Term 3 and the break ahead

It has been a busy and exciting term, punctuated by the wonderful community building events, sporting fixtures, creative arts opportunities and quality learning that has occurred. We are really blessed here as teachers to partner with your families in shaping the character and development of your children as they attend the College. This was highlighted for me particularly this week with both the fantastically entertaining Soup and Songs evening hosted by the Year 12 Music Class and the Junior School discos that were held! What a vibrant and musical journey our young people are on!

I trust that the academic reports you will have received recently provided an informative overview of your child’s attitude towards and achievement in their learning. Please have a discussion with them about their progress. It is so helpful for all students to be able to reflect upon their experiences in learning with you as they learn to develop greater ownership over their academic and behavioural outcomes.

For Year 10 families, I hope you enjoy having discussions about subject selection with your children now that they have received the Subject Selection Guide for 2023. After the recent Careers expo and work experience opportunities, they will have lots to consider in terms of their pathway for the next important stage of their learning.

It is a particularly significant break for our Year 12 students as they prepare for their Trial HSC Examinations early in Term 3. Please support, encourage and pray for them as they prepare in earnest. Their teachers and the College are supporting them in a number of ways: providing targeted study skills and techniques in each class, allocating meaningful activities to aid their revision, offering some holiday workshops in some classes and also by opening up the College library each Thursday of the holidays for Year 12 students who need a quiet place to study.

It was simply delightful to draw the term to a close with the K – 2 assembly with staff, students and parents in attendance. Singing ‘Be Strong and Courageous’, celebrating student achievement and finishing with the story of Zacchaeus, reminding us that Jesus came in to the world to save sinners like us!

I trust the break is an enjoyable time for your family where you can spend some quality time with each other and with God. See you for another exciting term in a few weeks!