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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

Roger Young
Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development

Each of YOU reading this article is part of a team. The team might be a sporting team or a local church or our own Bible Study group or at least your own “Family” team. At school students are part of TEAM, at multiple levels. They each have a Pastoral Care Team, each are part of the larger House Team and all of them are part of multiple classes that form teams around Academic Subjects. One of the strengths of Thomas Hassall is the large choice of TEAMs outside of the compulsory teams, which include things like: Sport Teams, Chess Club, Anime Groups, Dukes, Sparkle, Music Groups, Knitting Groups, Leadership Teams etc…

Being part of any team requires a commitment – this could be either positive or negative, but it works best when people make a positive commitment in all that they do. This might look like: being on time, on task and doing each of these things with respect. No one would argue with these basic tenets. However, when TEAM operates the best, it is so much more than just a commitment to compliance. When TEAM operates well, we build strong friendships and an authentic commitment to every member of the TEAM. It can impact us so powerfully that we have a ‘heart change’. This is where we find our purpose and may even contribute to a ‘whole life change’. I am sure this is the critical part of TEAMs that discover that winning formula to success.

In Assembly this week we had the privilege of hearing from some members of Para Matildas. These guests have represented Australia at recent Para Soccer World Cup event (winning a Silver Medal). The guests included our own Assistant Chaplain, Georgia Beikoff. Georgia was supported by Tahlia Blanshard and Ben Sutton. During the conversation, on stage, we discovered that each of these high achieving sportspersons, have had to overcome significant obstacles throughout their life. These challenges have not just been physical, but have also included their own personal doubts (I can’t do it) and the ongoing discrimination that comes from the community when one has a physical or intellectual disability. During the interview each of them spoke of some of the obstacles that they have had to overcome on the way to represent Australia. It was inspiring to hear that despite obstacles, and inevitable challenges that come with life, there is a way through. That is, there is a way of overcoming the obstacles to keep moving forward on the ‘journey’.

The bigger message to each of us is ‘You do not have to give up!’ when you fail in overcoming an obstacle. In fact, DON’T GIVE UP! At the critical point when a person decides to try again and ‘have another go’… there is a deeper thing going on; character is being developed and perseverance becomes a normal response. If a TEAM make the decision to do this together then something significant is built. Strong bonds and a collective decision to overcome every obstacle to achieve a positive outcome. It is an easy message to understand, but it requires real courage to stick at it.

Let’s continue to build TEAM across every aspect of the Thomas Hassall Community. YOU, the parent, play a very important role in this. We thank you for your contribution as we attempt to build a community that understands the complexities and importance of TEAM!
