It’s been a great joy to see so many families attending a range of events at the College this term.

These events have been uplifting times when we’ve needed that extra boost- to have fun or celebrate a special occasion. We want a brighter future for our students and on that journey we do well to gather together, enjoying life at the College on our beautiful campus. We also encourage you to connect with other families too.

Today our Parent Community Network invited Kindergarten parents to attend Café MRK to get to know one another. This was an opportunity to informally meet others over a cup of coffee on campus. Thank you to everyone who attended and to the committee for initiating the gathering. We look forward to hosting more in Term 3.

Last night our Junior School students met together in cohorts to have fun together at our disco! It was such a joy to see students celebrating and dancing with their peers.

This week our Year 5 students showcased their findings on a science project with parents. Students were given an independent research task to write an inquiry question about space. They were able to present their findings in a creative way of their choosing. There were so many great submissions including dioramas, videos, power point presentations and posters. You can see some of these later in this Edition. Well done Year 5.

Our Junior School Assemblies have been taking place on Fridays. This has been a chance to recognise student achievement and also for classes to share their learning with our parents. We hope you have enjoyed coming along to these. They will continue in Term 3.

Term 2 has focused on celebrating family, student learning and building community with our Mothers’ Day breakfast, Musical, Grandparents Day and Movie Night. We will be continuing to bring the community together in Term 3 with events such as Fathers’ Day.  

Thank you for your commitment and involvement in your childs journey this Term.

Have a safe and enjoyable holiday break.