The Way Weekly Recap I Friday 7 August 2020

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

The last 6 months has certainly been an adventure and the 20th year Anniversary for the College is memorable for our community – for other events and reasons isn’t it?

In the last week and as a result of the South West virus clusters at the Crossroads and the Thai Rock Café, four of the local schools needed to close – two for 14 days and two for 2 days.  They are all back to regular programs by next Monday.

Our COVID Action Team went into action and we have developed a detailed plan should we need to move into emergency mode.  These days, NSW Health take control of the key communication with schools and affected families and then close contacts.  Again, let me commend the work of NSW Health and other authorities who have enabled a level of confidence and calm in NSW.  Essentially our plan is to immediately lock down; and then to move to a student pick up plan using the afternoon plan except for a need to not use buses.  Rather, children would need to be picked up by car.

As you might imagine, there is every wish to remain in our regular programs.  The South West clusters appear to have slowed down which is good news.  My recommendation to every family is that all students should be back at College now.  If there are any particular concerns for your child, you will need to be in discussion with the relevant teacher on staff.

In the meantime, temperature testing now occurs for every student every day; every staff member every day; and our health guidelines are being constantly maintained. 

Just a reminder that if a family member needs to take a COVID test, please do not send children to College until a negative result is confirmed.

Communication of the correct information is always important and the College App is another very effective way to receive the latest information. 

Year 12 students are in the middle of their trial HSC Examinations and as you might imagine, 2020 continues to be a ‘testing’ time for them.  Please remember them in your prayers.  We have an outstanding group of young adults in Year 12 this year.

Thanks again for your patience and support.  Please feel free to ask questions of our programs and practices.

Because Jesus lives forever, He has a permanent priesthood. Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.' Hebrew 7:24-25

Mr Ross Whelan
From the JS Director of Operations and Welfare

I wanted to bring an update on the wellbeing of all Junior students at Thomas Hassall Anglican College.

While we are continuing to adjust to what a new normal is and I must give credit to the students and their amazing ability to adapt to a new set of circumstances.  We have split K-2 playgrounds and 3-6 playgrounds and that has a significant change but a helpful one.

One aspect of the changes that we have made is that unfortunately we have had to cancel many excursions and events. The College is now looking at how we can plan activities that are safe while maintaining social distancing. Some of these events include a chess tournament and author visits where children could explore poetry and write their own examples.

We want to give students a sense of fun and provide activities that are outside what the normal day to day experience of the College will be.  

Mr Luke Sale
Junior School Director of Operations and Welfare

From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development
Roger Young

With HSC Trials currently underway and the fact that we have seen some local schools having to close for a time, due to COVID19, I continue to be grateful for the relative security of knowing we can continue to function with students on site.

Because of the recent situation we have had to pause on all representative sport competitions and external excursions, including things like the: Dukes Program, CIS Cup, Gala Days and Debating etc. These changes to our plans have been disappointing for all parties, but they have been part of the overall strategy aimed at minimizing risk and ensuring we are doing all we can to keep the community safe.  Nevertheless, despite the current challenges, we are being proactive in how we are managing life.

We are about to begin a Year 7 to 11 House Competition in selected sport for all students.  We have already seen Years 7 & 8 successfully engage in House Sport across this year.  Every student has been part of the team, and every student has contributed to the final outcome, gathering new skills along the way. We are just about to announce some lunchtime competitions called the ‘Year of Origin’. This competition will allow the best of each Year Group to play off against another Year Group in a given sport. This gives opportunity for students, normally involved in competitive pathways, to extend their skills and provide a positive outlet for our keen sportspersons.

There is an understandable concern around the status and format of the Year 12 Graduation and Year 10 and 12 Formals. We have been developing a plan for each one of these events but the current realities have dictated that we have a Plan A and a Plan B with flexibility to adapt as circumstances change.

For the most part I am very proud of our student community and the way that they have just got on with the job regardless of what has been put in front of them.  Every generation will have their own challenges.  It is good to know that in all of the different ups and downs there is a consistency that we can hold onto and draw strength from and that comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible reminds us that, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and so despite the circumstances we can rely on Him for our future.

Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
From the Assistant Chaplain

After mowing the lawn in the heat of summer all I can think about is how nice a drink would go down.

I long for some water to satisfy my thirst.  Below is an amazing prayer from David, Psalm 63. Here we see that David had a ‘thirst for God’. Before you get into it let me provide some context.

After David had been anointed king by the prophet Samuel he had to wait a long time before he was able to actually be the King of Israel.  At that time Saul was King, Saul was getting increasingly jealous of David’s rise in popularity that he spent many years trying to hunt David down to kill him.

David wrote this Psalm while he was fleeing from King Saul and his men. He spent a lot of his time hiding in the desert hoping he would not be found and killed.

In a time like this, when David was fleeing for his very life, it would be expected that his prayers would be full of cries for help (and many of his prayers were) but David never ceased to remember Gods goodness even in the hardest and darkest times.

Have a read of Psalm 63 and see how beautiful David’s prayer is. See how David ‘thirsts for God’ even when times were tough.

I hope this prayer can be an encouragement to us all.

Psalm 63
A psalm of David. When he was in the Desert of Judah.

You, God, are my God,
    earnestly I seek you;
I thirst for you,
    my whole being longs for you,
in a dry and parched land
    where there is no water.

I have seen you in the sanctuary
    and beheld your power and your glory.
Because your love is better than life,
    my lips will glorify you.
I will praise you as long as I live,
    and in your name I will lift up my hands.
I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods;
    with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

On my bed I remember you;
    I think of you through the watches of the night.
Because you are my help,
    I sing in the shadow of your wings.
I cling to you;
    your right hand upholds me.

God Bless

Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Term 3 Important Dates

31 August 2020


Mid Term Break – Staff & Students

25 September 2020


Final Day of Term 3


The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Prep

Prep have been reading and exploring the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

It was written and illustrated by Eric Carle. The students have been learning how to sequence the days of the week in the correct order. They have also shown their ability to retell the story in their own words using a felt board and story stones. They have enjoyed counting all of the foods the caterpillar ate until he got a stomach ache! Prep students have had lots of fun using their fine motor skills to make their own hungry caterpillar necklaces. We have been making patterns on caterpillars and painting caterpillars.

The students will explore other books written and illustrated by Eric Carle throughout the rest of the term.

Mrs Erin Johnson
Prep Red

Thanks to our Bus Drivers

Thanks to our bus drivers for all their hard work and maintaining high standards through this time.

The bus drivers are constantly taking advice for all the latest health news and our buses are cleaned twice a day.

We appreciate the cooperation of the students and families also in helping to keep everyone safe.



Anyone who is sick with cold or flu-like symptoms, even with mild symptoms should not attend College.

Keep the College notified of any non-attendance which is COVID-19 related such as self-isolation or waiting for test results. Use the attendance form or call 9608 0033.

College App

The College App is the fastest mode of communication we have with College Families.  Please ensure you have downloaded the app and have notifications turned on.

Search for Thomas Hassall Anglican College in the App Store or Google Play Store.

Find out how to turn notifications on and also get the download links from the College website.

No School Banking in Term 3

We advise that there will be NO College banking for Term 3.