Term 4 I Thursday 5 December 2019

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

We want to wish you a very happy Christmas and vacation with best wishes for the New Year.  We look forward to your return to the College in 2020 with the commencement of Term 1, 2020 as follows:

Year 1-7, 11 & 12 – Thursday 30 January 2020

Year 8-10 – Friday 31 January 2020

Kindergarten – Thursday 3 February 2020

Prep Red & White – Wednesday 5 February 2020

Prep Blue & Purple – Thursday 6 February 2020

The office will be open for enquiries until Friday 20 December 2019 and will reopen on Monday 6 January 2020.

2020 is also a time for the College to celebrate 20 years of achievement and growth. We will celebrate in a range of events across the year beginning with special Thanksgiving Service on Thursday 20 February 2020. 

In our first edition of The Way in 2020, I will introduce our new staff members for your information. Again, many thanks for such support in 2019.

'For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace'. Isaiah 9:6

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Head of Senior School

I shared a true story with the Years 7 - 12 students in the last week about a young man (20 years old) named Walter Carr from the USA. He had lost his job and had been applying for other jobs but no one would give him a chance except for a removalist company. The day before he was due to start work, Walter’s car broke down so he could not drive to work which was 40km away. He thought to himself, “I have 2 feet so I can still walk there”. Walter had to be at the client’s house at 7.45 am in the morning, so he left home and started walking at 11.40 pm the night before. At 4.00 am in the morning, he took a 2 minute rest on the highway. A police officer pulled over and asked him if he was ok. Walter explained his backstory and that he was walking to work on his first day. The police officer called a friend and the friend drove him the rest of the way.  He arrived at 6.30 am in the morning. The driver explained Walter’s story to the homeowner and why he was early. The homeowner felt sorry for Walter and offered for him to go upstairs and take a rest before work started. Walter refused and started working straight away. The CEO of the removalist company was so impressed by Walter’s determination that he gave him his SUV car to keep. The homeowner also started a Go fund me page to raise $2000 but it ended up raising $90 000. Walter gave $25 000 to Birmingham Education Foundation. The foundation assists disadvantaged students financially in high school and transition into College. Walter was part of the program in high school himself and wanted to give back. The principal of the foundation decided to use the money he donated to create the Walter Carr Award/Scholarship. It is for a student who demonstrates grit, hard work, and character during their time in high school. He ended up on National TV in USA sharing his story.

I challenged students asking them, what type of grit and hard work have they demonstrated this year? It is always easy to give up when life is difficult and stressful. I encouraged them with the idea that they always have more in them than they think they do. Walter Carr proved how one person can inspire others with grit and determination to overcome obstacles and challenges. We want students at Thomas Hassall to work on growing their resilience and not give up when learning is hard, when relationships are hard, when life is hard.

Change of role

My role will be changing next year as I take on the role of Director of Staff Services in 2020. It has been a privilege to serve the College community as the Head of Senior School over the last two years. Mr Whelan announced that the new Deputy Principal – Head of Senior School Learning will be Mr David Butler who is our current Deputy Head of Senior School – Operations. I commend him to you and have no doubt he will do a fantastic job in the role. It has been a very busy year with so many events on with many wonderful student achievements across all areas of the Senior School. I pray that your families will get some rest over the Christmas holiday season and be refreshed for 2020 with everyone returning safely for another year.

Years 7-10 Final Reports 2019

It is the time of the year where the teachers are working hard marking examinations and then working towards the completion of the Final Reports for 2019. We are taking this opportunity to trial emailing the Years 7-10 Final Reports to all parents rather than sending home a printed copy of the report. This gives parents the opportunity to save the reports digitally as well as helping the environment. In addition, parents and students will still be able to access a digital copy of their report via the Parent Portal. The reports are not scheduled to be completed until the final week of Term 4. Please contact the administration office if you are unable to receive the report electronically and a paper copy of the report will be mailed to you at the end of the year.

Market Day Fundraiser

Congratulations to Senior School students on their organisation of stalls and participation in the Market Day Fundraiser. We raised in excess of $6000 for the Miracle Schools Program in Pakistan. A big thank you to Mrs Byrne who oversaw the organisation of the day and Pastoral Care teachers who helped students run stalls and supervise on the day. The throw a wet sponge at a teacher Stall was popular. Mr Kaye alone would have raised a large amount!! Another successful fundraising event!!

St Mark’ Anglican Church Hampers

Congratulations to all the staff and students who donated goods to put together hampers within their Pastoral Care classes. The Senior School put together 50 hampers that were donated to St Mark’s Anglian Church, Sadlier. These hampers will be given to families in need within their local community over the holiday break. Thank you to Mr Schrack for driving and overseeing the program.

Uniform Reminder - Hats

We have recently noticed that students have not been wearing their College hats consistently at College. Our College Uniform code states on pg 54 of the Parent and Student Handbook: When wearing Summer Uniform, “All students must wear their College approved hat to and from College, at recess and lunch for outdoor activities”. Our expectations are that students comply with this policy as it protects them from the harsh sun and potential skin issues later on in life. We thank you for your support in this matter.

Parent Portal changes

Within the Parent Portal, there is a number of new functions available for parents to improve the flow of communication between the College and Parents. Some of the new functions include:

  • Viewing College notices each week about upcoming events
  • Parents being able to grant permission for events (eg excursions) online. Please familiarise yourself with this function as we transition to parent online permission this term.

In addition, there are a number of instructions including screenshots of how to use the various Parent Portal functions. Please click on the link below that will take you to the instructions on how to access and use the Parent Portal.


Forms available on College website

There are a number of forms that you can access on the College website. Please click on the link below to access the following forms:

  • Extended leave form
  • Exemption application form
  • Assessment Extension Application – Years 7-10
  • Assessment Extension Application – Years 11-12
  • Assessment Task – Misadventure/Illness Form – Years 11-12


Carpark - drop off and pick up reminders

There is a lot of congestion in the Flynn Avenue Carpark of a morning from 7.40 am onwards as well as during the afternoons during pick up time. Please read below the drop off and pick up arrangements to assist in the improvement of the flow of traffic. More detailed information about transport related information can be found on our website by clicking on the link below.


Morning Drop off

  • All cars using Flynn Avenue will access the College via Gate 3 only
  • Cars may then turn left or right to either of the two 'set down and pick up zones'. You may be directed by a staff member to go left or right to help with the flow of traffic. Please fill up all the spaces in the drop off/pick up zones to maximise the number of students being dropped off.
  • Cars will then exit through Gates 2 or 4

Afternoon Pick up Arrangements – Years 10-12 – Turn left only

  • All cars using Flynn Avenue will access the College via Gate 3 only
  • For students in Years 10-12, cars must turn left to the 'set down and pick up zone' in front of N Block.
  • Cars will then exit through Gate 2 only
  • Please note the carpark opens from 2:30 pm only

Afternoon Pick Up Arrangements – Years 7-9 – Turn right only

  • All cars using Flynn Avenue will access the College via Gate 3 only
  • For students in Years 7-9, cars must turn right to the 'set down and pick up zone' in front of J Block.
  • Cars will then exit through Gate 4 only
  • Please note the carpark opens from 2:30 pm only

Where your family spans multiple year groups, you should use the 'pick up zone' of the eldest child.

Staff will be available to assist with traffic flow and we ask that you follow their directions.

No Senior School students are to be picked up in the front of the Administration Building.


Lines of Communication

If you need to contact the College, we would encourage you to use the following lines of communication that will assist you in speaking with the right person to resolve any enquiry/concern you may have as quickly as possible.

I encourage parents to keep the College informed of anything that you feel may impact your child’s performance or behaviour at the College so that we can support and assist them.


“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”. Philippians 3:13-14


Mr Hugh Renshaw

Acting Head of Senior School

The Birth of Jesus

Last time, I encouraged you to consider: what is so good about the promise of Mary’s baby boy? This time, we focus on the birth of Mary’s boy, Jesus.

Luke records the pronouncement of the angel: “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:10-11)

The surprise of a heavenly being speaking to a group of shepherds tending their sheep and minding their own business must have been, well, pretty freaky! The story of Jesus’ birth can draw a variety of reactions. In our day and age, I fear that indifference and irrelevance cause this wonder to wash over people. It is sad, given that this is the greatest of God’s wonders, the fulfillment of the greatest of God’s promises. As you read these words, what does the birth of Jesus mean for you?

We are taught from a young age that we can achieve anything we set our dreams upon, that anything is attainable. All we need to do is set our aim right, work hard and in time it can be ours. But is this really true? Are we able to achieve all we wish, all we need, in our own efforts? The heart of Jesus’ birth is God’s answer to that question: NO!

This Christmas, the greatest wonder may appear to be the awesome lights that adorn our homes, or even the opportunity to gather as a community at carols events and church services, which I hope you may find time to do. Rather, the greatest wonder it is to remember and welcome Jesus, God’s promised saviour.  Despite our best efforts and intentions, we all need saving. We need Jesus to save us from our sin: our indifference to Jesus, our rebellion against God, our belief that we can live life without Him, the view that we are pretty ok and God will just accept us as we are with no need for God’s forgiveness. We need Jesus to rule our lives as King. We need to find our purpose and meaning in Him.

The well-known carol ‘Joy to the World’ exhorts its listeners with these words: “Let earth receive her King; let every heart prepare Him room,” meaning that each person is called to embrace Jesus Christ, as both Saviour and King.

This Christmas, I pray that you and your family would make room in your hearts and homes for Jesus.

Rev Jim Dayhew
College Chaplain 

Local Christmas Services

Hoxton Park Anglican Church

Community Carols - Sunday 15 December 2019 at 6pm

Christmas Eve - 6pm 

Christmas Day - 9.30am 

St Luke's Liverpool

Christmas Eve Family Service - 5pm

Christmas Eve Late Service - 11pm

Christmas Morning Service - 9.30am

St Mark's Sadlier

The Christmas Xperience - 15 December at 4pm.

Carols Service - Sunday 22nd December at 6pm.

Christmas Eve Communion Service -  11pm (communion)

Christmas Day Service – 9am

Hope Anglican Church, Leppington

Leppington Community Carols - Saturday 7 December from 5.30pm with Colin Buchanan. Fireworks at 9.15

Christmas Eve Service - 5pm

Christmas Day Service - 9.30am

MBM (Multicultural Bible Ministry) – Meeting in Thomas Hassall Anglican College

Christmas Service - Sunday 22 December - 10am

Liverpool South Anglican Church

Carols in the Car-Park - Sunday 15 Dec from 5.30pm (BBQ & Carols)

Christmas Eve Service at 11 pm

Christmas Day Service at 9.30am 

New Years Eve Service (NYE) at 11pm
(All Services are Communion & family oriented)

Harrington Park Anglican Church

Harrington Park Community Carols event – from 6.00pm – Saturday 14 December

9.00am Christmas Day - at Harrington Park Public School
(2 Sir Warwick Fairfax Drive, Harrington Park)

Gregory Hills Anglican Church

9.30am Christmas Day
1/10 Bluett Drive, Smeaton Grange

Night Church at the Hub  - 1/10 Bluett Drive, Smeaton Grange

7.00pm Christmas Eve

St Barnabas Anglican Church
Family Christmas Carols - Saturday 7 December

Gates open at 6pm - Food stalls, face painting, jumping castle and more. Carols from 7.30pm

Term 4 & Term 1 2020 Important Dates

Term 4

Thursday 5 December Senior School Celebration Event - 7pm
Friday 6 December  Last Day of Term 4 and 2019 College Year

Term 1 2020

 Monday  26 January  Australia Day Public Holiday
 Thursday  30 January

 Term 1 Commences
 Years 1-7, 11&12 commence
 K Testing

 Friday  31 January  Years 8-10 Commence
 K Testing
 Monday  3 February  Kindergarten Commence
 Mon - Wed  3 - 5 February  Senior School Camp 
 Wednesday  5 February  Prep - Red/White Commence
 Thursday  6 February  Prep - Blue/Purple Commence 
 Monday   10 February  Senior School Swimming Carnival
 Thursday  13 February  Junior School Swimming Carnival
 Friday   14 February  High Achiever's Assembly
 Thursday  20 February   20 Year Anniversary Thanksgiving Service 
 Sed - Friday  4 - 6 March  Year 5 Camp
 Wed - Friday 11 - 13 March  Year 6 Camp
 Monday   30 March  Year 9 & 11 PT Night
 Monday  6 April  Year 8 & 10 PT Night 
 Thursday   9 April  End of Term 1 


Transport - Student Cards

Applying for school travel passes has never been easier thanks to a partnership the College has with Transport for NSW.

The online application process has been simplified so new or updated applications for school travel passes are only needed when a student is:

  • Applying for school travel pass for the first time
  • Requesting an additional pass as a result of a new shared parental responsibility situation
  • Changing school or campus
  • Changing home address
  • Receiving an expiry notification
  • Repeating a school year
  • Changing their name
  • Requesting a new transport operator

This means students who are progressing to Year 3 and 7 only need to reapply if they are changing circumstances.

Students who are not residents and are temporarily in Australia can provide their Visa subclass number when applying online, making the approval process much faster.

Apply today HERE. If you don't have internet access, call 131 500.

*Please note, do not throw out Opal cards - they are reusable.

Celebration Events 2019


Thursday 5 December 2019

Years 7 - 12 - 7.00pm to 9.00pm

Location: John Lambert Auditorium

Parking will be available for Celebration on the College Oval via Gate 3. Please also advise of any disability requirements for seating or parking to Ms Klomp  ([email protected]) prior to the event.

We are looking forward to celebrating the 2019 College year and acknowledging the achievements of our students in academic learning, co-curricular pursuits, personal development and citizenship.

We hope to see you there.

Erika is awarded Gold in Dukes - a wonderful achievement

This represents an enormous effort in the four activity areas of Service, Skills, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journeys, over a full year. It also includes a residential camp where experience is gained working with a group of people in a new cultural situation. Erika has been an exemplary student and was commended by Her Excellency, the Honourable Margaret Beazley, Governor of NSW, when she presented the award.  Erika was one of 75 other NSW gold awardees at the recent Award Ceremony and it was fascinating to hear a brief summary of the journeys of each one. Erika spoke of the mountain top rewards of achieving a difficult summit and all the things that taught one about perseverance, despite adversity and feelings of inadequacy. Erika has shown that with careful organisation and attention to detail, the Dukes load can be fitted in with other priorities, even amidst Year 12 commitments.   

Following the Award Ceremony with her parents and College Award leaders supporting her, Erika was invited to morning tea at Government House, which was most enjoyable and allowed further enriching networking between awardees and their mentors. 

The accolade of a Gold Award is recognised internationally and counts favourably with prospective employers and tertiary admissions interviewers, who will allow ATAR credits in some courses for a Gold Dukes Award. 

Well done Erika. This is a great achievement. We are proud of you!

Mr Jim Ward
Careers Advisor

2021 Scholarships Years 7 and 11

To be considered for a Scholarship, students must register and sit the ACER examination. Outlined below are the details regarding how to apply.

Applications close: Midnight AEDT Monday 10 February 2020

Test Date: Saturday 29 February 2020

Application Fee: $100

Location: Thomas Hassall Anglican College

Steps in the Scholarship Process:

  1. Register online to sit the ACER Scholarship examination online
  2. An invitation to sit the examination will be sent prior to the examination date, including location at the College and requirements for the exam. In the meantime, please advise the College if there are any changes to your contact details.
  3. All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their scholarship applications in early April 2020.
  4. Online individual reports will be available to parents in April 2020.

If you have any questions please contact Mrs Amanda Low, Enrolments Co-ordinator on 9608 0033.

Mrs Amanda Low
Enrolments Co-ordinator Senior School

Administration Construction Update

On the inside, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, steel fabricators and air-conditioning technicians are roughing-in all the services.

Over the next few weeks, the builders will be erecting the external walls, the roof structure, installing windows and starting on the brickwork.

Mr Warren Murray
College Manager

A special note to say farewell

One of the highlights for me has been to see the children grow and mature over the years from when they started as little people in Kindy or Prep. I will miss being here at the College, but I hope to visit from time to time.

So it’s goodbye for now and I wish you all God’s blessings for the future and thank you for your partnership in the journey of learning over the 20 years I’ve worked at the College.

Mrs Sue Hewson
Early Stage 1 Coordinator

Breakfast at Cafe MRK

Our chef will be offering poached eggs on toast with bacon, mushrooms and spinach to have with our delicious coffee.
Come along between 7.30am - 9.30am to order yours.

We look forward to seeing you there! 

Mrs Carmen Pasapera
Marketing and Community Relations Manager

WellbeingBack to Top

School Transition

School Transitions_600x400.jpg

School TRansition
School Transition

Whether it is starting school for the first time, moving up to a higher grade or embarking on a journey through secondary school, there is no doubt that any school transition is a very exciting time for children and parents. It means your children are growing up!

However, transitioning is an ongoing process. It can continue long after students have entered their new environment and may encounter difficulties at a number of different stages. These stressors may appear as anxiety and frustration which can result in negative or disruptive behaviours. Such behaviours can become problematic making the transitioning process even more difficult for children and parents.

In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will learn practical strategies to assist your child during the transition process and reduce stress and anxiety levels.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to the School Transitions edition of SchoolTV 
Source: SchoolTV

LearningBack to Top

News from the Senior IRC

Year 10 Work experience in the IRC
Last week the IRC had six Year 10 students assisting Library staff with a wide range of Library activities including stocktake for student work experience week. Mrs Comiskey and Mr Smith would like to thank these students for their hard work and the professional manner in which they undertook these tasks.


Returning of library loans
Students in Years 7 to 10 need to return all of their Library loans as soon as possible.  Students who do not return their loans before the end of the year will be invoiced for the total replacement cost. Any students who require a list of their loans need to speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith.


Returning of Duke of Edinburgh equipment and Media equipment
Student who still have Duke of Edinburgh or Media equipment need to return them to the Library as soon as possible. 


Book Bites
Take a book bite to see if it is to your taste
The Magnolia Sword: A Ballad of Mulan – Sherry Thomas
“All her life, Mulan has trained for one purpose: to win the duel that every generation in her family must fight. Then a messenger from the Emperor arrives, demanding that all families send one soldier to fight the Rouran invaders in the north. Mulan's paralysed father cannot go, and her brother is just a child. So she ties up her hair, takes up her sword and joins the army as a man. Thanks to her martial arts skills, Mulan is chosen for an elite team under the command of the princeling, the royal duke's son, to whom she feels a dangerous attraction. But the princeling has secrets of his own, which explode into Mulan's life and shake up everything she knows. As they cross the Great Wall to face the enemy beyond, Mulan and the princeling must find a way to unwind their past, unmask a traitor and uncover the plans for the Rouran invasion . . . before it's too late.”
‘The Magnolia Sword’ is a wonderfully engaging and thrilling novel that breathes new life into this famous Chinese story. Author Sherry Thomas brings Medieval China to life in vivid detail providing a fascinating insight into the history, culture and traditions of this people. Filled with Martial Arts, terrifying battles, sinister political intrigue and romance, there is something for every reader in this great new book.


The Year We Fell From Space – Amy Sarig King
“Liberty Johansen is going to change the way we look at the night sky. Most people see the old constellations, the things they've been told to see. But Liberty sees new patterns, pictures and possibilities. She's an exception. Some other exceptions- Her dad, who gave her the stars. Who moved out months ago and hasn't talked to her since. Her mom, who's happier since he left, even though everyone thinks she should be sad and lonely. And her sister, who won't leave their house. Liberty feels like her whole world is falling from space. Can she map a new life for herself and her family before they spin too far out of reach?”
‘The Year We Fell From Space’ is the moving story of a young girl who develops depression when her life starts crumbling around her. Heartfelt and emotional, author Amy Sarig King has done a wonderful job creating a story that will allow readers to gain a better and deeper understanding of this terrible illness and how it effects so many people.  A major theme in the novel is communication and the importance of expressing ones feelings, something every reader needs to remember when they go through personal trouble. This is a novel that everyone should read.

Go! – Steve Worland
“5,4,3,2,1…Go! Fifteen year old Jack has just discovered the one thing he loves, and is really good at: go kart racing. With the support of his mentor, Patrick, an old race-car driver with a dark past, and his mates – Colin and Mandy – Jack must learn to control his reckless streak. Only then will he be in with a chance to defeat the best drivers in Australia, including ruthless rival Dean, and win the national title.”
‘Go!’ is a high speed, petrol guzzling, tired squealing story of one young man’s journey to be the best go kart racer in Australia. Thrilling, exciting and suspenseful this is a story that is bound to have readers hooked from the very first page. With a great Australian setting and a cast of unique and wonderful characters this is a great novel for any motor sport fans. A film version will be released in cinemas next year, make sure you read the book first!


Merry Christmas from the IRC!
Mrs Comiskey and Mr Smith would like to wish all students and their parents and guardians a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year!

Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith
Senior IRC Library Team

Year 8 Visual Arts

They have been exploring insects and animals, adapting the images for a square design, and transferring them to lino. The Cutting of the lino block is a task that requires great care and heightened attention to safety protocols. There is also skill in cutting the shapes cleanly, choosing the appropriate chisel shape and size, and formulating shapes that suit the print medium. Please enjoy these works made by the following students:

8.3 Marc T, Lucas V, Vania K.
8.4 Hannah S, Konstantina O, Maksim N, Ali S, Nikeisha O.
8.6 Adrian P, Joshua F, Tiana C, Bianca C, Lara G, Shana V, Tien D.

Cheryl OMara
Senior School Teacher - Creative Arts

Year 10 Cake Decorating

This incursion was part of their final unit called Food Product Development. 

As part of their coursework, students were provided with the following design brief:  A leading food manufacturer has approached you to create a new design for their cake shop. They will take care of the packaging, distribution and promotion, all you have to do is go through the steps in food product development to produce your cake design.

Students needed to find their inspiration from a source of literature and follow the steps of the food product development process.

This day is the culmination of research designing, planning and pre-cooking and will develop new skills in handling buttercream icing and presentation. Well done Year 10 on your excellent work.

Mrs Bull
Senior School Teacher - TAS

Performing ArtsBack to Top

AMEB Exam Results

Many of these students have received exceptional results for their efforts. Congratulations to these students and their tutors for guiding them through their musical development. These students are:

  • Elaine W (Yr 6)  - Grade 3 - A
  • Stratos D (Yr 6)  - Grade 2 - A
  • Paul D (Yr 4) - Grade 1 - B+
  • Hannah H (Yr 4)  - Preliminary - B+
  • Abigail R (Yr 4) - Preliminary - B+
  • Anne B (Yr 6) - Grade 2 - B
  • Menelaos D (Yr 2) - Preliminary - B
  • Tim W (Yr 6)  - Grade 2 - A
  • Matthew P (Yr 7)  -  Grade 2 - B+
  • Chelsea S (Yr 5)  - Grade 1 - B+
  • Argun N (Yr 6)  - Grade 3 - A
  • Elizabeth S (Yr 2)  - Preliminary - A

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Academy of Dance first concert performance

A fantastic night was had at our first Academy of Dance Concert on Wednesday 13 November 2019.

The night was filled with creative performances from our Kinder - Year 6 Academy of Dance students, with special performances by our High School MISA dancers and solo performers.

It was lovely to see so many parents in the audience come along and support our dancers.

A big thank you to Mrs Ellerman who worked tirelessly choreographing the routines and encouraging the development of each student. Thanks to our High school students who volunteered each week to help with the afternoon programs. Thanks also to the Entertainment crew and Secondary staff who came along to assist us on the night.

The Academy of Dance Concert has been a great way to end the 2019 program and we look forward to watching the dancers return to the stage in 2020.

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sport Coordinator and TAP Coordinator

2020 Talented Athletes Programs and Development Programs

In addition to afternoon Basketball Development programs we are starting a Year 6 – 12 Advanced Pathway Basketball program, targeting our Basketball representative players.

In Dance we are introducing 3 more Dance classes, including Classical Ballet for students in Kinder – Year 6.

Our Sport Speed program for Year 3 - 12 will also be expanding into Sport Conditioning, targeting fitness, conditioning and strength training for our representative students.

The additional programs complement the existing Football (soccer), Basketball, Dance and Sport Speed programs which were popular this year.

The overall daily schedule is found on the book page.

To find out more information, read the individual brochures below:
Sport Speed
Football Seniors
Football Juniors

How to book:
Enrolment applications must be completed online using the Thomas Hassall website.  The booking link is found on the Events booking page.
If you have any enquiries regarding the programs please email: [email protected]

Mrs S Evans
P-6 Sport Coordinator
Talented Athletes Program Coordinator