Here we are in the middle of Term 4 and we’ve had a strong block of learning so far. It’s been a dynamic and vibrant start including special events such as Year 5 and 6 camps, Grandparents day, Kindy Orientation and the Year 4 Band program concert. Year 6 are also looking forward to their special events as they finish their time in the Junior School and the process for electing 2025 prefects is underway in Year 5.

The Semester 2 Reports will be sent electronically to families in the last week of term.

What do you look for in your child’s school report?

I wonder if it is the academic grades, the effort and attitude or the final teacher comment. My encouragement to you all is to look at the effort and the positive learning attributes at the end of the report. A good measure of an excellent learner is the effort and grit applied in the learning process. Their attitude towards learning does have an impact on their growth and maturity. It also contributes to their character development and academic achievement. Please take the time to look at all parts of the report. Look at the learning tasks in Seesaw and rejoice in the growth your child has attained.

As we begin to look towards 2025, I would like to reassure you that the teachers consider very carefully the placement of every child in classes next year. Once classes are published they are set for the following year. I sometimes get requests from parents about class allocations such as a particular combination of students that a parent feels will work best or a teacher that they think may be a good fit. Sometimes combinations of students are not the best for learning and the teachers need to look at the big picture of the year group. Concerns regarding this can be sent to [email protected]. We will always consider the requests that you have but cannot guarantee that they will be met. We are setting up learning communities in the best interest of all students through a holistic educational lens for a positive journey of learning in 2025. A separate communication will be sent later this term outlining when class allocations will become available to families.

The Parent Café continues to run this term on Friday mornings. I hope to see many of you there for a coffee and delicious food as we share in community together.