Term 3 | The Way Newsletter | Friday 1 September 2023

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

We have had an amazing fortnight off gathering College students and families and staff. Several major events have been conducted to celebrate learning and to celebrate the community.

The Year 12 Illuminate evening is now in its 13th year. The students who have major works as part of the HSC program exhibit their works for parents and friends. We included works from the following subjects this year:

  • English Extension
  • History Extension
  • Society and Culture
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Visual Arts
  • Hospitality
  • Design and Technology

Illuminate 2023 was an excellent evening and our thanks go to each of our teachers involved. Congratulations to Year 12 students. We wish every Year 12 HSC student well at this time.

The NASSA Senior Athletics was held last week at Campbelltown with many outstanding performances from students in our team. NESSA is the pathway we belong to which allows talented sports students to complete at higher levels. Some students progress to Australian level competition. Congratulations to students competing at NASSA or higher in both Junior and Senior school.

The Young Performance evening was also held last week, and hundreds of students and parents enjoyed individual performances by students in the peripatetic music program.

The 2023 South West Festival was judged our best ever, with estimates of more than 15,000 in attendance.  We trust you had a great day of celebrating the College and the South West. Congratulations to Carmen Pasapera our Director of Community Relations and her team; to Rebecca Clarke, our Business Manager and her team and Jason Swan, Scott Hobbins, Peter Ford and their teams for such a presentation. All staff supervised the day, and we know you will enjoy the photos in this edition of The Way.

How delightful was out Fathers’ Day Breakfast this morning?  Just ask the 1,200 Dads and children across the College years. We are sure they will agree. Again, we are so blessed to have organising teams, this time also including the MRK team who from 5am were preparing a hot breakfast, fruit, and juice. Congratulations staff and families for such a fortnight.

“You are my refuge and my shield;  I have put my hope in your word.." Psalm 119:114

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
Sandy Wheeler

This past fortnight alone has indeed felt like the beginning of a new school year! The atmosphere has been go, go, go! We have had many events in both Junior and Senior school, as well as the great success that was the South West Festival. Without a shadow of doubt, it takes a great deal of groundwork to execute these events well. One of those components is our Parent Community Network.

The Parent Community Network have been influential in their support and dedication to our College events. Two major events (South West Festival and Father’s Day Stall) happening within several days of one another is no easy fete! The Parent volunteers have showed up here to college, placed themselves in our Staff Centre sorting, packing, and wrapping more than 500 hampers for the two events. Indeed, alone one can do much but with a team like our Parent Community Network we have been able to accomplish much. Your service and commitment to doing things well shows and I thank each and every one of your for your efforts.

Can I also take this moment to thank all our Junior School families for all your support in providing the products that went into the South West Festival hampers. Your generosity is unwavering, and we would not be able to achieve such greatness without your contributions.


I look forward to seeing your Book Week costumes on Monday.

Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

This Friday we had our Father's Day breakfast right here at the College, and let me tell you, it was a blast watching so many students having a great time with their dads! But let's not forget, this is not everyone's experience. There are students who don't have a dad, some have fathers that are MIA, and, there are even those stuck with dads who are, less than awesome. What does Father's Day even mean for them?

I had a complex relationship with my father and for many years Fathers Day seemed forced as I was reminded of what was broken.  It was my faith in Christ that kept me going while I learned to love my father all over again. It was during this process that I realised that, as a Christian, I had two fathers – my biological father and my Father in heaven.

Let me boast of about my Father in Heaven for a bit…

My Father loves me and is always available.

23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. (John 14:23)

My Father never asks things of me that he would not do himself.

44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. (Matthew 5:44-48)

I have a Father who knows me better than I know myself. He knows the difference between what need and what I want – even when I do not.

For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. (Matt 6:8)

With all these things in mind, I want to live my life in a way that makes my father proud.

16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matt 5:16)

It is easier to do life when you have this type of father backing you all the way. 

When I became a dad myself, I made it a point to teach my children the Bible. My hope was that they would develop their faith and get access to the blessings that I personally didn't experience until later in life.  I want my kids to have two dads.

How many fathers do you have?

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
From the Junior School Director of Teaching and Learning

The Junior School will be celebrating Book Week next week beginning with a parade on Monday. We have invited students from P-6 to come to College wearing a costume representing a favourite character, or bringing a prop that represents a book or character they love.

The theme for Book Week is Read – Grow – Inspire. What books did you read as a child that helped you grow, and inspired you to imagine and read some more? This weekend, as your child creates the costume or finds the prop to bring on Monday, tell them about your favourite books as a child. Hearing these shared stories helps all our students grow in their love of reading, but also helps inspire a wider interest of the world around them.

Each year during Book Week, the Children’s Book Council of Australia announce the winners of each section of books – Older Readers, Younger Readers, Early Childhood and Picture Book of the Year. Look at the winners and honour books at this link: https://cbca.org.au/winners-2023

Go to the local library and borrow some of these fabulous books. Read them together with your children. Discuss the wonderful characters, share new words, discuss the big ideas of the books.

This will help all our student to Read – Grow – and be Inspired.


Ms Lisa Hansford
Director of Teaching and Learning - Junior School

Upcoming dates

Date Event

Wednesday 6 September 

HSC Music 

IPSSO Finals

Thursday 7 September

HSC Music 

NASSA Junior AFL Gala Day

Friday 8 September

HSC Music 

Year 10 History and Geography Excursion

Cafe MRK and Canteen Closed

Monday 11 September

JS NSW Futsal finals

HSC Music 2

Year 11 Exams Commence

14's Futsal Championships

Tuesday 12 September  NSW All Schools Netball Tri-Series
Thursday 14 September 16's Futsal Championships 
Friday 15 September

Year 9 Bronze Duke Hike

Year 5 Passion Project

Open Futsal Championships

Prep Blue, Prep Purple, Year 1 and 2 Tabloid Carnival 

Father's Day

Today we held our Father's Day Breakfast.

Thank you to everyone who came along and made it a fun morning. It was great to see dads and grandads enjoying breakfast with one another. Particularly, we would like to thank our amazing MRK Team for all of your hard work of cooking and preparing all of the food. 

There were also lawn games to play and some photo frames to enjoy! To see the full gallery click here

father's day


Father's Day Stall

On Thursday, we held our Father's Day Stall. The students enjoyed picking gifts to buy.

Thank you to our Parent Community Network for their hard work in setting up and running the stall. We couldn't do it without you!


Father's Day

Parent Meet Ups

The Parent Community Network has organised some upcoming meet ups.  

A great opportunity to get together with some fellow parents.  If you would like to know more please ask in the Parent's Whatsapp Group for the revelant grade.  If you are not yet part of a WhatsApp group and would like to be use this form.


Saturday 14 October | 7.30pm | Willowdale Hotel


Friday 15 September | 6pm | Crossroads Hotel


Saturday 21 October | Time & Location TBA


Saturday 23 September | 7pm | Willowdale Hotel


Saturday 9 September | 7pm | Paint & Sip Studio Liverpool

RSVP info on the flyer below

PDF iconParent Flyer Year 7.pdf

Uniform Update

Please note as of Monday 4 September, the uniform changes over to summer.

Senior Students are expected to be in Full Summer Uniform. Junior School Students can either wear Full Summer or Full Winter Uniform for the remainder of this term.

Uniform shop trading hours

If you need to purchase items, the Regular Trading Hours are:

Monday 7.30am – 3.30pm
Wednesday 12.00pm – 6.00pm
Friday 7.30am – 3.30pm

Senior school students will be able to go to the shop before and after school, as well as during lunch and recess to make purchases.


Uniform Shop Trading Hours

The Thomas Hassall Uniform Shop will close for the school holidays on Friday 22 September at 3:30 pm. 

Spring holiday trading hours are:

Friday 6 October 9.00 am – 4.00 pm

Monday 9 October 9.00 am – 4.00 pm

The uniform shop will return to normal hours on Wednesday 12 October 2023.  Throughout the College term our opening hours are:

  • Monday         7.00 am - 3.30 pm
  • Wednesday  12.00 pm - 6.00 pm
  • Friday             7.00 am - 3.30 pm

You are welcome to purchase from the online uniform shop at your convenience and your order will be filled when the store is next open: www.Midford.com.au (School Passphrase: Thomas1997)

Please contact the uniform shop if you have any questions. 

Phone: 02 8776 1193

Email: [email protected]

EventsBack to Top

South West Festival 2023

The South West Festival 2023 was a fantastic day. It was great to see our community, staff and students be involved and join in on the day. We would like to thank all those who volunteered, planned, served and assisted on the day, it would have not been possible without you. 



Particularly we would like to thank our Major Sponsor, Liverpool City Council for partnering with us once again for this wonderful festival. 



We would also like ot thank our Gold Sponsors, Intelec, Ray White Carnes Hill, Morizzi Civil and Stanton Dahl Architects for their on going support 

intelec    sponsor    sponsor    sponsor



And finally we would also like to thank our Silver Sponsors Good Az Gold Tours, Gowans & Son Printing, Storm International and Joylands Amusements

Book Week next week

To celebrate our love of reading, students will take part in a Book Week event on Monday 4 September 2023. Students from P-6 can either come to College dressed as their favourite book character for the day or come in College uniform with an accessory that depicts an aspect of a character or part of their favourite story.

The Book Week Parade will be at Monday Morning Muster at 8.20am. 

Families are warmly invited to attend. Guests are to be seated on the JS amphitheatre steps by 8.20am or viewing from surrounding balcony areas outside S, R or D Blocks.

The Prep 2-day program will celebrate their Book Week Parade on Morning Muster on Friday 9 September 2023.

We look forward to seeing you there!

South West Festival Competition Winners

Congratulations to all of our South West Festival competition winners

We recently announced the winners of our South West Festival competitions. There was a range of competitions for year groups and these were our winners:

Prep - Kindy Colouring Competition: Prep - Elias N and Mia Z. Kindy - Shrisha K. and Sebastion I. 


colouring comp

Years 1 and 2 Drawing Competition: Year 1 - Athina P. and Dean B. Year 2 - Aya E. and Elena R.

Year 1  Year 2

Years 3 - 4 Poster Competition: Year 3 - Maya T. and Tatiana L. Year 4 - Claire E. and William R.

Year 3  Year 4


Years 5 - 6 Radio Ad or Article Competition: Year 5 - PJ A. and Grace H. Year 6 - Sophia S. and Tahlia D.

Year 5  Year 6


Sophia S Year 6


Tahlia D Year 6


Zen K Year 5



PJ Year 5

Thank you to everyone who entered the competition. There were lots of creative entries and it was a hard decision to make! 

LearningBack to Top

GATEway 8

On the Thursday 17 August, a team of 8 students from years 5 and 6, participating in the interschool competition known as ‘GATEway 8’. There were 19 teams participating this year, from about 15 schools. The team worked hard to solve challenging problems and we are proud of their efforts. Some of the team have written reflections about their experiences: 

I really enjoyed participating in the interschool competition, 'GATEway8'. We competed in 6 tasks, challenging our many different abilities. Some of these tasks were Science, English, Music, History, Maths and Creative Design. I particularly liked the English task. We had to rewrite the song 'The Teddy Bear's Picnic' but to make it about saving the environment, and answer some comprehension questions. We also had to write short reflections on how we changed the original song, but from the perspective of some of the teddy bears. We are all very proud of the effort we put in, and everyone had lots and lots of fun. - Lizzie

The Gateway 8 experience was amazing! Even though we did not win, I had a great time learning and expanding teamwork skills. Some things were super challenging, and I enjoyed that!  - Serena

I really enjoyed attending the interschool gala day 'GATEway 8' in 2023. It was truly a breathtaking experience. This year, the theme for all tasks was wood. We competed in numerous fun activities, designed to make us 'think outside the box'. I am enormously glad I was selected to be there and was able to compete in these activities. Thank you again, Mrs. Saville for signing us up to attend GATEway 8! – Ali

The GATEway 8 competition was hard but also fun. The competition was held at Macarthur Anglican, my mum’s old school. I enjoyed the day, mostly because I could connect with people in year 5 and 6 that I didn’t really know. Knowing I was part of the team also helped my self esteem grow.  – Abigail

GATEway 8 was a fun day of learning and solving problems. It was challenging to work as a team and to work out what a question was asking. Sometimes we didn’t have enough people working on a task but we fixed that. It was hard to try and finish in the time limits but we tried and gave it a shot!  - Arin


Mrs Alex Saville 
Gifted and Talented Liaison for the Junior School

Prep Loves Learning

We love learning in Prep. We have been learning how to LISTEN, how to LOOK after our belongings, we have learnt our LETTERS and the sounds they make, we borrow books at the LIBRARY, and how to show LOVE to our friends. It LOOKS like we are almost ready for Kindergarten.





Exploring our identities in Year 3

Throughout this term, Year 3 have been exploring our identities through Visual Arts. We know that we are all uniquely made in the image of God. He has given us each our own personalities, skills, likes and dislikes. We have explored our hands and fingerprints, learning that no two fingerprints are alike. We have discussed many of the qualities that we share and those that make us different. Using the elements of Art (line, shape, texture, form, space, colour and value) students have created some amazing artworks. We love that each work of Art is just as unique as we are!

Year 3

Mrs Christine Ross 
Primary Teacher - Stage 2 - 3R Year Leader - Year 3


Performing ArtsBack to Top

South West Festival Performances

A beautiful winters day was filled with the sounds of music at the South West Festival.

A jazz marching band set the tone weaving their way through the crowds spreading joyful tunes and rhythms throughout the day. Our junior and senior ensembles performed an array of band, jazz, classical and pop music to a large crowd of parents and friends. Individual students also performed solo items on our second stage to the large crowds of onlookers. It was an exciting opportunity for the students to perform in an outdoor space and to experience the buzz and excitement of the festival atmosphere. Well done to all the students involved in performances throughout the day.



Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Young Performers Evening

Each day students take up the opportunity to have instrument tuition at College. They can study piano, strings, brass, woodwind, percussion and guitar with our team of private tutors right here at the College and each year a Young Performers Evening is held where they can showcase their progress and musical endeavours to parents and friends. Last Thursday over 150 students bravely stepped up to perform in various spaces around the college and demonstrate the skills, commitment to practice and achievements that they have made on their chosen instrument. It was a night of overcoming performance nerves and bravely stepping up to share their musical journey. Congratulations to all the students who participated.

If your child is interested in lessons at the College an application form can be found on the College website here or email [email protected]

Young Performers


Mr Luke Robinson
Productions & Creative and Performing Arts Coordinator

CommunityBack to Top

Junior Library News

Book Mark Competition

To celebrate Book Week this year the Junior Library will be running a 'Design your own bookmark' competition. Students will need to design an original and creative bookmark for the library. The winning designs will be printed and laminated for all students to use.

Blank bookmark templates are available to collect from the Library. All bookmarks must be submitted no later than Wednesday 6th September. 

Hunt for the Golden Ticket

The hunt has started! Ten golden tickets have been hidden in the barcodes of ten different books in the Library. The only way to discover a golden ticket is to borrow one of those books. Great prizes to be won for every student who discovers a ticket. Make sure you remember to bring your library bag to College, the more times you borrow, the more chances you have to win!


Mrs Arabella Issa & Mr Michael Smith
Junior IRC Library Team