Term 4: Thursday 2 November 2017

From the Head of Junior School
Deputy Junior

This week we have welcomed the newest members of our College family at both the Prep and Kindergarten orientations. There were many excited children who couldn’t wait to get to College, some were shy but soon warmed up to the activities and the space. It is always lovely to see the excitement and wonder on the faces of the children as they experience their new learning environment.

It is at this time of the year that we review what we have achieved this year. One of our main emphasis has been the focus on our positive behaviours in the classroom and the playground. It has been great to see and hear the children and teachers talking about pushing through challenges, managing distraction, respecting the teacher and seeing how engaged they are in the classroom. I spoke to the students at assemblies this week about how we can value others not just in the classroom but also in the playground. Valuing others in class with the teacher facilitating is much easier than applying this in the playground. I talked to them about saying sorry when they had made a bad choice, thinking of others when making playground decisions and looking out for ways of supporting others to make good choices. I was very happy to hear of this in action where one of our younger students stepped in to help a classmate make good choices in the playground even when encouraged to do the wrong thing by others. Positive behaviours really do make a difference to our College community. Please continue to support this when talking about your child’s day at College.

When we think of World Champions we usually think of adults competing in the Olympics or the Soccer World Cup but did you know that we have a World Champion right in our midst.

One of our Year 1 students, Vansh Maini competed in the ISKA (International Sports Karate Association) World Cup 2017.

There were 1000 competitors from more than 28 countries. Congratulations Vansh on becoming World  Champion.


Mrs Christine Bessant
Deputy Principal
From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Our College hosted the 2018 Kindergarten children and their parents yesterday in the annual orientation ahead of the new year.  What a great day we all enjoyed … and perhaps the most anxious were the mums and dads as they contemplated the future of their growing young people.  Mrs Bessant spoke to a full house in the Junior Library about the joys and challenges ahead; the need to have more conversations with our young people, whether in the car while waiting in the traffic or around the dinner table at night time as a family.  She brought a warm confidence for parents as they continue to understand this new stage of learning for their little ones.

At another part of the College, Year 12 students attempted the Legal Studies, and Society & Culture examinations, and as the 2017 HSC comes to a conclusion early next week, we are looking forward to the aspirations and dreams of our 17 and 18 year olds being fulfilled in the coming years.  HSC parents have survived another major challenge of the learning years.

We love the journey through the school age years here at Thomas Hassall.  It’s a most rewarding experience to work with young people and their families from Prep through to Year 12.  Teachers and staff see the joys and the challenges; the testing and the achievements across every stage, and for the most part, children grow into young adults who are able to take on the changing and exciting world around them.  Certainly there is more that can be improved, and the innovations will continue to test us out, whether in technology or new curriculum or social reforms.  In this a learning community that has the Christian gospel at its centre, we have an expectation and a focus on care and compassion; on the development of God-given gifts being recognised and developed – and tested.  We love to engage with families and the wider community and we want young people to serve others in the broader global society.  We sense that optimism about life and the future across the College – our students and staff, our families and our supporters.  Thanks for being part of us.

The new Physical Education Centre and Oval is quickly turning into reality, with May 2018 our target for lessons and play.  Our director of the project Mr Warren Murray brings the latest news and photos for your information later in the newsletter. Take a drive around the boundary to see the progress for yourself.  Our existing top sports field will also undergo some renovation, and we intend to convert the existing Maintenance facility into a new sports and fitness centre with the latest machines and equipment.  We hope to add additional athletics spaces including a sprint track and long jump run-ups beside the top oval.  It’s an exciting project.

Enjoy the stories and news of the College in the pages ahead.  Talk to us about your questions and concerns.  Thanks for your continued support.

Ross Whelan

‘Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’  Joshua 1:9

Mr Ross Whelan
Physical Education Centre - first glimpse inside!

The construction program has reached a major milestone this week with the completion of the roof sheeting and the commencement of the external wall linings.As you walk up the front entry steps, you can either walk through the Hall Of Fame on the ground floor or continue up the second flight of stairs that brings you into the Viewing Gallery overlooking the Sports Hall. From the Hall Of Fame you have access to the Sports Hall, change-rooms,servery/kitchen, the boulevard and the new playing field. From the upstairs Viewing Gallery, you have access to three new classrooms and the PDHPE staffroom.

Hopefully by the end of this month there will be a sea of green with 23,000 m2 of "Gully Gold" Couch rolled out over the playing field so look forward to the aerial photos over the next four to six weeks.

Step Into Prep for 2018 students

The morning provided an opportunity for our youngest students at College next year to become familiar with their classrooms and teachers.

Many of our families had not seen our new Preparatory facility and were not only excited to see wonderful new indoor and outdoor spaces but happy to hear that there will be a new Kindergarten building for 2019.

It was a successful and joyful day for all who came and we look forward to having these families commence with us in 2018. 

2017 Gold Award students

2017 Gold Award Students - Ali, Cameron, Domenico and Chris

Gold Dukes Students 2017
2017 Gold Award Students - Ali, Cameron, Domenico and Chris

Others have achieved this in the years following graduation but to do this before leaving shows excellent dedication and perseverance in the brief time available for the one year activity windows that can only be commenced after the sixteenth birthday. Our congratulations goes to Christopher Collins, Cameron Eggins, Domenico Stambe and Ali Dursun.

The College has received from The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – Australia (NSW Division) an official expression of congratulations to convey to the boys on this achievement.  We are indeed proud and pleased for them. 

This is excellent news for our whole College as the work of these boys in facing courageously the great challenges of Dukes at this level sets a magnificent example of careful organisation, resilience and driving persistence towards the worthwhile achievement of an Award that is recognized and revered around the world.  It is seen as the very top of young achievement in the activity areas of: outdoor expeditioning, sport, service towards others and the acquisition of skills.

The fact that our boys went well beyond the minimum requirements for this award and helped each other as part of an effective team is most impressive. Their self-sacrificial focus and thorough attention to detail sets a new bench mark at our College for others to follow.

We thank the Lord for this result.  Around many a campfire these boys have discussed Christian devotions and reflected on how Jesus leads us safely through life if we trust Him. It has been humbling to see these boys put their faith firmly into action as they have found the undergirding Spirit of God's guiding hand help them to keep going when things were hard, confusing and frustrating. This is the greatest life lesson of all to learn.

Thanks must also go to all the teachers, parents, friends and outside trainers and assessors who have willingly given hours of helping these boys achieve their Gold Awards. The commitment of the College towards supporting and resourcing the work of Dukes must also be acknowledged.  It is in fact one of the best investments in education for life that a school can make.

Well you others out there trying for a Dukes Award - it is your turn to make your mark and experience the intense fulfilment that these young men have discovered. Dukes has deepened their friendships, provided encouraging mutual support, and been the happy context for fantastic teamwork that has been transformative and incredibly productive.

An old explorer, balanced on some knife edge of danger, once summed up the subtle but crucial secret to ultimate success in the tricky endeavour of a productive life:

 "it is not the butterflies in the stomach that is the problem; no, the main challenge is to teach them all to fly in a formation that will inspire balance and victory."

You have flown well gentlemen - we salute you and the God whom you serve.  May He richly bless you in the tracks of life that lie ahead in the wider world.

Mr J Ward
Dukes Coordinator

Important Upcoming Dates 2017

Term 4

Thursday 2 November Year 11 Parent Teacher Night 
Monday 13 November Mid Term Break - Students Only 
Thursday 16 November Ensembles Evening 
Wednesday 22 November Young Performers' Evening 
Friday 24 November Volunteers' Thank You Breakfast & Term 4 Class Parent Meeting
Tuesday 5 December Junior School Celebration
Wednesday 6 December Senior School Celebration
Thursday 7 December End of Term 4
From the Chaplain

JAM camp this year was a lot of fun as students encouraged one another, enjoyed activities like the water slide and dragon boating and, (of course) learnt from the bible.

Some of the highlights from the camp were our guest speaker Jeremy Toulmin, his music sampling and friend Ryan the Lion teaching from Ephesians 2, playing night games like Dettol and getting to know one another during free time.

This is the most amount of students we've ever had on JAM camp and the campsite is at maximum capacity. 

As this is a volunteer ministry camp, staff give up their time to be a part of this and develop relationships with students. The College is very much appreciative of the staff who willingly do this. In particular Mr Dane Bakarich who lead the camp.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10.

Stuart Tye

Principal's Awards

Well done to all of the recipients.  


Engagement News

Lovely news for our Student Receptionist Alex Temporal who became engaged to James Smiler recently.  We rejoice with the happy couple and wish them God's blessings as they take this exciting step into the next chapter of their lives.  

EventsBack to Top

Volunteer Breakfast 2017

It's our way of saying thank you. Please join us at our Volunteers' Breakfast on Friday 24 November commencing at 7:30am.

Please RSVP to Christine Klomp - [email protected] no later than Friday 17 November 2017 for catering purposes.

We look forward to seeing you there.

WellbeingBack to Top

SchoolTV: Transitions

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month's edition and we always welcome your feedback.

Whether it is starting school for the first time, moving up to a higher grade or embarking on a journey through secondary school, there is no doubt that any school transition is a very exciting time for children and parents. It means your children are growing up!
However, transitioning is an ongoing process. It can continue long after students have entered their new environment and may encounter difficulties at a number of different stages. These stressors may appear as anxiety and frustration and result in negative or disruptive behaviours. Such behaviours can become problematic making the transitioning process even more difficult for children and parents.

In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will learn practical strategies to assist your child during the transition process and reduce stress and anxiety levels. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month's edition and we always welcome your feedback.

If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information.

Here is the link to this month's edition http://thac.nsw.schooltv.me/newsletter/school-transitions

Source: School TV

LearningBack to Top

Year 2 visit the science lab

Last term, we were learning about light and sound.  At the lab, the students saw some very exciting experiments which reinforced their learning.

Mr Strong and Mrs Hughes showed us the oscilloscope which demonstrated pitch and showed us sound waves. We also saw some amazing experiments with light using an induction coil – this lighting generator sent electrical currents through the gas tubes and they lit up. 

Mr Strong talked to us about how he loves teaching science and he especially enjoys seeing young children get excited about learning. He said that we can see so much of God’s creation in the experiments we do.

The children were enthralled by the things they saw and would like to extend a huge thank you to both Mr Strong and Mrs Hughes for teaching us and making us feel so welcome in the lab.


2017 ICAS Mathematics and English Results

Well done - we are very proud of you!

Congratulations to the following students for their wonderful results in the ICAS Mathematics and English Assessments:


High Distinction:

  • Arjun Nair (Year 4)
  • Ethan Ould (Year 6)



  • Annabel Cook (Year 3)
  • Aaron Dhanvate (Year 3)
  • Lucas Glendinning (Year 3)
  • Alex Lotorto (Year 3)
  • Adrian Zeng (Year 3)
  • Madeleine Tran (Year 4)
  • Isabella Wu (Year 4)
  • Sofia Doria (Year 5)
  • Lucas Lotorto (Year 6)



  • Alexander Christodoulou (Year 3)
  • Emmeline McAnally (Year 3)
  • Isadora Tang (Year 3)
  • Rico Zou (Year 3)
  • Rhyda Amhaz (Year 4)
  • Matthew Delianachi (Year 4)
  • Andrea Kricka (Year 4)
  • Raphael Morcos (Year 4)
  • Michael Ofloglou (Year 4)
  • Chloe Qiu (Year 4)
  • Ella Safadi (Year 4)
  • Lucas Currao (Year 5)
  • Charles Khoury (Year 5)
  • Faith Wu (Year 5)
  • Joe Logozzo (Year 6)
  • Petar Lozusic (Year 6)
  • Hannah Symons (Year 6)
  • Chloe Tran (Year 6)
  • Mia Zinghini (Year 6)




  • Timothy Bakhit (Year 4)
  • Arjun Nair (Year 4)



  • James Anogianakis (Year 3)
  • Alexander Christodoulou (Year 3)
  • Annabel Cook (Year 3)
  • Aaron Dhanvate (Year 3)
  • Jasmine Lozusic (Year 4)
  • Madeleine Tran (Year 4)
  • Isabella Wu (Year 4)
  • Julia Beaumont (Year 5)
  • Charles Khoury (Year 5)
  • Regan Ramiah (Year 5)
  • Faith Wu (Year 5)
  • Sophia Angilletta (Year 6)
  • Joshua Cook (Year 6)
  • Benjamin Dodson (Year 6)
  • Benjamin Lousada (Year 6)
  • Amelia Novakovic (Year 6)
  • Hannah Symons (Year 6)
  • Chloe Tran (Year 6)
  • Mia Zinghini (Year 6)


Performing ArtsBack to Top

Young performers evening coming

This year at Thomas Hassall Anglican College, we are holding a special performance evening for the parents and friends of the students who learn a musical instrument at College. It is called 'Young Performers Evening'.

This will be an opportunity to celebrate the work of the students and their musical development throughout the year. There will be a variety of instrumentalists performing a balanced and entertaining program. This event will also provide a perfect opportunity to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of the tutors.

Our tutors will be encouraging students to present one or two pieces each. Students may not know which pieces they will play yet, but the tutors will help them select appropriate repertoire throughout this term.

The date of this evening is Wednesday 18 November.

The format of the evening is as follows:

  • 7pm - All students and families to gather in the John Lambert Auditorium (doors will open at 6.30pm)
  • Welcome, prayer, thanks to tutors
  • Small groups sent to various locations in the College for student performances. Several shows will run simultaneously
  • Supper served in the Staff Centre (Administration Block)

Students involved in performing are asked to wear smart/casual clothes. They will sit with their families.

Please feel welcome to take photos/video of your children as they are performing. There will be an opportunity to take photos with your tutor at the end of the evening.

A light supper will be provided at the conclusion of the evening.

To assist with preparing the program and catering, please fill out the form that has been given to all private tuition students, indicate your interest in attending this event and return it either to your child’s tutor, classroom teacher or directly to the Creative Arts staffroom.

Looking forward to a lovely evening,

Further enquiries: [email protected]

Nicholas Lane
Director of Ensembles

Junior Band gets funky

Our Junior Band is working hard on learning a variety of pop and funk music, as well as composing their own songs! They are currently preparing for their big performance at the upcoming Prep to Year 6 assembly on Friday 24 November in Week 7, where they will be performing an original composition sparked by the musical and lyrical ideas of Joshua Cook and Elena Tomaras.

This group is directed by Mr Alvin Ash, and assisted by Mr Byron Mark.

Ensemble Evening

On 16 November (Week 6), all of our Senior Music Ensembles at College will be performing a special concert in our Auditorium. Our ‘Ensembles Evening’ showcases all the hard work and determination of the students in our co-curricular ensembles, and provides the opportunity for each group to perform a 15-minute set of music to display a variety of music they have worked on throughout the year.

This is a free event, and we welcome all families and friends of the College to attend this event and support our student musicians in their journey of musical excellence.


Talented Athletes Program - Swimming

The TAP Swimming program is designed to identify talented students from Years 3 – 12 and offers an extensive training program to students who have represented Thomas Hassall Anglican College at the NASSA carnival level or above.

Days: Monday and Friday during the College term (except public holidays)
Time: 6am – 7.30am
Venue: Whitlam Leisure Centre - 90A Memorial Avenue, Liverpool
Cost: Fees will be charged per term
Transport: Parents are to make their own arrangements to get children to the pool for a 6am start. Students will be transported by mini bus to College at the conclusion of the session.

The squad-based sessions will be structured to adopt best practices and will focus on stroke development and correction, developing strength and endurance. Sessions will include race preparation, dives and turns.

The TAP Swimming program is offered to all students who competed at the NASSA Junior or NASSA Senior Swimming Carnival. However, if there is a talented swimmer who did not attend the College Swimming Carnival they may be assessed to be part of the program.  If you would like more information about the TAP Swimming program, please contact Mrs Evans [email protected]

Brochures are available at the College Office.

Junior School Sport - Term 4

Term 4 - Primary Sport

The final rounds of the Summer IPSSO Competition are here and all teams are training hard  to make the Finals Day.

Date Team Game Time Girls Soccer Cricket Oz Tag Softball Basketball
8 Nov ASG 11.55 - 1.45 Parry Park Parry Park Parry Park Parry Park All Saints Grammar
15 Nov William Carey 12.30 - 2.20 Hoxton Park Res Powell Park Greenway Park Greenway Park Thomas Hassall
22 Nov FINALS  DAY          
29 Nov Back-up   FINALS DAY      

Training is held each Wednesday 7.30 – 8.15am.  Girls soccer train 7.15 - 8.15am.  In the event of wet weather IPSSO training is cancelled for all teams except Girls Soccer, which will train in S block. 


Important Junior School Sport Dates for Term Four

Week 7 - Wednesday 22 November - Summer IPSSO Finals Day

Week 7 - Wednesday 29 November - Back-up date for Summer IPSSO Finals Day


PE and Sport Reminder

It is advisable that your child has a refillable drink bottle on Sport and PE days so they can rehydrate during and after exercise. All children are required to wear the PE cap or College hat for sporting activities.

Students should bring and apply their own sunscreen to ensure sun protection during sport.

Wanderers Cup Finals - Primary Boys Soccer

Congratulations to our Primary Boys Soccer team and their coach Mr Sonny Makko on a magnificent  performance at the Wanderers Cup Final on Tuesday 24 October.

The boys played brilliantly throughout the day, losing only one game 2-1 to the eventual winners, Mamre Anglican College.

An outstanding performance from a talented group of boys who have trained hard all year and gone from strength to strength as the year progressed.

Boys, we are every proud of your attitude and commitment to improve and look forward to watching you play next year.

NASSA Junior AFL Gala Day

The Senior Primary AFL team played in a Gala Day at Broughton Anglican College. The team won the IPSSO competition earlier in the year and entered the contest with high expectations. The event was attended by thousands (mostly flying ants, but some people too). The team played against Penrith, St Luke’s and TIGS. We had a win and two losses to finish in fourth position in the pool (although narrowly missing out on second position).

The team went on the play against Broughton and won that game comfortably.

I am very proud of the team, their efforts and improvements throughout the year. Some of the students have played together for the last three years.

Dane Bakarich

Leaping Luke at the athletics championships

The Year 5 student represented the College and NSW CIS in two events - long jump and high jump.

On day one he placed 11th in the state in high jump, jumping an incredible 1.40m.

He placed 6th in the state in long jump on the second day of competition.

A fantastic achievement!  Well done Luke!

2018 Football Development Program

The College offers Football Development Programs for students in Kinder to Year 9. The year-long program caters for both boys and girls and will be conducted by our Football Director Sonny Makko.

The one-hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and suited for all abilities. Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game.

Students can enroll in more than one day if preferred. The program runs for 35 weeks.


2018 Football Development Programs

Information flyers and application forms for the 2018 Football Development programs will be emailed to all College families on Monday 6 November.  Copies will be available at the College Office.


Program details:

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Monday  3 - 4pm

Year 6 - 9 Secondary Program        Tuesday 3 - 4pm

Kinder - Year 2 Program                  Wednesday  3 - 4pm

Year 2 - Year 6 Program                  Thursday 3 - 4pm

K - 6 Girls Only Program                 Friday 3 - 4pm


For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]

Interested in a Holiday Football Camp?

We are proposing to hold a Football Holiday Clinic at the College during the December holidays.

Dates: Monday 11 December – Friday 15 December 2017

Time: 8.30am - 2.30pm

Cost: $60 per day or $250 for the week-long program. Students can attend as many days as they would like. 

If you would be interested in attending during this period, please contact Ana Dinjar [email protected] at the College Office indicating your interest (children and preference of days). 

Expressions of interest close Wednesday 8 November.

The camp will proceed if we have sufficient numbers.

Splash into Swimming in 2018

Year 1 & Year 2 Swim Program for 2018

All students currently in Kindergarten and Year One will receive a note regarding information for the Swim Program for 2018. 

In Term one, 2018, all students in Year 1 and 2 will attend the Swimming Program at Prairiewood Leisure Centre.  

The Swim program will commence in week three and continue every week as part of the weekly sports program.

The 45-minute lesson will be conducted in the indoor pool and are ability-based, catering for non-swimmers through to stroke development and correction. 

If your child will be in Year 1 or 2 next year (2018) they should return their note to their current classroom teacher. 

Spare copies of the note will be located at the College administration office.

CommunityBack to Top

Lourdes is a triple threat

The NSW division Grade 1 jazz win this year makes her the state champion. She also placed third for Grade 1 tap.

Lourdes has entered a range of competitions for dance this year and has placed in all of them but the latest is the one that really counts.

The youngster has been dancing at Nadia's Performance Studio at Wetherill Park since she was four. She does jazz, tap, ballet, musical theatre, acrobatics, hip hop and glee. She also does drama and is in a talent agency.

To add to her experience, Lourdes has done a Wonder White bread commercial which is currently on television. This is in addition to a couple of Woolworths commercials where she worked alongside chef Jamie Oliver. These supermarket ads are currently on television.

She's also just landed a role in feature movie Slam. Filming begins on November 6 until the beginning of next year. She will play the role of a little girl called Alia.

It's been a busy year!

We love to hear about our students' success in the community so please email us on [email protected] to let us know.  Landscape format photos are preferred.

Vansh a triple world champion

Australia hosted the World Cup of karate last month. More than 1000 competitors from 28 countries participated. Vansh Maini walked away with four individual world championship ttiles, one team world championship, a silver and two bronze medals.

It was held the same weekend the Thomas Hassall Anglican College student celebrated his seventh birthday.

Vansh has trained at IMC Liverpool Martial Arts Centre since he was three. He trains every day of the week.