Term 2 I The Way Newsletter I Friday 27 May 2022

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

It’s hard to believe we have reached the middle of the Term, and yet here we are.

We trust that you and the family are managing the issues of Covid, flu and wet weather. There was an election of a new Prime Minister in the mix as well. My family had Covid a few weeks ago, and thankfully we came through all well.  It’s been an interesting time during this Autumn Term for all of us, hasn’t it?

Our College program is increasing in the opportunities to come together as a community. Today we hosted our Grandparents Day in the Junior School. This was a fantastic day to enjoy morning tea together, watch some performances from our talented young students and to visit classrooms. Thank you to everyone who came along and made it a great day.

Tonight we have another great event, the Movie Night. While we won’t be outdoors, we will be in the warmth of the Rawdon Middleton VC Complex enjoying ‘Shrek 2’ together. The recent College Musical introduced us to ‘Shrek’ and it was a great show.  Why not come along with the whole family? There will be food trucks to enjoy and entertainment from 5pm before the movie commences at 6pm

We are looking forward to opening Café MRK to our parents from next Friday 3 June. The Café will be open each Friday from 7.30am – 9.30am, with food and drinks available to purchase.

Thanks so much for being patient through the changes to the traffic plan, particularly for Junior School families in the afternoon exit time.  It appears to be working well, and the added benefit of more classroom time has been terrific. 

It is an exciting time at the College. Thank you for your continued support of all we do. We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events.

‘Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord...’ Colossians 3:23

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Junior School Director of Teaching & Learning

It’s complicated – but there are ways to help crack the code.

It was wonderful to welcome so many parents and carers into the Junior School Library last Tuesday for our information session on InitiaLit in the Kindergarten to Year 2 classrooms. Over 70 people came to hear about this new program, and discover ways to support their children grow in confidence and skill.

Mrs Lawler reminded those who attended of the critical role home reading plays in developing successful reading habits. Talking to your children in the younger grades about sounds in words, and breaking words up into parts are some ways to support the learning happening in the classroom.

Older students have been working hard to develop their reading skills across many different types of texts. What types of texts would you find challenging to understand? What strategies do you use when you don’t understand what you are reading in those texts? Talking to your children about these strategies helps them crack the code of reading.

Reading is an incredibly complex task, yet it is so worthwhile to pursue. It will help with success in learning, as well as bring enjoyment and relaxation into life.


Ms Lisa Hansford
Junior School Director of Teaching and Learning

From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

Everything has changed because of Covid!! 

To survive we closed more than our shops, we closed ourselves. We have become more cautious, less generous, more selfish. We have survived, but have we flourished?

It is time to go back to normal, it is time to get on with our lives. But the question is – what will normal look like? What can normal look like? This reminded me of what normal was for the church just after Jesus died.

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.
44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.
46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

- Acts 2

What a great picture of Christianity! Being Christian then was about having open homes that welcomed others. It was about having open hands sharing with those in need. Being Christian was about having open hearts devoted to Jesus’ teaching, to churching together, and praying together. The open generosity of the early church was fueled by the open generosity of God – God doesn’t simply give us our daily bread, but he gives us his Son too.

We have been closed for long enough because of COVID. It is time, as a community, to open up;  to open our doors, our hands, and our hearts. Let us devote ourselves to each other and indeed Christ. Let's get back to inviting people over, going to church, praying together, sharing of possessions.

We too at Thomas Hassall are excited to have been able to open up for events.

Remember that while closed hearts survive, only open hearts flourish.

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
Upcoming dates

Date Event
Friday 30 May Year 10 Work Placement
Wednesday 1 June Year 12 Music Performance Night
Friday 3 June NASSA Volleyball Gala Day (Years 10-12)

Monday 6 June -

Friday 10 June

Unite Week

Cultural Dress (mufti) Friday

Thursday 9 June Senior School NASSA Athletics Carnival
CIS Primary and Secondary Cross Country Carnival
Friday 10 June CIS Primary Boys Softball Trials
Monday 13 June Queen's Birthday
Cafe MRK

Cafe MRK is reopening on Friday 3 June from 7.30 to 9.30am!

We are very excited to be welcoming parents to Cafe MRK to enjoy a cuppa and time together as a family. Come before school starts with your children, or drop them off and get together with parents afterwards.

Fresh barista made coffee for only $3.50.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Cafe Mrk


Movie Night

Join us for a movie night TONIGHT as we watch Shrek 2!

Friday 27 May | 5pm

This is a free event and everyone is welcome. Gates open at 5pm with food trucks and entertainment. The movie will begin at 6pm.

Bring your picnic rug and blanket and join us in the Rawdon Middleton VC Complex.

View the flyer

Lunch club

Our Years 3 - 6 Students are enjoying getting involved in the lunchtime club.

Here are some of the recent things they have been up to!

Lunch Club

Loving learning

In the past weeks Year 3 has been having an exciting time in Integrated Studies.

We have been comparing the features and characteristics of living and non-living things. This is what Year 3 students have to say about the topic:

I have learnt about wetlands and the type of things that live there. Claudia, 3W.

Living things breed, eat, drink, breathe, grow and move. Antonio, 3W.

Wetlands have lots of water and lots of animals. Xander, 3A.

Wetlands have many animals. There are reptiles, birds, mammals, fish and amphibians.  Ira, 3A.

I am learning about groups of animals by looking if the animals has fur or scales or if it can fly. Juanita, 3F.

I have learnt about amphibians. Frogs, Mexican axolotls and toads are amphibians. Indiana, 3F.

I found out that wetlands are always wet or very full when it is raining. There are lots of wetlands in the world. Many living and non-living things are there, like different kinds of plants such as mangroves and ferns. Madeleine, 3A.

I have learnt about how living things grow. We are learning about plants. For example, how to take care of it. We are experimenting with how they live with or without the sun. William, 3G.

I learnt that seeds or plants can’t grow without water and food. They could grow, but then they die straight away. It takes time for plants to grow. When plants grow, white sprouts come out of them then they grow bigger. Violet, 3G.

We are planting seeds on dirt, in pebbles, in sand, in water, in slime (for fun!), in the light and in the dark to find out about how plants grow. Jade, 3F.


Mrs Bronwyn Ferguson
Assistant Coordinator Stage 2

Junior String Orchestra

The Junior String Orchestra is growing! 

Several new members have joined the Junior String Orchestra this Term and the students have been working hard at rehearsals in anticipation for their first public performance at Grandparents Day today.

They performed two pieces for the occasion, 'Big Ben Boogie' and 'The Music Box'.  For many, this was their first time performing with the group and they were excited to be participating in this event. Mr Ehab Ibrahim conducted the orchestra and it was a great performance.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Junior School Debating

On Thursday 12th of May the Junior School debating team went up against Mount Annan Christian College to debate the topic "That Primary Schools should provide lunch to all students".

We were on the Negative side of the debate and our students did an amazing job of convincing the adjudicator that students should be provided with both balance and choice when it comes to eating lunch. He even commented that we were on the harder side of this debate because in the end, who doesn't want to feed hungry children... everyday.

Our victorious team were very happy with winning the debate and are looking forward to our next round on Monday.

Congratulations to the team: Milana M, Lilianna T, Marvina A and Daniel D. 

Mr David Stroud
Junior School Debating Coach.

Cyber Safety Tips for Parents

With the prevalence of technology, it is important that parents are aware of the key strategies for keeping their children safe online.

Helping children safely use technology and avoid harmful experiences is crucial in developing the next generation of digital citizens.

Many helpful resources are available online, most notably the resources designed for parents from the eSafety Commissioner. The safety website provides helpful information about online safety basics, how to develop a family technology agreement, strategies for developing good habits, information about determining the right age children should access certain technologies (for example, social media), implementing parental controls, suggestions for having difficult conversations, and guidelines to help protect your child’s privacy. These resources are available at https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents/skills-advice

If you have further questions about how you can help support your child’s technology use at home, please contact Megan Bennett via [email protected]

Mrs Megan Bennett
Director of ICT


Grandparents Day

It was a lovely day in our Junior School as we welcomed Grandparents to the College.

The day started at MRK with a morning tea together. We then had a special assembly with performances from our Year 4 band, Drum Circle, Junior Choir, Dance groups and strings ensemble. 

Following the assembly, there were classroom visits where grandparents got to see what they were learning. Throughout the day there was also a book fair in the S Block Hall.

Thank you to everyone who came along and made it such a special day.

Grandparents Day

Music Camp
Music in the Blue Mountains

After two years of Covid restrictions, we finally have the opportunity to host a Senior Music Camp in the beautiful Blue Mountains.  It is an initiative that allows students to extend their music learning in a new and fun environment. Students will have the opportunity to learn new repertoire and participate in different collaborations that will develop their music maturity and confidence. There are also a number of fun activities planned for students to provide some social time with friends, allowing for a well-balanced experience between music and recreation. A parent concert will be held at the end of the camp showcasing the students newly learnt music and skills gained over the weekend.

All Senior students that are involved in ensembles are invited to enroll in the camp.  More information can be provided by emailing [email protected] and the permission forms can be completed using the following link  online camp form.  All forms need to be completed by Thursday 2 June.

We look forward to running this long anticipated camp and providing students with this learning opportunity.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Gifted Awareness Week

Have you ever met the person who seems to think like you?

You might use the same style of music for a particular purpose or you might do the same type of research over a holiday destination or a style of running shoe. Or you might approach new hobbies with the same level of fervour. I met someone a few years ago who expressed ‘I finally have met someone like me’ after years of feeling like no one else thought like them and they were too different.

But have you ever considered what it means to be like-minded as a child and there are limits to who they can interact with based on school, community groups, and family?

In schools, we talk about grouping gifted students with like-minded peers. This might mean that a student who is highly perceptive with mathematics is grouped with similar students, but they may not remain with that group when it comes to other skills or domains. But there are some kids who find their like-mindedness with older students or adults. You might notice your child holding long and engaging conversations over very specific things with a surprising audience, yet the other person isn’t ‘faking’ their engagement, they are genuinely enjoying themselves.

Sometimes gifted children have specific interests that parents or siblings may not share. For a young person, finding another person who thinks like them is validating and helps them feel that they are not different; rather they are normal with a different group of people. As the adult, we sometimes need to become that like-minded peer. We need to continue to encourage our gifted students in their diverse passions because we cannot know what their future holds – only that we can help spur them on their path!

Further reading on supporting your gifted child: https://www.aaegt.net.au/supporting-your-gifted-child-an-information-sheet-for-parents

Mrs Millie Pettett
Coordinator of Learning Innovation – Middle Years and G & T