Term 2 | Friday 30 April 2021

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Term 2 is well underway with a number of important events already held in the first two weeks. 

On Thursday night of Week 1 we held a Parent ‘Wellbeing Matters’ Seminar on Respectful Relationships.  The session was attended by over 350 people, both onsite and with a majority watching online.  The presentation was well received and with positive feedback.  We will continue to offer both live and online experiences now for such events, providing parents flexibility and options.  Watch out for the next Wellbeing Matters seminar in the future. 

Last weekend five Senior girls completed their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Practice Journey accompanied by three teachers.  The group travelled to the Budewang Range in the Southern Highlands where they completed their hike.  This is a significant trial towards the Gold award and we wish them well. 

Anzac Day was commemorated by staff and all students from Years 1-12 last Monday, on the Rawdon Middleton VC Oval.  In a moving service, we were able to reflect and pay our respects to the men and women who served our country across all wars and theatres of conflict.  Mr Andrew Wilkinson, is a College parent and was our special guest for the occasion.  Andrew has served in the Royal Australian Navy and is a current member of the Australian Invictus sporting team.  It was fitting to have him represent the College community.  Junior and Senior School leaders laid wreaths, along with Mr Wilkinson and myself to honour the occasion.  We did broadcast this event and you are still able to view the assembly via this link tv.thac.online (password: hassalltv). 

The Senior School Athletics Carnival occurs next Monday 3 May with the Junior School Carnival in the coming weeks.  Our Mother’s Day Stalls and the annual Mother’s Day Breakfast take place next week. Please register your name for the breakfast next Friday 7 May, as places are limited. This year we will be having 2 sessions at 7 - 7.50am and 8.20 - 9am.  You can find more information about the event here in this week’s edition of The Way.  We look forward to sharing this occasion with you and wish all our Mums and special women in our lives a lovely Mother’s Day next Sunday.

There is certainly a lot happening and it’s great to be able to see more of you onsite again.  We hope you will take the opportunity to enjoy a coffee at Café MRK each Friday too, from 7.30am.

Thank you for your continued support of the College and our programs.  We look forward to seeing you soon.

“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.” Psalm 9:1-2

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development
Roger Young

This Term has started off with a positive momentum as we get into the swing of completing assessments and getting ready for formal examinations.

In addition to this we have had a busy schedule of special events and carnivals.

Last week we enjoyed a lovely setting out at the Olympic Equestrian Centre for our Senior Cross Country. Despite the demands of the running component, I was pleased to see a high level of participation and attendance. I personally had a go at the Cross Country, and whilst I don’t like running, it felt good to be involved. We have our Athletics Carnival next week and I expect all students to be in attendance and taking up the opportunity to get positively engaged. Thank you for your support as you encourage your child to both attend and participate.

I believe that relationship building is one of the keys to successful living and a happy life. Over the past week we have benefited from specialist presenters addressing students and parents on some sensitive topics around building Respectful Relationships. Whilst the student component only involved the Year 10 and 11 students, the Parent Forum was open to all parents. All the students I spoke to were very positive about the presentation. Girls came away feeling empowered and equipped to better respond to other peers in the way they establishing and develop relationships in our complex online world. Boys felt challenged to lead in ways that would ultimately build their own capacity to establish and maintain good relationships.  More of these seminars are planned in the near future.

Year 7 had the benefit of taking part in a Seminar that focused on a different area of relationships, but in the same way it alerted students to negative behaviours that are not constructive in building the community. Topics around bullying, bystanding and upstanding, along with positive conflict resolution were covered.

With Subject Examinations or NAPLAN around the corner I want to encourage all students to stay positive and focus on the business at hand which includes getting ready for examinations, completing assessment tasks on time and keeping to a schedule that allows them the ability to stay calm and follow up with teachers on concepts and areas of learning that need clarity.

Let’s have a great Term 2.

Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
From the College Chaplain
Denis Oliver

This week we celebrated ANZAC day and some staff wore Rosemary and Poppies.

But why wear these plants on ANZAC day?   Rosemary is a plant that grows wildly on the Gallipoli peninsula – to wear Rosemary is to remember a location.  The Flanders poppy were the first plants to spring up in the devastated battlefields of France and Belgium.  Some soldiers feel that the red of the poppy came from the blood of their comrades that soaked the ground. To wear a poppy is to remember a sacrifice.

These simple plants, these symbols, help us remember our history. Both plants grow where the battles were fought - they are anchors to historical realities. The colour of the poppy and the smell of rosemary are invocative of our history – and the price of peace.

Christians also have symbols. We have an empty cross that reminds us of Jesus' death and resurrection, the historical event of forgiveness available to all.  We have the Lord’s Supper; the broken bread reminds us of his broken body; the poured out wine reminds us of his poured out blood - the price of peace.  When Christians take them as a community, we are reminded that Jesus died to make a community.

As we remember the fallen on ANZAC day, do not forget the one who fell and rose again – Jesus Christ.

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
Anzac Day 2021

On Monday, the College gathered on the Rawdon Middleton VC Oval for an Anzac Day Service.

With deep gratitude we acknowledged the brave service men and women, past and present, for their service and sacrifice for our nation.

It was a lovely service and it was great to have most of the College together, both staff and students, for this very special occasion.

Thank you to all the students and staff involved in making the event happen.

You can view the Assembly at tv.thac.online (password hassalltv)

THACTV - Live & Free

We have been building THAC TV over the past year into an excellent platform that enables us to connect and communicate with our students even when they are not able to be physically with us.

As the next step to this process, we have developed an all-inclusive website that now houses our livestreams, and will also have a library of previous events and videos.

This new platform will be accessible to our whole College community, allowing further connection with families who may not be able to access the College site to see their child during an Assembly or Chapel.

You are now able to log on and watch live streamed events,  as well as access previous events. Please go to the familiar link tv.thac.online and use the password hassalltv and click the link at the top of the page to the Live TV section.

As with anything new we are developing, please let us know if you have any issues so we can address them. We will continue uploading historical media from THAC TV over the coming weeks.

A special thank you to all the people that have worked behind the scenes particularly over the past year for all their efforts to advance so much in this area. We have appreciated the hard work and developments that have been made to enable us to watch and enjoy the livestreams.

A New Baby Girl

Congratulations to Rachel (Junior School Teacher) and Joey Stockinger as they welcomed their little girl, Vienna Lalitha-Marie just before Easter.

Mum and bub are doing very well! 

We wish them well and God’s blessings as they navigate this new chapter of parenthood with Vienna.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Winter Uniform

All students will be required to wear winter uniforms from Monday 10 May.

Please book an appointment at the uniform shop to purchase any winter uniform items you may need.

The Uniform Shop will be open 

Monday                               7.00am – 3.30pm

Wednesday                        12.00pm – 6.00pm

Friday                                  7.00am – 3.30pm

To make a booking or purchase online, please visit our website.

EventsBack to Top

Mother's Day Stall

The Mother’s Day Stall gives children the opportunity to shop for a special gift for their mothers, grandmothers and special women in their life.

They really enjoy choosing something themselves and trying to keep it secret until Mother’s Day.

Children will be able to choose a gift priced at $5, $10, $15 and can buy more than one gift. The stall will be held in the Junior School Library.

WEDNESDAY 5 MAY: Prep Red & White, Years K-2 & 5W

THURSDAY 6 MAY Prep Blue & Purple, Years 3 - 6

Senior School students can purchase at lunch time either day

The stall is run by our Parent Community Network. If you are able to assist on any of these days please email [email protected]

Mother's Day Breakfast

Mothers, Grandmothers and Guardians, you’re invited to come along and enjoy breakfast with your child at the John Lambert Auditorium to celebrate Mother’s Day.

There are two sessions available to choose from:
7 - 7.50am and 8.20 - 9am.

Parents with students in Senior School are encouraged to attend the 7am session. You can come anytime during the session time. Students may only attend if accompanied by a parent/guardian.

This is a free event for the College Community, however due to the current NSW Government guidelines, bookings are essential and places are limited.

Please RSVP by Tuesday 4 May online www.thac.nsw.edu.au/book

WellbeingBack to Top

Raising Girls

Raising Girls_3x2_1.jpg

Raising Girls
Raising Girls

Raising girls in today’s modern world can be a difficult path for parents and carers to navigate.

These days, girls are transitioning to puberty a lot earlier than they used to and the physical, psychological and emotional changes they experience are challenging. As a result, by mid-adolescence, girls are twice as likely to develop mood disorders more so than boys.

Some parents and carers may feel uncertain about how best to support their daughter through the ups and downs of adolescence and how to keep the lines of communication open. With the rise of social media and technology, mental health difficulties in girls are increasing as often they are faced with online images that make it difficult to see themselves as acceptable. Ensuring a daughter’s opinions are heard and her views listened to, will go a long way towards making her feel loved and supported as she tries to establish her own identity.

In this edition of SchoolTV, adult carers will attain a clearer picture of what girls are wanting from their adult carers and how best to support them through adolescence. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.

You may also want to explore the resources in this edition:

Here is the link to this month's edition https://thac.nsw.schooltv.me/newsletter/raising-girls and you may also benefit from checking out the resources linked to this edition: https://thac.nsw.schooltv.me/newsletter-resources/9479/4639

Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling

Source: SchoolTV

LearningBack to Top

Naplan 2021

Across the country, NAPLAN will begin on Tuesday 11 May.  

Our Year 3 students are excited to be able to participate in NAPLAN online with Year 5, 7 & 9 students. With students participating in NAPLAN online, it is necessary that all students in Junior and Senior School remember to bring in a pair of headphones with a 3.5mm audio jack. Please check with your child that they have a pair in their bag or in their classroom.

On the day, if a student does not bring a functioning pair of 3.5mm headphones, the College will have some available for purchase for $5. This cost will be added to Term 3 fees.

If you would like to read further, you can access an information flyer here

For enquiries, please contact:

Lisa Hansford – Director of Teaching & Learning (Junior School) - [email protected]
Millie Pettett – Coordinator of Learning Innovation (Middle Years) and Gifted Education - [email protected]

Extreme History

Our students from Year 10 Extreme History visited the Justice & Police Museum as part of their studies into ‘Crime and Punishment’.

Students examined the case of the ‘Pyjama Girl Mystery’ and participated in a recreation of the trial of Antonio Agostini.

The class also undertook a tour of The Rocks district, learning about the criminal past of the area and its place in Sydney’s history.

Mr Robert Smith
HSIE Coordinator - History and Legal Studies

Year 8 Geography Excursion

On Wednesday, our Year 8 Students visited Penrith Lakes Centre to find out about water management in Sydney.

They got to see the modern developments that have been built to manage water.

They also visited Warragamba Dam to learn about how the dam functions and conduct fieldwork such as turbidity testing.

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Duke of Edinburgh Gold Hike

Last weekend 5 Year 12 girls - Brianna A, Angelina A, Olivia B, Charis O and Isabella VDR completed their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Practice Adventurous Journey. 

They are now eligible to attempt their Qualification Adventurous Journey later in the year which will be the culmination and capstone of a lot of hard work, organisation and service over many years.

Thanks to Julianne Chavura and Anna Nalla who also accompanied the girls.  We all enjoyed a fantastic four days in the majestic Budewang Range in Southern New South Wales (Friday thru Monday) wherein the girls demonstrated their substantial proficiency in hiking, navigating, and campfire banter. 

Charis O has shared her experience 

Our Preliminary Gold hike was probably one of the most enjoyable DoE hikes I’ve been on so far.

"It pushed me physically, but the beautiful scenery we experienced and the wonderful chats I had with the rest of the group made it worth it. I’m not as fit as some of the other people in the group, so it was sometimes a challenge to keep up, but everyone was very supportive. One of my favourite moments from the journey was sitting around the campfire at our second campsite, roasting marshmallows and having hot drinks while we chatted about that day. We got to know each other and the teachers a lot better, as there were only 8 of us on the trip. I also particularly loved abseiling on the third day.

In the moment, I was a bit nervous that I would fall, but ultimately it was so much fun and one of the highlights of the trip. It was also great to get some junk food together after a long four days away in the bush!"

Mr John Williams
Secondary Teacher 

GRIP Student Leadership Conference

On Monday the 29th of March, Thomas Hassall Anglican College’s 2021 Student Leadership Team were able to attend the GRIP Student Leadership conference.

They they were able to engage in sessions that taught different sets of leadership skills across each portfolio. At the conference, the Student Leaders participated in a variety of games and sessions aiming to demonstrate the importance of communication being effective but fun. Through these sessions, they were given insight into how to be a more effective and involved leader with younger grades enabling a better variation of communication expertise within house events, fundraisers, etc. During these motivational sessions, our Student Leader Team took part in; they were able to learn about new ways to keep one another inspired and continue to act appropriately as a model figure, leading by example and displaying guidance to the younger students. They wish to implement these skills they have learnt into the College environment, by improving the culture in cohorts with a positive attitude and mindset for individuals own work and their peers around them. 

Through this conference, our Student Leaders have learned that there is more to being a leader than creating and running events. This conference has taught the 2021 Student Leadership Team that leadership at its core is about putting others first. Our Student Leaders learned that leadership is about improving in their own selves to help others improve themselves as well and stand up for what is right.  Also, that through leading by example and allowing those you are leading to have a voice and be heard regarding important issues and events concerning College culture and events.

The GRIP Leadership Conference has allowed the Student Leaders to learn about these leadership qualities in a fun interactive environment, allowing them all to enjoy themselves while learning how to become better leaders and connect to each other as a team. 

Sienna Pallone
Year 12 Student and Senior School Prefect

First Round I MISA Debating

On Tuesday 27 April, the Year 7, 8 and 9 debating teams travelled to All Saints Catholic College for the first round of the MISA Debating Competition.

All three teams were victorious in their debates which was a wonderful way to commence the competition.

The following is a recount of this excursion from one of our Year 7 team members, Annabel C;

“The debating excursion on Tuesday was a wonderful experience. After a bus ride, we started in a room where we received our topic by flipping a coin. It was a surprise because we had chosen negative but the topic was ‘Parents should not buy their children luxury items’ so it was more like an affirmative response. After spending an hour in the preparation room where we composed our speeches around the topic, it was time for the debate. The Affirmative team from All Saints Cathlic College were very good so it was extremely challenging to develop rebuttals to their arguments. After listening to the adjudicator's response, we found out we had won which was very exciting. During morning tea, we got some brilliant feedback from the adjudicator which hopefully we can apply to future debates. 

Overall, it was a brilliant debating excursion. It was a very fun debate and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It definitely will have helped our team for future debates and I can’t wait for the next MISA debate.”

Miss Elise Fowler
Senior School English Teacher - English/Debating Coordintator

Manga Selection Day in the Senior Library

During lunchtime on Wednesday 31 March, the Senior Library held its first ever Manga selection day.

Each student was given a form and was asked to write down the five series that they most want to see added to the collection. The results have been tallied and the most popular books will be purchased to add to the Library’s growing manga section. Mrs Comiskey and Mr Smith would like to give a big thank you to Karl Belik from BOOKZONE who not only brought out all the books for the students to see, but helpfully answered any questions they had about the different series. Manga selection day will definitely be making a return next year!

Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith
Senior IRC Library Team

The Groove & THAC FM

At the end of last term, we managed to squeeze in one last GROOVE event.

This time, we had Che R and Lachlan W perform a drum and bass funk tune, Evelyn K sing one of her HSC pieces with Mrs Hobbins, and Tiana P perform solo piano with her own medley arrangement of popular songs.

Alongside the performs, THAC FM has two Year 12 MC’s that provide news updates to students, and spin some fun and funky tunes in between the performances. This time, the one and only Joey A and Angus M, who did very well in the MC role.

We look forward to the first GROOVE & THAC FM event in Week 4 this term. This is an interactive way for students to enjoy their lunch whilst being entertained by our talented students. Well done to all of those involved.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles - Creative Arts

Senior String Ensemble

This week we had for the first time some of our advanced Junior violinists from Year 6 join the senior ensemble.

It was great to hear more strings in rehearsal, and it was an excellent first rehearsal for the term. Many of these students have been playing violin since Year 2, and learning a string instrument is a huge commitment.

Well done to all of these students, and we look forward to performing at a College event for you soon.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles - Creative Arts

M.A.D.E. for Stage

Save the Date, Wednesday 16 June!

Our exciting M.A.D.E For Stage bi-annual event is quickly approaching.  Many of our music, drama, dance and entertainment students will showcase their talents in what will be a spectacular evening.

The event is shaping up to be a very exciting concert, and we hope you can all come along and support the students. This will be our first major concert since COVID, and we cannot wait to perform to a live audience again!

Please save the date in your calendars and see you there!

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles - Creative Arts

M.A.D.E. for Stage

Save the Date, Wednesday 16 June!

Our exciting M.A.D.E For Stage bi-annual event is quickly approaching.  Many of our music, drama, dance and entertainment students will showcase their talents in what will be a spectacular evening.

The event is shaping up to be a very exciting concert, and we hope you can all come along and support the students. This will be our first major concert since COVID, and we cannot wait to perform to a live audience again!

Please save the date in your calendars and see you there!

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles - Creative Arts

AICES and CIS Senior Swimming Championships

AICES Swimming Championships

At the AICES Senior Swimming Championships, our Intermediate Boys Relays won both the 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay and the 4 x 50m Medley Relay. Our Senior Boys also won the  4 x 50m Freestyle Relay. Cooper S and Jai Vella finished in the top three in multiple individual events. Congratulations to the many students that progressed through to the NSW CIS Championships.

Congratulations to all of our representatives that attended AICES:

  • Brianna A
  • Alexander A
  • Evan B
  • Luka K
  • Hugo L
  • Kryshtof P
  • Cooper S
  • Travis S
  • Kristian T
  • Jai V
  • Mathew V
  • Zac Z

NSW CIS Swimming Championships

Our Intermediate Swim Team finished 6th in the 4 x 50m Medley Relay and 7th in the 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay. Our Senior Team finished 9th in the 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay. This is an outstanding achievement with all teams swimming their best times against the best independent schools in NSW.  Congratulations to all of our swimmers on their achievements.

Congratulations to all of our representatives that attended NSWCIS:

  • Alexander A
  • Evan B
  • Luka K
  • Cooper S
  • Travis S
  • Kristian T
  • Jai V
  • Mathew V
  • Zac Z

Cooper S recently swam at the Swimming Nationals on the Gold Coast earlier this month. This is a huge achievement to qualify for the event but also to go and compete against the best swimmers in the Country. Well done Cooper!

Mr Michael Fox
Senior School Sports Coordinator

Senior School Cross Country Carnival

The Senior School Cross Country Carnival was held at Sydney Equestrian Centre for the first time.

We were blessed that the weather was great for our new location and the students were eager to compete.

The House Hot Lap was very well contested with enthusiastic cheering and a bright surge of colour. Students enjoyed running a similar course to the upcoming NASSA Cross Country and Tug'o'War was hotly contested in the main arena between the Cross Country events.

Congratulations to CARMICHAEL house who won the overall House Point competition at the Carnival.

The results were;

1st – Carmichael                         2775 points                    

2nd – Wilberforce                       2635 points                       

3rd –  Liddell                                2455 points                     

4th – Lewis                                   2275 points

The top 6 finishes will compete at the NASSA carnival on Friday 14 May. 

Mr Michael Fox
Senior School Sports Coordinator

NSW Primary Basketball Championships

This week Max V  in Year 6, represented NSW Combined Independent Schools (CIS) at the NSW PSSA Basketball Championships in Terrigal.

After 3 days of games against teams from all over NSW, the CIS team placed 3rd overall in the State.

Congratulations to Max on being selected in the NSW PSSA team.  The NSW team usually compete at the School Sport Australia National Championships, but unfortunately, they have been cancelled this year.

An amazing performance Max, we are very proud of you!

Mrs S Evans
P-6 Sports & TAP Coordinator

CommunityBack to Top

Feature on the College Website

We are asking students to fill in the Questionnaire answering a few questions about what they enjoy at the College. 

There will be a few quotes taken from this questionnaire.  If your child's quote is chosen they will be asked to take part in a photo shoot and featured on the website.

If you would like your child to get involved please ask them to fill out the following form