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From the Head of Junior School

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From The Deputy Principal (inactive)

Deputy Junior
Mrs Christine Bessant
Deputy Principal
Junior School Orientations have been underway!

This week we have welcomed the newest members of our College family at both the Prep and Kindergarten orientations. There were many excited children who couldn’t wait to get to College, some were shy but soon warmed up to the activities and the space. It is always lovely to see the excitement and wonder on the faces of the children as they experience their new learning environment.

It is at this time of the year that we review what we have achieved this year. One of our main emphasis has been the focus on our positive behaviours in the classroom and the playground. It has been great to see and hear the children and teachers talking about pushing through challenges, managing distraction, respecting the teacher and seeing how engaged they are in the classroom. I spoke to the students at assemblies this week about how we can value others not just in the classroom but also in the playground. Valuing others in class with the teacher facilitating is much easier than applying this in the playground. I talked to them about saying sorry when they had made a bad choice, thinking of others when making playground decisions and looking out for ways of supporting others to make good choices. I was very happy to hear of this in action where one of our younger students stepped in to help a classmate make good choices in the playground even when encouraged to do the wrong thing by others. Positive behaviours really do make a difference to our College community. Please continue to support this when talking about your child’s day at College.

When we think of World Champions we usually think of adults competing in the Olympics or the Soccer World Cup but did you know that we have a World Champion right in our midst.

One of our Year 1 students, Vansh Maini competed in the ISKA (International Sports Karate Association) World Cup 2017.

There were 1000 competitors from more than 28 countries. Congratulations Vansh on becoming World  Champion.
