Term 1 I The Way Newsletter I Friday 3 March 2023

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Year 7 students last week led their parents on a tour around the College in a special evening of connection and information for parents and students. 

They showed parents their classrooms, their sporting facilities and their favourite places. At the beginning of the year, the College grounds and locations were brand new and unknown, and now these young people know every place. It was a great time for parents and students, and the Year 7 students looked very positive and optimistic about their new Senior School adventure.

Over the last week both Junior and Senior School have had opportunities to meet with Parents on-site. In Junior School we have had two sessions of Parent Teacher Interviews. Please continue to reach out to teachers with questions or to share important information about your children and their learning. At the heart of our vision for excellence as a College, we talk about vibrant programs and positive partnerships, and in each of these areas we rely on good information sharing between home and school; we rely on effective learning relationships between the teacher and the child.   

Sport is such a valuable program for building skills and character, and we have many different sports on offer at the College. Our very successful Talented Athletes programs before and after school complement the representative sporting programs, and many students are finding these programs helpful. At the present time, we are in the middle of the representative Swimming programs, and we wish every representative of Thomas Hassall well as they compete at higher levels. Our Junior School Students participated in the NASSA Swimming Carnival on Tuesday Night at the Sydney Aquatic Centre, Homebush, and Senior School reps will compete later this month.  In our football program, both boys and girls teams have been successful in the CIS knockout competition against the Northern Beaches Christian School. The reports on our sporting achievements will be detailed later in this edition. Congratulations to all of our sporting representatives.

The College has been able to conduct some overseas study or exchange tours for Senior students, and in the upcoming Easter vacation, we will travel to Japan. The group travelling on the Cherry Blossom Music tour have held a fundraiser this week in a special event, with teachers performing to an audience of over 100, and with significant funds being raised.  Well done team. Future plans for overseas tours include a History tour to Europe in 2024, and perhaps a languages and Visual Arts Tour to France. We will keep you up to date on the plans. 

Please enjoy this latest edition of the Way. Thanks again for so much support of the College and the progress of our students and staff.

‘Look to Lord and his strength; seek his face always’.   1 Chronicles 16:11

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal Head of Senior School Learning
David Butler

Let me tell you about what was happening in Senior School on Monday of this week…

Our Senior Girls and Senior boys Football teams matched up against two visiting teams and performed wonderfully! You can read more in this Edition, but I would like to commend them on their conduct and their enterprising play. Our field was in beautiful condition thanks to our wonderful maintenance staff who prepared it to a professional grade pitch for the occasion as they always do!

While the boys match was playing their second half, the Senior School attended different seminars depending on their Year Group:

Year 11 and 12 attended a Christian Studies session run by our new Head of Christian Studies, Richard Newton. Mr Newton unpacked the theme of ‘Religion being the cause of war’, and critiqued the Christian faith throughout history to see if this claim could be levelled at Christianity. A thoroughly robust topic for the most mature students of our College to be considering.

Year 10 held a Work Experience session with Careers Advisor, Michael Roper. Mr Roper encouraged the students to be thoughtful and aspirational when considering their chosen vocation to experience for a week. Such impressions could be crucial in determining the course of their lives or at the very least aide them in decision making for the years ahead. Getting a sense of the workplace has been a really useful tool in subject selection for Stage 6 study. May I also add that his ability to answer the many questions which came his way was very impressive.

Year 9 heard about the College’s Duke of Edinburgh program from Dany Yako and a carefully selected group of Year 12 students who had engaged with the program in different ways over the last few years. These Year 12 students unpacked their different experiences on the hikes and in the service aspects of the program which gave students a real sense of the fun and challenges of the program.

Year 8 students attended a learning skills seminar with Douglas Broadbent, our Director of Teaching and Learning. Mr Broadbent explained some habits  that would assist students with their organisation and unpacked some helpful techniques to aid them in furthering their learning.

Year 7 attended an English workshop run by the Leader of Learning in English, David Gawthorne and the entire faculty, who explained to the students how to approach their first English Assessment task. From the drafting process through to the process for submission via Canvas, Year 7 students are now well equipped with the ‘how’ and ‘what’ to do to ensure that they submit their best work for this upcoming assessment.

I wanted to share this snapshot of a single moment in time on a given day at the College, so that you would have a sense of the wide variety of activities provided for students and also to get a sense of the high level of expertise that we are lucky enough to have on staff. We are truly blessed to have such passionate and professional staff at a time when many schools are finding it hard to fill roles with qualified teachers. The support of the parent community for our staff continue to make Thomas Hassall an attractive proposition for prospective teachers.

For those of you who attended the Meet the Teacher and Faculty Fusion events, I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did. I loved seeing our Year 7 guides proudly showing off their school to their parents and I was blown away by the performances of our talented Music staff and the support they received, to raise some money for the much-needed musical equipment for the upcoming Cherry Blossom Musical Tour to Japan.

Make sure you have booked in for the Year 12 Parent teacher night coming up on Thursday. See you there!

Mr David Butler
Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning
From the Junior School Director of Operations and Welfare

Proactive Wellbeing Programs in the Junior School

In the Junior School we have a new initiative known as “House”. Your child may have talked about this lesson at home. Alongside Manners Matter, House is part of the proactive wellbeing program in the Junior School.

Continuing on from last year, Manners Matter is taught every day during our Pastoral Care time. Topics this year have included explicit teaching of manners, being child safe, friendship, student voice and speaking out.

House is an avenue in which staff intentionally teach skills in order to promote social and emotional learning. It is held on Fridays in the off week of the Assembly. We are excited to see this program develop over the year to include resilience training, digital citizenship, being safe online and Indigenous perspectives all linked to our Christian World View.

There are some students still wearing parts of the College uniform incorrectly. Please refer to page 47 of the Parent Student Handbook for the correct uniform guidelines.

In particular,
- Sports shoes should be predominately white (only Senior School students are permitted to wear black sports shoes)
- No jewellery, including religious jewellery, is to be worn at College
- Earrings for girls – one pair of plain studs or sleepers – these should not be coloured or drop earrings
- Hair for girls is required to be tied back, hair for boys must sit above the collar

We kindly ask parents to partner with us as we continue to raise uniform standards and safety in the College.

Mrs Kylie Singles
Director of Operations & Wellbeing – Junior School
From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

This term I have spent a fair bit of time talking to staff and parents. 

I have observed that people are feeling tired and super busy. I worry that we can get lost or even drown in this busyness that haunts us. Is there a solution? The answer is ‘yes’, and no surprise it is found in the 10 commandments.

“12 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you. 13 Six days you shall labour and do all your work, 14 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.

On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your ox, your donkey or any of your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns, so that your male and female servants may rest, as you do. 

15 Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore, the Lord your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day. - Deuteronomy 5:12

This cool little command has 2 parts.

Firstly, God calls his people to remember to rest at least one day a week (v.12-14).  He knows that busyness breeds forgetfulness. He knows that the urgent things in life can make people forget the important things in life – we can be literally bullied by busyness. Rest gives clarity.

Secondly, when God called his people to stop, rest, and be, he also commands them to remember who they are. God wants his people to remember that are no longer slaves but free (v.15). Resting is an expression of freedom - only slaves work 7 days a week.

What do we do with this 3,500 year old command? Live it - nothing has changed.

If you are a Christian, stop, rest, and remember who you are and who God is.  You have been saved by God and freed from sin when Jesus came, died, and rose again. Take a day off to reflect on that – be thankful and repurpose your coming week.

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain

Upcoming dates

Date Event
Monday 6 March - NASSA U16s and Open’s Football Trials
Tuesday 7 March - NASSA Junior Boys Football Trials
Wednesday 8 March - Friday 10 March - Years 5 and 6 Camp

Thursday 9 March

- Year 12 Parent Teacher Night (Zoom)
Friday 10 March - Year 1 Parent Meetup Cafe MRK
- CIS Primary Boys and Girls Basketball
Monday 13 March - CIS Primary Girls Football
- NASSA 15-18 Football Trials
Wednesday 15 March - NAPLAN
Thursday 16 March - Year 12 Modern History Excursion
Friday 17 March - Years 2 and 3 Parent Meetup Cafe MRK
- Year 11 and 12 Music Excursion
- Year 10 French Excursion
Open Week

Our Open Week is coming up at the College from the 19 - 25 March.

This is a great opportunity for prospective families to see the College in action, at a time that suits them. It is an ideal opportunity for future families to glimpse our culture, observe our staff and students, meet our Principal and key staff, tour our fantastic facilities and ask questions whilst enjoying morning tea.

Many families visit the College more than once when making the decision about the best school to meet the educational needs of their son or daughter.  

If you have friends or family who are interested in finding out about the College, we encourage you to invite them to come along and see what sets us apart. Registrations for Open Week are online on our website.

Thank you for your support.

Young Writers and Illustrators Magazine

Our Young Illustrators and Writers magazine will soon be available for collection!

This magazine features the winners from last years competition. 

If you would like to purchase a copy, please purchase online before Wednesday 8 March. 

Just a reminder that those who won a place in the competition will receive this edition for free.

Movie Night

Join us for a movie night as we watch Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile!

Friday 31 March | 6pm

This is a free event and everyone is welcome. Gates open at 6pm with food trucks and entertainment. The movie will begin at 7pm.

Bring your picnic rug and blanket and join us on the oval. In the event of wet weather, the event will move indoors.

Please register online

View the flyer

Library Monitors wanted for Junior Library

The Junior Library is looking for enthusiastic students in Years 5 and 6 who would like to become library monitors this year.

Library monitors will assist Mrs Issa and Mr Smith during breaks 1 and 2 each day. Some of the duties of a library monitor include:
- Assisting other students and teachers in finding books.
- Assisting with tidying up after each break period.
- Shelving books and returning books to correct spot if misplaced.
- Reading with the younger students during break 1.
- Help making the library a fun and safe place to be!

If students would like to become a library monitor they will need to speak to Mrs Issa or Mr Smith by next Wednesday. (8th March)

Mrs Arabella Issa & Mr Michael Smith
Junior Library Team

Bunnings BBQ

Bunnings BBQ Music Tour Fundraiser

This Saturday 4 March there will be a fundraiser BBQ at Bunnings Hoxton Park from 9am - 4pm.  Students will be performing between 12pm - 2pm to entertain the customers and we would appreciate your support in buying a sausage on the day.  We will be using this opportunity to raise final funds for the Cherry Blossom Tour for the hire of music equipment while in Japan.

Thank you for your support of the music students as they work towards this goal and we look forward to serving you this Saturday.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Year Group Meetups

The Parent Community Network invites parents to join them at Cafe MRK to meet parents of your childs grade group.

Friday 10 March - Year 1
Friday 17 March - Years 2 and 3
Friday 24 March - Years 4, 5 and 6

We will meet from 8.30am in the MRK after the Junior School morning assembly.

Please note the Cafe is open to all parents on these days, this is just an opportunity to also meet parents of the same grade.

We look forward to seeing you there!

LearningBack to Top

Kindergarten Maths

In Kindergarten, the students have been busy in Maths undertaking a range of well-designed, hands-on activities to enable them to create connections and to support the children to think critically. 

By using hands-on activities, children are actively engaging with tasks and manipulating the objects to improve their maths knowledge.  This assists the children to understand the relationship between numbers and the number system.  Learning this way also enables the children to use their new ‘maths’ vocabulary when working and collaborating with each other.


Mrs Wendy Irwin
Kindergarten Team Leader 

Year 4 Excursion

Year 4 classes participated in an informative and practical excursion to Elizabeth farm. Students were involved in a range of experiences to learn about the past and how people lived. 

Natalia – My favourite part was when we got to build with the bricks, a job the convicts were made to do.

Peaario – My favourite part was when we got to write our names with the quill.

Marcus – I loved washing the clothes.

Michael – My favourite part was sitting on the old couches in the living room.

Oliver – My favourite part was when we did the washing. I also enjoyed learning that there were three mattresses and each had a different meaning.

Bentley – My favourite part was when we got to feel the extremely soft bed in Mrs Macarthur’s room.

Year 4

Pamela Broadstock
Junior School Teacher - Stage 2- Year 4R

Year 5 Learning

Our Year 5 students have been learning about interactions between Indigenous and European people as part of their studies.

They participated in group work to identify the reasons for the establishment of Van Diemen's Land colony and the impact this had on Indigenous people of Australia.


Year 11 & 12 Music classes attended the Encore Concert on Monday 27 February at the Sydney Opera House. This concert showcases some of the top HSC Music performances from 2022.

The students enjoyed dinner together at Circular Quay before walking around to the Opera House. Here are some of their reflections from the evening:

One item that impressed me was…

the clarinet performance from Peter Chen. I enjoyed watching his runs and his incredible tone between different registers. - Matt P

the piano quartet with the double bass, cello and violin. The clarity of the tone, outstanding acoustics, and body expression helped to solidify it as my number one choice. I also enjoyed the oboe and clarinet pieces. - Ethan O

the second singer because she had control over her voice and was able to give dynamics in her performance especially in the higher notes. - Elliana C

the alto saxophone feature, accompanied by the tenor saxophone, double bass and drums because of the different techniques that he used such as breath tone, flutter tongue, growling and a general sophistication in phrasing and technique. - Petar L 

the final singer because she had so much stage presence. I am currently working on my stage presence, specifically with a mic stand as I am not as comfortable using one but would like to for one of my pieces. - Holly F

the first drummer, I enjoyed how he was able to keep that curiosity and high intensity of piece throughout the performance. I could tell that he created a large impact on the massive audience as everyone was cheering and in awe of his musical abilities. - Nicola M

the drum and electric guitar duo. This is because the drummer displayed an extensive ability to manipulate concepts such as dynamics and tone colour, which in turn helped to engage the audience. - Tom S

the composition for the choir because it exemplified a meaningful, skillful, and progressive piece of music that was created for the composer's Grandmother that passed away. - Elroy B

The guitarist… as he showed strong passion and an amazing solo. I also thought the Drummer who reflected on Foo Fighters was amazing too, in the way he showed the tones of the drum kit. - Sergio W

the Taylor Hawkins Tribute Duet because he (Joshua Blythe from Rouse Hill Anglican College) obviously put lots of time and effort into playing the piece and the drums are such a tricky instrument to play and it was very interesting to watch it being performed. - Magdalena C

Hannah Lee's (Knox Grammar School) performance of "Violet's Etude" on the Marimba. This performance had incredible use of dynamics and expressive techniques and was inspiring in using a slightly unconventional instrument for the HSC. - Eliza P

Lilliana Maree Davis from Gosford High School because of her flawless vocal technique and amazing range. - Despina L


I also enjoyed…

watching the crowd as everyone started doing the macarena, using their flashlights and playing scissors paper rock from across the room. - Alyssa M

the great memories made with our class, friends, and teachers. It was also my first time in the Opera House and I can confidently say that I had a great experience due to the people around me. - Keona H

the timing of the night, it never felt like we were in a rush and could enjoy dinner and the concert and then could relax and talk on the bus. - Josh

I enjoyed going to the opera house, it was my first time going. - Micaelah


It was important to go to this concert because…

I learnt how high the bar is for HSC performances. - Tiana P

I learnt what great small ensemble skills were, as well as how to engage yourself with the piece, and gain the audience's engagement also. It was really good to see the level of technical skill, with fingering on string and woodwind instruments, runs on vocals, and the dynamics of each performance. - Eowyn B

I learnt that there is a whole community who are in love with music, and I’d like to commit to that community more. - Oriana O

It was important to go to this concert because it was inspiring to see what other musicians that are in the same boat as us are performing. It was very important to see these performers as we can use it as a goal for us to try and achieve, motivating us to push ourselves harder. - Tahlia K


Mrs Elizabeth Ford & Mr Byron Mark

Senior School Chapel

This Term in Senior School Chapel, we are looking at the topic of 'being real'.

It was an encouraging week this week as we considered these points:
- In a world were pecking orders exist, God has something to say.
- We are all equal in God’s sight because he created us (equal value).
- We are all equal in Gods sight because we all need Jesus forgiveness.
- Real People know they are faulty and give a real 'sorry' to God.

We considered that God wants us to be real and to beware of pride, as pride:
- gets in the way of being a real person
- effects the way we talk to God
- effects the way we see others.



Thank you to Rev. Oliver for the inspiring talk and also to those students who assisted in the chapel through leading us in music, prayer and also being part of the demonstration.


ABIDE, our high school Christian lunchtime group is now meeting at the top of PEC Block, while N Block is being renovated.

Join us every Friday lunchtime for games, snacks and to find out more about Jesus. This term, we are looking at the book of Ruth.

Hope to see you there!

For more information, please contact Mr Mills or Mr Roper

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Senior Stage Band

Last week, members from the Senior Stage Band volunteered their time to take part in a community church fundraiser – Pancake Night.

This event provided the students with the opportunity to put into practice managing their own time, organising their equipment and creating their own set list with songs that were fitting to the audience and environment.

The students did an outstanding job, the performance ran smoothly and had they audience singing along and tapping their toes. Well done year 12!

Senior Stage Band

Haylee Moore
Administration Assistant

Faculty Fusion Concert

Musical fusion prevailed at the Faculty Fusion Fundraiser concert on Wednesday night.

The music faculty entertained an 120 strong audience with an array of musical genres and instrumentation.  The night began with instrumental music performed by Mr Ehab Ibrahim on cello and Mrs Alison Hobbins on piano presenting classical pieces filled with virtuosic solos, emotive melodies and fiery endings.  Mr Byron Mark presented his own compositions on piano, then cajon and handpan playing a mixed flavour of classical and flamenco fusion.  Mrs Elizabeth Ford sang, played the piano and delighted audiences with her beautiful rendition of 'The Special Two', 'What a beautiful name' sang in Japanese and English and 'You've got a friend' accompanied on vocals with intertwining harmonies by her daughter.  Mr Luke Robinson skillfully played the guitar and used his looper to be a one man band singing classic tunes such as 'Dreams' and his very own composition 'Into your arms'.   The special guest of the night was the College's very own deputy head Mr David Butler who surprised everyone by taking to the stage and singing 'Shimmer'.  The night was closed with the whole team performing the finale song 'Walking in Memphis'.  

Thank you to all those in the College community who came and supported the night and enabled us to raise funds for musical equipment for the upcoming Japan Music Tour.

Faculty Fusion

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Junior School NASSA Swimming Carnival

The NASSA Junior Swimming Carnival was held at Sydney International Aquatic Centre in Homebush on Tuesday 28 February.  

Our Junior School swim team had 30 students represent the College at the NASSA Swim Carnival.  It was great to see our swimmers getting in and doing their best, proudly representing the College. 

There were some amazing individual performances and one of the highlights was our Senior Girls Relay team placing 1st in their event.

Thomas Hassall placed 5th overall at the carnival.

Congratulations to the students who will represent the College and NASSA at the NSW Combined Independent Schools Swimming Carnival at the end of the month.

Dakota J - 12 years 50m Free, 50 m Breaststroke, 50m Backstroke, 50m Butterfly, 100m Freestyle

Isaac E - 12 years 50m Free, 50 m Breaststroke, 50m Backstroke, 50m Butterfly, 100m Freestyle

Emily A - 12 years 50m Free, 50m Backstroke, 50m Butterfly, 100m Freestyle

Junior Girls Relay team – Bailey D, Marleigh W, Ira S, Claire E

Senior Girls Relay team – Jessica A, Maddison V, Addyson C, Dakota J

Junior Swimming

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

Senior Sport Update

What a great start to 2023 we have had with sport at our College!

I have been so proud of the way our senior students have jumped straight into the year putting their hand up to not only represent the college in their respective sports but to do it so well!

Below are some of the highlights so far for Term One:

Senior School Swimming Carnival
Although the weather may have been a little gloomy, the Senior School Swimming was definitely not! With the highest rate of attendance and participation we have seen in many years, many records broken and every lane filled for most events, even our very own staff versus students relay, the day was definitely one to remember! Thank you to all staff and students who contributed to this wonderful event!

Congratulations to the below Age Champions!

12 Years - Jonah I and Eva S
13 Years - Aleks M and Elizabeth B
14 Years - Alexander A and Alice C
15 Years - Kryshtof P and Emily A
16 Years - Brodie V and Mia T
17 Years - Connor I and Faith W


NASSA Basketball Trial Day
On the 20th of February, we sent our Open Basketballers to the NASSA Trial Event. This was a very competitive trial with lots of our students being pushed to the limit. It was great to see their level of enthusiasm and perseverance on the day. We had four students selected to represent NASSA at the upcoming AICES Basketball Gala Day which was remarkable! Congratulations to:

Ashleigh K
Ana S
Liana M
Max V


Coming up this term, we have the following sport events so if there is something that interests you, please come and see me or another PDHPE staff member to learn more about how you can get involved.

Week 8 Monday 13 March NASSA U16s and Open’s Football Trials
Tuesday 14 March AICES Touch Football Gala Day
Week 9 Tuesday 21 March NASSA Swimming Carnival
Friday 24 March Thomas Hassall Cross Country Carnival - All College will attend
Week 10 Tuesday 28 March MISA Sport Finals
Wednesday 29 March AICES Swimming Carnival
Thursday 30 March AICES Girls Basketball Cup
Friday 31 March NASSA U15s and Open Girls Netball Gala Day

Mrs Focas
Senior School Sport Coordinator


NASSA Tennis Gala Day

We had a group of students represent our college at the NASSA Tennis Gala Day on the 24th February at Wests Tennis Centre.

Amongst all the NASSA schools competing, our Girls Team came first in their pool and 2nd overall and our Boys Team came 2nd in their pool and 4th overall. Prior to this tournament we were ranked 6th overall so this is a big step up for our College. Well done to the following students who representing our College on the day!

Joe L Alana M
Robbie B Chelsea B
Vladimir M Trinity L
Brodie S Filipa J
Paraspreet S Anastasia B
Maya R  

NASSA basketball

CIS Football Cup

On Monday 27th of February, our boys and girls football squads competed in the CIS Football Cup which is a knockout competition.

Both teams were victorious with the girls winning 4-0 against Saint Marks College and the Boys winning 6-1 against Northern Beaches Christian School. We wish these squads all the best as they progress to the next round of the CIS Cup.

CIS football

NSW CIS Primary Tennis Trials

On Monday 27 February, Alexander L competed at the NSW CIS Primary Tennis Trials at The Kings School. 

There were over 30 players from schools in the NSW Combined Independent schools system who competed for selection into the NSW CIS team.

The tournament started with 5 pools of players and Alexander had 7 players in his pool.  He played 6 round matches and finished in the top 2 positions in his pool, earning a place in the Round Two matches.  The 10 students in Round Two competed for the final 5 positions in the State team.

Congratulations to Alexander in qualifying for the NSW CIS Primary Tennis team. 

He will travel to Albury in May to play in the NSWPSSA Tennis Championships.

Well done Alexander, we are very proud of you.

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

AICES Basketball Schools Cup

On the 16th of February, our Open Basketball Teams competed at the AICES school cup.

It was an extremely competitive day. Our Girls team came first in their division and our Boys team came 2nd in their division. This was an outstanding achievement from our students and we are so proud with how they carried themselves throughout the day displaying nothing but determination and great sportsmanship.

NASSA basketball

Sport Spotlight

Vansh in Year 7 competed in the ISKA Western NSW Open Tournament 2023 on the weekend.

He won 4 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze Medals in the tournament. Congratulations on your outstanding effort, Vansh!


Has your child recently competed in a representative level?
We would love to share these results with our community. Please let us know via email [email protected]

CommunityBack to Top

Holiday Programs
Football Holiday Program

Running from 17-21 April from 8.30 - 2.30pm, this is an all-weather program that will take place at the College.

It is open to boys and girls aged 5-13 of all skill levels.

Students will participate in fun activities, game development and learn soccer skills from accredited coaches.

$65 per day or $290 for the week.

Book online now


Join CodeCamp these School holidays where kids design, code, problem solve and become storytellers and creators of technology, by creating games, websites, music and videos or flying drones - in just 2-3 days! 

Roblox Legends, ages 7-10, $390
At Roblox Legends kids aged 7-10 years will work in groups to create "choose your own adventure” games, using digital storytelling, AI and game design to bring their dream games to life in 2D and 3D. Kids will walk away with the coolest playable Roblox games to share with their friends!

Spark, ages 7-12, $390
Fun, engaging and challenging… and our most popular Code Camp that over 100,000 students have completed. Spark is where every student in years 2-6 should start their Code Camp journey. Your child will design an engaging platformer game (similar to Mario Bros.), and then bring it to life with intuitive, yet powerful, drag and drop code. Learning the fundamentals of coding gives children the confidence and knowledge to be in control with technology – not just as a passive consumer, but as a creator, problem solver, and digital storyteller

Little Coders, ages 5-7, $275 
Your child will love the fun and interactive way we teach kids to code at Little Coders. It’s so much fun, they won’t realise they’re learning! Over 2 days our youngest campers discover the basics of coding and take their first steps to becoming a coding superstar. Kids will learn drag & drop coding with if statements, algorithms and logic, and more within our bespoke learning platform, Code Camp World!

Book now using discount code ‘EARLY25’ to take advantage of our $25 Early Bird Discount running until Sunday 12 March. Book now

Motiv8 Sports

Held only once each year Super Camp is a sports festival designed just for kids. Way more than a sports dreamland, Super Camp is an energetic mix of sport, music, street culture, art and dance mashed up to create the ultimate atmosphere for kids who love having fun. Campers will be treated to an incredible array of our trademark team sports in an environment full of energy, motiv8tion and unbelievable guidance from our professional team of coaches.

For Kindy to Year 6, 8.30am to 3.30pm 

Book online