The Way Newsletter I Friday 5 November 2021

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

It’s reasonable to comment that the pace of change in 2021 has increased at every level, whether at school or home and in the economy. 

The changes in the COVID conditions continue to occur as the community opens up. We are seeing regular changes to the key areas of school life, such as the ways in which we can gather students for assemblies, and sport and performances. Importantly, in reference to our end-of-year Celebration events, as well as the scheduled graduations and formals, we are trusting that all events will be able to proceed as planned. Such events allow young people, and you, their parents to create special and lasting memories. I’m sure you can remember your end of school events with fondness, and after such a year as 2021, it will be lovely to celebrate the conclusion of the year across the College in happy events. We will communicate any necessary changes in the normal manner.

HSC students will begin their final exams next week from Tuesday 9 November. This year, we have relocated our students to the Hoxton Park Anglican Church complex for the exam period, in order to provide a separation from the other years in the College. They have visited the new location and are ready to have this final assessment of their learning. We wish them well, both for the exams and for the future.

The new Year 12 students commenced their final year online at the start of the term, and are now in full stride back at College. We will hold a special online Assembly on Monday to dedicate the cohort.  The commissioning of our new Student Leadership Team will also take place with parents able to engage via THACTV. See later in this edition for full details.  The task for the new team will include the establishing of a Student Voice project through 2022. Our aim is to create a structure to allow all students to contribute to the direction of culture and engagement for our young people in College life.  Our new Year 12 leaders are announced in this edition of The Way, and we will hear more from them as the year progresses. 

This edition of The Way also highlights the Online Showcase by Junior School students which includes an Art Exhibition and Performances. This was produced in Term 3, as part of the Wellbeing Wednesday program. Let me commend the showcase to you, and thank teachers and of course the parents involved in its compilation. The students have done a tremendous job, haven't they?

Thanks again at this time for your support and encouragement. Take care.

‘Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up’.  Galatians 6:9

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal - Head of Senior School Learning
David Butler

Psalm 133 verse 1: How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!

It is so great to be back together again! It is wonderful to be teaching my students face to face and experiencing life in community with staff and students on campus.

All of us have missed the human interaction that was denied us during lockdown. To be able to once again share lighter moments together as we walk through the playground or read the expressions of our students to determine their understanding (albeit behind a mask), has really raised the spirits of everyone. It has been fantastic to see so many of the practical subjects being able to once again engage.

I have visited science classes crystallising copper sulphate products and construction classes learning how to lay bricks recently. Smiling students pleased to be working on tactile physical projects. I hope that you have noticed a buoyancy to your children as they return home from school after a day of learning and socialising in community with their friends and teachers.

It’s an important week ahead for our Year 12 students who begin their HSC examinations. Let’s continue to have them in our prayers.

Mr David Butler
Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning
From the Junior School Director of Operations and Welfare

It was so lovely to see the teachers and the students back onsite – Finally!

The smiles that appeared when the students saw their friends was priceless, and it was even more special hearing from teachers, that their class had missed them and were glad to be back in the classroom. I can only imagine what you were all thinking when you said your goodbyes for the day… did that coffee taste amazing!

Be assured that we are doing everything to make sure your children are back to learning in a safe environment. They may come home smelling rosy because they’ve washed their hands several times and hand sanitised during the day!

Thank you for your ongoing support towards the staff here at Thomas Hassall. We very much appreciate all that you do.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11


Mrs Kylie Singles
Director of Operations & Wellbeing – Junior School
From the Assistant Chaplain - Junior School

Last Sunday I was ambushed by a ghost, a vampire and a few tiny Super Heroes who would not leave my front door unless I gave them some lollies…

That’s right, it was Halloween.

I am sure that there are some who want nothing to do with Halloween; others who see it as a fun evening with the family, but I think all of us will be surprised by its origins.

The root word of Halloween - ‘’hallow’' - means ‘’holy.’’ The suffix “een” is an abbreviation of “evening.” It refers to the Eve of All Hallows, the night before the Christian holy day that honours Christian people of the past.

Halloween was originally a Christian celebration where Christians who had passed away were remembered and honoured.

While children dress up as ghosts, vampires, and all things, scary we can remember and be assured that we have nothing to fear.

1 Corinthians 15:20 says: 'But in fact, Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.'

We believe in the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus. Not only that Jesus was raised, but that we too are raised with him.

Perhaps the origin of such a day has been lost? Let me encourage you, whether you celebrate Halloween or not, to use Halloween next year as a day to remember our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, the one who has risen from the dead and in whom we too will rise. That is definitely something worth celebrating.

Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Managing Overwhelm

Our brains have not evolved fast enough to adapt to this digital landscape

Due to the pandemic, the world we now live in is a very different place. The hyperconnected nature of our current environment means that we are constantly being reminded of the challenges we face via numerous media and social media channels. Our connectivity to the digital world exposes us to a barrage of messages that can leave us feeling overwhelmed. As a result, many children and their parents are reporting higher levels of stress and anxiety.

Unfortunately, our brains have not evolved fast enough to adapt to this digital landscape. The combination of constant access to information and having little control over the situations presented, can be stressful and overwhelming. It is therefore important for adult carers to check in with their children and be aware of what information they may have been exposed to. It may not necessarily be the information itself that is harmful, but more their inability to process and make sense of it. Providing children with the skills and strategies to cope will enable them to flourish and thrive, socially, emotionally and academically.

The blueprint for parenting, based on our own experiences, is no longer fit for purpose in raising kids as citizens of tomorrow. This can be inherently stressful and overwhelming, not only for parents and carers, but children alike. If left untreated or unmanaged, constant stress and anxiety can lead to a number of behavioural issues or health consequences.

This Special Report suggests a number of strategies to help manage any feelings of overwhelm that you or your child may be experiencing. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to your special report

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling

Souce: SchoolTV

Upcoming Important Dates

Here are some important dates to mark in your diaries

Term Dates


Junior School Creative Exhibition

Our Junior School Creative Arts Exhibition is live!

Thank you to all of the students who submitted their creative and performing arts pieces from Wellbeing Wednesday in Term 3.

We are excited to share with you our online exhibition for you to see the wonderful work our Junior School has been up to.

You can visit the site at and use the password 'thaconline'.

Creative Exhibition

Well done to all of the students who got involved. You should all be very proud of the great work that you have done.

We hope you enjoy the showcase!




Class of 2022 Special Assembly

This Monday 8 November we will holding a special online Assembly for the Class of 2022.  

The Assembly will have a focus on dedicating the students as they commence their final year of their schooling life and head towards the HSC and beyond.  This will be a special occasion where we can show our support and partnership to the new Year 12 cohort. 

During this time we will also commission our Student Leadership Team for 2021/2022. 

Student Leadership Team

Congratulations to the young men and women who have been elected to the Student Leadership Team and we wish them well in their important roles as young leaders at the College.  

The Assembly will commence at 1pm and you can tune in via THACV at - Password: hassalltv 

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Class of 2022 cohort as they embark on the next part of their journey.  If you would like to send a short phrase of encouragement please send your messages to [email protected] by Saturday 6pm to be included in the Assembly.

Fun outside

3F made use of a pause in the rain today!

As they had missed their PE lesson due to wet weather, they had a great opportunity when the rain stopped to enjoy some time playing handful in the fresh air.

It's great to see students doing the simple things together again!

3G Craft

Since returning to college 3G have been reading ‘The 13-storey Teehouse’ by Terry Denton and Andy Griffiths.

We have been working hard on designing our own dream rooms for our own 3G treehouse.

Some rooms include a gingerbread house, a chocolate swimming pool, a chicken nugget tree, a bunny rabbit room. Students who are learning at home are crafting their own rooms to add to the treehouse on their return.

Year 3 Craft

Mrs Ruth Glendinning
Junior School Teacher - Stage 2 - Year 3G

Senior School I Abide Lunchtime Group

ABIDE, our Senior School Christian Lunchtime group is meeting in person again!

We meet each Friday lunchtime at the top of N-Block.

Join us for games, discussion groups and to hear students share their favourite Bible verse and what it means to them.

We are meeting in the following rooms:

Year 7 – N18

Year 8 – N16

Year 9 – N19

Year 10 – N15

Year 12 – N20

If you have any questions or for more information, please contact Mr Mills [email protected] or Rev Oliver [email protected]

Shrek the Musical

Rehearsals are underway for our 2022 musical production of 'Shrek The Musical'.  

We would love to have as many students as possible involved from Years 4 to 10. It's not too late to sign up as a dancer or to be in the chorus, the main cast has been chosen but there are many minor fairytale characters still to be selected.  

It is a great opportunity to expand your singing, acting and performing skills.  

For an information booklet and commitment form please email [email protected] or pickup a hard copy from the Creative Arts Staffroom.

Mr Luke Robinson
Productions & Creative and Performing Arts Coordinator

College Photos

College Photos have been rescheduled to take place from Tuesday 16 until Friday 19 November 2021.

Don Wood Photography will be taking individual photos and sibling photos at various times throughout the week. All students will have their photograph taken, however, the purchase of photographs is optional.

For Years 7-11 their individual photos will also occur on Wednesday 17 November. Due to time restraints and COVID restrictions, we are unable to photograph cohorts this year. Sibling photos will occur on Thursday 18 November and Friday 19 November for most families, however, for families with children in Prep White and Red, sibling photos will be taken on Wednesday morning.

If you wish to purchase a photograph package, this can be done via credit card by visiting and using the code 378F17 

Full College Summer uniform is to be worn by students.

House Sport Challenge update

It has been encouraging to see many of our students and their families participating in the recent House Sport Challenge.

Results from the Challenge are being tallied and the final House point score and Junior School Class Challenge results will be published in the next edition of The Way.

Which house will be the overall House Sport Challenge Champion?

Mr Michael Fox and Mrs Sharon Evans
Sport Coordinators

Uniform Shop

You can now visit the Uniform Shop by appointment

We are pleased to advise that the Uniform Shop is able to have customers in store - by appointment only. Bookings can be made online. Additional times on Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays will be available from next week.

You can also still order online and this can be delivered to your home or can be delivered to your child’s class (once students return). Delivery to your child’s classroom will be weekly (Friday) and if you want to make use of this service, please select the ‘Click and Collect’ option.

The College Website has the full details of how to purchase online and includes a sizing guide to assist. Our uniform shop provider, Midfords, has an exchange policy for items that still have tags attached and not been worn and further details for this are available online.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Uniform Shop directly [email protected]. The College Administration team will also be able to assist with any of your questions on 9608 0033.

Traffic Rules Updates

Please be aware and take care
Traffic Rules

Traffic Updates