Term 1 I The Way Newsletter I Friday 1 April 2022

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

As we move into the final week of the term, the Easter week, let’s celebrate the effort and resilience of staff and students throughout a very interesting period of 10 weeks. 

Extreme weather, as well as the interruptions of COVID-19, has created a challenging time at College as well as at home, and we do well to take the time over the vacation to rest and rebuild our energy ahead of the new school term. The College breaks next Friday 8 April and returns after the ANZAC weekend on Wednesday 27 April.

Tickets for ‘Shrek’ the Musical are selling fast and with 6 performances there will be room for most families, so please consider coming to this great event. Students involved in the musical will gather lifetime memories from the experience, and it will be a great show.

The College Open Week took place last week with hundreds of people in attendance to visit and tour the campus and have conversations with staff about the future. It was an enjoyable day, and the weather remained fine throughout the event. Thanks to the organising team including our Senior School Captains and Prefects who, along with staff, were excellent tour guides.

Traffic routines continue to be of interest each day, and we encourage all drivers to take extra care to observe the road rules and display courtesy to other drivers and neighbours in particular. It’s a busy environment at drop-off and pick-up times, and our suggestion throughout this first term is to delay your time for pick-up. Students are well supervised, and the traffic eases after buses leave at 2.45pm each day.

COVID-19 communication continues to be very important. The College needs to know if there is a positive case for a student or family member, we can then update their attendance record and also notify families of classes or year groups affected. The notification form can be found in the College App, click More >COVID Notification form.  Students should not be sent to school if they are unwell or show any symptoms.  

No doubt the holiday break will benefit everyone at this time, and I’m sure that we are all looking forward to a calmer and healthier second term.

Easter is the time we remember and reflect on the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. The world around us has been so disrupted during the last 12 months. Families across Europe right now are so impacted by the disruption in Ukraine as well. At Easter this year, take time to gather around the saving message of the gospel of the Lord Jesus. We can all find a peaceful future in him.

‘In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us’.  Ephesians 1:7



Mr Ross Whelan
From the Acting Deputy Principal Senior School - Student Development

As we near the end Term 1, it is a good time for pause and reflection on what has been a busy, bumpy, but bright beginning to the College year for the Senior School. As we move toward the Easter break, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the effort and dedication of staff and students throughout the initial quarter of 2022. We have moved forward together as a Team in our pursuit of being a vibrant learning community!

For the last few weeks I have had the privilege of acting for Mr Young and have appreciated the numerous array of College activities and events that contribute to all that is Thomas Hassall. What’s more, I have observed the passion and purpose that students and staff bring to their endeavours in the daily life and heartbeat of our College.

Preparations for the College musical, ‘Shrek’ are well and truly underway and students and staff are keenly rehearsing their lines and songs, costumes and props are being painstakingly crafted – a combined effort across the board. I want to thank Mr Robinson and his team for the monumental effort here to bring about such a production. College musicals, such as this one, have a powerful ability to forge and deepen students’ sense of belonging at school. It expands their connection to the broader student body, and new and lasting friendships are made.

As we reflect on the term, the concept of belonging and connection are at the forefront of my mind. What are the areas where students can broaden and deepen their sense of agency and belonging at the College? Musicals are certainly one, sporting teams, debating teams, other music groups and bands. Or perhaps service and leadership opportunities that students can take up after the coming break. We are currently looking closely at the structure and program of Student Leadership in the Senior School and considering and planning for some positive changes in these areas very soon.

Sadly, we have felt the impact on many clubs and activities that we have had to postpone in the Senior School this term – we are hoping to be able launch these in Term 2.  These include a wide range of extra-curricular areas that many students have enjoyed and embraced in the last couple of years. Coding Club, Chess, Writing Workshops, Reading, Calligraphy, Art & Craft, Leather Works – the list goes on! Let me encourage all students and families that there are numerous areas for students to explore.

Finally, as part of the Senior School’s Wellbeing Program, Paul Wade visited and spoke with all Year 9 last week on their term focus of ‘Change and Challenge’. Paul is a former Socceroo Captain, and played 118 games for Australia from 1986 to 1996. He spoke about the challenges he had to face as a player, the sacrifices and the ‘grit’ he needed to show. He even recounted to the students when he was tasked with the role of marking arguably the greatest player of all time, Diego Maradonna – twice! He also shared with the students his condition of epilepsy and how he has had to embrace that challenge and strengthen and grow his resilience. Students were encouraged in their own changes and challenges and to not shrink from them, but rather, rise to meet them – with determination, help & support and hopefully a dependence on our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

I sincerely hope all families have a wonderful and safe Easter break with family and friends, and that there can be a time for pause and reflection on the challenge that Jesus puts before us, to trust and put Him before all we do – and indeed the sacrifice that He made for all. We need rest and refreshment over the coming break and to be ready for the challenges, yet great opportunities that await in Term 2. All the very best to students, staff and families over the holiday period.

Mr Justin Stoker
Director of Operations - Senior School
From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

Christians really are bizarre, we celebrate the death of our founder?!

Nazi’s don’t celebrate the death of Hitler, nor do Communists celebrate the death of Lenin. But Christians celebrate the death of Jesus as though it was a good thing!?

Jesus death is a good thing because of its purpose.  Below Jesus gives two truths about his death.

 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

Firstly, Jesus saw the purpose of his death as being a ransom - a price paid to free a life. Jesus gave his life for ours. On that first Easter evil men set Jesus up on trumped up charges to kill him and he died the death of an innocent man.  But Jesus used his innocence to our advantage – He became our substitute.  On that cross, Jesus was judged by God for our sin. Jesus literally took the eternal consequences of our selfish godless actions

Secondly, Jesus saw his death as an act of service. He chose to give his life to serve us. When was the last time someone served you that way? How cool is Jesus.  He knows we are not good enough for heaven and he steps in our place and exchanges the consequence of his goodness for the consequence of our godlessness.

Neither Lenin or Hitler really served their people nor did either give their life for their people – rather the other way around. 

The Lord Jesus loved me and gave his life for me – what’s not to celebrate? The best way to celebrate is to serve others in his name. Amen!

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
Movie Night Postponed

We are saddened to announce Movie Night Under the Stars this Friday needs to be cancelled and will be rescheduled in Term 2.

Our ovals are closed due to the wet weather experienced over the past week and with the forecast for more rain throughout the week. Whilst we have a wonderful sports complex which might accommodate the event, our top priority is the wellbeing of our students, their families and our staff.  We have been closely monitoring the current COVID-19 situation, and after much consideration, have decided that an outdoors event is the safest way forward.   

For these reasons we will reschedule our Movie Night to Friday 27 May.  As it will be held after Shrek the Musical we will instead screen “Shrek 2”. We sincerely apologise for any disappointment caused and hope you remain safe and well during these times.  

The College thanks you for your support. 

Shrek The Musical

Join us for Shrek the Musical!

We are thrilled to announce Shrek the Musical will be showcased at the College from 29 April to 7 May 2022.

Join Shrek, our unlikely hero, and his loyal steed Donkey as they set off on a quest to rescue the beautiful Princess Fiona from her tower, guarded by a fire breathing love-sick dragon. Add the vertically challenged Lord Farquaad, a gang of fairytale misfits, and a biscuit with attitude, and you’ve got an irresistible mix of adventure, laughter and romance, guaranteed to delight audiences of all ages!

PREMIERE SHOW Friday 29 April 2022 | 7pm
MATINEE Saturday 30 April 2022 | 1.30pm
Saturday 30 April 2022 | 7pm
Thursday 5 May 2022 | 7pm
Friday 6 May 2022 | 7pm
FINAL SHOW Saturday 7 May | 7pm

Tickets are now on sale, so book in a session for the whole family to enjoy! You can also use your NSW Discover voucher at the checkout.

We can't wait to see you there.

Thank you to our sponsors who help us to put on this production


Gowans And Son La Rumbla
Airfast Stanton Dahl




SOS promotions Intelec Electrical and Security Good Az Gold




SE Paper Royal Touch


Flood Appeal Fundraiser

A few weeks ago, we held a mufti day to raise much-needed funds to donate to the Red Cross Flood Appeal, for those affected by the floods.

We are very thankful for the support of the College community. With your support, we were able to raise $4710.20 to go directly to those who have been impacted by the devastating floods.

Please continue to support those communities through prayer.



Parent Community Network

At Thomas Hassall Anglican College, we love to work together with our families to create community. 

Our Parent Community Network is one of the most important ways we achieve community and we would love you to join in 2022!

The Parent Community Network provides support to the College through:

- Assist in the classrooms as part of reading groups (K-2) and on excursions 
- Assisting at events (sports carnivals, stalls, creative arts events, College community events)
- Representing the Parent Community at community events such as Open Day and South West Festival
- Organising get-togethers for grade groups outside of school hours

In order to become a part of the Parent Community Network, it is essential to have your Working with Children Check (which is free for volunteers) and participate in the online induction which includes Privacy and Child Protection Training. 

There will be 45 minute training sessions in Week 1 of Term 2. There are three times to choose from:

28 April 8.30am
28 April 5pm
29 April 2pm

If you would like to volunteer at the College please register your details using the following Application Form

Mrs Carmen Pasapera
Marketing & Community Relations Manager

Writing Competitions

There are many wonderful writing competitions running in Australia.

We have compiled a list of the ones we are aware of that are valid for us in NSW. If your child has a talent or passion for writing, they may want to enter some or all of the competitions below.

Please note, every competition has specific terms and conditions. Please make sure the guidelines are followed closely to make sure work is accepted. These could include age of child, length of submission or even things like size, font and spacing of the text.

These competitions are run outside of Thomas Hassall Anglican College, but we would love to hear of any success stories. You could let Junior School know via [email protected] or Senior School via [email protected]

Run Monthly

Positive Words Mini Competition – Run monthly
Open to: All

Run Monthly

Write the world
Ages: 13 – 18


CYA - Hatchlings
Open to: 8 - 18 years old

The Liam and Frankie Davison Award
Open to: Years 10 - 12


Little Stories. Big Ideas Competition
Open to: Australian secondary school students

Write4Fun Schools Poetry and Short Story 'National Treasures' Writing Competition
Open to: Kindergarten to Grade 12


Future Leaders Writing Prize
Open to: Year 11 & 12

What Matters?Opinion Piece
Open to: Years 5 to 12

Banjo Paterson Writing Awards
Open to: 16 years and under


Laura Literary Awards
Open to: K - 12

The Nan Manefield Young Writers’ Award
Open to: 11 and 18 years of age.
Closing date: Friday 6 May 2022

Best Australian Yarn
Open to: 12 years or older

RD Walsh Memorial Writing for the Environment Prize
Open to: up to 18 yo


Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards
Open to: K - 12


Hilarie Lindsay Young Writers Poetry Competition
Open to: K - 12


Poem Forest
A native tree will be planted in The Australian Botanic Garden for every entry received


Positive words
Major competition - Check date:



Upcoming dates

Date Event
Wednesday 6 April

Easter Hat Parade
Prep Red and White: 1.30pm

Year 7 & 8 Vaccinations 

Thursday 7 April NASSA Netball Gala Day
Friday 8 April Last day of Term 1
Junior Concert and Intermediate Concert Band Performance: 10am
Years 5 & 6 Eggshibition 10am-12.30pm

Easter Hat Parades:
Years 3 & 4: 10.30am
Kindy - Year 2: 11.45am 
Prep Blue and Purple 1.30pm 
Monday 25 April Anzac Day
Wednesday 27 April First day of Term 2
Thursday 28 April Parent Community Network Induction 8.30am and 5pm
Friday 29 April Parent Community Network Induction 2pm

Shrek the Musical Opening Night 7pm
Saturday 30 April Shrek the Musical 1.30pm and 7pm
Wednesday 4 May Mother's Day Stall
Thursday 5 May Mother's Day Stall
Shrek the Musical 7pm
Friday 6 May Shrek the Musical 7pm
Saturday 7 May

Shrek the Musical 7pm

Holiday Programs

We have some great holiday programs available for the upcoming school holidays.

Football Program - 19-22 April
The College is excited to host our Football Program in the upcoming holidays for students at Thomas Hassall Anglican College, their friends and family.

Students will be involved in activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game. The daily training will be designed to improve the skill level of each individual. 

Our Football Director, Mr Sonny Makko will be leading the program.

Find out more on the Football Flyer. For bookings, please visit www.thac.nsw.edu.au/book. For any questions please contact [email protected]

There are some exciting days planned during the April Holidays at OSHClub. From going around the world, to a movie mania day, it is sure to be fun for students.

Find out more on the OSHClub website


The program will be running at the College from 11-13 April from 9am - 3.30pm. 

Ages 7-12 Program: Spark
New to Spark, code and create your own DC Super Hero game! Choose from DC favourites BATMAN, WONDER WOMAN and SUPERMAN, and build an adventure app using character themed backgrounds and collectibles to bring it to life.

Ages 8-13: YouTube Creators
YouTube Creators Camp is for the vloggers, gamers and budding content creators! Kids aged 8 - 13 are invited to harness their creativity and join us for days of planning, storytelling, shooting and video editing. While we can’t promise YouTube Stardom, we’re sure kids will leave with a new lens on-screen time… let’s get them producing and directing their own ideas instead of simply watching other peoples!

Ages 9-13: Drone Camp
Code Camp has exclusively licenced the brilliant US-based Drone Legends, the coolest intersection of STEM learning and fun. Kids get a taste of cutting-edge technology and learn about coding, problem-solving, engineering, design, and more!

Working in teams they will code their flight path and watch in wonder as their drone takes off, then navigate through an obstacle course designed by them.

This program is also eligible for the Creative Kids $100 rebate.

To register, visit their website

View the flyer

MOTIV8sports - 11-12 April

GET MOTIV8TED during theAPRIL School Holiday’s at the one and only Motiv8sports SUPER CAMP 2022.

Held only once each year, Super Camp is a sports festival designed just for kids. Way more than a sports dreamland, Super Camp is an energetic mix of sport, music, street culture, art and dance mashed up to create the ultimate atmosphere for kids who love having fun. Campers will be treated to an incredible array of our trademark team sports in an environment full of energy, motiv8tion and unbelievable guidance from our professional team of coaches.

MOTIV8sports is a registered provider for the NSW Government Creative Kids Voucher.

To find or more or make a booking, please visit the MOTIV8sports website

Junior School Football representative news

The NSW CIS Primary Boys Football Championships were held at Valentine Sportspark on Thursday 31 March. 

The College had 8 boys represent us on the day.  Seven boys played for NASSA and we had one boy invited to play in the Barbarians team.  

The day started off well and the NASSA boys had a tight game against eventual winners ASISSA.  As the day progressed, the rain emerged, and the boys played in quite wet and cold conditions.

Coach Sonny and I were very proud of our the performance of our boys.  Our College representatives:  Johnny C, Ian C, Terry G, Orlando M, Danijel R, Lorenzo V, Isaiah W, Ryder W

Congratulations to Ryder W who progressed to the final stage and was successful in being selected in the NSW CIS Boys Football team which will play at the NSW PSSA Championships in Griffith in August.

Mrs S Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

2022 Talented Athletes and Development Programs

2022 Talented Athlete Programs in Football (soccer), Basketball, Dance and Classical Ballet

Our 2022 Talented Athlete Programs are in full swing and it has been great to see so many students learning new sports and developing new skills.

We still have some vacancies in our afternoon Development programs in Football (soccer), Basketball, Dance and Classical Ballet.

To find out more information, read the individual brochures below:
Football Seniors 
Football Juniors 

The overall daily schedule is found on the book page.

How to book:
Enrolment applications must be completed online using the Thomas Hassall website.  The booking link is found on the Events booking page

Places in TAP programs are limited, so please ensure you enrol online to secure a place in the program.

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sport Coordinator & Talented Athletes Program (TAP) Coordinator

Excellence Award

Congratulations to Zac Zamprogno Year 12 2021, who was invited to the Executive Director’s Excellence Awards in HSC and VET Awards at Darling Harbour. 

Zac was awarded 2021 World Skills National Finalist (NSW Team) in Certificate 2 in Automotive and First in HSC course Automotive Mechanical Technology.

This is an outstanding result and we are very proud of his achievements.


Socceroo visitor

On 23 March, Year 9 students had a special visit from former Socceroos Captain, Paul Wade.

Paul spoke to the students on important life skills, including resilience, leadership and motivation. Here is what some of our students had to say:

"i got motivation out of it that if you have a challenge that you can always beat it and be resilient. i want him to come back next year."

"He taught me to not give up and that something good can come out of everything."

"I learnt many things during this talk, the key components of this talk was about the ability to handle stress and pressure, as well as how stress is good for you and how it motivates you. I also understood that you can do absolutely anything you put your mind to."

"That stress is a normal thing and always persist through anything to achieve what you want. The last time I did something for the first time was last week when managing my time with assessments."

"Two things i learnt from the Paul wade visit, is to always look at things on the positive side, and to never doubt yourself, that things will happen if you have a positive mindset about it. Also that, your attitude is a vital factor to making it on sports teams."

"That if you learn something today, be able to teach it tomorrow. - Always have a growth mindset and never give up when you fail at something, as well as not blaming it on others. Think of how you can do better to improve on this situation?"

"I learnt about the four boxes: contentment, denial, confusion and renewal. I learnt how you must go through all 4 boxes to reach a goal, and take things one step at a time."


Students in our Years 5 and 6 Football Talented Athletes Program also got to meet with Paul. They had the opportunity to ask him questions and enjoyed looking at the jerseys he has collected throughout his career.

Paul Wade

Senior Library Book Snap


Anime and Manga Club

Love watching Anime? Love reading Manga? Know your Dragon Ball Z from your Sailor Moon? Then the Anime and Manga Club is the place for you! Starting lunchtime Tuesday 3rd May in the Library! Come celebrating all things Japanese pop culture. There is still time to join, to do so please speak to Library staff.


Page Turners Book Club

Love Books? Love Reading? Love Food? Join the Page Turners! The Page Turners book club is back again this year for students in Years 7 to 9. The first meeting of the year will be held during lunchtime Monday 2nd May. For more information please speak to Mr Smith.


Overdue notices

The last library overdue notices for the term will be emailed next week. Students who do not return their books after receiving their third email notice as well as an email to their parents will be invoiced for a replacement copy. All invoices will still stand if books are returned after this final date. If you have any problems or questions regarding overdue books please speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith who will be happy to help.


What’s new on the Shelf?

“What would you risk for a friend you’re never met?”

'The boy behind the wall' – Maximillian Jones

“In 1960s Berlin, the wall is everywhere. It cuts through streets, parks, even houses. Teenagers Harry and Jakob live on either side of the divide. When Jakob finds a message that Harry has sent over the wall, he sees an opportunity. The boys begin a secret friendship, evading the authorities and sharing truths about their lives in letters. But Jakob’s plans are bigger and more dangerous and he needs Harry’s help. It’s time to put their friendship to the test, Just how much are they prepared to risk for each other – and for freedom?”

‘The boy behind the wall’ is a wonderful debut novel from Maximillian Jones. It tells the story of two boys, who through a love of music, start up a friendship in the most unlikely of places, dark divided Cold War era Berlin. The novel gives readers a real insight into the lives of the ordinary people who one day woke up to find their families and their communities torn apart. This is shown through the many interesting interactions the two main protagonists have with the different people of their community. The depiction is fair and genuine, showing both the good and bad sides of West and East Berlin. Tense and suspenseful, with a gripping story that leads to an explosive finale, this is a novel that many readers will not be able to put down. A great novel that is bound to be enjoyed by all who enjoy historical or suspenseful stories.


Happy Easter!

Mrs Comiskey and Mr Smith would like to wish all students and their families a wonderful and safe Easter and holidays.


Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith

Senior IRC Library Team

CIS Football Cup

On Wednesday 30 March, our Senior boys attended their round 2 CIS football cup game against Central Coast Sports College.

Both teams showed astounding football skills and great read of play in both defense and attack, however it was Central Coast who ran away with victory 5-2. Although not the result we intended, our Thomas Hassall boys preserved to the finish and showed heart, determination and sportsmanship to complete the match with their heads held high.

There is much work to be done for the future and our football boys show an enormous amount of potential to be challenging contenders in the upcoming years.

Well done boys!

Senior School Sport Update

On Monday 28 March, thirteen students attended the AICES Swimming Carnival at Sydney Olympic Park.

All students represented the College admirably, with six students gaining selection to the CIS carnival on 2 - 3 May. Well done to all athletes who attended, and good luck to those attending CIS.

MISA Sport has wrapped up for Term One.

A challenging term overall given the nature of illness and weather, however a special mention to our Senior Girls Basketball team who, under Mr Sheahan’s leadership, made it to the Grand Final, where they lost by six.

We are extremely proud of all the girls, and all the MISA athletes during Term One.

In Week 10, and Week 1 of Term Two, trials will be held for MISA teams in Term 2. All information about MISA, NASSA, AICES and CIS opportunities is posted through Canvas Sport. Students should be checking this a few times per week.

Thanking all our students, parents and staffing community for a rewarding Term One. I look forward to an even better Term Two.

Mr Dean Zaccaria
Senior School Sport Coordinator

Careers Term 1 2022

Term 1 2022 has been a busy time for Careers events and planning. Some of the highlights so far this year...

Term 1:

Year 11 and 12 have heard from speakers from Western Sydney University and the University of Wollongong.

Peter came and presented to year 11 about the course offerings at Western Sydney University, pathways to study at the university and their multiple campuses around Sydney. Many of our past students receive offers and study at Western Sydney University.

For more information please click on this link to their website https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/

Upcoming events:

Deb and Stu spoke to year 12 about the University of Wollongong with a focus on options for high achievers and early entry options.

For more information please click on this link to their website https://www.uow.edu.au/study/

Upcoming events

  • Open day at Wollongong Campus 6th August
  • Open day at Liverpool campus on Saturday 30 July.

Plans for Term 2

Work experience

Plans are well underway for year 10 Work Experience to occur in week 6 of term 2. Year 10 has been given a brief outline of the program by Mr Roper and some information in an email. More information as well as permission notes are still to come

Dates – Monday 30/05 – Friday 3/06

TAFE Speaker visit

Mr Roper is organising a representative to talk to year 12 about TAFE options for students who are interested. More information to come about this.

Careers bulletin

Year 10-12 have been receiving the Careers bulletin with more information about pathways after college and events that are going on.

Highlights from this week’s bulletin are:

  • UAC webinars
  • HSC study advice
  • Work experience (including game design)

Mr Roper is very keen to hear from any students wishing to discuss their futures. Students can also come to IRC to check out information from a range of education providers.


Thomas Hassall has a new JobJump address https://thac.jobjump.com.au/

All students and their parents are encouraged to join Job Jump, which is a one-stop web site that communicates the latest Career search opportunities as well as training options and information on how to access them. Their Career Quiz Wiz link is especially useful if students are interested in trying to link skills and passions to future careers. To join Job Jump, just go to their web site, click "I'm new" and follow the steps using our College password tom. There is a button each for students, parents and staff.  It is well worth the time to explore this valuable resource!

Year 12 Construction

The Year 12 Construction students recently completed a practical assessment for the 'Apply Basic Levelling Procedures' unit of competency.

Students used an automatic level and levelling staff to measure the rise and fall in ground levels around the perimeter roadway of the Maintenance Shed. They begun the process by taking a height recording at the door of the Maintenance Shed, which acted as the datum point for all subsequent recordings. Due to the obstruction imposed by the walls of the Maintenance Shed, the automatic level was moved on four occasions to effectively form a continued line of sight around the building perimeter.

Every change in location required the recalibration of the instrument before readings could continue. Upon returning to the datum point and thus forming a closed transect, students recorded a height measurement that was within 3 mm of the original recording.

It was a great opportunity for the students to get practical experience in this unit. Well done.

Mr Daniel Ellerman
Faculty Coordinator of TAS
Musical Student Orchestra Rehearsal

Musical Student Orchestra Rehearsal

Over the past month, our student orchestra have been joining the full cast for their Saturday rehearsals. During this time our students have completed learning the entire score for Shrek the Musical and are doing a very good job at reading and playing this professional music. They are looking forward to rehearsing next week together with a number of professional musicians who are joining the orchestra. This will be a great experience for our students to play alongside these musicians and be inspired by their sound. 

Make sure you book your ticket for the show and stick your head in to the orchestra pit to check out the action.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

College Update

Construction of the Pavilion project at the front of the Anne Marsden Learning Centre on Flynn Ave has commenced and is expected to be competed and ready for occupation in January 2023.

The three story building will consist of new Grounds/Maintenance facilities, resources and library storage, seven secondary classrooms and a staffroom that connects to the main building via an adjoining breezeway.

Warren Murray 
College Manager
Uniform Shop

Please note that the College Uniform shop has amended trading hours around the holiday period

April Holiday Trading Hours
Wednesday 6 April 12-6pm (Appointment only)
Thursday 7 April 9.00-4.00pm (Appointment only)
Friday 8 April 7.00am-3.30pm (Appointment only)
(Closed from 9 April - 19 April)
Wednesday 20 April – 9.00-4.00pm
Thursday 21 April – 9.00-4.00pm
Friday 22 April – 9.00-4.00pm
Monday 25 April – 9.00-4.00pm
Tuesday 26 April – 9.00-4.00pm

You are able to make a booking or purchase online via our website.