Term 3 I Monday 30 September 2019

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Please enjoy the report enclosed of their final day at College, and the photos on the College Facebook page.  The John Lambert Auditorium was full to overflowing with family and friends of Year students and we all enjoyed the presentations, awards and memories of this our 15th year 12 to graduate from the College.  A special part of the graduation was the award of the College Trophy by Mrs Sue Hewson to the students who had begun their education in Prep or Kindergarten with Mrs Hewson as their teacher and completed Year 12 at Thomas Hassall.  Mrs Hewson, who is a foundation Thomas Hassall teacher from 2000, retires this year and has taught many of our students in her 20 years at the College.  We were able to congratulate Sue on such a wonderful achievement and a special award was made to the first Prep to Year 12 students.

It is pleasing to also report that, already, many Year 12 students know of their next direction – whether early entry to University or to employment.  Importantly, most Universities have determined that they will provide additional pathways than the ATAR for student entry to courses.  This has been a helpful development for post-school options in recent years.

Our HSC students will first attend their annual study camp in this vacation time ahead of the HSC exams with a majority of teachers able to dedicate part of their vacation to be in attendance.

Our youngest students took part in the Prep Red to Year 2 Athletics Carnival last Thursday.  It was such a great day with beautiful weather and lots of fun.  The Rawdon Middleton Sporting Fields were full of colour and action.

No doubt we are all aware that the Administration Building renovation project, which starts in this holiday period, will test our stamina and patience in the next term.  The refurbished Admin Centre project, to bring extra space to the Health Clinic; to locate our 3 Student Counsellors nearby and to add offices and interview spaces, will be a project that takes all of Term 4 and perhaps a few weeks into Term 1 2020, to be completed.  Thank you for your consideration of this important work.  Please take note of the required traffic and parking and visitor entry changes as communicated to you last week.

Please also take care over the break. We look forward to bringing you news of the celebrations to take place in 2020, as we celebrate 20 years of the College history – 20 years in 2020.  It will be a great time for the College community.

Thank you for your continued support.

‘O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is your name in all the earth’.   Psalm 8:1

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal
Roger Young

On Friday we have said farewell to the Year 12 students as they officially graduate from their time at school. This farewell has involved the week long tradition of events that included: a wonderful Senior Chapel, a very enjoyable Trivia Night, a special ‘shared reading time’ with our Kindy students, a delicious early morning Prayer Breakfast (hosted by teachers and staff), a number of hotly contested sports events and of course the final Graduation Assembly. The graduation day was spectacular with all our Year 12’s beautifully dressed and groomed, some great words of encouragement imparted, terrific music performances and even a few tears shed. It was a great time for proud parents, family members and staff. We wish the Year 12s well as they make the final preparations for their Higher School Certificate.

This week a number of these Year 12 Graduates will attend a special Study Camp designed to assist students towards a flow of study for the season ahead. Thank you to all the teachers who have volunteered their time to attend this camp. I want to acknowledge your selfless dedication as we support these students throughout this time.

“Cultural Marxism” was the final theme for our season of Hot Topics. This is a very challenging topic that is extremely relevant to our daily lives as we navigate the 21st Century. I would like to thank Mr Stuart Coulton and his team from the Sydney Missionary and Bible College for sharing some of their collective wisdom and resources this year. We are blessed to be able to provide these opportunities with our local community.

I am very excited to hear news from NESA about a Year 12 nomination for “On Stage”. This very prestigious award recognises the State’s best Drama performances. Congratulations goes to Priya Pallavi Nand and of course her teacher, Ms Chavura. It was also great to receive an Encore’ notification for Liam Penklis’ HSC Music performance. Again, this recognizes the State’s best HSC Music Performances. Well done to Liam and Mr Robinson. There were many other wonderful major works showcased at the recent Illuminate event. The Year 12 Major Works, included presentations of: Music, Art, Industrial Timber and English/ History Extension 2. The standard of the works this year were of an exceptional standard. I thank all the teachers and students involved in committing to giving their best in this process. Please uphold our Year 12’s as they come to their final examinations.

I wish all the students a well-deserved break and pray for their safety over the holidays. Special thanks to all the teachers and staff for their support and effort over the term. We look forward to a great finish to the year.

Finally, we give thanks to God for His care and provision over this very busy term.

Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
From the Chaplain

George is a 2 year old Australian Terrier x Foxy rescue dog who is very cheeky and loveable, with strong tendencies towards biting and destruction. Our friends think he is really cute by the Facebook pics we share, but don’t see what goes on behind the scenes. As a rescue dog, I really hope he can learn appropriate behaviour and settle into our home.

We thought we were getting a quiet lap dog but he is far from that. He has energy to burn, all the time. He needs constant distraction and correction from bad behaviour, and positive encouragement when he does the right thing: “Good boy George!” (does that sound strange?).

Whether or not you have a dog, I bet this sounds pretty familiar. It is similar to raising a child.

The Dogfather is a new model 'Dr Harry style dude' who gets called in to sort our bad behaviour from our canine friends. Sometimes it’s quiet, sometimes slow, but usually with quite a bit of humour mixed in. But it takes effort and perseverance to make sure the learning sticks firm.

Raising and disciplining kids is a similar process. The role parents, teachers, coaches and others who invest in the lives of children is so important. Your work should never be de-valued. The Bible has a few verses to encourage you in this:

Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray. Proverbs 10:17

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:1-4

Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Revelation 3:19

As you raise the children in your care, be mindful not to exasperate them – not badgering, provoking and discouraging, but disciplining them with care and correction. Also, consider the responsibility to discipline children in their understanding of the Lord Jesus, that he is the one who brings true knowledge and life.

Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Graduation 2019

Congratulations to the Class of 2019 who graduated last Friday.  The assembly was a wonderful time to celebrate and reflect on the students' years at the College.  There were many fond memories shared with important and encouraging words from our Principal, Mr Ross Whelan, the Year 12 Year Advisor, Mr Jonathan Howe and the College Captains. 

Rev Luther Symons, from Hope Anglican Church, Leppington brought an encouraging message entitled 'Thankful' from Luke 17:11-19.  There were some excellent performances from some of our Year 12 music students.  A special part of the Assembly included our Prep students singing an item, 'Great Big God,' and the students left through a Guard of Honour by our Kindergarten students.  This year we had our inaugural Prep students graduate as part of the Class of 2019.  Mrs Sue Hewson who was their first teacher in 2006 was also honoured for her contributions to the College over the past 20 years as she retires at the end of this year.  A lovely morning tea was provided which was prepared by our Food Technology students and staff.  It certainly was a very special day for the whole College Community.

We wish our Year 12 students well and we continue to pray for them as they now go on to prepare for their HSC Examinations. We wish each and everyone one of them much success in their future endeavours and pursuits.  

Term 4 Important Dates

Term 4

Tuesday 15 October Term 4 Commences 
Wednesday 16 October  Prep Red & White & Kindy Carnival 
Thursday 17 October  HSC 2019 Commences 
Thursday 24 October Class of 2020 Dedication Evening 
Wednesday 6 November Term 4 Class Parents' Meeting
Monday 11 November  Mid Term Break (Students Only)
Wednesday 13 November Prep Orientation Morning
Dance Academy Concert Event
Thursday 14 November Prep Orientation Morning
Year 11 Parent Teacher Night
Wednesday 27 November  Year 6 Dinner
Friday 29 November XThactor & Market Day (Senior School only)
Wednesday 4 December Junior School Celebration Events
Thursday 5 December Senior School Celebration Events
Friday 6 December  Last Day of Term 4 and 2019 College Year
A New Baby Girl

Congratulations to Ryan and Hannah Phung, who welcomed their little girl Chloe on Tuesday 3 September.

We are thrilled with this news and praise God for the safe arrival of precious little Sophie. We wish their family many blessings now and always.

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow."


Engagement Announcement

Congratulations to Marina Hanna (Secondary Science Teacher) who has become engaged to Michael.

We pray God's blessings to them as they prepare for their upcoming nuptials and for their future.


School Holiday Activities
Join us at CodeCamp, OSHclub, Cupcake Decorating Workshop, Motiv8 sports, Football Camp or the ASSA sport speed clinic.
Find out more about them in our flyer and visit our website to book.
Thomas Hassall Anglican College partners with various organisations to provide Holiday Programs throughout the College holidays at our campus.

Vacation Care


Vacation Care is provided by OSHClub and is available Mon-Fri 7am to 6pm.

There are various activities per day, including excursions and incursions.


Motiv8 Sports - 3 Day Mega Camp

Motiv8 Sports

At all Motiv8sports events sport is a tool to motiv8, inspire, entertain and promote a healthy lifestyle. All camps are 8:30am – 3:30pm daily non-sleep over events. Motiv8sports camps are designed for all abilities and focus on the energy and effort rather than a child’s sporting ability. Children attending Motiv8sports Super Camp learn about sport, teamwork & sportsmanship in an environment driven by incredible leadership and constant motivation. 


Cupcake Decorating Workshop


Learn how to manipulate fondant and decorate cupcakes with two different sessions on Tuesday 1 October.

Choose from either Minion Madness or Under the Sea.


ASSA Holiday Clinic


Thursday 3rd October or Friday 4th October 2019

  • 10am-12pm
  • Create First Step Explosiveness
  • Build Postural Strength for Speed
  • Be Energy Efficient in your Game
  • Reduce Injury Risk


School Holiday Football Camp

Football Holiday Camp

Thomas Hassall Anglican College is offering students & friends the opportunity to develop their soccer skills in a fun and friendly environment with fully accredited coaches during school holidays.



Code Camp

Code Camp

Your child can learn to code and build their very own iPhone or Android app!

Code Camps are open to any children, so invite children of family and friends to join your child at Code Camp.

Congratulations to our four new Cert 3 Nurse Graduates

They are to be congratulated on all the hard work to achieve this.  We are extremely proud of their conscientious approach and this final reward which gives them an enormous boost to the medical careers they have chosen. Each girl plans to continue studying for higher qualifications and specialization in Nursing.  

Tahlia has already been offered two jobs as a nurse, which will help fund her full nursing degree that she hopes will lead to midwifery eventually. Michelle shared that she just loves working on the wards and getting to know the patients and being a valued member of the staff teams that care for them so very well.  She has experienced everyone being so supportive and helpful, especially when hard decisions need to be made.  Kiesha has risen above many health challenges herself to get to where she is now and can really empathize with what patients go through.  She knows the high worth of being able to make practical health care contributions to our society.  

We focused on the work of Pyper in this field in a previous edition of The Way and recall her love of the teamwork, camaraderie and opportunity she is experiencing in Nursing.

As a Careers Advisor I would like to record how impressed I am with the initiative and focus of these girls.  It has not been easy but they have never given up and their organisation and attention to detail have been superb, and now they reap a just reward. 

This is our best result ever and we are delighted that four more trainee nurses at present in Year 11 are following them and one of these is our first male nurse aspirant.  This all looks great for the future!

Well done Nurses! We know we will be safe in your well-trained care!

Mr Jim Ward
Careers Advisor

EventsBack to Top

Book now for the Holiday Football Camp

Date:   Tuesday 8 - Friday 11 October 2019 (2nd week of the holidays)

Time:   8.30am - 2.30pm

The College is excited to announce that we are opening the School Holiday Football Camp to students at Thomas Hassall Anglican College, their friends and family.

Students will be involved in activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. The daily training will be designed to improve the skill level of each individual. 

Our Football Director, Mr Sonny Makko will be leading the program and it is offered to boys and girls in Kindergarten to Year 9.


We are now taking bookings, so get in early to avoid missing out on some holiday football fun!. view the flyer here  and book online here

WellbeingBack to Top

Yr 12 Exam Stress

Year 12 Exam Stress _Promo_2x1.jpg

Yr. 12 Exam Stress
Year 12, Exam Stress

Students in their final year of school are considered a high-risk group for depression and anxiety. Sleep deprivation, diet and social media are some of the biggest issues faced by this group of teens. Therefore it is vitally important that a student's mental health is looked after as well as their physical health.

Keeping things in perspective for students and parents alike, can help prevent everyone getting overwhelmed. Although this final year is important, it is not necessarily the most important year of your child's life.

There are many strategies that students can implement to help themselves. Parents can provide support, not only emotionally, but also practically by keeping their child well-nourished and encouraging physical activity.

In this special report, parents will find useful tips to support their child during this often stressful time. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered here and we always welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about your child, please contact the College Counsellor for further information.

Here is the link to your special report https://thac.nsw.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/year-12-exam-stress-special-report

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling

Source: SchoolTV

LearningBack to Top

Year 11 Visual Arts

The students engaged in a very sophisticated way with this task. Their use of paper was innovative and they also exploited colour and shape. The Visual Arts program is broad and embraces Design as well as traditional artmaking. Designs such as these have significant value in the Commercial Art world and could easily be applied to a range of everyday objects: interior design, furnishings, fabric design, floor rugs, book covers, posters, wrapping paper etc. 

The students whose work is represented here are: Vodel S, Melissa  M, Rajvi G and Sarah M.                                                         

Mrs Cheryl O’Mara
Secondary Visual Arts Teacher

News from the Senior IRC

The students of Thomas Hassall Anglican College have spoken and the result is… a DRAW! Both Marvel and DC have finished with the same number of votes. The students believe both universes are as good as each other. Three entries have been randomly selected for a prize. The lucky winners are Evelyn K (Year 10), Charles K (Year 7) and Rabieh K(Year 7). Each student has won a book of their choice. The IRC would like to thank all students who participated in this competition.

Book in the Jars Competition
The Book in the Jars Competition is now over for another year. There were many great entries this year. Students with winning entries will be contacted by the Library. The IRC would like to thank all the students who participated in this competition.

Book Bites
Take a book bite to see if it is to your taste
The Unlisted – Justine Flynn, Chris Kunz
“There's nothing Dru Sharma fears more than the dentist. So when his school runs a compulsory dental check, he convinces his identical twin, Kal, to take his spot. What Dru and Kal don't realise is the check-up has been initiated by a mysterious organisation called Infinity Group that are interested in more than the students' dental health. Infinity aims to control the hearts, minds and bodies of the world's youth. It isn't long before Kal and the other students start developing super strength, while the kids who resisted the procedure start to go missing. With Dru 'Unlisted' and outside of Infinity Group's control, it's a race against time to uncover the truth of the operation. Dru and Kal - with the help of a group of underground vigilante teens - will have to do whatever they can to stop Infinity Group before it's too late.”

The Unlisted’ is the first novel in an exciting new Australian science fiction series. Suspenseful, engaging and action packed, this is a novel that will delight fans of the ‘Divergent’ or ‘Hunger Games’ series. Before you watch the television version on the ABC, make sure you see where it all began. A wonderful book.

Hasina – Michelle Aung Thin
“The soldiers come at night. The first Hasina knows of it is her aunt's voice, urgent, full of fear. 'Up, up. Get up!' The second thing is smoke. Then, there is a scream. 'Run,' her father shouts. 'And don't stop!' Hasina races deep into the Rakhine forest to hide with her cousin Ghadiya and her little brother Araf. When they emerge some days later, it is to a silent, smouldering village. Her own house is still standing, but where is the rest of her family? Perhaps they have been gathered up and taken away by the army...or worse. So many Rohingyas are gone, how will she survive? Will her parents return? Hasina must fight to save her family amid the escalating conflict that threatens her world and her identity.”
'Hasina' is the gripping story of one young child’s experience of religious persecution in Myanmar. Realistic and moving, this novel highlights and brings attention to the plight of a group of people facing terrible fear and suffering. Filled with tension and drama but also hope and courage, it’s an inspirational story of overcoming hardships and opposition. The latest in the ‘Through my eyes’ series, ‘Hasina’ is a novel that will stay with readers long after the final page.

Take the shot – Susan White
“Bug has a secret. Actually he has lots of secrets. Number one: he’s formed a basketball team at his new school based on a giant lie. Number two: his parents don’t know he’s playing basketball again. Number three: his new team mates have no idea he isn’t allowed to play and they definitely don’t know why. Bug will do anything to keep his secrets, keep his new team and keep his life from falling apart. Because no one can know the biggest secret of all…Bug risks his life every time he steps onto the basketball court.”
‘Take the shot’ is a heartfelt story of one young boy’s mission to not let a newly diagnosed illness stop him from living his life the way he wants. Deeply moving and emotional, this wonderful novel will have readers hooked from the very first page. A story about family, basketball, illness and wanting to belong. A great sport novel with a difference. 

Overdue notices
Overdue notices have been sent out.  If any students require a printed list of their loans please speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith.
Students who do not return their books after receiving their third notice as well as an email will be invoiced for a replacement copy.
Please remember that all invoices will still stand if books are returned after this final date.
Students who still have Library AV equipment need to return these items as soon as possible.

If you have any problems or questions regarding overdue books please speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith who will be happy to help.

Best wishes from the IRC
Both Mrs Comiskey and Mr Smith would wish all students a happy, restful and enjoyable school holidays. 

Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith
Senior IRC Library Team

Disability Provisions for the HSC

To ensure that we create a level playing field for all of our students in the Higher School Certificate Examination, Disability Provisions are available to a small number of students in Year 12 with documented medical or learning difficulties. Disability Provisions may include the use of readers or writers, rest breaks and many other provisions depending on a diagnosis from health care professionals.

NESA requires detailed evidence before provisions are granted for certain conditions. This evidence needs to be dated not earlier than Term 4 this year. If you believe that your son or daughter maybe eligible, please contact the College or myself for details of NESA requirements.

Disability Provisions may be available, even though your student has not accessed provisions before. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding Disability Provisions.

Mrs Julie Smythe
Learning Support Co-ordinator - Senior School

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Senior Assembly Performance

The ensemble performed 2 pieces, a medley of tunes from ‘Ray Charles’, and a selection of songs from the musical ‘Hairspray’. With our 2020 musical just being announced too, it was a very fitting performance, and they sounded great!

Well done students - we will miss all of our Year 12 musicians.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Bronze & Silver Duke of Ed Hikes!

Both the Bronze and the Silver groups ventured out to the Blue Mountains to practice, test and refine their navigational and camp craft skills.

Bronze completed their qualification hike in Glenbrook over two days. They had to work in small teams to successfully navigate and lead their group through marked tracks and trackless bush bashing. They also had to complete a problem-solving initiative by building a raft that could carry a small amount of weight across the Nepean River. The Bronze participants completed their hike with great care and achievement and continue in their Bronze award has they participate in a physical recreation, a skill and serve in a local community project.

Silver completed their preliminary hike in the Wild Dog Mountains (via Megalong Valley). It was quite a physically demanding hike and over the three days, participants proved they had the mental toughness to complete the hike. As this was their preliminary hike, participants could practice their navigation and camp craft skills learnt at the Bronze level in a new environment with a new route. They completed the hike with many successes and I'm looking forward to seeing them refine their skills on their qualification hike in November.

Well done to the Bronze and Silver participants! 

For more information on the Duke of Ed program at Thomas Hassall Anglican, email Miss Friel at [email protected].

Miss Niamh Friel
Dukes Coordinator 

MISA Sports Term 3 Update!

Thomas Hassall Anglican College teams in the Macarthur Independent Schools Association (MISA) Competition have finished the term on a high.

MISA North Zone Term 3 Final Results:

  • 1st Year 7-8 Girls Netball
  • 3rd Year 7-9 Girls Soccer
  • 3rd Year 10-12 Boys AFL
  • 3rd U15 Rugby League
  • 4th Year 7-8 Boys Soccer
  • 4th  Year 9-10 Boys Soccer
  • 5th Year 9-10 Girls Netball
  • 5th Year 10-12 Girls AFL
  • 5th Year 10-12 Girls Softball
  • 5th Year 10-12 Boys Indoor Cricket


Mr Michael Fox
Senior School Sports Coordinator

AICES & NSWCIS Secondary Athletics

Congratulations to all of the students that represented the College at the AICES and NSWCIS Athletics Carnivals.

We had many excellent performances at these events including:


  • Luke M 3rd 13 years Javelin.
  • Christian G won the Parra Athlete 100m and 200m.
  • Marley R 4th 12 years Shot Put and 5th 12 years Discus.


  • Christian G 2nd Parra Athlete 100m and 200m..
  • Luke M 10th 13 years Javelin.

Both Luke and Christian will be competing at the upcoming Alls Schools Athletics Championships. The College would like to wish them the best of luck!

Mr Michael Fox 

Senior School Sport Coordinator

Academy of Dance Program - K to Yr 6

The College Academy of Dance Program has 2 positions available in the Years 3 - 6 dance class; 1 on Monday and 1 on Tuesday in Term 4.

Utilising our own highly qualified and experienced dance teachers the dance sessions cover a range of styles.

- Monday - Years 3 - 6 Program - Contemporary, Jazz and Hip Hop      **  1 space available for Term 4

- Tuesday- Years 3 - 6 Program - Contemporary, Jazz and Hip Hop      **  1 space available for Term 4

- Wednesday - Kinder - Year 2 Contemporary and Jazz 

We have had a tremendous response to the introduction of the Dance program and have a waitlist in operation for the Monday and Wednesday sessions.

If you are interested in enrolling your child please contact the College Office.

For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]

Basketball Development Program - K to Yr 9

The College is excited to launch Basketball as an additional sport in the 2019 Talented Athlete Program. Utilising our new gymnasium and the experienced coaches from Camden Valley “Wildfire” Basketball Association, afternoon basketball development sessions will be offered to students.

The Basketball Development Program is offered to both boys and girls from Kinder to Year 9.

The one hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and cater for all abilities.

Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. There are no trials for this program.

All sessions will occur from 3.00 – 4.00pm and will be conducted in the new sports facility.

*  Tuesday - Year 1 - Year 4 Program

*  Wednesday - Year 2 - Year 6 Program    

*  Thursday - Kinder - Year 2 Program

*  Friday - Year 6 - Year 9 Secondary Program 

For further information, please contact Mrs Evans, P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator - [email protected]

Mrs Sharon Evans
P - 6 Sports Coordinator

Excellent Results for Catarina Di Ramio

Catarina competed at the Ski & Snowboard Australian National Championships held at Perisher September 10th & 11th and her results were as follows :

National Women's Championships

12th  - Slalom

14th - GS

National Junior Women Championships

15th - Slalom

13th - GS

At the TSRC Cup held @ Thredbo September 14th & 15th Catarina finished as follows:

Open Women

2nd  -Slalom

3rd - GS

We are very proud to have had Catarina represent Thomas Hassall at these events and we wish her well in her future career and pursuits as she has now graduated with the Class of 2019.

Mr Michael Fox
Senior School Sports Coordinator