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From the Principal

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From the Principal

Principal Ross Whelan
Mr Ross Whelan
Last Friday was Graduation Day for Year 12 students ahead of their HSC exams in October and November.

Please enjoy the report enclosed of their final day at College, and the photos on the College Facebook page.  The John Lambert Auditorium was full to overflowing with family and friends of Year students and we all enjoyed the presentations, awards and memories of this our 15th year 12 to graduate from the College.  A special part of the graduation was the award of the College Trophy by Mrs Sue Hewson to the students who had begun their education in Prep or Kindergarten with Mrs Hewson as their teacher and completed Year 12 at Thomas Hassall.  Mrs Hewson, who is a foundation Thomas Hassall teacher from 2000, retires this year and has taught many of our students in her 20 years at the College.  We were able to congratulate Sue on such a wonderful achievement and a special award was made to the first Prep to Year 12 students.

It is pleasing to also report that, already, many Year 12 students know of their next direction – whether early entry to University or to employment.  Importantly, most Universities have determined that they will provide additional pathways than the ATAR for student entry to courses.  This has been a helpful development for post-school options in recent years.

Our HSC students will first attend their annual study camp in this vacation time ahead of the HSC exams with a majority of teachers able to dedicate part of their vacation to be in attendance.

Our youngest students took part in the Prep Red to Year 2 Athletics Carnival last Thursday.  It was such a great day with beautiful weather and lots of fun.  The Rawdon Middleton Sporting Fields were full of colour and action.

No doubt we are all aware that the Administration Building renovation project, which starts in this holiday period, will test our stamina and patience in the next term.  The refurbished Admin Centre project, to bring extra space to the Health Clinic; to locate our 3 Student Counsellors nearby and to add offices and interview spaces, will be a project that takes all of Term 4 and perhaps a few weeks into Term 1 2020, to be completed.  Thank you for your consideration of this important work.  Please take note of the required traffic and parking and visitor entry changes as communicated to you last week.

Please also take care over the break. We look forward to bringing you news of the celebrations to take place in 2020, as we celebrate 20 years of the College history – 20 years in 2020.  It will be a great time for the College community.

Thank you for your continued support.

‘O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is your name in all the earth’.   Psalm 8:1