Term 4 | The Way Newsletter | Friday 21 October 2022

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Term 4 has been off to a busy start with HSC exams at the mid-way point, and now the final examinations underway for our Senior School students in Years 7-10.

We do well to pray for these students - that they have clear minds and calm hearts to remember what they have learnt.  From our conversations after each exam, our HSC students have been generally positive about the exams.

Over the last two weeks we have welcomed new Prep and Year 7 families who will commence with us in 2023. This has been a good opportunity for them to meet key staff and ask any questions they may have. We look forward to welcoming our Kindergarten students and Years 1-5 new students over the coming weeks at their orientations.

On Monday we commissioned our new Year 12 leadership group for the remainder of 2022 and into 2023. These students will lead the College and have been given the challenge of ‘On time, on task, with respect and with gratitude’. We will be praying for and working with this group of students as they commence their roles. 

There have also been some outstanding concerts taking place in the first two weeks of this Term. Just this week we hosted our Young Performers Evening which showcased the talents of our tutored music students. Last week we had our Year 9 ‘Snacks and Songs’ evening, where our Year 9 Music students performed for family and friends. It takes courage to get up and perform in front of an audience and we commend these students on developing these skills.

Across the College, there is a large group of students who are competing in sports at varying representative levels, and just yesterday we had a team of 6 Junior School students all competing in the finals of the highest level for school students in NSW. You can read more about these fantastic achievements in this edition of The Way.

Could I pay tribute in the Way this fortnight to Mr Mark Thomas our ICT Technology leader, who retires from the staff after nearly 10 years at the College.  Mark has been an exceptional member of staff and has assisted every student and staff member with their technology devices and technical questions. We are sad that Mark is leaving and will miss him.

Mark and Ross

Please continue to take care over the coming weeks. Let’s all be On Time and On Task, with respect and gratitude. Let’s also remember to trust in the One who leads us.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight”. - Proverbs 3:5-6


Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
Sandy Wheeler

Setting up now for success

It's been great to have our students back from the break and hear of the many wonderful things they got up to during the holidays. I hope it was a safe and enjoyable one for you and your family.

Our orientation events for students in 2023 have commenced, with Prep taking place last week. These new students came and experienced a morning in a Prep lesson, meeting their peers and teachers. I had the opportunity to meet with parents and share key information for the years ahead. It was great to see these young students leave with smiles on their faces as they shared what activities they had gotten up to in the jungle!

Our Year 6 orientation also took place last week. These students have been preparing for Senior School as part of their transition program over the last two years. The orientation day was an opportunity for them to meet new students who will join the cohort in 2023, as well as familiarise themselves with the Senior School classrooms and teachers. You can read some of their experiences later in this Edition. We look forward to our Kindergarten orientation taking place next week. 

A group of our Junior School students represented the College at NSW PSSA Athletics this week. This group of student's hard work and determination was evident on the track as they competed. 

Today a group of students in Years 5 - 6 headed off to JAM (Jesus and Me) Camp at Deer Park in the Royal National Park. This camp provides opportunities for students to build relationships with peers, as well as be encouraged from the Bible. They also have the opportunity to participate in a range of outdoor recreational activities. We pray they will have a safe and enjoyable time and look forward to hearing their stories on Monday.

Next week, our Year 4 students will be going on camp together at Wedderburn Christian Campsite. This is the first time a Year 4 cohort has gone to camp, as we look to prepare them for their longer trips in Years 5 and 6. Camps provide students with opportunities to develop skills they don't get exposed to in the classroom. It also provides them with opportunities to try new things.

As we enter into Term 4, can I encourage you to set goals for your children, challenge them so they feel equipped to conquer what lies ahead for them.


Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development
Roger Young

With Year 12 2022 getting through their HSC Examinations there is a new group of Year 12s (2023) assuming the role of College Leaders.

While we have announced and celebrated the new Senior Leadership Group this week, along with College Captains and Vice Captains, in effect every new Year 12 student now steps up into a leadership role.

The main role of the Senior Student (Year 12), apart from focusing on their academic progress through the HSC, is to set the tone for the College moving forward. Let me commend the 2023 Year 12 students to you. They are a very fine group of students who have many good things going for them. Setting a positive tone for younger students takes work. Every aspect of their time in the next twelve months has an impact on the overall tone across the College.

Actions not words

What we are wanting to build is a positive tone where all Year 12 encourage their younger peers to:
- Look out for one another: where everyone is part of the team and everyone has a place
- Punctuality: All students to be ‘on time’, be that to College, in the morning, in getting to class, or turning up for their various commitments (training, rehearsals, events)
- Uniform: Sharpening up the dress code: getting the hair right, the extra piercings and nail polish removed, the facial hair shaved (for boys), the dress length right (for girls)…
- Disciplined Use of Devices & Technology: Inappropriate use of technology undermines student outcomes and creates unnecessary angst and division in staff/ student relationships. The College, with the assistance of the Senior Students, wants to set a new standard that everyone commits to so that anxiety and mental health issues are minimised and positive relationships can flourish.
- Celebrate Victories: We need to create a culture where students can perform and be celebrated for their achievements across all their endeavours.


- Actions not Words: We want to see students actively contributing to the life of the College in areas that they love and enjoy e.g. sport, music, chess, gardening, Dukes, and many other areas of College life.
- Questions & Criticism: The College needs to be a place where the students can challenge the processes (in a respectful and appropriate way).
- FUN, FUN, FUN: At the end of the day we are a community and there needs to be an opportunity to have fun and let off a bit of steam, but in a way that builds community and is not at the expense of individuals or the community as a whole.
- God is honoured: Jesus is Lifted Up: This is important to many people at Thomas Hassall; we believe Jesus sustains us and keeps us healthy. We understand that we are diverse in our backgrounds and belief systems, but we want to uphold the respect for our Christian foundation. (I see a real respect from almost all of our students and I really appreciate this and think this is one of the highlights for me)
- Hard work and Dedication are Valued: Our best results have come when our senior students (from Year 12) have committed to put their differences and distractions aside to work together to encourage, to build up, to support and to arrive at the final destination together.

If the Senior School Students lead in the ways outlined above, the tone across the campus will be one where Respectful Relationships can grow, where challenges are taken up in a Calm and Collective Response and where life is shared with a general positivity and gratitude. Class of 2023, as a community we are with YOU, ready to support and encourage you all as you lead our College and set the tone for our younger students to aspire to.

Year 12 2023

Year 12, 2023 Waterslea Campsite

Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

This week I had a bizarre emotional experience.

I gave devotion at our Prefect Dedication Ceremony and straight afterwards I gave a devotion at a plaque dedication for one of our Junior School students who passed away earlier this year. It was strange moving so quickly from celebration to grief and yet it was instructive – let me explain.

At the Prefects ceremony I shared this passage.

2 Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers,
not by compulsion but willingly,
not for dishonest gain but eagerly;
3 not by lording over those entrusted to you,
but being examples to the flock…

- 1 Peter 5:2

The bible reminds us that to be a leader is to be a shepherd – to oversee the people entrusted to you by God; leading through inspiration not domination because the flock are precious as they belong to God not us.

After that, at Hunter Khalil’s dedication, I spoke on Matthew 19:14

“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these..”

Hunter Khalil

This is one of the rare times that Jesus got angry.  He was angry at his own followers who tried to stop children from coming to him.  Jesus wanted to bless children, to tell them about the kingdom of heaven, to give them eternal life. But the disciples thought otherwise – children are too young for such matters. Jesus rebuked them and taught the adults that they needed to be like children – trusting, vulnerable, taking Jesus at his word.

As I walked back to my desk the two devotions melded into one in my head and heart. I realised that, as a Father and teacher, I am entrusted with my children for only a time. It is during that time that I have a responsibility to teach them, lead them, model to them Jesus and the things that lead to eternal life. I also realised that the time I have been entrusted with is unknown. This makes all moments precious opportunities to be a real Christian.

Parents are shepherds and we only have the now with our children – let us use the now well.

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain

Upcoming dates

Date Event
Monday 24 October Year 4 Camp
Year 12 HSC Stress Management Workshop
Year 7 - 9 Examinations
Tuesday 20 September CIS Primary Boys Cricket Trials
Friday 28 October Kindergarten Orientation
Monday 31 October Year 8 - 10 Examinations
Thursday 3 November  New Students Year 1 - 6 students Orientation
Year 12 2023 Parent Teacher Night
Pupil Free Day Outing

The Parent Community Network invites Prep to Year 6 parents and students to a special day out together at the park.

When: Monday 14 November
Time: 11am - 3pm
Where: Lizard Log, Western Sydney Parkland

We will be meeting at the playground near West Car Park. Please BYO picnic, bikes, scooters, or sport equipment.

If you have any questions, please contact the Parent Community Network via email [email protected]. More details including a flyer will be sent to you next week.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Parent Community Network is run by parents of Thomas Hassall Anglican College. Please note no staff will be present at these events and parents need to supervise their own children.

MS Wollongong Ride

On 6 November 2022, thousands of cyclists will take place in the Gong Ride to raise money for multiple sclerosis.

This year a team from the Thomas Hassall Community will participate; Stefan in Year 9, Christian in Year 8, Mr John Williams (Year 8 Advisor – Secondary School Teacher, English) and a College parent, Mrs Ruhs.

Here is what Stefan has to stay:
"This is my first MS Gong Ride and Im so excited to be able to ride alongside my brother Christian, my mum and Mr Williams. This ride means a lot to our family as my Uncle Steven was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis over 24 years ago. It is an honour to be able to raise awareness and fundraise for not only him but for all the other Australians currently suffering with MS.

Your support will help people with Multiple Sclerosis receive the vital support, treatments, and services to help them live well at home, remain connected to work, and to be part of the community.

So please click on the team link below and help us help people with MS like my Uncle Steven".

Support the team

We wish you all the best!

Gingerbread House Workshop

You’re invited to come along to our special Gingerbread Workshop event to celebrate Christmas.

We will be running two sessions on Tuesday 13 December: 10am or 5pm
The sessions will take place in Mrs Riitano's Kitchen. 

The cost is $35 per gingerbread kit which includes everything you need to decorate. There are original, chocolate and gluten free kits available. All are nut free.

Bookings are essential by 27 November. Please visit www.thac.nsw.edu.au/book.

Please note students must be supervised by parents or guardians at these events.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Christmas Card Competition
Calling all creatives! Do you want your design to feature on the College Christmas card for 2022?

It’s that time of year again! Entries are now open for our Christmas Card competition!

We will be looking for one winner from Prep – 2 and one winner from Years 3 – 6.

The winners will have their entry printed on the Thomas Hassall Christmas cards for 2022 AND win a gift card!

- Create an original A4 Christmas themed masterpiece in LANDSCAPE format on paper.
- NO NAMES on the front please – names and class on the back.
- Check spelling
- Use bright, bold colours that will photograph and print well.
- You may use paints, textas, crayons, pastels, pencils or collage – be creative!

WHEN: Due Thursday the 3rd of November – There will be no extension to this date.

WHO: All Entries must go to Mrs Saville, R3.

We look forward to seeing your creations!

Teacher Appreciation Day

On Friday 28 October, it is Teacher Appreciation Day!

It is time to say “Thank You” to the exceptional teachers you know. Take a moment and reflect on the teachers in your life. Let teachers know you value them. Let them know how they helped shape your future.

You can show your gratitude for your teachers in several ways:

- Colour in an artwork for your teacher
PDF iconteacher-appreciation-day-flower-pot-colouring-poster-us-size.pdf

PDF iconteacher-appreciation-day-light-bulb-colouring-poster-us-size.pdf

- Write a message of appreciation using this form.

Please submit your form responses by Thursday 27 October and you will have the chance to have your message featured on our College social media! If you would like to share your drawing with the Community, please take a photo with your artwork and email it to [email protected] by 3pm Thursday 27 October.


LearningBack to Top

PREParing for Kindergarten

Prep have been preparing for Kindergarten in lots of ways all year. 

We have been learning how to line up, how to sit at our desks and on the floor, pack our bags and how to learn, play and be a good friend.

Prep have been learning their names, the alphabet and their sounds, numbers and so much more!

This term we will be spending time in the Kindergarten classes transitioning to ‘Big School’! We are so excited to look at the Kindergarten classrooms and meet some of the teachers. 

Here are some things that you as Parents/Guardians can do at home to prepare for Kindergarten:

- Reading Stories with your child
- Learning the alphabet and numbers
- Try to recognise and write their name
- Practise putting on shoes and tying shoelaces
- Practise opening and closing lunchboxes and zippers on bags
- Practise putting on and taking of jumpers or jackets

Here is a helpful article from the NSW Department of Education.

preparing for kindy

Mrs Patterson
Digital Learning & Junior School Teacher- Prep Purple

Illustrators Competition

We are so pleased to announce the winners of our recent Junior School Illustrators Competition!

Students were given a story from our Writing competition to illustrate. The artworks from the students below were selected as ones that best represented the story given. Thank you to all the students who entered our competitions this year!

Grade Winners
Prep 1st: Charlotte B
2nd: Olivia K
3rd: Hope O
4th: Stassi M
Kinder 1st: Aylee A
2nd: Annabel Y
3rd: Allegra D
4th: Scarlett B
Highly Commended: Harleen K
Year 1 1st: Karen Q
2nd: Tegan H
3rd: Elena M
4th: Rhiannon C
Highly Commended: Delphy M, Jackson L
Year 2 1st: Gerald D
2nd: Alexcia S
3rd: Violet O
4th: Sophia K
Highly Commended: Ira S
Year 3 1st: Kaira P
2nd: Claire E
3rd: Violet O
4th: Sophia K
Highly Commended: Ira S
Year 4 1st: Olivia L
2nd: Meena N
3rd: Callum M
4th: Mily W
Highly Commended: Lara N, Lily C
Year 5 1st: Ali E
2nd: Ava R
3rd: Sarah B
4th: Jacob S
Highly Commended: Ashleigh C, Isaac E, Mary M
Year 6 1st: Anvesh S and Clara W
2nd: Christina C
3rd: Emilija P
4th: Lauren T
Year 7 Orientation

On Friday 14 October, we welcomed new students for Year 7 2023 and our current Year 6 students transitioning to Senior School.

Students had a great day participating in a range of activities to get to know one another and encourage team building.

They also participated in activities that familiarised themselves with the Senior School buildings and teachings. 

Here is what some of our students had to say about the day:

"I enjoyed the orientation day because of how we met new students" – Ryaan K.

"Year 7 orientation was a very fun and enjoyable experience! We went on a tour of the school and met lots of new teachers. The Senior School leaders were very supportive and made the day even better.' – Merona A. and Sophie I.

"Learning the high school timetable was helpful because it looked so confusing but when the high school leaders taught us it was easier to read and understand. It makes me feel a bit more prepared for next year" – Isaiah D.

"Year 7 Orientation was a pleasure. We got to know new students from other schools, went on a tour to see the Highschool area, ate sausage sizzles and played mini games. This was a fun experience and I can’t wait to start a new year!" - Lauren T 6B

"Year 7 Orientation was an amazing experience getting to see the different activities and subjects that they do in high school. Some of my favourite tasks were when we went on a tour around the college meeting some of the teachers and getting to learn how to read a timetable. - Mia S 6B

"Year 7 Orientation day was an amazing opportunity to make new friends, embrace the high school environment and prepare us for high school. The teachers were amazing and I can't wait for next year." - Anastasia B, 6B

"The experience was really interesting as it got us familiar with the new things that we’re going to do in Year 7, like reading a timetable. It was nice to walk around the Senior School and to meet our teachers for Year 7" - Rishab 6B

"Year 7, here we come! Highschool orientation taught us all about the fundamentals of senior school and how a typical day in classes will work. We welcomed new students into our school and met new teachers… and had heaps of fun popping balloons!" - Hannah G 6B

Year 7 Orientation

In the morning, the parents of this cohort were also at the College involved in an information session. This was a good opportunity for them to hear from our Senior Leadership team and also ask any questions that they had.

We look forward to their Senior School journey in 2023!

Prefect Commissioning

On Monday, we had the privilege of commissioning our 2022/2023 leadership team.

It was a great opportunity to encourage the cohort, welcome in the new leaders, and pray for them as they commence their roles.

Congratulations to all of the students and we look forward to seeing you lead the College.

Prefect Commissioning

Year 12 Student Leadership Team 2023
College Captains: 
Charlotte S and Joshua C
Vice Captains: Holly F, Eliana S and Tien D
Carmichael:  Holly F and Harrison C
Lewis: Bianca C and Andrew C
Liddell: Ashleigh K and Lachlan M
Wilberforce: Konstantina O and Petar L
Sports Captains: Cynthia N and Joe L

Leadership Portfolios:
Christian Outreach: Faith A, Ethan O and Hannah S
Co-curricular: Beatriz G, Brendan F, Annika G, Amelia N and Tahlia K
Environment and Sustainability: Francesco S and Tien D
Learning: Jacqueline F, Lucas L and Eliana S
Social Justice: Destiny Y, Mehak U and Mia Z


Senior Library Book Snap

Upcoming activities in the Library

Page Turners Book Club – Monday 24th October (Week 3), lunchtime in N2

Anime and Manga Club – Tuesday 1st November (Week 4), lunchtime in N2


Year 12 Library Loans

Year 12 students will need to return all of their Library loans before they leave the College after the HSC exams. Students who have lost books will be invoiced for a replacement copy. Any students who require a list of their loans need to speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith.


Stocktake 2022

This year’s Library stocktake will be starting on Monday 14th November.  During this time the Library will be closed. The last day students can borrow will be Friday 4th November. All students will need to have returned all of their Library loans no later than Friday 11th November. Any students who require a list of their loans need to speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith.


Book Bites

Take a book bite to see if it is to your taste

‘Nothing More To Tell’ – Karen M. McManus

“Five years ago, Brynn quit Saint Ambrose School following the shocking murder of her favourite teacher. The case was never solved, but Brynn's sure that the three kids who found Mr. Larkin's body on school grounds know more than they're telling. Brynn's ex-best friend Tripp was one of them. Thanks to Tripp's testimony none of them were found guilty of the murder and now, five years later, the trio are at the top of the school's social ladder. When Brynn gets the internship of a lifetime working on a new true-crime show, she decides to investigate what really happened that day in the woods for herself. But the further she dives into the past, the more secrets she uncovers-about Saint Ambrose School, about Mr. Larkin, and even about her ex-best friend.”

The latest novel from the “queen of teen crime” Karen M. McManus, ‘Nothing more to tell’ is an exciting and thrilling school murder mystery, filled with unexpected twists and turns that will have readers guessing right to the very end. With wonderfully unique and engaging characters and a suspenseful and deep multi layered plot, there is a lot here that will appeal to a wide range of readers. A fantastic book and a must read!


‘War: Wizards And Robots’ – Will.i.am & Brian Johnson

“Wizards are real, robots from the future are here, and the world is in terrible danger. When a young man breaks into her home, Ada Luring's world changes forever. The man is a wizard, and his clan wants Ada and her mother dead. Ada's mother will invent the first ever robot, creating a race that will, in the future, become the wizard’s greatest foe. But a robot has travelled back in time to find Ada and protect her, as she may just be the key to preventing the earth's destruction in the future. Ada, Geller and the robots must now learn to work together to change the past and secure the future. But time is running out . . .”

Part Terminator, part Harry Potter, ‘Wizards & Robots’ is a fun futuristic action adventure novel about a teenager caught in the middle of an age long war between wizards and robots. With an easy to read story, filled with strange aliens, exciting time travel and lots of fast paced action, this is a fantastic story for younger readers, especially boys. An entertaining read that will be enjoyed by many, and a novel that readers will demand a sequel for.


Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith

Senior IRC Library Team

Operation Christmas Child

I write to thank the generous Junior School College families who have donated to Operation Christmas Child.

 We received 322 boxes for Operation Christmas Child to support children in need.

This is a wonderful effort. Thank you for partnering with Samaritan’s Purse for this worthy cause.

Mrs Kylie Singles
Junior School Director of Operations/Welfare


Performing ArtsBack to Top

Junior Chapel Band

On the last day of Term 3, our Junior Chapel Band performed a fun set of music in the Junior amphitheatre at lunchtime.

These young musicians rehearse every Friday morning in S-Block under the direction of Jeremy Howard, and it is fantastic to see these students enjoy playing worship music. As you can see in the photos, they generated a large crowd and our younger student community loved to sit and watch them rock away on the last day of school. Congratulations to all musicians involved, and thanks to Mr Howard for continually encouraging the students.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Year 9 Snacks and Songs

Year 9 held a Snacks and Songs event in Week 1 of Term 4.

Each student showcased a piece of music on their instrument. They displayed an immense amount of talent, their willingness to support fellow class members and diligence to persevere. Parents, family and friends were invited along to support the year 9 students and this gave them encouragement and the feeling of success performing to an audience after all their hard work and rehearsal time. As the Year 9 music teacher, I can say I am astonished with their work ethic and ability to pull together a show, so soon after school holidays. They displayed maturity and developed musical skill.

Well done- Year 9 music!!!

9Music  Year9Music

Simone Rapisarda
Senior School Teacher - Creative Arts

Manly Jazz Festival

During the recent October school holidays, our Senior Stage Band performed at the inaugural Manly Jazz Festival.

Even though the festival had been downsized this year, we were very fortunate to have the opportunity to perform and participate in the festival.

The students performed a wide variety of repertoire, from big band classics, jazz standards, funk hits and even some original music with special guest singers Holly F, Nicola M. and Keona H. It was great to see all the families come along to support the students, and then explore Manly after their performance and enjoy many of the other jazz artists performing around Manly.

ManlyJazz2022 ManlyJazz2022

Well done to all of our student musicians, and we are looking forward to the next performance at the upcoming Senior Ensembles Evening on Thursday 10 November.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Young Performers Evening

On Wednesday 19 October we held our much-loved Young Performers Evening. 

After two years of not being able to hold the night, we were excited to once again be able to offer a performance evening for all students who receive music tutoring at the College.  

Over 120 students performed in separate spaces around the College to parents and friends and although there were nerves and excitement, it was wonderful to see students showcasing their hard work and commitment to their instruments. Violins, piano, vocals, brass, woodwind, guitar and drums all featured on the night.

The evening also opened with a performance from our Piano tutor, Mrs Susan Yoon and Strings tutor, Mr Ehab Ibrahim, playing ‘Songs Without Words’ by Mendelssohn written in 1845 and his last work for piano and cello. 

Well done to all students who participated in the evening. If you would like to enrol your child in tuition here at the College, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected] for an application form.

Young performers evening

Mr Luke Robinson
Productions & Creative and Performing Arts Coordinator



NSW PSSA Athletics

Six of our Junior School students represented the College and NSW Combined Independent Schools at the NSW PSSA Athletics Championships over the last two days.

Willow and Anthony ran in the 9 year 100m events yesterday, qualifying for the Semi Finals this morning. Willow placed 11th in NSW for the 9 year 100m sprint, narrowly missing a place in the Finals. Anthony placed 2nd in his semi final. In a very close Final, he finished 8th in NSW in the 9 year boys 100m sprint.

Our Senior Girls relay team ran well in the heats and comfortably progressed to the Semi Finals. They placed 3rd in their Semi Final and qualified for the Final. Combining well as a team, the girls finished 5th in the State. Congratulations Ella, Ilena, Sara and Emiliija on your awesome achievement!

We are so proud of all these students. Well done!


NSW PSSA athletics

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports & TAP Coordinator

Student Achievement

Over the past few weeks, there has been some outstanding achievements by our students in their sporting commitments.

On the weekend, a group of students from the College participated in the International Sports Karate Association CCP Martial Arts Tournament 2022

karate Vanish M in Year 6 ranked Number One in Australia for his division, achieving:
1st place: Extreme Forms
1st place: Traditional Forms
1st place: Showmanship
1st place: Clash Sparring
1st place: Tricking battles
2nd place: Traditional Weapons
2nd place: Point Sparring
2nd place: Tricking kicks
2nd place: Extreme weapons
3rd place: Light Kick
karate Antonio B in 2W achieved: 
1st in clash sparring
1st in sword combat
1st in synchronized kata
3rd in sumo wrestling 
karate Orlando B in KM achieved:
1st in sword combat
1st in Sumo Wrestling
3rd in clash sparring


Congratulations to McKenna in Year 3 who recently competed at the 2022 National Clubs Gymnastics Carnival on the Gold Coast. She received outstanding results:

Mckenna Gymnastics 1st place in Australia: Level 3 Age 6 to level trio
3rd place in Australia: Level 3 Mini individual
7th place in Australia: Open level and age team dance



CommunityBack to Top

Scholarships 2024

Thomas Hassall Anglican College is pleased to offer a limited number of Academic Scholarships for students entering Year 7 and Year 11 in 2024.

Register online to sit the ACER Scholarship examination. The cost is $100 (inc GST). Registration is now open and closes at midnight AEDST Monday 6 February 2023. This registration fee is not refundable should you cancel.

The ACER Scholarship Examination will be held at Thomas Hassall Anglican College on Saturday 25 February 2023. An invitation to sit the examination will be sent prior to the examination date, including location at the College and requirements for the exam.  In the meantime, please advise the College if there are any changes to your contact details.

All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their scholarship applications in early April 2023.


External Art Competition

External Art Competition for Students Years 7 – 10

High school students in Years 7-10 are invited to create their own artwork. The theme for the Canal to Creek Prize is 'Connections'. We want you to consider connections to earth, culture, history, movement and environment. There's over $15,000 in prizes to be won! Entries are open until 4 November 2022, and winners are announced on 30 January 2023.

For more information or to enter an art work, please visit https://canaltocreek.com/wcx/art/prize

Mrs Alex Saville
Gifted and Talented Liaison for the Junior School