From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

At the College this week, every student has taken part in an Easter Service.  We trust you and your family might understand the life renewing message of Easter this weekend in 2018. 

Year 12 students begin their Mid-Course Examinations next week and their weekend will involve additional time in study in preparation no doubt.  Parents will remember their final year at school won’t they – the pressures and the joys of the final year.  Our 2018 final year students just today have been presented with their Year 12 jackets – the symbol of unity and the final year.  We want them to stand together and take every step towards the HSC target. They have carried a motto – ‘Shoulder to Shoulder’ and we wish them well during the next weeks and months.

What a lovely night of ‘Movies Under the Stars’ a week ago.  A maximum audience for the change of venue indoors, and a great family night.  Let’s do it again.  Thanks to the Class Parents’ Team; the organising staff team and associated helpers.  Another very positive event.

We are excited also about the interest from parents about the Wellbeing Matters evening coming up on Wednesday 11 April at 7:30pm.  Already some 250 people are booked in to hear well known psychologist Colleen Hirst on the topic, ‘Postive Parenting in an Age of Anxiety.’ It will be a great event so please consider making a booking on the website in the next week or so.

On our last day before Easter hundreds of Senior School students have challenged themselves and their mates in the annual College Cross Country Carnival at Rossmore Grange.  In perfect weather conditions along a tough course students have engaged in friendly competition and the top athletes will now progress to the NASSA Cross Country to compete against other Anglican schools.  Congratulations to students and staff on such a great event.

Please enjoy the Easter break and drive carefully.  Term 1 concludes in a fortnight.

Best regards,
Ross Whelan

‘But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’ Romans 5:8

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal
Deputy Junior

We have participated in a number of amazing community events over the past week.  We have joined together for breakfast with the parents from Prep to Year 3 which enabled us to talk through issues and things happening that are important to all parents. It was a great time of sharing ideas, posing problems and looking for solutions. Traffic was certainly high on everyone’s agenda and Mr Whelan shared with the parents about a study that Year 11 students are undertaking as well as a traffic engineer to see if there are steps we may take to improve the flow of traffic around the College. You can help with this by making sure you are using the drop offs and pickup areas correctly and delaying arriving at College in the afternoon until 2.30pm. I also ask that we show patience and consideration to each other and to our neighbours.

Our first community event for the year was also a great success. Unfortunately the inclement weather meant that the 'Movie Under The Stars' became the 'Movie in the Auditorium' but that did not stop the many families who attended having a great time. The movie was a good one for all ages and it was lovely to see teachers, parents and students gathering together for a relaxed social event.

This week our focus has been on Easter. Prep to Year 4 had a great time at the annual Easter hat parade, a great tradition that saw so many amazing creations! Years 5 and 6 also amazed us with their creativity and humour as they presented their annual Eggshibition where we had a range of diaramas showing eggs in a very different light. Well done to everyone.

Easter is a very special time on the Christian calendar. In our Easter assemblies we all learnt the true meaning of Easter, that God sent his Son to die on the cross so that we might be saved from our sins. The children heard from the Bible, listened to the story being explained and were presented with a great verse from the Bible.

‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’
John 3:16

Mrs Christine Bessant
Deputy Principal
From the College Chaplain

I was excited and shocked because this student had previously told me that he didn't believe in God. I was immediately disappointed when I saw the smirk on his face when he said, 'April Fools'. 

This year, Easter Sunday falls on April Fool's Day, but Jesus’ death is no joke.

At the first Easter, people thought that Jesus was a bit of a joke. The Bible record crowds, soldiers and leaders mocking Jesus. And although it seems random and unplanned, this was God's intention to save humanity from an eternity without him.

But the joke was on the jokers, as what appeared to be a sign of weakness and defeat, displayed God's victory over sin and death (1 Corinthians 15:55-57).

What an amazing concept, that he who was innocent became guilty for sinners. He lavished His love, forgiveness, and mercy on us and provided a way for us to be saved. Now we too, who have faith in Jesus will one day rise again and live eternally with our God!

As we reflect this Easter this year, let's remember the seriousness of Jesus’ death on the cross for our sin, expressed His boundless love and displayed ultimate power and authority over the sin of this world.

If you or your family would like to find out more, why not go this weekend to a local church service? Please see the page of this newsletter regarding those details. 

And as always, may God bless you abundantly! 

Happy Easter!

Stuart Tye

Movie Night in the Auditorium!

Last Friday night we had scheduled Movies Under the Stars on the oval, however, due to the rain and continued threatening weather we moved the event into the Auditorium.  It ended up being such a fun night, thanks to all who came along.  We had around 300 in attendance.  There was a lovely sense of community, great food, entertainment, games and giveaways and of course the movie 'Sing' which was a smashing hit!  It was great to see everyone pack into the Auditorium which had a cozy feel and a real sense of being at the movies with the popcorn flowing and choc tops aplenty!  

Thanks to all who helped out on the evening from food service, setting up the screen to face painting which also included mums and dads from our Class Parent Network.  

We look forward to the next one.  

Ms Christine Klomp
Personal Assistant to the Principal

Writers wanted - K-12 to enter a UK Poetry Festival

Follow the link

In 2003, I entered my Year 3 class (from Thomas Hassall Anglican College) and we won FIRST and THIRD place which was a very special achievement in an international competition.

I recently sent an email to all College families explaining the rules (if you did not receive this email then please check your email details with the office).

There is no set theme.  Here is a link to the rules:

Children’s (up to 12 years old) entries can be handwritten.

Young persons’ entries (12 – 17 years old) must be typed.

How to return entries:

Junior School – please complete an entry form and hand in to me (my room is R2 – the old MultiLit room).

Senior School - please complete an entry form and hand into the Office (they will put them in my pigeon hole).

All entries must be in by Term 2, Week 3, Friday 18th May.  I will post them to the UK in one envelope.

Young Persons’ prizes (12-17 years old)

First Prize: £100 cash
Second Prize: £50
Third Prize: £25

Children’s Prizes (under 12 years old)

First Prize: £25 book token
Second Prize: £15 book token
Third Prize: £10 book token

Suggested literacy techniques:

Suggested language features:  Alliteration; assonance (the same vowel sound is repeated but the consonants are different; he passed her a sharp, dark glance, shot a cool, foolish look across the room); hyperbole; similes; metaphors; personification; onomatopoeia; oxymoron (bitter sweet); pathos (language which evokes pity) and rhythm - Tennyson's poem The Lady of Shallot uses a strong internal rhythm to build up the sense of unrelenting monotony in the poem.

Students are able to write any style of poem.  However, I would suggest it is better to write poems which do not rhyme (unless you are as talented as Roald Dahl).

Mrs Emma Harris
Junior School Stage 1 Coordinator 





Prep and Kindergarten Applications 2019

We are currently taking Applications for our Prep and Kindergarten programs for 2019.  Sibling applications must be in no later than the end of Term 1, Friday 13 April, 2018. Any applications submitted after this date will not guarantee sibling priority.  Please click on the following link to download your application form  .

Easter Hat Parade

The sun was shining and the turn out from parents and friends was fantastic - a great morning was had by all! We have captured in these photos just a few of the fabulous Easter Hat creations.   Well done to everyone (including the mums and dads) for your efforts.  


There were lots of fantastic displays with very creative ideas on view for parents and students on Tuesday. We even spotted Mrs Bessant, Mr Young and Mr Whelan in one of the displays - "A More Eggscellent Way".

Well done to all who made displays this week.

Principal's Awards

Well done to all of the recipients.

Term 1 & 2 Important Dates
Friday  30 March 2018 Good Friday Public Holiday
Monday 2 April 2018 Easter Monday Public Holiday 
Wednesday 4 April 2018 Parents from Years 4-6 Breakfast with the Principal 
Tuesday 10 April 2018 Parents from Years 7&8 Breakfast with the Principal 
Wednesday 11 April 2018

Parents from Years 9-12 Breakfast with the Principal
Wellbeing Matters Event - Positive Parenting in an Age of Anxiety

Thursday  5 April 2018 Year 8 &10 Parent Teacher Night
Junior School Parent Teacher Night
Tuesday  10 April 2018 Junior School Parent Teacher Night
Friday  13 April 2018 Last Day of Term 1 


Tuesday 1 May 2018 First day of Term 2
Thurs - Sat 3 - 5 May 2018 Musical 2018 - 'Leader of the Pack.'
Friday 4 May 2018 Senior School Athletics Carnival
Thurs - Sat 10 - 12 May 2018 Musical 2018 - 'Leader of the Pack.'
Mon - Thur 15 - 18 May 2018 NAPLAN Testing 2018
Monday 28 May 2018 Year 12 Parent Teacher Night
Monday  11 June 2018 Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Friday  29 June 2018 Last Day of Term 2


EventsBack to Top

Code Camp in April Holidays

Dates: Tuesday 24th April - Friday 27th April (excluding Anzac Day on the 25th April)

Time: 8:30am-4pm

For more information and to book, please visit

Mrs Megan Bennett
ICT Innovation and Learning Coordinator 

Wellbeing Matters Event - 11 April 2018

An event for all stages of parenting.

Due to an overwhelming response we have moved the event to the Auditorium so there is plenty of room.

Secure your tickets now!


The Southwest Festival is back!

The Southwest Festival is a day for all the Community with rides, stalls, food, school tours and entertainment! Save the date for a family filled day of fun.

Lots more details for stallholders and our community will come over the coming months.

WellbeingBack to Top

Physical Activity & Exercise

Research shows, that regular physical activity and exercise leads to changes in the brain. It improves cognitive function, elevates mood, enhances learning and improves academic outcomes. Playing sport helps kids develop fundamental movement skills impacting positively on their confidence, self-esteem and ability to develop social skills. Parents play an important role in helping children establish positive habits that will benefit them in the long-term.

In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will discover practical advice relating to the benefits of regular physical activity and exercise, as well as tips on how to get their kids motivated and moving more. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month's edition and we always welcome your feedback.

If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the School Counsellors for further information.

Here is the link to this month's edition

Source: SchoolTV

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Student Wellbeing Coordinator


LearningBack to Top

Deborah Abela's Author Visit to talk to Year Three

Deborah Abela is an Australian author of children's books, most notably the Max Remy, Super Spy series, Grimsdon and Teresa A New Australian.  She came to give a writing workshop to the Year 3 students. She talked about what made her a writer, saying that from an early age she always thought, "I wonder what would happen if...." Deborah has written 24 books and talked about writing a story being like making a cake with a blank piece of paper in front of us and we need to start at the beginning (before we pick up a pen). The secret three ingredients you need for a story are complication (the problem), characters and a setting. You can then work out an exciting start, the title and an ending.

The students were extremely engaged as she talked them through how she decided on the plot for Grimsdon. Just as The Lorax is Dr Seuss's cranky book about the destruction to environment, Grimsdon came from her concern about the way the planet is being treated.  The question Deborah asked which started this story was - "I wonder what would happen if something big went wrong with the planet?"

Year 3 students thoroughly enjoyed working with Deborah and are very keen to get started writing their own stories.

Mrs Emma Harris 
Stage 1 Coordinator

4D Challenge Themselves

This Challenge is run by the CSIRO and it is a fun way to develop computational thinking and problem solving skills. Students chose to work either individually, in pairs or small groups and they completed a series of challenging and engaging problems, some requiring students to use a great deal of perseverance and persistence.

All students performed well and achieved some great results. Special congratulations go to Annabel who achieved a Distinction, and Alex L and Adrian who achieved a High Distinction. Well done!

4D will participate in Round 2 of the Challenge in September.

Miss Claire Donaldson
Junior School Teacher - 4D

'Best experience of my life!'

“Harbour Bridge, Harbour Bridge,” was the chant as the bus headed over the bridge. The Opera House and the huge cruise ship in the harbour whizzed by. Finally, we had arrived at the Museum of Sydney. 

There were so many different exhibits to see. One display had models of the eleven ships from the First Fleet. A huge painting showed an Aboriginal perspective of the Fleet’s landing at Sydney Cove. We saw the remains of the first Government House, where Governor Arthur Phillip lived, as well as some of the original pipes and foundations that had been excavated by archaeologists. 

We split into groups and investigated objects to learn more about life for Aboriginal people in 1788. They ate many kinds of berries, used paperbark to wrap fish and ground down shells to create fish hooks! We also learned about Nanbaree, an Aboriginal boy whose parents died of smallpox after the British arrival. A game of charades showed us how difficult it would have been for the Aboriginal people to communicate with the British settlers. 

For lunch, we headed to the Royal Botanical Garden and it was beautiful. Fortunately it wasn’t too wet or raining. When we finished eating we had a run around and looked at the pretty flowers. 

As we were walking to our next stop of the excursion, we walked past Parliament House, the State Library and the Mint, before arriving at Hyde Park Barracks. Inside, lots of displays, models and artefacts competed for our attention. We learned about crafty convicts, sailing ships and putrid prisons. We tried on some convict clothes and they were very different to ours. The clothes had a stamp on them, so if you ran away, they’d know where you had come from! Secondary punishments included whipping with a cat o’ nine tails, wearing thick, itchy clothing, or having heavy chains put around your ankles. 

We also had a bricklaying race. My group won! Brick making was one of the convicts’ many jobs. Did you know that they had to make hundreds of bricks each day? They marked each hundredth brick with a finger mark. You can still see these marks on some of the bricks on the walls of the Barracks.

Exhausted, we fell into convict hammocks for a short rest. After looking at some convict indents (a form with information about each convict), we headed back to College after a long, but very fun day.

In the words of Zane, “Best experience of my life!”

By Aaron, Alex C, Alex L, Alexia, Ana, Aynie, Isabella P, Mark, Rico, Zane and Miss Donaldson (Class 4D)

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Camden Show

In 2018, we had the following ensembles perform: Intermediate Stage Band, Junior Drum Circle, and Contemporary Band. All students performed extremely well and it was the best excursion we have had to the Camden Show to date! Everyone worked as a team to load musical equipment on and off the bus, and were a positive support when watching other schools perform too. Students even had time to take a quick tour of the show and walk around to look at all the exciting rides and showbags on offer. They even got a free piece of fruit from the Woolworths stand! Well done everyone. 

Mr Byron Mark
Ensembles Manager


Open Day Celebrations

Many thanks to all the student musicians who performed and contributed to an important part of the day. 

Live music during events like this creates a great positive and encouraging atmosphere and showcases the depth and variety of music studied at Thomas Hassall.

Congratulations to all those students involved.

Mr Byron Mark
Ensembles Manager

Junior Concert Band Debut

It was the debut performance of our newest co-curricular ensemble, the Junior Concert Band, who played at the P-2 assembly last week. This group, directed by Mr Lane, commenced rehearsing in Week 3 of this term, and comes together to rehearse every Tuesday morning. The group is comprised mostly of Year 5 students, who are graduates of the Year 4 Band Program. It is inspiring to see so many of our students continue on with their music studies, and we enjoy providing opportunities like this to students so they can purse and follow their musical journey. The Junior Concert Band is assisted by several music tutors who also sit in during the rehearsal to help students, and model the sound for them.

Well done to all students involved, and this is the first great performance of many to come!

Mr Byron Mark
Ensembles Manager


Musical News

On Saturday we ran through all of Act 1 and it was wonderful seeing all of the various elements come together. We are having a quick break over Easter but back to it on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday next week.

Tickets go on sale Sunday 1 April. Invite your friends and family to this wonderful College event and also the wider community. It will be a fun show not to be missed!

Please keep the staff and students in your prayers as they have lots of extra work to do on top of assignments and existing commitments. Many thanks too for the staff and director for their time and dedication to our students.

I’m sure you will truly enjoy this high-quality production and can’t wait for the 2nd week of holidays were the final intensive rehearsals take place.

Mr Nicholas Lane
Faculty Co-ordinator - Creative Arts

NSW CIS Primary Girls Soccer trials

On Monday 19 March, Isabella Sultan and Abbie Furley represented the College at the NSW CIS Primary Girls Football trials. 

In a strong field of over eighty girls trialing for a position in the state team, both girls showed skill and sportsmanship as they played throughout the day.

We are very excited to announce that Isabella was selected in the NSW CIS team to play in the NSW PSSA Girls Football Championships in Kiama in Term Two. 

Congratulations Isabella!  Well done to both girls on your fine performance!

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sport Coordinator / TAP Coordinator

Junior School Sport - Information & Important Dates

Important Junior School Sport Dates

Term One

Week 10 -           Thursday 5 April - Paul Kelly Cup - Year 5 and 6 IPSSO AFL team - Greenway Park

Week 11 -           Monday 9 April - NASSA Junior Netball Gala Day - Genea Centre Homebush - Year 5 and 6 IPSSO Netball team

Week 11 -           Monday 9 April - NSW CIS Primary Boys Football trials (team selected at the NASSA Junior Soccer Gala Day)

Week 11 -           Thursday 12 April - Cops and Kids League Shield Day - Year 5 and 6 IPSSO Oz Tag team - Brown's Farm Reserve

Term Two

Week 1 -           Wednesday 2 May – Year 3 - 6 Cross Country - Greenway Park

Week 2 -           Friday 11 May – NASSA Cross Country - Horsely Park Equestrian Centre

Week 4 -           Tuesday 22 May – NASSA Touch Football Gala Day - Marco Reserve

Week 5 -           Thursday 31 May – TIGS Trophy Soccer Gala Day - Year 5 and 6 Boys and Girls Soccer teams - Wollongong

Week 7 -           Thursday 14 June – NSW CIS Cross Country - Eastern Creek

Week 8 -           Monday 18 June – Year 3 - 6 Athletics Carnival - Blacktown International Sports Park

Throughout the year, there are also NSW CIS trials for some sports which do not have a Gala Day as an entry path.  If your child plays representative sport in Softball, AFL, Golf, Hockey or Rugby Union please see Mrs Evans to indicate your expression of interest to be nominated for these sports.  Students need to be in Years 5 or 6 and have represented their Association in their sport.  Information regarding CIS trials and sports available is found at;

PE & Sport

It is advisable that your child has a refillable drink bottle on Sport and PE days to ensure that they are able to re-hydrate after exercise.  A frozen drink is also a great idea.  All children are required to wear the PE cap or College hat for sporting activities.  


Football Holiday Camp - 16 - 20 April 2018 for Kinder - Year 9

The Football Holiday camp will be held on the College campus during the first week of the April school holidays.



Date:   Monday 16 - Friday 20 April 2018

Time:  8.30am - 2.30pm


The camp will run for 5 days with the option of registering for all days or on a per day basis. 

Students will be involved in fun activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game.  The daily training will be designed to improve the skill level of each individual. 

Our Football Director, Mr Sonny Makko will be leading the program and it is offered to boys and girls in Kindergarten to Year 9 who attend Thomas Hassall Anglican College.

Details and enrollment information are on the flyer:/sites/default/files/files/THAC_FootballCamp%20April18%20v2.pdf


For more details please contact Mrs Evans - P-6 Sport Coordinator and Talented Athlete Program Coordinator

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator 


Swimmers at State Swimming Championships

The NSW CIS Primary Swimming Carnival was held on Thursday 22 March at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre. 

Cooper Smith competed in 5 events;  12 years 50m Freestyle, 12 years 50m Backstroke, 12 years 50m Breaststroke, 12 years 50m Butterfly and Open 100m Freestyle.  He qualified for the final of the 50m freestyle, finishing 7th in the State.

Mia Tran competed in the 11 years 50m Freestyle and 11 years 50m Breaststroke.

Congratulations to both swimmers on your excellent results!

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Coordinator

Summer IPSSO draw - Term One 2018

Summer IPSSO - Term One Draw

Date Week School Game Time Depart Girls Soccer Cricket Oz Tag & Softball Basketball




12.00 - 1.50


Gordon Parker Reserve

Marco Reserve

Marco Reserve

GRG school



St Mary's

12.10 - 2.00


Hammondville Pk

Hammondville Pk

Hammondville Pk

Australis Park

Students who are not involved in IPSSO teams will participate in the Year 3 -6 College Sports program. 

All sports are taught by qualified coaches and the sport runs for the entire term.  There is no cost associated with the program as is covered by College fees.

Year 3 Boys  Soccer Year 5 Boys Basketball
Year 3 Girls Swimming Year 5 Girls AFL
Year 4 Boys Dance Year 6 Boys Tennis
Year 4 Girls Cricket Year 6 Girls Joey League

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

Junior School Cross Country

Junior School Cross Country Carnival for students in Years 3 – 6

Venue:                Greenway Park, Greenway Drive, West Hoxton

Time:                   Students should arrive at College for normal morning Assembly (8.20am)

               8, 9 and 10 year age students will run 2km and races commence at 9.30 am.

              11 and 12 year old age students will run 3km and races commence at approximately 11.00 am.

Travel:                All students will be transported to and from the venue by the College seat-belted coaches.

Clothing:            College sports uniform

HELP WANTED . . .  We need some parental assistance to help make the day a success.  Parents are required to sit at ‘checkpoints’ around the track to ensure students stay on the track.  Please notify Parent Reception if you can assist on the day.

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator