From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

This will be a most significant occasion for them.  Parents and Grandparents will join with them for this special time celebrating and reflecting on many of the moments of their time at Thomas Hassall Anglican College.  We look forward to a lovely morning as we celebrate together.  Year 12 students have had some other significant events this week to mark the end of their schooling life.  The annual Staff vs Students sporting competitions; time together at the special Year 12 Prayer Breakfast,  and spending time visiting and reading with the Kindergarten students has made the last week a significant time. 

We wish the students well as they prepare for their HSC Examinations over the next month, starting with revision at the Study Camp during the first week of the school holidays.  Many of the Year 12 teachers will attend this camp during the vacation period to bring confidence, support and guidance to the students ahead of their exams.

As we say farewell to our 2017 Year 12 cohort we will also say farewell to Mr Richard Loane the Year 12 Advisor.  Richard who has been an outstanding teacher of Mathematics and Year Advisor will take up the position of Director of Studies at Meriden Anglican School for Girls at Strathfield and tomorrow will also be his last day with us.  We wish Mr Loane all the very best as he progresses to another stage in his career.  We have appreciated all that he has done here at the College particularly with our 2017 Year 12 students over the years. We will miss him greatly.

Holidays are here for the next 2 weeks.  At the College our building works continue during the break, and the office will be open for any enquiries. Let me take this opportunity to wish you a restful time over the period. 

Thank you to all the staff and students for your hard work in Term 3 and we look forward to everyone returning safely for Term 4. 

Please enjoy the break.

Mr Ross Whelan

‘The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; ….he will rejoice over you with singing.Zephaniah 3:17

Mr Ross Whelan
2018 Term Dates
Term 1
Friday 26 January Australia Day Public Holiday
Monday 29 January Term 1 commences - Years 1-7, 11 & 12, K Testing
Tuesday 30 January Years 8-10 commence, K Testing
Wednesday 31 January Kindergarten commence
Thursday 1 February Prep Blue and Purple commence
Friday 2 February Prep Red and White commence
Friday 30 March Good Friday Public Holiday
Monday 2 April Easter Monday Public Holiday
Friday 13 April Term 1 concludes
Term 2
Tuesday 1 May Term 2 commences
Monday 11 June Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Friday 29 June Term 2 concludes
Term 3
Monday 23 July Term 3 commences
Friday 28 September Term 3 concludes
Class of 2018 Graduation Assembly
Term 4
Tuesday 16 October Term 4 commences
Monday 12 November Mid Term Break for all students
Wednesday 5 December Celebration - Junior School
Thursday 6 December Celebration - Senior School
Friday 7 December Term 4 concludes

Please Note:  South West Festival and Mid Term Break (August/September) to be confirmed

2017 ICAS Spelling and Writing Results

Well done – we are very proud of you!

Congratulations to the following students for their wonderful results in the ICAS Spelling and Writing Assessments:

Spelling – Distinction:

  • Annabel Cook (Year 3)
  • Alex Lotorto (Year 3)
  • Matthew Delianachi (Year 4)
  • Arjun Nair (Year 4)
  • Kaden Lopez (Year 6)
  • Benjamin Lousada (Year 6)
  • Ethan Ould (Year 6)

Spelling – Credit:

  • Alexander Christodoulou (Year 3)
  • Rico Zou (Year 3)
  • Christian Algeri (Year 4)
  • Timothy Bakhit (Year 4)
  • Chloe Qiu (Year 4)
  • Madeleine Tran (Year 4)
  • Isabella Wu (Year 4)
  • Mia Fernandopulle (Year 5)
  • Mia Zinghini (Year 6)

Writing – Distinction:

  • Mia Zinghini (Year 6)

Writing – Credit:

  • Annabel Cook (Year 3)
  • Della Khan (Year 3)
  • Timothy Bakhit (Year 4)
  • Jasmine Lozusic (Year 4)
  • Arjun Nair (Year 4)
  • Madeleine Tran (Year 4)
  • Sofia Doria (Year 5)
  • Joe Logozzo (Year 6)
  • Norma Toma (Year 6)
From the Chaplain

Class of 2017 farewelled us this week. Their final reminder was that they are stronger together.

1 We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.

2 Each of us should please our neighbours for their good, to build them up.

3 For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: ‘The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.’

4 For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had.

6 So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:1-6)

This passage isn't talking about strength in terms of physical strength, it’s talking about having strong faith in God. And that Christians should have been given a strong faith should 'bear with’ those who are ‘weak’ in their faith. That is, they are to 'carry' and 'support’ those who are in need.

But there’s a principle here.  

Those who are stronger or more capable are to look to support those who are in need. This is the opposite of how we are tempted to behave, but the strong shouldn’t please themselves. To be self-centred and self-seeking is natural, but to build a strong team we aren’t to use our strength to serve our own advantage. Those with a strong conscience must not trample on the consciences of the weak. All of us should please our neighbour for their good, to build them up.

Pleasing others isn’t ‘flattering’ someone. Flattering people is usually the opposite to pleasing God. When we flatter someone, we're trying to get something from them, approval, or our own way. But even Christ did not please himself.

Instead of pleasing himself, Jesus gave himself in the service of his Father and of human beings. Jesus refused to please himself. He was willing to be insulted on another’s behalf. Jesus was persecuted and crucified for those weakened by sin. So that they could be restored to a right relationship with God.

If we are weak…struggling in our faith, struggling with a sin, struggling in a relationship, remember that he knows our weakness and has provided a way out. If we're feeling weak,  it is not a weakness to admit that or to ask for help. To seek the support of others. To put up our hand and say – I’m struggling and I need help.

If you need help in your exams, in your relationships, in your mental health, if you’re feeling weak seek the support of others.

All of us need each of us. We are stronger together!

Important Upcoming Dates 2017

Term 3

Friday 22 September Class of 2017 Graduation 
End of Term 3 

Term 4

Tuesday 10 October Term 4 Commences 
Thursday 12 October  Year 12 2018 Dedication Service & Dinner 
Monday 16 October 2017 HSC Commences 
Wednesday 25 October SMBC Hot Topics - Same Sex Marriage? Marriage Equality?
Wednesday 1 November SMBC Hot Topics - Do we need the right to die?
Thursday 2 November Year 11 Parent Teacher Night 
Monday 13 November Mid Term Break - Students Only 
Thursday 16 November  Ensembles Evening 
Friday 24 November Volunteers' Thank You Breakfast & Term 4 Class Parent Meeting
Tuesday 5 December Junior School Celebration
Wednesday 6 December Senior School Celebration
Thursday 7 December End of Term 4
Principal's Awards

Well done to all of the recipients.  

2019 Scholarships Years 7 and 11

Therefore, we are very pleased to offer a limited number of Academic Scholarships for students entering Years 7 and 11 in 2019.
Test Date: Saturday 24 February 2018

Applications open: Tuesday 5 September 2017 

Applications close: midnight AEDT Monday 5 February 2018

Application Fee: $95

Location: Thomas Hassall Anglican College

Steps in the Scholarship Process for current Thomas Hassall Anglican College Students:

  1. Register online to sit the ACER Scholarship examination at 
  2.  An invitation to sit the examination will be sent prior to the examination date, including location at the College and requirements for the exam. In the meantime, please advise the College if there are any changes to your contact details.
  3. All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their scholarship applications in early April 2018.
  4. Online individual reports will be available to parents from Thursday 5 April 2018.

* Please note that applications should occur when the students are in Years 5 and 9.

If you have any questions please contact Miss Claudia Muñoz, Enrolments Co-ordinator (Years 7-12) on 9608 0033.

EventsBack to Top

Poetry Recital

Throughout Term 3, every student in Years 1 and 2 chose and recited a poem in front of their class.  They were then chosen to go through to the next level which was speaking in front of their Year group.  The culmination was today where the students spoke in front of the entire group.

The judges were Mrs Wheeler (Deputy Head of Junior School) and Mrs Pettit (High School English teacher).  The judges were looking for oral expression, pace and rhythm and how well they engaged the audience.  They were very impressed with the way the children had learnt the poems, the range of poems chosen which certainly developed vocabulary understanding  and by the way they recited them.  

Year 1 Highly Commended: Lourdes Abdishou, April Morris, Syra Nazari Sobbi and Aleks Milanovic

Year 1 Winner: Vansh Maini

Year 2 Highly Commended: Sapphire Wanna, Gina Della-Camera, Sean Horrell and Stella Sayasith

Year 2 Winner: Pietro Sanfilippo

Congratulations to all of the children who entered today:

Year 1: Katarina Trifunovic, Max Panetta, Alana Vranjesevic, and Anastasia Bevitt

Year 2: Javiera Garrido, Odrina Shebu, Anton Harb, Evangelina Pellizzeri, Ella Flitton and Hannah Harb

Year 1 is O-Fish-Ally Jawsome!

We were on the bus and ready to go at 9am. Before arriving at the Aquarium we were excited to see some of Sydney’s beautiful landmarks such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Opera House and Luna Park.

When we arrived we had lunch and got into our groups. As we entered the Aquarium it was dark and we were able to see Moon Jelly fish glowing in their tank. Highlights in this section were the Moray Eels and preserved ship wrecks.

We made our way through the South Coast Shipwreck, Jurassic Seas and Conservation Quay exhibits before arriving in Sydney Harbour. Here we were able to see the creatures that live just outside the aquarium.

The most exciting and scary part of the excursion is when we were able to walk below dugongs and sharks. We saw stingrays and other fish co-habitating with sharks. It was incredible to see how God has created such big animals and fish, glide so gracefully and quickly through the water. We then went upstairs to learn about the dugongs and see them being fed lettuce leaves.

Another amazing experience was seeing the spectacular colony of sub-Antarctic penguins as we went on a boat ride amidst flurries of snow and whistling winds at a cool six degrees Celsius.

We saw so many creatures and animals that point us to our wonderful creator, God. The students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and have been blown away by God’s creation.

Here is what some students had to say about the excursion:

“It was amazing and I had lots of fun going on the boat to see the penguins!” Steven Kambounias 1A

“We saw lots of fish and lots of sharks and some dugongs!” Chelsea Nguyen 1B

“My favourite part was when I saw the starfish and the octopus” Alessandro Cappuccio 1S

“My favourite part was when we saw the penguins and we got to touch the water.” Isabella Qiu 1C

“I liked the Moon Jellyfish! They were glowing green and blue.” Nadine Warda 1G

WellbeingBack to Top

Dealing with change

Change - How do you help your child to cope with it? 

Most of us, and especially children, prefer some level of 'sameness' in our lives. However, we live in a constantly changing world. Consequently as responsible parents it is important to prepare our children to cope with change. Change is inevitable but it is also important for growth.

Change might include:

o            A friend moving 

o            New teacher or new friends

o            Moving house

o            Separation or divorce of parents

o            Joining school after holiday break

o            A new baby in the family

o            A parent taking a new job or losing a job

o            Adopting a different routine or schedule

Sometimes we cannot shelter our children from these changes, so how then can we help them cope?

•       Give them warning: Like adults, no child responds well to a sudden change. If you can talk through changes early, it will give them ample opportunity to absorb the information and process the change. However some changes can be unexpected, but this teaches your child to also practice skills in adapting themselves to a new and unpredictable situations.

•       Be prepared to answer their questions: You can create an environment for your child in which they feel safe to ask you about changes that they are facing. This will help them process change and receive answers from those they most trust, their primary caregivers.

•       Keep to routines as much as possible: You can try not to change everything at once because children respond really well to structure and this helps them feel secure. For example, if your family is moving house, it is ideal to keep daily routine as consistent as possible.

•       Let them grieve: When any of us experience a change such as a new job, new house or any kind of change in life, we leave something behind us. Let your children talk about what they miss and avoid pointing out all the positive things about the new change – instead, let them express their sadness or mourn.

•       Be prepared for struggle – Many children do not adjust to changes immediately, there might be tears and emotional meltdowns followed by some parental guilt. You can expect that it can take time for some children to cope with changes.

Although change can be anxiety-provoking, parent support can go a long way in helping and preparing your child to build tolerance and resilience when changes occur. 

If you would like to know what we do at THAC to support our Year 6 students with their transition to Senior School, watch this space.

Lydia Ghaly
Psychologist - Junior School

Online Pornography

Online Pornography

What are your views on Pornography? Would you like for your child’s views,  about sex, to be informed by their peers or pornography? What is the best age to start this conversation? How do you start this conversation? If you want answers to all these questions and more continue reading.

Access to online devices is making it easier for your children to engage with pornography, both by choice and inadvertently. Some parents are having to tackle these difficult topics with kids as young as 11 and most parents feel ill-equipped to do so. SchoolTV can assist parents in having these awkward conversations and help protect the innocence of your children.

From a young age, parents should be continuously educating their children on sex and sexuality with age-appropriate information and monitoring their responses. What kids are seeing online distorts their idea of sexuality and intimacy. Unfortunately, the internet is the number one sex educator for children. Porn can be addictive, like a drug. As the desire for more increases, the brain becomes warped about what is real.

Together, parents and schools have a crucial role to play in minimising the negative effects of online pornography on adolescents.

To find out more, go to

Source: SchoolTV 

Wellbeing Matters

Last Thursday over 60 parents gathered to learn from Rev James Grady of The Frank Chat on the topic of 'Porn-wise Parenting'.

James' presentation was very well received as he is extremely well researched and approaches this topic with a Christian framework, which reflects the values of the College, on this topic.  We outline his key takeaway messages below:

  • Establish Internal Boundaries (what are you willing to accept / tolerate in the home?)
  • Establish External Boundaries (what physical parameters / technology settings can you promote with your child and the home?)
  • Having meaningful conversations – be in regular conversations with your child about this and other issues (as age appropriate of course)
  • Create a safe space for your child to be honest and open about this issue
  • Look for signs of increased exposure – increased access to technology, high levels of distress when devices are unavailable etc.

Online pornography presents a number of challenges and risks to young people on several fronts. Research informs us that it is linked with depression and anxiety, and additionally, can have devastating impacts on relationships.

James dealt with the topic in a respectful and constructive way and parents who attended were able to receive a number of important strategies to help them deal with this issue positively with their children.

If you do have concerns around this issue and are in need of additional help, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Wellbeing Team here at the College.

We thank all the parents for attending this important Wellbeing Matters event – please look out for the next one!

LearningBack to Top

Friends sharing Music

Year 5 meet every Thursday afternoon for their regular music lesson and enjoy singing as a whole year group with the Music teachers from the Senior College, but last Thursday, they became an audience for a very special concert.

Mr Humphries from Shire Christian School conducted his Senior Concert Band through several well known pieces. He had our Year 5 students clapping along, counting sections, and providing actions for the beautiful music. Year 5 were also able to sing for the visitors. 

Year 5 Living Museum

As part of their assessment, they were asked to research key Australian members of early Australia and present it as a ''living museum''.

Performing ArtsBack to Top

College Musical 2018


Leader of the Pack, Musical, Ellie Greenwich, Thomas Hassall, 2018 Musical
Leader of the Pack

We are very excited about our 2018 College Musical - Leader of the Pack - The Ellie Greenwich Musical.  
We encourage all students who may be interested in a role in this production to contact Mrs Hazell in the Creative Arts faculty on [email protected] to obtain a copy of the Information Booklet or to answer any questions you may have.

James Morrison Workshop

Last week, our Senior Stage Band visited Kirrawee High School to participate in a workshop with famous Australian jazz musician James Morrison. Thomas Hassall were one of only three senior jazz bands lucky enough to workshop with this master of music.

Over the 40 minute session, our students performed two pieces, and listened carefully to all the great advice and concepts he had to pass on to them. At the end, James was nice enough to have a jam with the students too, and played a song along with them, including performing an amazing trumpet solo.

This was a great opportunity for our Senior Stage Band, especially the Year 12 students, as their last band excursion as a student. We will strongly miss our Year 12 students, they are a great group of musicians this year. Katrina Fusca also sang a song with our students, and James complimented her on her great voice and appropriate tone for the style she was singing. It was also nice for our students to watch James Morrison workshop two other high-school Jazz bands, and learn from listening to them and what James had to say about them too.

Well done everyone!

Junior School Hub

In weeks nine and 10 this term, our College junior students have put on some excellent lunchtime entertainment at the Junior Amphitheatre. While the juniors play handball and eat their lunch, our Intermediate Stage Band (week nine) and the Junior Band (week 10) have performed a short set of music to entertain everyone.

Both groups performed very well, and the audience have been very enthusiastic and supportive of the student musicians. There was even a long conga-line roving around the playground dancing away. Well done to all those performers for showcasing their talents in this new performance environment.

Year 4 band visit Mount Annan Christian College

On Monday 18 September, Year 4 visited another school and performed a 30 minute concert in front of primary school and Year 7. Mount Annan Christian College enjoyed hearing an external concert band and the students had a blast performing!

Year 4 band performed four pieces and each section of the orchestra performed. Thanks must be conveyed to Mr Alan Steedman for conducting, Mr Byron Mark for assisting and for the fantastic team of Year 4 teachers: Mrs Donaldson; Ms Tobar; Mrs Morris and Mrs Glendenning.

The next big performance for Year 4 is an in-class performance test in Week 1 and 2, and also the Junior Music Concert next term.

Parents – a quick reminder to ask your child to clean their instrument regularly by using the care kits with the instrument. Any questions or concerns, please email [email protected]


Nicholas Lane
Director of Ensembles


Prep and Kinder Tabloid Sports Carnival

It was a fun day of athletic and skill-based activities that saw all students experience a variety of physical games. The students also practised their running in races before enjoying a shared lunch with our parents and friends.

A big thank you to Mrs Evans for organising our special sports day and to all the teachers who set up and supervised each activity. Thank you also to the parents who came along to support their children, some of whom participated in their very first sports carnival. 

Junior School Sport - Term 4

Term 4 - Primary Sport

The Summer IPSSO Competition (Cricket, Girls Soccer, Summer Tee-ball & Softball, Oz Tag and Basketball) continues in Term 4.   Students who were selected in Summer teams from Term 1, continue this sport for Term 4.

Training is held each Wednesday 7.30 – 8.15am.  Girls soccer train 7.15 - 8.15am.  In the event of wet weather IPSSO training is cancelled for all teams except Girls Soccer, which will train in S block. 

All Sport for Term 4 commences in Week One – Wednesday 11 October 2017.

Date Team Game Time Girls Soccer Cricket Oz Tag Softball Basketball
11 Oct Georges River 12.00 - 1.50 Coleman Park Gordon Parker Field Gordon Parker Field Georges River Grammar Georges River Grammar
18 Oct William Carey  12.20 - 2.10 William Carey Brown's Farm Res William Carey William Carey William Carey
25 Oct St Mark's 12.30 - 2.20 Hoxton Park Res Powell Park Greenway Park Greenway Park Thomas Hassall
1 Nov Training of Teams 1.00 - 2.20 Hoxton Park Res Powell Park Greenway Park Greenway Park Thomas Hassall
8 Nov ASG 11.55 - 1.45 Parry Park Parry Park Parry Park Parry Park All Saints
15 Nov William Carey 12.30 - 2.20 Hoxton Park Res Powell Park Greenway Park Greenway Park Thomas Hassall
22 Nov FINALS  DAY          
29 Nov Back-up   FINALS DAY      


Students who are not involved in IPSSO teams will participate in the Year 3 -6 College Sports program.  All sports are taught by qualified coaches and the sport runs for the entire term. 

There is no cost associated with the program as it is covered by College fees.  


Year 3 Boys Basketball   Year 5 Boys Football (Soccer)
Year 3 Girls Swimming   Year 5 Girls AFL
Year 4 Boys Tennis   Year 6 Boys Joey League
Year 4 Girls Dance   Year 6 Girls Cricket


Important Junior School Sport Dates for Term Four

Week 3 - Tuesday 24 October - Wanderers Cup Football Finals Day

Week 3 - Friday 27 October - NASSA AFL Gala Day

Week 7 - Wednesday 22 October - Summer IPSSO Finals Day

Week 7 - Wednesday 29 October - Back-up date for Summer IPSSO Finals Day


PE and Sport Reminder

It is advisable that your child has a refillable drink bottle on Sport and PE days to ensure they are able to rehydrate after exercise. All children are required to wear the PE cap or College hat for sporting activities.

Talented Athletes Program - Swimming

The TAP Swimming program is designed to identify talented students from Years 3 – 12 and offers an extensive training program to students who have represented Thomas Hassall Anglican College at the NASSA carnival level or above.

Days: Monday and Friday during the College term (except public holidays)
Time: 6am – 7.30am
Venue: Whitlam Leisure Centre - 90A Memorial Avenue, Liverpool
Cost: Fees will be charged per term
Transport: Parents are to make their own arrangements to get children to the pool for a 6am start. Students will be transported by mini bus to College at the conclusion of the session.

The squad-based sessions will be structured to adopt best practices and will focus on stroke development and correction, developing strength and endurance. Sessions will include race preparation, dives and turns.

The TAP Swimming program is offered to all students who competed at the NASSA Junior or NASSA Senior Swimming Carnival. However, if there is a talented swimmer who did not attend the College Swimming Carnival they may be assessed to be part of the program.  If you would like more information about the TAP Swimming program, please contact Mrs Evans [email protected]

Brochures are available at the College Office.

CIS Primary Athletics Championships

Last Wednesday 13 September, 12 students represented the College at the NSW CIS Primary Athletics Championships.   
Congratulations to the following students who competed at the Championships:

  Relays Track events Field events
Breana Steele Junior Girls 10yr 100m, Junior 200m  
Lillian Evans-Wilkinson Junior Girls 9yr 100m,   
Marley Rhodes Junior Girls    
Naomi Cowley Junior Girls    
Jack Peterson Junior Boys    
Matthew Moran Junior Boys    
Oliver Velnic Junior Boys    
Joseph Demasi Junior Boys Junior 800m  
Adrian Duric   11yr 100m, 11yr 200m  
Luke Moran     11yr Long Jump, Shot Put, Discus, High Jump
Joel Casanova     Junior Shot Put
Eliana Sapone     12yr Discus












It was fantastic to see them striving to do their best and being wonderful ambassadors for the College.

Special congratulations to Luke Moran who came 2nd in 11 years long jump and 3rd in 11 years high jump and has qualified to represent CIS at the NSW PSSA Championships in October.  

Well done Luke!

CommunityBack to Top

Principal's Tours

Word of mouth is how most families find out about Thomas Hassall Anglican College.  

Mr Whelan has been conducting personal tours of the College and there are just two dates left for the year - 11 & 18 October.

If you have friends who are looking for a school for their children, please encourage them to book online 

What better way to see the school than a personal tour with the Principal, during a normal school day.

Thank you for your support.

School holidays sorted

The school holidays will be jam packed with events and activities at Camp Australia. Expect a range of games, sports, art and craft, food and cooking and activities.

Here's a taste of what you can expect...

26 September: When in Rome - Let your tastebuds travel with the help of a take home cooking timer. Today we're taking our taste buds to Italy with heaps of delicious cooking activities.

29 September: Time After Time - Take your dance moves to a new level.

5 October: Farmyard Adventures - We're off on a totally wild adventure at Calmsley Hill City Farm.

Camp Australia brochure is HERE or head to their website HERE.


Jungle fun in the holidays

The Hoxton Park Anglican Church 'Into the Jungle' Holiday Kids' Club is on from 27 September to 1 October.

The club has run every year since 2000 and attract about 100 children for the week spending their days learning drama, craft, cooking, games and Bible teaching.

It is targeted at children from Kindergarten to Year 6. Registrations are now open.

Details HERE.

Holiday Kids' Club flyer

Thank You

Many thanks to Shardae Abdishou who recently dressed up as the White Rabbit and represented the College at the NSW/ACT Chapter Conference of Educate Plus 'Mad as a Hatter' Gala Dinner at The Tea Rooms, Queen Victoria Building.

Shardae entertained over 150 guests on arrival as she darted amongst the crowd telling them she was "late, late, for a very important date".

Educate Plus is the professional association for advancement professionals (marketing, community relations, admissions, alumni, fundraising) in Education for the secondary and tertiary sectors.

Thanks also to our staff members Peter Ford and Michael Clisdell who assisted with the bump-in and out of equipment for this event - sincerely appreciated.

Shardae is pictured here with our Director of Marketing, Enrolments and Community Relations, Mrs Jo Hutchens.