The Way Weekly Recap I Friday 16 October 2020

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Welcome back to Term 4!

Please enjoy a Welcome to Term 4 Video Message from Mr Whelan.

Click below if you would like to read the transcript.




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Hello everyone and welcome back to College for Term 4. It’s been a great week for students and staff at Thomas Hassall – perhaps not so for the Premier or the COVID numbers, and we continue to watch carefully for any impacts on our College community.  We have a project team that continues to meet twice each week to examine ways we can be the very best in terms of healthy and safe practice in every College classroom, staffroom and program.  Regulations are being reviewed for music events, excursions and interschool sport.  In one important playground project, we are changing 50% of the bubblers into taps for drink containers to be filled, and every room continues to have hand sanitizers and additional cleaning of surfaces.  I was talking just yesterday to the owner of our cleaning firm, who said that new technologies are improving the level of cleaning that is now available, as a result of COVID.  That’s good news.  Where are the opportunities for us all from this difficult event?

We held a special webinar last night for Orientation for the new 2021 Year 7 students.  It went for 90 minutes and students and parents were able to have their questions answered by a live panel of our teaching experts, and from all accounts it was well received.  We’ve found that parent teacher evenings might be just as effective on Zoom, where parents can be seated in comfort at home with their child, and the meetings with teachers can stay on time and be relevant. Let’s continue to test this one and in a survey later this term, we can gauge your opinions about continuing such a change in 2021.  Where are the opportunities for the College out of this event?

And we are all thinking about Year 12 students as they make their final preparations for the Higher School Certificate exams that start next Tuesday.  We all remember the final days of preparing for special events don’t we – there’s a mixture of butterflies and hope, and a nervous optimism that we will get through it well and as quickly as possible.  It’s been an interesting and difficult year for these young adults and we have stood with them; worked with them; prayed regularly for them and we have every confidence in their next journey into university or TAFE or work.  Year 12 had a great last week and they’ve allowed us to start 2 new traditions for the College.  The ‘Hassall Gift’ – a Prep to Year 12 House Relay with the whole College in attendance was a special race with over 100 runners. Many of our students have had their school years here at Thomas Hassall from Prep to Year 12.  The Hassall Gift will be a special event every year from now.  And we started the ‘Year 12 Walk of Honour’ this year which allowed every Year 12 student to be celebrated by every other student in the College.  It took quite a while to walk right around the College and allowed them to relive some of their happy memories of their time at the College.  They’ve also had a special study week here at the College over the vacation.  The Year 12 Graduation Ceremony will occur in a special outdoor evening event on the Oval on the day after the HSC finishes – parents and family members will be here and it will be a great time.  They will also be able to have a Formal night as well – it will be held in the city in the following week, and it will be a night to celebrate such a big year. Year 12 2020 have been a special group – they’ve been our 2020 heroes really, and we wish them well.  Please pray for them next Tuesday and for their future.

How are you and your family coping with the year so far.  It’s been an uncertain time hasn’t it.  Thanks for your support too of all that has been occurring here at the College.  What about next year – 2021. Without a magic vaccine for COVID, and the way the international scene is looking, it’s likely that we will be in much the same steady program of managing the virus and its impact, I imagine.  At the College we are taking a measured approach, to continue to support students and staff and families.  We think that we can hold fees where they are – perhaps $25-35 more per term only for the whole year. 

We want to hear from you as you need.  We want to continue to connect more with each family and each student.  Are there other opportunities to develop our links – a digital business directory perhaps; or a network for past students who can benefit from their links with the College and each other.  There was great interest and joy from the ‘20 years in 20 days’ project – the old photos posted on Facebook and Instagram, and we want to continue to connect the community at this time – let’s benefit from the 20 years of the College story.

Take care; talk to us if there are issues for your family.  We are a Christian community.  We have a God who cares, and His son the Lord Jesus Christ has won the big battle of life for us if we believe in Him and follow Him.  Thanks for your continued support. 

Ross Whelan

‘…but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe’.   Hebrews 1:2

Mr Ross Whelan
From the JS Director of Teaching & Learning

 "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. "I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." Michael Jordan, US basketball player

I have been thinking of these words over the break. Teachers, students and families return to Term 4 in the anticipation of a big term. Assessments, completing units of work, reports and taking home work from the year.

What does it mean for our students to succeed? Does it mean to get A grades in their report? Obtaining a prize at Celebration? Or does it mean that each student made plenty of mistakes as they challenged themselves to achieve new goals?

At Thomas Hassall, teachers want students to show determination in their learning. We hope that students set goals and then work hard to achieve them. A goal may involve academic learning, or social behaviours in the playground, or working with others in the classroom.

As we approach the busyness of the final term of 2020, please encourage your children to push themselves academically and socially. The way to true success is through displaying determination and by recognising the importance and value of making mistakes.

Ms Lisa Hansford
Director of Teaching and Learning

From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning
David Butler

Thanks to all the Year 6 students and families who logged in to join us for the Orientation Webinar last night.

It was a great chance to meet some key staff in the Senior School area and experience the flavour of Senior School here at Thomas Hassall. Hopefully many of your pressing questions were answered, however, if you have need of any further information, please contact the enrolments team on [email protected] .

It was wonderful to hear from our speaker Ms Munro who explained the testing and class placement process and also from Mr McCormack who unpacked our Pastoral Care program and highlighted the importance of the College and parent partnership in bringing about the best conditions for success in education.

The next session of Orientation will be held on Thursday 19 November and information in regards to this event will be sent out to you shortly.

Mr David Butler
Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning
From the Assistant Chaplain- Junior School

Operation Christmas Child

Over the holidays many students from the Junior School have been busy shopping to fill their Operation Christmas Child (OCC) box to give to children in need all over the world.

It has been so exciting to see so many students bringing in boxes. I would like to say a huge thank you for supporting your child as they give to those in need.

Just a reminder that next Friday, the 23rd of October, is the final day to hand in the OCC boxes. From there they will be collected and distributed around the world to Children in need. As you fill these boxes it is also important to carefully follow the instructions on the pamphlet provided as there are many items that cannot be sent overseas.

Thank you again for your partnership. Continue to pray as these boxes are sent out to people in need, that they will not only receive the box for Christmas but they will also hear the good news of Jesus, that is the greatest gift anyone could receive.

Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Term 4 Important Dates
20 OctoberTuesday2020 HSC Examinations Commence 

9 November


Mid Term Break (Students Only)

12 November ThursdayClass of 2020 Graduation
9 DecemberWednesdayLast day of Term 4 & College year 


Raising Boys

Raising Boys_3x2_1.jpg

Raising Boys
Raising Boys

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg reminds us that boys learn their behaviour by watching their fathers and other role models. He also highlights that often their physical maturity is at odds with their mental and brain development.

He says that 16 year old boys may look mature,  but he reminds us that they don't necessarily think like mature young men.  He says that they may look like mature young men at 16, but it it is important to know that they don't think like mature young men. 

Many parents will attest to the fact that most boys are active, loud, rambunctious and prone to rough play, but this should not affect how a parent acts towards their son. Be careful not to pigeon-hole your son into sex specific behaviours or gender roles. The male brain is distinctly differently in its development. A boy’s physical maturity is often at odds with his mental and brain development.

Societal beliefs about how to raise boys can sometimes influence their adult carers. Although we are not determined by our biology, it is a factor. It is important to support boys in their natural tendencies and nurture their strengths and abilities. Teach them the skills they need for their future and to develop a healthy identity. It is important for boys to have a role model they can connect with and acknowledge who they are. One of the most important determinants for a boy’s development is how secure they feel growing up.

In this edition of SchoolTV, adult carers will gain a better understanding into some of the more complex issues relating to raising boys. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback. Maggie Dent’s book , on "From Boys to Men" is a useful resource and an easy read.  We encourage you to consider  a free audiobook on this topic.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to this month's edition

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling

Source: SchoolTV

Junior Choir

Celebration in Song

It's been an exciting return to our Junior Choir rehearsals with the lifting of restrictions allowing the Junior students to sing together once again.  In Term 3 the choir had continued to work hard on their rhythm and composition skills and were individually learning their parts of the song "He Has Done Marvellous Things" in anticipation of their return to group singing. It was fitting to celebrate with this song which praises God for His goodness towards us in bringing us through such challenging times. The choirs enthusiasm was evident in their performance. 

Well done Junior Choir.

Miss Simone Rapisarda
Senior School Teacher - Creative Arts

Year 5 Transition Program

This week marked the start of the Year 5 Transition program.

Students had the opportunity to participate in Visual Arts, Science, Drama and History.

Our Visual Arts teacher, Mr Brattoni, taught students about physical dimensions when sketching characters and how to plan this using ovals. Our History teacher, Mr Mills, gave students a taste of Ancient Egypt, where students had to demonstrate Mummy-wrapping skills. Our Drama teacher, Miss Chavura, taught students about dramatic focus and tension through a variety of drama activities. Our Science teacher, Mr Strong, taught students about visual illusions and demonstrated safe practice within a science lab space.

We’re off to a great start and the students loved their first week.  

Mrs Millie Pettett
Coordinator of Learning Innovation – Middle Years and G & T

Return to Band Rehearsals

Ensembles Return!

During the holidays, NSW schools received fantastic news that music ensembles are allowed to resume playing their instruments again! It has been an excellent start to the term, being able to hear the full band sound again, after months of not playing as an ensemble. Of course, students are still following physical distancing guidelines, with wider spacing between each student as they play.

We look forward to being able to perform again soon to a live audience. Enjoy looking through the happy snaps from this weeks’ rehearsals.

Thank you to all students and parents for being patient throughout the year, and lets continue to be cautious so that we can continue to play!

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

The Human Service course

In the last edition of the Way, we profiled the work of our first male nurse trainee at Thomas Hassall -  Monson A -  as he met with many challenges on the road to successful graduation. 

We have just received the reports for our other three Year 12 nurse trainees at Liverpool Hospital, who will all graduate comfortably with solid credentials that give them access to paid work in nursing.  Rose, Tayla and Maddi have achieved well and are now in an excellent position to build their careers in Nursing or allied health areas whilst at the same time being paid to do nurse work.

The Human Service course they have completed requires basic medical knowledge and then competency in a wide range of ward functions such as providing first aid, infection prevention, movement and transport of patients, recognition of how bodily systems are travelling, and even assisting in acute care and supporting dementia patients.  It is most impressive to see how capable, flexible and cooperative these girls have become over the last two years of their course.  Well done girls on your excellent achievement.

This is all the more praiseworthy when one considers the difficulties of COVID restrictions on hospital environments and our nurses bravely persevering in the face of these to complete their pracs.  They have all done this whilst remaining healthy themselves.  We wish them all the best for their careers in medical and allied areas for the future.

Mr Jim Ward
Careers Advisor

Flynn Avenue namesake

During the Holidays, our Bus Driver Russell and his wife Joanne, visited the Royal Flying Doctor Experience in Dubbo.

While they were there he took this photo with information about The Reverend John Flynn.

Rev. Flynn was the founder of the Flying Doctor Service.  Flynn Avenue running alongside the College is named after him.  The Very Reverend John Flynn, OBE, DD, "Flynn of the Inland" was born at Moliagul, central Victoria on 25 November, 1880.

It's good to be reminded of Christian men and women who have served and contributed in such major ways to the greater Australian community.

A Spotlight on Alumni

Our Alumni, Adnan Meher, was this year named in the Lawyers Weekly 30 Under 30 Winner 2020 IP.  

(Image from

"The Lawyers Weekly 30 Under 30 is an exciting awards program that identifies the finest young lawyers across Australia. Achieving 30 Under 30 status offers the foundation for career progression, providing industry-wide recognition for professional competency while highlighting a passion for the law and dedication for personal advancement". (Read the full article here)

Adnan graduated from the College in 2008 after starting the College in Year 7 2003. Upon completion of Year 12, he went on to study a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Law at Macquarie University. He now specialises in Intellectual Property.

We reached out to Adnan to congratulate him and see how things have progressed. Adnan is a proud College Alum who still has fond memories of his time here, sharing  "The college gave me everything I needed to succeed both in life and in a career"

Congratulations on your achievement Adnan.

We are always interested to hear from our Alumni and find out what they have achieved. Are you past alumni or know somebody who is? Stay connected with us by emailing [email protected] and joining as an alumni on our website

2020 Talented Athletes Programs and Development Programs

We still have some positions available for Term Four afternoon Development Programs.

All programs commenced this week and will finish at the end of Week 7, Friday 27 November.

To find out more information, please read the individual brochures below:
Football Seniors (soccer)
Football Juniors (soccer)

The overall daily schedule is found on the book page.

How to book:
Enrolment applications must be completed online using the Thomas Hassall website.  The booking link is found on the Events booking page.
If you have any enquiries regarding the programs please email: [email protected]

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sport Coordinator
Talented Athletes Program Coordinator