Term 2 I The Way Newsletter I Friday 10 June 2022

Latest UpdatesBack to Top

Upcoming dates

Date Event
Monday 13 June Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Tuesday 14 June CIS Open Secondary Football Cup Finals
Thursday 16 June Junior Athletics Carnival
Year 11 and 12 Parent Teacher Night

Friday 17 June

Years 7-9 NASSA Volleyball Gala Day

Wednesday 22 June Year 9 Dukes Bronze Info 3-5pm
Year 12 Music Performance Night
Thursday 23 June Junior School Disco
Friday 24 June Last Day of Term 2
Term Dates 2023

Here are our Term Dates for 2023

Term Summary  
Term 1 27 January* - 6 April 2023
Term 2 26 April - 23 June 2023
Term 3 17 July - 22 September 2023

Term 4

10 October - 6 December 2023

*Note: There are staggered start dates for specific years commencing from 27 January. 

Junior School Disco

Our Junior School Students are invited to a disco on Thursday 23 June at the College.

Taking place in the John Lambert Auditorium, there are three sessions:

Kindy - Year 2: 2.30pm - 3.35pm
Years 3 - 4: 4.00 - 5.30pm
Years 5 - 6: 6.00-7.30pm

More details are coming soon, you will need to provide permission through Edumate.

We look forward to a fun evening!

Uniform Shop

Regular Trading Hours
Monday 7.30am – 3.30pm
Wednesday 12.00pm – 6.00pm
Friday 7.30am – 3.30pm

Senior school students will be able to go to the shop before and after school, as well as during lunch and recess to make purchases.

The College uniform shop will close for school holidays on Friday 24 June at 3.30pm.

Holiday Trading Hours
Friday 15 July 9am - 4pm

The uniform shop will return to normal hours on Monday 18 July at 7.00am

UNITE week

What a great week it has been at the College as we hosted UNITE week.

Unite week is a student-led initiative to celebrate the cultural diversity of our College community.

Students participated in different activities throughout the week and today got to wear their cultural dress. Here are some of the highlights

Movie Night

Our Movie Night was held on Friday 27 May watching Shrek 2.

We had over 600 people attend the night enjoying the movie and the range of food trucks available.

The pre-movie entertainment involved dancing, trivia and lots of great prizes. A special thank you to Mr Schrack for being our wonderful MC for the night!

The night was a great success and could not have happened without the help our student volunteers and staff.

We hope you all enjoyed the night!

movie night

Book Donations

We would like to thank our Community for their donations for our recent book fair on Grandparent's Day.

Pip & Egg – Mrs Cherie Waugh

Nothing but Oranges – Lexi M,  KJ

Toy Story 4 – Dean B,  KS

The Bad Guys episode 15 – Victoria A,  1W

Ella & Olivia – Victoria A,  1W

Code Name Bananas – Annika R,  4A

Star Wars The Mandalorian – Joseph & David A,  KS & 4A

The Lion King – James & Nathan R.  3F & 5W

Incredible History – Peters Family,  1L, 3W & 6M

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Just this week we have celebrated ‘Unite Week’ across the College.

This is a student-led initiative to celebrate the cultural diversity in our College. It’s always a special time to see students engaged in learning about other cultures while embracing their own. Thank you to our entire community for such a strong support of 'Unite' events during the week. Enjoy looking at some of the highlights later in this edition.

Unite Week
(From left to right: Mr Roger Young representing Maori heritage, Mr Ross Whelan representing Irish Heritage and Mr David Butler representing English heritage)

College sporting teams and talented individuals have been very active recently. Students have competed in a vast array of competitions and events. On Monday our football squads played in the Bill Turner Cup. The girls team played well against Casula High School, however unfortunately did not win their game. Our boys team also played well and demonstrated great teamwork, winning their game against Sefton High School 2-0. They will progress to the next round to play in the semi-finals for the South West Zone against Cecil Hills High School in the coming weeks.

Three students competed in the Christian Schools Sports Association (CSSA) State Gymnastics competition representing the College last week. McKenna, Faith and Elijah all did exceptionally well in their events and you can read the results of this later in The Way.

We were able to open Café MRK to parents last Friday and again this morning. I have enjoyed connecting with families over a cuppa. If you haven’t already, why not come along next Friday between 7.30-9.30am?

On Monday we celebrate the Queen’s Birthday with a holiday, and with only 2 weeks until the end of the Term, we pray that you and your families will stay healthy during the winter season.  In the first 5 weeks of Term 3, I will be taking leave, and one of our 3 Deputy Principals, Mr David Butler will be the Acting Principal. Many of you already know Mr Butler and we are already thankful for his outstanding leadership and encouragement. If necessary, you are able to contract him through College Reception in the normal manner.

May the Lord bless and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
Sandy Wheeler

Thank you for assisting your child in preparation for Unite Week.

Today the whole College had a special day where students had the opportunity to share a part of their culture, focusing on the theme of being united - because everyone belongs at Thomas Hassall Anglican College.

I was reflecting on my cultural background during the week. When I was 7 years old, my grandfather took our whole extended family over to China to see where he grew up. He wanted us to see for ourselves his first home before immigrating to Australia. I was struck by his passion and joy to take us on this trip and to share in this experience as a family. We visited his primary school and met the extended relatives. I was immersed in the culture, richly. I am incredibly grateful for having that experience and it is a blessing I carry with me. In Australia, we are one and we are many. I am proud of my background and continue to carry that banner which was passed down from my grandparents. Unite Week brings a richness and conversation around our identities and together we can celebrate that richness.

Let’s all share our stories, histories and culture because that builds connection and community! What can you share with your children and in our College community?

Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

When the flags go up at College, I know Unite week is coming. 


I love the colours the flags bring as they represent the variety that different nations bring to our College.

Yet amongst all this variety, what is it that unites us? Our modern society does not have the answer. We are told that diversity is good but we are not allowed to speak specifics aloud lest it be construed as racism, sexism, or any other -ism.

The bible has a good idea for unity:

26 All of you are God's children because of your faith in Christ Jesus…28 Faith in Christ Jesus is what makes each of you equal with each other, whether you are a Jew or a Greek, a slave or a free person, a man or a woman. 29 So if you belong to Christ, you are now part of Abraham's family… (Galatians 3)

This passage shows what belonging is not about - nationality, money, or gender. It also shows us that equality has nothing to do with being the same. It is faith in Jesus that makes us family – this is not a metaphor but an eternal reality. To believe in Jesus is to become part of an international family.

What do we do with this? Let’s stop looking for people like us and get to know people unlike us. If it is faith that unites us, makes us equal, and give us true belonging then getting to know another culture can only add spice and colour to our life.  Why not invite someone from the College Community over for a meal so they experience your culture? Spice up their life.

If you consider yourself a Christian, think about challenging your own culture. I am a Uruguayan Christian, and while I love my culture, I do question aspects of it.  I will not let my Uruguayan-ness compromise my faith in Jesus. When I challenge my culture and make changes to how I live it, I am really sanctifying it for the next generation.

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
From the Director of Junior School Teaching & Learning

Writing student reports at the end of each semester affords every teacher the opportunity to reflect on their instructional practice.

By looking carefully at each student’s progress over the time period being considered, we are able to celebrate along with our students and to set goals for our teaching.

You will all be receiving your Junior School children’s academic report before the end of Term 2. It will detail their strengths as a learner, and will suggest some ways for each of them to make some improvements. The reports are written to reflect not only on the assessments completed, but on the ways each student has grown as a member of the learning community.

Each Key Learning Area is divided into outcomes, and each year group from Kindergarten to Year 6 is in a specific stage of learning:

Kindergarten – Early Stage 1

Years 1 and 2 – Stage 1

Years 3 and 4 – Stage 2

Years 5 and 6 – Stage 3

In Years 1-6, students receive an A-E grade for each outcome in the subjects being studied. As the outcomes are written in stages, it becomes a little harder for the students when they enter a new stage. Therefore, you may find that your child does not necessarily receive the same A-E grade they achieved at the conclusion of the previous year, especially if they are in Years 1, 3 or 5.

Kindergarten students receive grades for their outcomes as Achieving At Grade Level, Approaching Grade Level or Achieving Above Grade Level. Prep grades are Working Towards or Achieving.

Ms Lisa Hansford
Junior School Director of Teaching and Learning

EventsBack to Top

Holiday Programs

We have some great holiday programs available for the upcoming school holidays.

Football Program - 11-15 July
The College is excited to host our Football Program in the upcoming holidays for students at Thomas Hassall Anglican College, their friends and family.

Students will be involved in activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. The daily training will be designed to improve the skill level of each individual. 

Our Football Director, Mr Sonny Makko will be leading the program.

Bookings will open early next week - please keep an eye out on the book page. For any questions please contact [email protected]

There are some exciting days planned during the July Holidays at OSHClub. From going around the world, to a movie mania day, it is sure to be fun for students.

Find out more on the OSHClub website


The program will be running at the College from 4-6 July from 9am - 3.30pm. 

Students aged 7-12

This program is also eligible for the Creative Kids $100 rebate.

To register, visit their website



MOTIV8sports - 4-5 July

Held at the College, Experience 2 huge days….10 Amazing sports, 10 individual events, 4 Olympic Face Offs, incredible coaching, non-stop motivation, unbelievable prizes and possibly an Olympic medal.

8:30am-3:30pm daily. For ages Kindy to Year 6

MOTIV8sports is a registered provider for the NSW Government Creative Kids Voucher.

To find or more or make a booking, please visit the MOTIV8sports website

WellbeingBack to Top

Building Resilience Post Pandemic

Unfortunately, the mental health of young people has been significantly impacted by the pandemic.

The prevalence of symptoms of anxiety and depression has risen dramatically amongst young people and remains higher than pre‑pandemic levels. It is not an exaggeration to say that the child and adolescent mental health system is currently in crisis with general practices inundated, emergency departments flooded with demand, and medical services becoming disconnected, dispersed and diluted.

Mrs Jacoline Petersen 
Director of Student Counselling

LearningBack to Top

Author Visit

On Tuesday, Kindergarten and Year 1 students had the opportunity to listen to a performance from author Harry Laing. 

Students were entertained with rap, songs and rhyme to support their understanding of poetry.  After the performance, Year 1 students went back to their classrooms where they were engaged in their own creative writing lesson led by ‘Mr Harry’.

Harry Laing

Mrs Wendy Irwin
Year 1 Team Leader- Year 1W

Fruit Group Fun in Prep

In Prep the students are split up into three groups at the beginning of the year.

The group names are the bananas, the apricots and the pears. Each group has students from both prep classes attending on that day. These groups are a great way for students to mix and get to know their peers and teachers from the Prep class next door.

During fruit groups students engage in a wide range of activities. These include gardening, cooking, Christian studies, History, Geography, Health and Science. This fortnight the students have been in the kitchen making frogs in a pond with jelly and a frog lolly. In Christian studies the students have learnt from the bible the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours. They created their own Joseph coat using a paper bag and fabric. The students have been learning about having a growth mindset and discussing healthy foods during their health lesson.

In Prep the students are split up into three groups at the beginning of the year. The group names are the bananas, the apricots and the pears. Each group has students from both prep classes attending on that day. These groups are a great way for students to mix and get to know their peers and teachers from the Prep class next door.

During fruit groups students engage in a wide range of activities. These include gardening, cooking, Christian studies, History, Geography, Health and Science. This fortnight the students have been in the kitchen making frogs in a pond with jelly and a frog lolly. In Christian studies the students have learnt from the bible the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours. They created their own Joseph coat using a paper bag and fabric. The students have been learning about having a growth mindset and discussing healthy foods during their health lesson.

Mrs Erin Johnson
Prep Red Teacher

Kindergarten learning

Kindergarten are developing their gross motor skills through their participation in a variety of Sport activities.

Sue White 
Early Stage 1 Assistant Co-ordinator - Kindergarten W

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Senior Stage Band

Senior Stage Band made the Grand Final in National Band Competition

Over the weekend, our Senior Stage Band participated in the grand finals of the national song writing competition! Each song entered into the competition had to be original music and lyrics of the students, and it was a fantastic achievement to make the finals out of many submissions across the country. The song our students entered was called “1995”, with lyrics composed by Keona H in Year 11. All the band members worked together to arrange the music, featuring Tinashe M (keys); Pierson F (bass); Tomas S (drums); Joshua C (guitar); Petar L (soprano saxophone); Tahlia K (tenor saxophone); Benjamin A (baritone saxophone); Tim W & Stratos D (trumpet); and Henry L (trombone).

It was a great afternoon where the students were able to meet the other finalists, and experience the buzz and excitement of performing to a new audience. The judges of the competition included a range of music industry icons; Kirk Pengilly (INXS), Paul Christie (Mondo Rock), and Tania Doko (Bachelor Girl). Our students didn’t win, however they were the highest ranked band in the competition. The fact that our students made the final was a win in itself, and definitely a great step forward in their musical development.

Congratulations to all musicians on this great achievement, and we look forward to more opportunities like this in the future! Thanks also to the many parents who came along to support the event, and a special shout out to our Principal Ross Whelan who also attended to cheer on the students.

This was an initiative put forward by Australian singer and vocal coach Rachael Berry, and was also setup to raise and support awareness of mental health amongst youth, donating many of the proceeds to Beyond Blue.  

Senior Stage Band

Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles - Creative Arts

NASSA Junior Cross Country

Thomas Hassall Junior School comes 4th at Cross Country. 

The NASSA Junior Cross Country Carnival was held on Thursday 26 May at Horsley Park Equestrian Centre, on a very wet and muddy track.  The tough conditions didn't deter our athletes and they performed excellently on the day. 

Congratulations to the following students who finished in the top 4:

Hanna E - 4th -  8/9 year - 2km race

Jenson M - 3rd-  10 year - 2km race

Ella W - 4th -12 year - 3km race

Danijel R - 4th -12 year - 3km race

Our Junior school placed 4th overall on the NASSA Junior schools point score!!!

It was a fantastic team performance with students selected to represent NASSA at the CIS Cross Country Championships on 8 June at Eastern Creek:

Hanna E, Jenson M, Dante C, Isaiah W, Ella W, Sara E and Danijel R.

Congratulations to all students who competed on the day, we are very proud of you all!!

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator

CSSA Gymnastics

Recently three students competed at the Christian Schools Sports Association (CSSA) Gymnastics.

This is a one-off competition for students to participate in. 

McKenna in Year 3 participated in Level 3:
- 2nd Bars
- 2nd  Beam
- 4th Vault
- 4th Floor
- 4th overall in Level 3

Elijah in Year 10 participated in Level 7:
- 1st Vault
- 1st Parallel Bars
- 1st Rings
- 1st High Bar
- 2nd Pommel
- 2nd Floor
- 1st overall in Level 7

Faith in Year 10 participated in Level 7:
- 1st Vault
- 1st Floor
- 2nd Bars
- 3rd Beam
- 1st overall in Level 7

Well done to all students on their outstanding results!


AICES Cross Country

A number of students travelled to the Sydney Equestrian Track to compete at the AICES Cross Country Carnival.

Despite freezing conditions and a ferocious wind, our students all competed well, with two of the boys getting top ten positions.

All students conducted themselves well and represented the College with distinction. Congratulations to everyone who competed.

Mr Robert Sheahan 
Senior School PDHPE Staff

Year 3 - 6 Athletics Carnival

Year 3 - 6 Athletics Carnival - Thursday 16 June

Students in Year 3 - 6 will participate in the Year 3 - 6 Athletics Carnival next week.   Parents are most welcome to come along and enjoy the day.

WHEN:               THURSDAY 16 JUNE 2022 (Term 2 – Week 8)

WHERE:             Campbelltown Athletics Stadium, Pembroke Rd &, Rose Payten Dr, Leumeah

UNIFORM:        College HOUSE shirt or College Sport shirt

                          College Athletics shorts or College sport shorts.  College skins may be worn underneath shorts.

College Athletic shorts and skins are available for purchase from the College Office.  Limited sizes currently in stock.

Prep, Kinder, Year One and Year Two will have their own Tabloid Sports Carnivals at College later in the year.

We look forward to a great day!

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

NSW CIS Primary Cross Country Championships

The NSW CIS Primary Cross Country Carnival was held at Eastern Creek Motorsport Park on Wednesday 8 June.

With all the recent rain, the course had to be modified and students ran the race in cold and windy conditions.

Congratulations to Isaiah W who placed 2nd in the the 11 year 3km event, earning the SILVER medal! 

We are very proud of all students who represented the College at the State Championships:

8/9 years girls - Hanna E

8/9 years boys - Dante C

10 years boys  - Jenson M

11 years boys  - Isaiah W

12 years girlsElla W , Sara E

12 years boys - Danjiel R


Special congratulations to Isaiah who will now represent NSW CIS at the NSW PSSA Championships next term.  

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator