Term 3 I Friday 13 September 2019

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

We know Sandy from her work with us over the last 2 years.  Currently on Maternity Leave looking after her young son, Arlen, Sandy returns to this new leadership role in January following Christine Bessant's retirement at the end of 2019.  I'm sure you will join me in congratulating Sandy on her appointment.

Term 3 is an important time for staff changes ahead of the new year and I will bring an update to you as we proceed through the remainder of the year.  

Following the College Review earlier in the year we are pursuing the appointment of an additional Deputy Principal in the Senior School, to work alongside Mr Young and to bring additional priority to our work in quality learning.  Advertisements for this and other position are in the public area at the current time and appointments will be made in the next few weeks.

Year 12 Major Works students have now had their work assessed.  Students in Drama, Visual Arts, Music and IT Timber have all completed their practical works ahead of the normal HSC Examinations in October.  In a positive process for some other Year 12 students, we know of a number who have received early entry offers to University and there will be more to come.  While Year 12 is a pressured year, milestones such as these make for a calmer process for our young people.

NAPLAN Results will be released to families of students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9.  Our College results have generally been pleasing and maintain the improvement of recent years.  

Recent events such as Grandparents' Day; our Creative Arts Nights and the Year 12 Illuminate event are described in the following pages.  Please enjoy the colour and diversity of our programs and progress.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise." Psalm 111:10

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal
Deputy Junior

The children have shone and I am so proud of all they have achieved. For some they had to overcome fear and push themselves to perform, for others performing comes naturally. I loved seeing every child take the opportunities given to them. Thank you for your support at these events.

We have trialled a new initiative this year with our Step into Prep Program. Our Prep classes welcomed special visitors to learn what Prep is about, we had a number of our future Prep students come in and experience Prep for the morning. The theme was ‘Under the Sea’ and both our current and future Prep students enjoyed stories, craft and songs around the theme. It was lovely to see how welcoming our students were to the visitor children.

We are working hard to eliminate rubbish in our playground. We are trialling some different strategies to encourage our students to be responsible for recycling and placing rubbish in the bin. Mrs Lawler started the ‘Return and Earn’ program last year and we are expanding it this year to make it a house competition. The money raised supports our compassion child, Jenny from Peru. We are also changing to eating inside with the aim of reducing food waste and rubbish in the playground. I would encourage you to talk to your children about the need to recycle and what they can do to make our community a better place.


Mrs Christine Bessant
Deputy Principal
From the Chaplain

His achievement was immortalised in the movie Chariots of Fire. He was also a Rugby winger, representing Scotland. But the greatest and largely unknown story is what happened after the Olympics in returning to the country of his birth, China, to serve as a science teaching missionary.

Eric once said something fascinating to his sister:

“God made me for China (for mission). But he also made me fast, and when I run I feel his pleasure.”

God gave Eric special athletic gifts, and as he expressed these, it was an act of worship – of gratitude and deep enjoyment. His sister couldn’t quite appreciate this at the time. As God has made each of us with special talents and gifts, we are encouraged to likewise use them for God’s glory.

In China, Eric would ride his bike from village to village across rural China, preaching and teaching about Jesus. Many became Christians through his ministry. He had to persevere through exhausting country rides. But things got worse when the Japanese invaded China. It became extremely dangerous, in fact it was forbidden for foreigners to share about Jesus. It became so dangerous that Eric’s wife and family returned to Britain on the last ship that left China. Eric was rounded up and put into an Internment Camp for foreigners. While he was there, he taught science, ran athletic carnivals and continued to teach about Jesus. He could not, he would not be shut up.



Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Term 3 Important Dates

Term 3

Friday 20 September Prep & Kinder Tabloid Carnival 
Wednesday 25 September Hot Topics Event 'Cultural Marxism - Imaginary Conspiracy or Genuine Threat?'
Thursday 26 September Prep, Year 1 & 2 Tabloid Carnival 
Friday  27 September  Class of 2019 Graduation
Last Day of Term 3 
South West Festival competition winners

We recently announced the winners of our South West Festival competitions. There was a range of competitions for year groups and these were our winners:

Prep - Kindy colouring competition: Prep - Milinia B. and Vienna N. Kindy - Kellen M. and William. 

Years 1 and 2 Drawing competition: Year 1 - Noah B. and Savannah P. Year 2 - Zara Z. and Michael B.

Years 3 - 6 Article competition: Year 3 - Vansh M and Leah H. Year 4 - Sean H and Beth C. Year 5 - Manuela I and Joel C.
Year 6 - Eliora R.

Thank you to everyone who entered the competition. There were lots of creative entries and it was a hard decision to make! 

A Reminder

This is important for the safety and wellbeing of our students and general community. 

Thank for your cooperation.

School Holiday Activities

Join us at CodeCamp, OSHclub, a cupcake decorating course, Motiv8 sports, Football Camp or the ASSA sport speed clinic.

Find out more about them in our flyer and visit our website to book.

EventsBack to Top

Book now for the Holiday Football Camp

Date:   Tuesday 8 - Friday 11 October 2019 (2nd week of the holidays)

Time:   8.30am - 2.30pm

The College is excited to announce that we are opening the School Holiday Football Camp to students at Thomas Hassall Anglican College, their friends and family.

Students will be involved in activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. The daily training will be designed to improve the skill level of each individual. 

Our Football Director, Mr Sonny Makko will be leading the program and it is offered to boys and girls in Kindergarten to Year 9.


We are now taking bookings, so get in early to avoid missing out on some holiday football fun!. view the flyer here  and book online here

Hot Topics - Cultural Marxism : Imaginary or Genuine Threat

Rob Smith will endeavour to sort fact from fiction to help us respond faithfully to the challenges of our rapidly changing world.

Various recent developments in the West (e.g., postmodernism, political correctness, victimhood culture and the erosion of various freedoms) have been spoken of as manifestations of a larger political and ideological development: Cultural (or neo-) Marxism.

With a Christian worldview perspective and careful attention to history, Rob Smith will endeavour to sort fact from fiction to help us respond faithfully to the challenges of our rapidly changing world.

For more information click here

LearningBack to Top

Please Keep Off the Grass

Over Term 3, Year One have been investigating the lifecycles of frogs, chickens, humans, butterflies and plants.

A few weeks ago, the students made grass heads. It has been so exciting watching them grow and change. The grass heads are a great reminder of how God has created the world and everything in it. Now all we need to do is give them a hair cut!

Miss Ashleigh Hackfath
Year 1Team Leader 


Performing ArtsBack to Top

Grandparents Day

The Junior String Ensemble provided the pre performance music as the audience settled in anticipation of the full program.  The Junior Concert band opened the event with the Australian National Anthem and a piece called Rock to the Max Mr Sax, the Intermediate Stage Band also featured in the program with an upbeat presentation of Chameleon.

Well done to all the students who performed on the day.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Junior Band Jam

It was the combination of five Anglican school bands and special guest conductor Mr Davison, Director of School Bands Australia, coming together to workshop four pieces that none of the bands had ever played before. The workshops focused on dynamics, rhythm and sound balance within the pieces and a concert was held for parents to showcase the efforts of the day.  It was a wonderful opportunity for the students from our Intermediate Concert Band to play with other students and experience a larger band sound.

Congratulations to the Intermediate Concert Band for participating and performing to a high standard on the day.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Musical 2020 - Information Night

We will announce the Musical details on the night along with providing an Information Pack with all the relevant details. 

There is scope for many areas where we need assistance including performances, set design, costuming, background crew and lots more. 

HPE Day 2019

This event is a nationwide initiative that highlights the importance of HPE in the Australian Curriculum, and its influence on the health, learning, wellbeing and development of young people.

Australian school children rank among the worst in the world when it comes to their physical activity levels. This day is one avenue in which Thomas Hassall students are encouraged to participate in physical activity.

National HPE day is also supported by the national “Find Your 30” health promotion campaign. This encourages all Australians to find 30 minutes of Physical Activity each day. To achieve this goal students had the opportunity participate in the following activities:

  • Steptember Health Facts Challenge: this amazing race type activity allowed students to work in small groups to navigate themselves around the College to find health facts. This activity also raised money for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance as part of Steptember.
  • Competitive Volleyball: Students compete whilst socialising and enjoying the lifelong sport that Volleyball is.
  • Social Challenges: These activities were designed to involve students in less traditional physical activities and challenges.  These activities included: Archery Tag, Cage Soccer, Motion Sports, Dartball.

The day was a wonderful, full of great participation, enjoyment and service by all students. This year HPE day not only achieved daily physical activity levels for all, but also in helped to raise money for the College’s Steptember Charity event.

Thank you all for your participation and the donations you have made to the Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Every dollar raised will provide vital equipment, therapy and services to children and adults living with cerebral palsy.

Mr Kent Weir
Faculty Co-ordinator - PDHPE

2019 Football Programs - Junior School

2019 Football Development Programs - Kindergarten - Year 8 (afternoon programs)

The College offers Football Development Programs for students in Kinder to Year 8. The year-long program caters for both boys and girls and will be conducted by our Football Director Sonny Makko.


The one-hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and suited for all abilities. Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. Students can enrol in more than one day if preferred. The program runs for 35 weeks.


Information flyers and application forms are available at the College Office.


Program details:

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Monday  3 - 4pm - FULL

Year 3 - Year 8 Program                  Tuesday 3 - 4pm

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Wednesday  3 - 4pm - FULL

Year 2 - Year 6 Program                  Thursday 3 - 4pm

K - 6 Girls Only Program                 Friday 3 - 4pm


For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]


Junior School Football Program Flyer - 

Junior School Football Application Form - 


Basketball Development Program - K - Year 9

The College is excited to launch Basketball as an additional sport in the 2019 Talented Athlete Program. Utilising our new gymnasium and the experienced coaches from Camden Valley “Wildfire” Basketball Association, afternoon basketball development sessions will be offered to students.

The Basketball Development Program is offered to both boys and girls from Kinder to Year 9.

The one hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and cater for all abilities.

Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. There are no trials for this program.

All sessions will occur from 3.00 – 4.00pm and will be conducted in the new sports facility.

*  Tuesday - Year 1 - Year 4 Program

*  Wednesday - Year 2 - Year 6 Program    

*  Thursday - Kinder - Year 2 Program

*  Friday - Year 6 - Year 9 Secondary Program 

For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]

Mrs Sharon Evans
P - 6 Sports Coordinator

Junior School Sport - Information & Important Dates

Important Junior School Sport Dates

Term Three

Week 8 -           Thursday 12 September – NSW CIS Primary School Athletics Championships - Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Stadium

Week 9 -           Friday 20 September – Prep - Year Two Tabloid Carnival - College oval

Week 9 -           Thursday 26 September – Prep - Year Two Tabloid Carnival - College oval


NSW CIS Trials - Throughout the year, there are also NSW CIS trials for some sports which do not have a Gala Day as an entry path.  If your child plays representative sport in Softball, AFL, Golf, Hockey or Rugby Union please see Mrs Evans to indicate your expression of interest to be nominated for these sports.  Students need to be in Years 5 or 6 and have represented their Association in their sport.  Information regarding CIS trials and sports available is available here

PE & Sport

It is advisable that your child has a refillable drink bottle on Sport and PE days to ensure that they are able to re-hydrate after exercise.  A frozen drink is also a great idea.  All children are required to wear the PE cap or College hat for sporting activities.  

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator 

Prep - Year 2 Tabloid Carnivals

These will be held at College on:

Friday 20 September (Week 9) - Prep Red, Prep White and Kindergarten

Thursday 26 September (Week 10) -  Prep Blue, Prep Purple, Years 1 and 2

Parents and family are most welcome to attend and enjoy the day. 

Mrs Sharon Evans

P-6 Sports Coordinator 

Academy of Dance Program - K - Year 6

The College Academy of Dance Program has 2 positions available in the Years 3 - 6 dance class on TUESDAY for Term 4.

Utilising our own highly qualified and experienced dance teachers the dance sessions cover a range of styles.

- Monday - Years 3 - 6 Program - Contemporary, Jazz and Hip Hop  

- Tuesday- Years 3 - 6 Program - Contemporary, Jazz and Hip Hop      **  2 spaces available for Term 4

- Wednesday - Kinder - Year 2 Contemporary and Jazz 

We have had a tremendous response to the introduction of the Dance program and have a waitlist in operation for the Monday and Wednesday sessions.

If you are interested in enrolling your child please contact the College Office.

For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]

Winter IPSSO wrap-up

At the end of the Winter IPSSO competition rounds, Thomas Hassall had 8 of our 10 teams qualify for the Winter Finals Day on Wednesday 11 September.

Junior Boys Soccer, Junior Newcombe Ball, Junior AFL, Junior Netball and Junior Tee-ball.

Senior Boys Soccer, Senior Modified Volleyball and Senior AFL       

Thomas Hassall hosted the Soccer finals on the bottom oval and the Newcombe Ball and Volleyball finals in the PECS building and it was fantastic to be able to use our wonderful facilities for the day.

We had 3 teams win their IPSSO competition:

  • Junior Boys Soccer
  • Senior Boys Soccer
  • Senior AFL

Congratulations to all students who represented the College in our Winter IPSSO teams this year.


Thomas Hassall Primary Junior & Senior Netball had a wonderful winter season.

I am so proud of the way both teams trained consistently every week, developing in skills, teamwork and confidence. Excitingly, it was the Thomas Hassall Junior team which progressed to the IPSSO Netball finals, held yesterday.

Thomas Hassall Junior Netball placed 4th in a close final with William Carey Christian School, with the final score being 8-10. The girls all played exceptionally well, representing THAC with great perseverance and a positive team spirit. I am so proud of the girls and their huge achievement!

It has been a delight to coach these 2 wonderful teams and watch them represent THAC with sportsmanship every week.

Thank you also to the secondary students who assisted at the finals day with umpiring and scoring.


Mrs Bronwyn Ferguson


Junior AFL Team

Undefeated all season, the Junior AFL team played many excellent games together. Unfortunately when it came to the Semi-Final, it wasn’t their day. The first game came out as a stinging loss against Broughton Anglican College 39 - 8 – not enough to push us through to the Grand Final. However, the second game meant we were fighting for 3rd place against William Carey Christian School. The team displayed an outstanding performance, particularly from the girls, wining 30 - 17! The Junior School AFL team have improved in their team work and skills this year and should be more than proud of their efforts this year.

Senior AFL Team

Also undefeated all season, the Senior AFL team fought hard for the Champions title in the IPPSO Finals day. Winning their first game against St. Peters 38 - 26, the team progressed straight to the Grand Final. It was a tense and tight fight against Wollondilly Christian College. With Wollondilly in the lead in the third quarter, Thomas Hassall fought with everything they had in the last quarter, scoring two magical goals in the last 2 minutes of the game, making it an extremely tight win by one point! 42 - 41. The Senior AFL more than deserved the Grand Final Champions title with an outstanding season and enthusiastic finale. Each individual has brought something different to the team this year. They are an excellent squad of natural talent many of whom are versatile players on the field. Congratulations to the Senior AFL team!! You deserve it!!

Mrs Rachel Thompson


The Junior and Senior soccer teams had a fantastic season this year in IPSSO

Both teams continually worked hard together showing great sportsmanship and determination. The Junior boys came out on top of their pool during the IPSSO season and were triumphant in the final to take out first place.

The Senior boys also took out first place in the IPSSO finals with a clinical and skilful display against William Carey Christian School. Each player has excelled this year in their understanding of soccer and what it takes to be a team player. Congratulations!

Mr Timothy Koski

Softball & T-Ball

This semester, both our softball and T-Ball teams had a terrific season representing THAC at IPSSO.

Although the Senior Softball Team did not make the finals, it was pleasing to see how they developed as a team throughout the season. Every week they showcased their knowledge and skills of the game in a pleasing way. 

Junior T-ball players were dominant from week one and continued to grow together as a team to play some great T-ball. At the end of the season they finished second and made it straight to the Grand Final where they gave the competition winners a fright by winning the first innings. Unfortunately, we eventually lost to William Carey Christian School 13-6, but not without playing one of the best games of our season.

The T-ball side should be very proud of themselves for playing so well and for the great teamwork and sportsmanship throughout the season.

Thank you for a wonderful season softball and T-Ball!

Mr Andrew Richards and Mr Daniel Mahoney

Sharon Evans
P - 6 Sports Coordinator

St Peter's Cup - Soccer Gala Day

On Monday 9 September, our Years 5 and 6 football teams played in the St Peter's Cup Football Gala Day at Camden.

It was cold and windy, but the teams played well to finish 3rd at the end of the day.

Congratulations to both teams on a fine effort.


Mrs Sharon Evans

P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator