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From the College Chaplain

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Last year a student approached me and said, 'I've become a Christian!'

I was excited and shocked because this student had previously told me that he didn't believe in God. I was immediately disappointed when I saw the smirk on his face when he said, 'April Fools'. 

This year, Easter Sunday falls on April Fool's Day, but Jesus’ death is no joke.

At the first Easter, people thought that Jesus was a bit of a joke. The Bible record crowds, soldiers and leaders mocking Jesus. And although it seems random and unplanned, this was God's intention to save humanity from an eternity without him.

But the joke was on the jokers, as what appeared to be a sign of weakness and defeat, displayed God's victory over sin and death (1 Corinthians 15:55-57).

What an amazing concept, that he who was innocent became guilty for sinners. He lavished His love, forgiveness, and mercy on us and provided a way for us to be saved. Now we too, who have faith in Jesus will one day rise again and live eternally with our God!

As we reflect this Easter this year, let's remember the seriousness of Jesus’ death on the cross for our sin, expressed His boundless love and displayed ultimate power and authority over the sin of this world.

If you or your family would like to find out more, why not go this weekend to a local church service? Please see the page of this newsletter regarding those details. 

And as always, may God bless you abundantly! 

Happy Easter!

Stuart Tye