Term 2 I The Way Newsletter I Friday 2 June 2023

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Most families will know that the FIFA Women’s World Cup takes place in July and August. In a special program for the College the South Korean Women’s team will use our facilities for training ahead of the Cup. This will be a highlight for our students, and we will bring you an update closer to the program.

It was great to have a visit from representatives of Australia’s Women’s Para Football squad during the week, with our own staff member Miss Georgia Beikoff as host. Georgia has represented Australia in the last Para Football World Cup and the Paralympics in Japan in recent times.

No doubt families of Kindy, Year 1 and 2 are looking forward to the Creative Arts performances next week which will be full of colour and excitement. Thanks to the staff as they finalise the preparations.

The College has established Sister School relationships both National and International and in the last month or so we have engaged with these schools. The recent Japanese tour allowed our students to visit the 2 Japanese Sister Schools in Takayama and Hammamatsu. The Takayama High School students will return to the College later in the year.

Recently, during the last fortnight, staff members from our interstate Sister Schools, Nambour Christian College in QLD and Tyndale Christian School in SA spent 2 days at Thomas Hassall for professional discussion and collaboration. We are working towards a program to involve students in this valuable exchange.

The Junior School Athletics Carnival was held yesterday at Campbelltown and in fine weather conditions. Importantly the attendance was very high and performances at a high standard. We are looking at the best ways to engage all students in Athletics skills programs. Thanks to Mrs Evans and every staff member of the Junior School for such an important event.

My thanks also on your behalf to Mrs Easton for acting as principal of the College in my absence at the start of term. Thanks again for your continued support of our programs.

Truly my soul finds rest in God; My salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress; I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:1-2

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development
Roger Young

Each of YOU reading this article is part of a team. The team might be a sporting team or a local church or our own Bible Study group or at least your own “Family” team. At school students are part of TEAM, at multiple levels. They each have a Pastoral Care Team, each are part of the larger House Team and all of them are part of multiple classes that form teams around Academic Subjects. One of the strengths of Thomas Hassall is the large choice of TEAMs outside of the compulsory teams, which include things like: Sport Teams, Chess Club, Anime Groups, Dukes, Sparkle, Music Groups, Knitting Groups, Leadership Teams etc…

Being part of any team requires a commitment – this could be either positive or negative, but it works best when people make a positive commitment in all that they do. This might look like: being on time, on task and doing each of these things with respect. No one would argue with these basic tenets. However, when TEAM operates the best, it is so much more than just a commitment to compliance. When TEAM operates well, we build strong friendships and an authentic commitment to every member of the TEAM. It can impact us so powerfully that we have a ‘heart change’. This is where we find our purpose and may even contribute to a ‘whole life change’. I am sure this is the critical part of TEAMs that discover that winning formula to success.

In Assembly this week we had the privilege of hearing from some members of Para Matildas. These guests have represented Australia at recent Para Soccer World Cup event (winning a Silver Medal). The guests included our own Assistant Chaplain, Georgia Beikoff. Georgia was supported by Tahlia Blanshard and Ben Sutton. During the conversation, on stage, we discovered that each of these high achieving sportspersons, have had to overcome significant obstacles throughout their life. These challenges have not just been physical, but have also included their own personal doubts (I can’t do it) and the ongoing discrimination that comes from the community when one has a physical or intellectual disability. During the interview each of them spoke of some of the obstacles that they have had to overcome on the way to represent Australia. It was inspiring to hear that despite obstacles, and inevitable challenges that come with life, there is a way through. That is, there is a way of overcoming the obstacles to keep moving forward on the ‘journey’.

The bigger message to each of us is ‘You do not have to give up!’ when you fail in overcoming an obstacle. In fact, DON’T GIVE UP! At the critical point when a person decides to try again and ‘have another go’… there is a deeper thing going on; character is being developed and perseverance becomes a normal response. If a TEAM make the decision to do this together then something significant is built. Strong bonds and a collective decision to overcome every obstacle to achieve a positive outcome. It is an easy message to understand, but it requires real courage to stick at it.

Let’s continue to build TEAM across every aspect of the Thomas Hassall Community. YOU, the parent, play a very important role in this. We thank you for your contribution as we attempt to build a community that understands the complexities and importance of TEAM!


Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
From the Assistant Chaplain

In the book of Corinthians, Paul speaks to his brothers and sisters of Corinth of being part of the body of Christ, many parts, one body. As he lists these different roles of being teachers, healers, helpers, and speakers, Paul continues to encourage the Corinthians to use these diverse abilities and gifts, all of which we have graciously been given by God, all for God’s glory. Here at Thomas Hassall, the motto on our school crest is ‘A More Excellent Way’. We as a school body strive to do what we do all for God’s glory, the most excellent way. 

This week, it’s been a joy seeing what’s been happening around the grounds of Junior School. The last few weeks, I launched a new initiative with Mrs Wheeler for our Year 6 leaders called Student Voice. It has been wonderful seeing, not just our Year 6 students but also our younger students being bold and courageous in thinking about new ways and ideas of making change within our school community to make it a better place! Already, I have been so impressed by their enthusiasm and innovative ideas that I believe will soon have a positive impact here at Thomas Hassall. What an encouraging way to be using our diverse gifts and abilities, all for God’s glory. 

Miss Georgia Beikoff
Assistant Chaplain

Upcoming Dates

Date Event
Monday 5 June Kindergarten Creative Arts Performance
Thursday 8 June

CIS Primary and SS Cross Country

Year 1 and 2 Creative Arts Performance 

Year 11/12 Parent Teacher Night

Friday 9 June - Saturday 10 June  Dukes Year 9 Bronze Hike
Monday 12 June

Public Holiday

Tuesday 13 June

12 Geography Fieldwork Excursion 


Wednesday 14 June CIS Junior Boys Rugby Union Trials 
Thursday 15 June

CIS Junior Boys Rugby Union Trials 

MADE for Stage

Host Families Urgently Needed

We are excitedly anticipating a visit from Takayama Junior High School, our sister school, who will be visiting the College after a 4 year hiatus. Hosting students will provide your family with an amazing intercultural experience. We have always had such positive feedback from families who have hosted and it is a vital part of our Japanese language program within the College community. The Japanese students are here to experience Australian Culture and our style of family life to improve their spoken English.

We are urgently seeking College families to host the students. There are 45 students visiting and will be here from Friday 4 August to Tuesday 8 August. We are asking host families to host two students.

Families will receive $45 per student per night to cover the costs for the duration of the students’ visit and in return, you are required to provide:

  • Transport to and from College as required.
  • Instruct the student in how to keep their money and valuables safe while in host homes
  • Provide them with a clean, comfortable bed of their own.
  • Provide three meals and morning tea per day, including school lunches as required. Should no packed lunch be provided, you will provide money for the student to purchase lunch from the College canteen.

If you are interested in hosting students, please click on this link and fill out the online form.

Thank you for considering this wonderful opportunity.

Mr. Byron Mark, Mrs. Fiona Byrne and Ms. Michelle Raft

Alumni Spotlight

Evan, a recent Year 12 graduate and Vice Captain from 2022 has settled into the workforce by joining the Army for a gap year. He completed his basic training at Kapooka and is now in training at the school of infantry in Singleton.

During his initial training at Kapooka, the Army encouraged recruits to keep in touch with family and friends by snail mail, in which Evan’s parents have received the most beautiful handwritten letters from him. One of the biggest shocks when joining the Army for Evan was that they banished mobile phones on the first day and they only had about 15 minutes with their phone on a Sunday (once a week).

His goals are to complete his gap year in the army over the year then to return home and find a job. He will stay in the army as a reservist and begin a university degree. He now has a clearer idea of what he wants to accomplish in life and how he wants to live after learning key skills in the Army.

Upon reflection, The Boyle Family said that schooling at Thomas Hassall as been the most beneficial and the best schooling decision they had made and experienced.

Evan Boyle

Mrs Fiona Byrne 
Languages Coordinator & Year 7 Advisor

College Applications for 2025

Calling all Sibling Applications. We will soon be commencing our interview process for students commencing in 2025.

If you have a child you would like to enrol for 2025, please visit our website www.thac.nsw.edu.au/content/applying-now and complete the application form to ensure you have sibling priority. Positions cannot be guaranteed unless an application has been submitted.

Our Year 7 2025 Interviews will commence in early Term 3 so please get your application in as soon as possible.

We kindly remind families to notify the College if your child will not be continuing onto next year providing at least a terms notice in writing to our Enrolments team.

If you have any questions, please contact our office on 9608 0033 and speak to Marissa Poll (Junior School) or Amanda Low (Senior School).

EventsBack to Top

MADE for Stage

You are invited to attend MADE for Stage. Experience an evening of entertainment where our Senior School students showcase their musical, art, dance, drama and entertainment skills across various ensembles and elective music classes. The visual arts display will start at 6pm and the performances will be from 7-9pm in the John Lambert Auditorium. Please come along for a great night of entertainment and support our talented students as they showcase their work. 

Tickets are $5 for a child and $10 for an adult. Children under 3 years of age are free. You can buy your tickets on our website www.thac.nsw.edu.au/book.


WellbeingBack to Top

Managing screen time

Research conducted by the eSafety Commissioner in 2018 found that screen time is one of the top online safety concerns for parents. Too much screen time can include both internet addiction and balancing internet use with other areas of life. The COVID-19 pandemic has further fuelled this issue, with significant increases in screen time being reported more recently.

The following infographic summarises the findings from the eSafety Commissioner report and highlights the key issues:

Digital Screen Time


If excessive screen time is a concern, the following strategies can be used:

  1. Monitor your child’s device, internet and game use
  2. Encourage a balance between screen time and healthy activities outside the online world
  3. Create a plan that balances screen time as a family
  4. Reduce your own screen time to set a positive example
  5. Use technologies such as parental controls to help monitor and limit screen time use

The eSafety website has some helpful information and more detailed strategies to help combat excessive screen time. These resources can be found at https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents/issues-and-advice/screen-time

Mrs Megan Bennett
Director of ICT


LearningBack to Top

Exploring the impact of Social Media with Year 9

Last week, Mr Vasington delivered a thought-provoking presentation to our Year 9 students, shedding light on the influence of social media in today's society. Mr Vasington discussed both the positive and negative effects of social media, highlighting the significance of using these platforms responsibly and ensuring online safety. Social media is a part of our daily lives, but learning how to use it appropriately and respectfully is crucial. 

One student, shared their perspective on Mr Vasington's presentation:

Last week, Mr Vasington gave a presentation to Year 9 students about the positive and negative effects of social media has on today's society. Mr Vasington’s presentation was entertaining and it taught us how to use social media respectfully and safely. We looked at screen time as well as the risks of social media, which include catfishing, scamming, and cyberbullying. Mr Vasington also mentioned if someone unknown adds you, you should remove and block them. Mr Vasington’s presentation was engaging and fun, and I think students have learnt about how to remain digitally safe. - Cruise V (Year 9)


If you would like to find out more about Social Media and Digital Reputation there is a great resource on our website here

Mr John Williams
Year 9 Advisor & Assistant Faculty Coordinator - English

Year 7 Mathematical Learning

Lewis Carroll begins Alice’s journey into Wonderland with her following a curious looking rabbit into its burrow and falling for an unexpected period of time. Alice falls until she lands in a very different world to where she is from. To Alice, she was present for the whole journey, she experienced curiosity, the fall and the experience of the new world. For everyone else, they witnessed Alice fall asleep, wake up and struggled to understand how Alice could have experienced what she did.

Motivation in learning starts with curiosity – a desire to understand some hidden truth that is on offer. I’m sure you have been amazed when your child has proudly named 30 different shades of ‘green’, even though no one was asking.

In Year 7 Mathematics, Mr Andrew Lim has been engaging our high potential learners with a problem designed to spark curiosity. The answer to this math problem may be unclear, only applicable in certain situations, or requiring different content knowledge to come to a solution; but what Mr Lim is really teaching is that Maths in the real world isn’t just numbers, but it has to include unknowns, variables, and even human motivation.

Here are some of the problems our high potential learners have been working on:

Maths Questions


Mr Andrew Lim
Senior School Teacher - Maths

Year 9 Science Experiments

Year 9 students along with Mrs Johnson had the opportunity to indulge in an exciting science experiment where they all witnessed and participated in dissecting a cow’s eye. One student shared their perspective: 

Prior to the experiment, we learned about the structure of the eye and how the dissection should be performed, then the eye was placed right in front of us. Some students were intrigued by the huge cow’s eye, some… not so much. With a mind full of curiosity, we began the experiment by first cutting the fat and muscle, then making an incision in the cornea. It was interesting to see how my classmates reacted to being exposed to the eye, most cringed at the sight and smell whilst others couldn’t contain their enthusiasm. Overall, performing the experiment with my classmates was an engaging and educational experience that we got to partake in together, making it all the better. - Faith T (Year 9)

Year 9 Experiment

Mrs Helen Johnson
Senior School Science Teacher

Year 7 Camp

The weather was crisp and sunny, the mood excitable, as Year 7 departed College for 3 days of fun and fellowship at The Tops Conference Centre in the stunning Stanwell Tops. The theme of ‘One body, many parts’ was explored, in Bible discussions, in activities participated in and in PC and House groups. Students learned about living in God’s community as a valued member, playing the part He specifically designed us to do, as well as the call to love one another ‘as God loves us’.

Students participated in cart racing, archery, abseiling, the giant swing, the leap of faith, survivor challenges and high ropes. Students challenged themselves to push through self-doubt, apprehension or fear to succeed at these activities. It was a wonderful thing to witness groups chanting the names and encouraging each other to complete activities, often this being the very thing a student needed to continue on. Students worked as a team to ensure activities ran smoothly, with every student doing their part, whether it was checking helmets, checking harnesses, supervising ropes or simply pointing out ways to overcome obstacles. This reinforced the ‘One body many parts’ theme perfectly.

A silent disco was held on the first night of camp. The teachers watched on as students donned headphones allowing them to listen to whatever music they wanted to dance to. It took no time at all, however, for everyone to sync into what each other was listening to and suddenly, the ‘silent’ disco was instead 156 young voices singing songs from different generations together, really loudly!

A trivia night rounded out the final evening at camp and what a fun way to discover the culture knowledge of our Year 7 cohort. Topics included geography, name that song, name that place, among many others. Needless to say, students headed to their cabins fairly tired and managed to sleep soundly despite the loud storm raging around them, as rain, wind, thunder and lightning punctuated the peace of Stanwell Tops. A great time was had by all. The Year 7 team of teachers all commented on what a privilege it was to take this cohort on a camp and a delight to see them growing in themselves, encouraging one another and responding to the word of God.


Mrs Fiona Byrne
Languages Coordinator & Year 7 Advisor

Debating and Public Speaking

Our Students from Years 7 - 10 have been competing in Debating and Public Speaking this term. It has been wonderful seeing students grow in confidence and knowledge over these competitions. 


Both the Year 9 and 10 teams head to the semi-finals round this Tuesday. Year 10 team placed 1st in the Northern Pool, and now debate Broughton Anglican to contest the winning place in the competition.

Year 7 MISA Debating Workshop

Lauren in Year 7 reflected: The Debating Workshop was really fun and is one of the most treasured memories I will have. During the debating workshop I learnt so much such as: Manner, Matter and Method. Overall, this has been such a fun day hanging out with my friends and peers and I can't wait until we have more debating workshops! 

HICES Competition

Our Year 8 Middle team placed 3rd in their pool. Our Year 7 Middle team placed 1st in their pool and progress to the knock out stage in the Round of 32 Finals. Our Senior team placed 2nd in their pool, but missed out on progressing to the knock out stage.

Well done to all our teams!


Mrs Roslyn Rodriguez
Secondary Teacher - English

Upcoming Sport Events



Upcoming Sporting Events - Term 2
Week 7 Thursday 8th June CIS Senior Cross Country Championship
Week 8 Wednesday 14th June

U14s Boys and Girls Futsal Gala Day

Thursday 15th June

U16s Boys and Girls Futsal Gala Day

Friday 16th June

Opens Boys and Girls Futsal Gala Day

Friday 16th June

Opens Boys and Girls Futsal Gala Day

Week 9 Tuesday 20th - Wednesday 21st June

All Schools Football Championship

Tuesday 20th June

MISA Trials during College Sport

Mrs Irene Focas
Sports Coordinator - Senior School

NASSA Cross Country

We are thrilled to announce that our school's cross country team has achieved an outstanding result in the recent NASSA Cross Country Championship. From our team, ten of our students have clinched top 10 positions, paving their way to the prestigious AICES Cross Country Championship!  The top 10 Finishers are:

Anastasia B 

Diego B

Liliana C

Samuel D

Sara E

Zac F

Charlie K

Christian M

Onrey R

Adrian T

Ryder W


Mrs Irene Focas
Sports Coordinator - Senior School

CIS Football Gala Day

The AICES Football Gala Day took place at Valentine park, and it proved to be an exhilarating day filled with intense matches and memorable moments. Our students (Connor G, Levi G, Maksim N and Zoe G) exhibited their expertise and gave their all on the field, leaving a lasting impression on all who witnessed their performances.

A huge achievement from Maksim N (Year 12) who was selected to be a part of the CIS NSW Squad. This means that Maksim is considered to be the best striker in all independent schools in NSW! Congratulations Maksim and good luck at the All Schools Football Tournament in June.


Mrs Irene Focas
Sports Coordinator - Senior School

A Victorious Bill Turner Cup

Our U15s Bill Turner Cup team played a sensational match against Freeman Catholic College on Monday 29th May. Although they were down 1-0 at half time they came back fighting in true Thomas Hassall Spirit and managed to score taking the game to extra time. In extra time, they displayed nothing but determination and grit, scoring a golden goal in extra time making it one for the memory books.

A big congratulations to the team and to Coach Sonny and Coach Goran who have worked tirelessly to get the team to where they are. This achievement not only showcases their individual talent  of our players but also reflects the dedication and support of our fantastic coaching staff. We wish them all the best for their round four game in a few weeks time.


Mrs Irene Focas
Sports Coordinator - Senior School

International Figure Skating Success

Congratulations to both Mia K (Year 10) and Kryshtof P (Year 9) for representing Australia at the Oceania International Figure Skating Competition in New Zealand. 

The competition ran from May 15-17 in Auckland, NZL. 

Mia and Kryshtof both received 3rd place. Congratulations on your outstanding efforts, we are very proud of both of you! 

Ice skating