pierson Ford on bass, along with Mr Lane, Mr Robinson and Mr Mark. Congratulations Gemma, and well done to all of our performers.

Byron Mark
Manager of Ensembles - Creative Arts

Academy of Dance Program - Kinder - Year 6

The College is excited to launch Dance as an additional sport in the 2019 Talented Athlete Program.

Utilising our own highly qualified and experienced dance teachers we will commence afternoon dance development sessions covering a range of styles.

Monday - Year 3 - 6 Program - Contemporary, Jazz and Hip Hop  

Tuesday- Year 3 - 6 Program - Contemporary, Jazz and Hip Hop

Wednesday - Kinder - Year 2 Contemporary and Jazz 


We have had a tremendous response to the introduction of the programs and Term One is at capacity for all days.

A wait list is in operation, so if you are interested in enrolling your child please contact the College Office.

For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]




2019 Secondary School Football programs

Advanced Pathway Program  - Secondary Boys - 15 years and under in 2019

The 15 years and Under Secondary Boys Football Program commenced training in Term 4 last year and will continue the program until the end of Term Three.

Training for 2019 has begun and the team are preparing for the upcoming Bill Turner Cup.


Football Development Program - for girls and boys

Positions are available for Secondary girls and boys to join the Football Development Program on Tuesday afternoons.

There are no trials for this program, which commenced in Week Three of Term One, 2019.


Paper copies of the application form are available at Student Reception.

Basketball Development Program - Kinder - Year 9

The College is excited to launch Basketball as an additional sport in the 2019 Talented Athlete Program. Utilising our new gymnasium and the experienced coaches from Camden Valley “Wildfire” Basketball Association, afternoon basketball development sessions will be offered to students.

The Basketball Development Program is offered to both boys and girls from Kinder to Year 9.

The one hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and cater for all abilities.

Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. There are no trials for this program.

All sessions will occur from 3.00 – 4.00pm and will be conducted in the new sports facility.

*  Tuesday - Year 1 - Year 4 Program

*  Wednesday - Year 2 - Year 6 Program

*  Thursday - Kinder - Year 2 Program

*  Friday - Year 6 - Year 9 Secondary Program

For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator




Our Senior Basketballers selected to represent NASSA!

Four of our Senior Basketballers have been selected in the Open Boys Basketball Team to represent NASSA. They will compete at the AICES Tournament held on Thursday 7 March at the Hills Basketball Stadium.

Congratulations to Elijah C, Marco K, Brock P and Luke V on their selection. It’s an outstanding achievement to have all the students selected together and exciting to see Thomas Hassall representing a third of the whole team!

We wish them all the best as they represent the College.

Mr Michael Fox
Senior School Sport Coordinator


Round 1 & 2 MISA Sports Update!

Thomas Hassall Anglican College teams in the Macarthur Independent Schools Association (MISA) Competition have had a great start to Term 1.

Round 1

The Year 7-9 Girls Indoor Cricket, Year 7-9 Boys Softball, Year 10-12 Boys Basketball and both the Year 7-9 Boys and Girls Volleyball teams were victorious against William Carey Christian School.

Round 2

This round saw many of our teams with a bye. We were proudly represented by our Year 10-12 Boys OzTag team who lost with a spirited effort to All Saints Catholic Senior College (ASCSC). Our Year 10-12 Girls OzTag team drew their match against ASCSC. The Year 10-12 Boys Basketball team were successful against ASCSC and both the Year 7-9 Boys and Girls Volleyball teams were victorious against St Francis Catholic College. 

Congratulations to all of these teams on an impressive start to Term 1 MISA Competitions!

Mr Michael Fox
Senior School Sports Coordinator

Senior School Swimming Carnival

We were blessed with dry weather for the day and it was great to see students ready to participate in the competitive and novelty events.

The relays are always a highlight to finish the day, and the grandstand was alive with cheering for the swimmers in the water. It was good to see everyone enthusiastically cheering for their house and showing fantastic house spirit. 

Congratulations to CARMICHAEL house who won the overall House Point competition at the Carnival.

The results were;

1st – Carmichael                         2110 points                    

2nd – Wilberforce                       2040 points                       

3rd – Liddell                                1520 points                     

4th – Lewis                                  1175 points

Age Champions

12 Years - Mia T & Lucas S

13 Years - Tijana T & Cooper S

14 Years - Isabella W & Jai V

15 Years - Carys J & Evan B

16 Years - Brianna A & Zac Z

17 Years - Tasha M & Calan N

18 Years - Clarissa B & William C

Names of students who will compete at the NASSA carnival are printed on the PEC Building noticeboard.  We wish them all the best as they represent the College on Wednesday 27 February.

Mr Michael Fox
Senior School Sports Coordinator

CommunityBack to Top

Free Parenting Course

The event will be facilitated by

Dina Greenland - Families Together, Fairfield City Council  
Julie Yeboah Agyeman - Early Childhood Teacher, Fairfield City Council

The Bringing Up Great Kids program uses ideas of mindfulness and reflection to support parents to review and enhance their interaction and connection with their children. 

Thursday 7 March  2019
Thursday 14 March 2019
Thursday 21 March 2019
Thursday 28 March 2019
6pm - 8.30pm 

Please note you must attend all four sessions

Bookings are essential and places are limited. Please register through www.fairfieldcity.nsw.gov.au/bringingupgreatkids or call 0407 708 626 to book your place. 

Click the link for more detailS 

Why not join the Wildfires?

The winter season will be played at Thomas Hassall Anglican College. The season (including trial weeks) will be 16 weeks in length. Season runs until August. 

The competition will be played on Friday evenings & all day Saturday’s. Generally there will be no games during School holidays. The first 1 to 2 weeks will act as trial games to finalise teams with the competition proper commencing after the trial games. 

Click the link for more details